Vampire Captive

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Vampire Captive Page 2

by G. Bailey

  Chapter 4

  I carefully push Jath off me, rolling him onto his back as I start to panic. I might have taken way too much blood, and he looks awfully pale. I turn his head to the side, seeing the bite marks closing thanks to his healing, and I hear his heart beating strong even with the loss of blood. I guess wolf shifters can heal themselves. I pull a blanket off the bed and cover him up, leaving his head out before standing up. He will survive this… but he might blame me and not understand when he wakes up. I get the sense he is important as much as he is handsome.

  “What the fuck is going on?” a man roars, running into the room, and pushing me out of the way. This man glares at me as he protects his brother, a long growl leaving his lips that is hard not to be scared off. I’m not a brilliant fighter if I don’t have a weapon, and I have no idea how I could fight off a wolf. “If you have killed him, Red, I will destroy you for it.” I see the resemblance straight away between this man and Jath. They have too similar features to be counted as anything other than brothers. Maybe twins.

  “He will live. I didn’t—"

  “Were you sent here to seduce us and kill us? Is that your game?” he growls, stalking toward me, and I keep walking back until my back hits the wall; he presses me into it with his firm body. I feel his heart beating loud in his chest as his gaze runs over me. His hand goes to my neck, tightening enough to scare me and force me to struggle to breathe. He uses his other hand to run the pad of his thumb across my bottom lip, parting my lips slightly. I watch in slight fascination as he licks his thumb and tightens his hand on my neck. I keep my eyes locked onto his the entire time, having a sense that removing my gaze would be a very ill-advised decision. He has dark-blue eyes like his brother, and they have flecks of green in them that his brother doesn’t have.

  “I ran from my home, that is all I am guilty of,” I tell him, and he watches me almost emotionlessly.

  “My twin brother is on the floor unconscious and you two smell of each other. You slept with him, and his blood is on your lips. Why should a believe a word you say?” he asks me, tilting his head to the side and scowling. “What the fuck are you?”

  “Is this how your mother taught you to treat a guest, and a woman at that?” I ask him, and his hand tightens further, making it harder to breathe for a second before he changes his mind and lets me go. He places his hands flat on the wall next to either side of my head; his muscular arms are all I can look at for a second. He is very tanned, which is so strange because my people all have very pale skin like mine. His hair looks like mud, though soft enough to touch. Another odd thing I am not sure what to make off. Wherever I am, the people are different and possibly more dangerous than where I left.

  “My mother would have killed you by now for what you did to her son,” he tells me. “If my fathers hadn’t beaten her to it, that is. Family means everything, and you are no guest because you were not invited.”

  “Lucky she isn’t here then, isn’t it?” I remark.

  “You never answered my question; what are you?” he asks me again, and I get the impression he isn’t going to ask me a second time. The wolf looks inches away from breaking my neck, but I’m not going to tell him that wouldn’t kill me. I would wake up and snap it right back not long after.

  “I’m a vampire,” I tell him, and he doesn’t react at all. It was a shock to me to hear there are other creatures than just vampires. It should surprise him a little, which makes me think he is very good at hiding his emotions. The problem is, I’m better at reading people’s true emotions than I am at most things in my life. I’ve spent years being not allowed to talk but made to stand at my king’s side, and I watched everyone until I understood their body language more than they did themselves.

  “Explain to me what that is,” he says.

  “I need blood to survive, I do not need to eat food, but I like to. I am also immortal,” I explain to him.

  “Immortal? As in you can live forever?” he asks me.

  “Yes, as long as nothing ever touches my heart. One hole in my heart, and I die a painful death,” I explain to him. “I have only lived twenty-five years, but many I have known have survived hundreds of years.” Much like my king, who celebrated his two hundredth birthday a week before I killed him.

  “So, you fed off my brother after you seduced him?” he asks me, narrowing his eyes.

