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Page 2

by Lex Valentine

  “Oh God, I’ve dreamed of this since I was seventeen years old,” he mumbled against her mouth.

  Gia froze, her lithe body pinning him to the leather seat. She stared at him with emotion-dark eyes for several seconds. Then, with a visible swallow, she thrust herself away from him, sitting up.

  Sin levered himself upright, his stomach lurching. Damn his stupid mouth. He wasn’t a kid anymore but excitement at being with her made him feel and react like one. It had been years since he’d been so gauche with a woman. He looked into her stony face and his stomach fell. Shit. It would take some fancy footwork to get back to sucking face and humping on the limo seat again. Sin figured he’d better start dancing.

  Chapter Two

  What in the holy hell did she think she was doing?

  Gia drew a shuddering breath and tried to calm her body. Since Sin sat only inches away and she could still taste him and smell him, her body refused to cooperate. Her brain took over, reminding her of her age, of her past, and of her need for caution when it came to men. Men like Sinclair Carstens—young, hot and poised on the brink of superstardom—were not for her. At least, not for anything long-term. And one-night stands were off her list of activities now. It wasn’t safe nor was it fun anymore. These days, she needed more from a man than a quick, hard fuck.

  “I think I fucked up,” she said in a low voice, trying ruthlessly to bring her emotions and aroused body under control.

  She inched away from him along the seat but he reached out and grasped her thigh, the heat of his palm burning through the thin leather of her pants.

  “No, Gia. I did and I’m sorry. I got so excited to finally have you alone, to touch you, that I disengaged my brain, opened my mouth and inserted my damn foot.”

  His soft words wrapped around her, his sincerity obvious. She leaned back against the plush seat and looked up at him. His blue eyes reflected the honesty in his voice. His masculine beauty sent hot needles of lust through her.

  Sin had a face made for sin, she thought as she gazed at him. He had great bone structure, the kind that photographed well, but the planes of his face were rugged, not classically pure and beautiful. A day’s growth of gold-tipped, light-brown stubble covered his jaw. His shaggy haircut had a casual elegance while still retaining that rocker look with golden sun streaks laced through the brown strands. He had the longest lashes she’d ever seen and they shaded the most incredible sea-colored eyes. She’d already noticed how deep emotion darkened the blue and how happiness brightened them to the color of the Caribbean.

  And his face was the least of his charms. He stood nearly as tall as her bandmates, at least five or six inches above her own five-foot-eight. He had a lean-hipped, long-legged body with broad shoulders. Muscles rippled in his thighs and arms. She’d seen him stripped down to nothing but a pair of jean shorts during rehearsal, and while he had defined abs—something she found incredibly attractive—no one could call him muscle-bound. Unlike many rockers, his pale gold skin bore only a few tattoos and instead of pierced or gouged ears, he sported a little bolt through his right eyebrow.