  “It was the other way around,” I tell him, raising an eyebrow. I know I shouldn’t annoy the wolf anymore, but it is difficult not too.

  “I don’t believe you,” he growls.

  “I don’t really care if you do. I don’t know your name or care to know. So far, I think you are nothing more than a brute who likes to scare women,” I say. He glares at me, furious with what I said by the looks of it as he goes to brother and kneels next to him.

  “Guards!” he shouts, and two men run up the stairs and stop at the door. The men have short, blond hair, brown-leather uniforms that cover their chests and leave their strong arms bare. They look confused as they look between Jath on the floor and toward us. “Arrest her, and take her to the holding cell. She has attacked one of your alphas.” I don’t fight them off as they grab my arms, and I lock eyes with this man I don’t even know the name of.

  “It seems like all men are the same. They lock up what they don’t understand and judge before they know the truth. I’m glad to have learned now that you are exactly like what I ran from.”

  He watches me with an unreadable expression as the guards force me to walk down the stairs. Somehow, I’ve traded one prison for another.

  Chapter 5

  I run my hand over the jagged piece of stone in the corner of the dungeon room the guards threw me in. The very wall I smacked into as I roll across the stone floor, and they growled at me as I cried out in pain. Every part of the stone walls, the stone ground below my feet is smooth, except for this one bit of wall. It isn't sharp enough to cut through my skin, but it hurts none the less. A little pain snaps me awake, reminds me I'm not quite lost to the world yet. The room is pitch-black, though it makes no difference to me. I can see perfectly well in both light and dark, but in moments like this, I wish I couldn't. I wish I couldn't see the bloodstained walls; I wish I couldn't smell the scent of death in each of the rooms, including the one I'm in now. The doors at the end of the stone corridor smack open hard enough to vibrate off of the wall it is slammed into just before I scent Jath walking toward my cage. He is holding some keys when he gets to me, and a guard behind him holds a lantern which gives off light. I carefully look over his loose, white shirt and brown trousers with heavy boots on his feet as he opens the cage door and looks over at me. Clearly, I’m not the only creature that can see well in the dark.

  "Come on out. You do not belong in here, Ari," Jath says, holding a hand out for me to take. I hesitate, feeling like taking his hand is a sign of trust, and I do not trust these wolf shifters. For all I know, they are as evil as the men I've left. "I would rather we talk in the comfort of my home than the dungeons, Ari. It is your choice; if you would prefer here, I will sit down and talk here."

  "Are you going to hurt me?" I ask him, and his eyes narrow ever so slightly.

  "Did my brother hurt you?" he asks, a low growl vibrating in his neck.

  "He wanted to," I reply.

  "To answer your question, no, I will not hurt you. Neither will Tiryn," he tells me, still holding his hand out. "Please trust me. I am not someone you need to be scared of." I pause at his words, wondering if it could really be true. He could have hurt me when we had sex when I bit him and drank his blood. My king always hurt me during sex; it was a game—a mix of pain and pleasure, but never just pleasure. Drinking blood makes me feel the pleasure, but fear is the only emotion that can numb the pleasure out. My king loved fear. Despite my hesitation, I do slide my palm into his large, outstretched hand and let him lead me out of the cage. We walk in silence to the door, and up the stairs to a kitchen we passed through when the guards took me down here.
This place is under a courtyard where there are three towers surrounding it. Jath takes me over to where two long couches are facing a lit fire, and there is a lovely smell, like chicken, in the room. Rows of spices hang on the wall by the counters, and overall, this place is similar to the kitchens in my old home.

  "Leave us," Jath demands to the guards who followed us up.

  "Alpha Jath, Alpha Tiryn was clear that you must not be left alone with—"

  "Get out before I throw you out, understood?" Jath growls, and in this moment, he is a little terrifying. The guard looks completely shocked for a moment before he bows his head and scampers up the stone stairs on the other side of the kitchen, disappearing at the top.

  "Would you like a drink?" Jath asks with a much calmer expression, and I watch him with wide eyes as he seems to remember what happened before.

  "I have already had more than enough. I am sorry for what happened; I usually have much more control. Your blood is sweet and very tempting, even now, but before I was starved. I felt like a child with no control, and I am sorry for that," I explain to him.

  "I wanted to apologize for taking things so much further without speaking to you first. I've never felt out of control like that either," he admits to me, and I can see it is clearly bothering him. He sits down on the sofa, and I sit next to him, resting back on the much more comfortable seat than the stone floors of the dungeon.

  I don’t know why it is. I have been forced without bites many times, which was very painful, but what happened between Jath and me was wanted. At least by me, and I feel it was by him.

  "Sex and blood exchanges are usually done together. It is very pleasurable for us both," I reply to him. “I should be the only one saying sorry.”

  "I'm happy you enjoyed it as much as me," he tells me with a smile, which answers everything I was worried about. He has a nice smile, one that I could easily get used to looking at. "When will you next need a feed?" he asks me while resting back on the sofa, his arm sliding behind me. I tilt my head, sensing his desire for me burning high. Like it has every moment since we met. I've never felt like this for anyone, and it really is hard for me to understand.

  See, I've never had anyone love me since my parents were killed many years ago.

  I've only known pain and loss. There was never anything else. Every attempt at friendship ended in death and blood. My king made sure of that. He was always jealous and possessive.

  "In a few days. I won't need as much, and I can find an animal," I reply.

  "No, you won't. I would like you to feed on me. Just me," he tells me, reminding me of my king’s possessive nature for a second.

  "Why?" I ask, but he ignores my question and changes the subject.

  "Where are you from, Ari?" he asks me, leaning closer and picking up a strand of my hair. It’s strange how comfortable I am letting him touch me. "I've never seen someone with hair as red as yours. It is stunning."

  "I'm from a place called Arlen, across the sea where the water turns green, and there is an island with tall, moss-covered cliffs," I explain to him.

  "Why were you running from your home? It sounds as lovely as you," he asks me, and I look away. I can't tell him that, or he might think I'm dangerous. I killed a king, and I'm sure killing royals is illegal here just as much as it is back at home. Jath surprises me by standing up and offering me his hand once again. "I don't care about your past, not if it frightens you as much as I just saw it did. I would rather we got to know each other for the future we could have. It might be dark out, but I thought you would like to find a room and rest."

  "On Arlen, we sleep in daylight, and we are awake at night," I explain to him, and he pushes his other hand through his hair.

  "Is there a reason for that?" he asks me.

  "Yes," I reply, sliding my hand into his and standing up. "Many of my people speak of the three deities that made the three islands on our world. Though we do not know the names of the other islands or have travelers from them to learn, it takes big ships to survive the cliffs of our island. We worship the deities before we sleep in the day. At night, it is said we are closer to the deities than any other time, and they bless us. Even those who have no interest in religion chose to stay awake at night because of how our land is most beautiful at night. The flowers open and light up in many colors; many animals come out of the forest and sea. The night is home for us there; it is where everything is the most alive."

  "I've read old books on the deities as well; it seems we have the same history in some regards. Perhaps you will find yourself more at home here than you believe," he tells me, leading me to the steps. "Ari, I will protect you from what scares you so. You have my word as an alpha. You are one of my pack now." He opens the door to a courtyard and warm air blows against my skin. I step outside and close my eyes for a second; when I open my eyes, Jath is staring at me with a smile on his lips.

  "You can't protect me from my past," I tell him. "I already did that for myself."

  "Now you're free, right?" he asks me, and I nod. "Maybe one day you will trust me enough to tell me everything. I do understand why you don't want to yet. So, I bet you know nothing about wolf shifters. Would you like me to tell you?"

  "Yes, I am very interested in understanding your race," I say, and he grins, holding a hand out for me again. He clearly likes to touch me constantly, and I believe I like it. My hand finds his as he walks us toward one of the towers and he tells me about his race.

  For the rest of the walk toward one of the towers, it feels almost natural to be next to Jath, his hand resting on my back.

  Maybe there is freedom to be found here after all.

  Chapter 6

  I'm leaning against the window when Jath comes into the room after knocking the door twice. The view from this bedroom over the sea is beautiful, and I find myself just wanting to stay and watch the sea, the birds flying over it, and the strange smooth animals jumping from the sea in the distance and going back under.

  "Hello," Jath says as I pull my eyes to him, admiring the new clothes he is wearing and the way his hair is braided different than it was last night. We stayed downstairs for the rest of the night, quietly talking before I got too tired and Jath said I could sleep up here. I know this is his bedroom from the scents alone. Jath has a black shirt tucked into tight, brown trousers with a large thick belt. "Your dress is clean; I'm sorry Tiryn took it from you when he found you on the beach."

  "Tiryn found me?" I ask, walking over to him. "And thank you. As much as I like this white dress, it is unsuitable for going out." Jath gulps as he runs his eyes over the dress, and my cheeks burn for a moment as I remember how see-through it is.

  "I wondered if you want to come and have a look around the pack lands. I could show you where I usually live because this place is my second home. Though it is yours now, if you would like it," he says to me, snapping out of it.

  "I can't accept your second home, but I would love to come to see the pack lands," I reply.

  "Brilliant," Jath states and gently rest the dress on the bed as I nervously rub my arm. I don't know if I can trust him. He is too nice. Too soft for this world. Maybe all the badness went to his twin... but I don't think so. "It will give us more time to get to know each other."

  "I would like to know more about your family," I say as he walks to the door.

  "I will answer anything you like," he tells me, before closing the door, and I hear him walk down the stairs. I look down at the ruby-red dress, the one I was wearing when I killed my king. The sea must have washed all the bloodstains out of it, and any damages have been stitched back together. I lower the dress down my shoulders before letting it drop to the floor. I pick up my red dress, and that's when I hear something. I spin around, my eyes widening as fear pounds in my heart as Tiryn jumps over the window, only pausing when he sees I'm without clothes. I scent the desire for just a second before it fades into nothing but distaste.

  "How did you get up there?" I ask, pulling the dress on as he ke
eps his eyes locked onto mine, never once looking down.

  "I'm a good climber," he tells me, crossing his arms and leaning against the stone wall. "It used to drive my parents mad when I climbed up everything I could find as a kid. Seems I never lost the habit."

  "Jath told me it was you who found me on the beach and took me back to your home," I say, holding my hands together in front of me and straightening my back. "Thank you."

  "You are my prisoner, Arilee. Do not think yourself more than that," Tiryn warns me, clicking his tongue in disapproval.

  "I have always been a prisoner of some sort. I find this prison is much nicer than the one I had before," I reply to him, smiling because I sense it annoys him. He can’t kill me because of Jath, and we both know it. The only problem is, he thinks I might hurt Jath, which I have no intention of doing.

  "So, you were a dangerous person that needed locking up? Before you escaped and ran here, that is?" His questions aren’t anything I should answer, and I tilt my head, observing him for a moment which only serves to make him angry.

  "I've never been the most dangerous person in the room. I get the feeling that has not changed," I reply. "Not with how you look at me now."

  "How do I look at you, Arilee?" he asks, moving away from the wall and striding over to me with three big steps. I count each stomp of his feet on the stone right until he is in front of me, and I have no choice but to arch my neck to look him in the eye. Jath said Tiryn is the true alpha of the pack, and he chooses to share it with Jath, and he warned that I can never back down with an alpha. Their wolf would see it as a marking of its prey.

  The last thing I want is to be hunted by Tiryn. At least, I think I don't want the alluring alpha to hunt me. Reality is, I don't understand how I'm feeling.


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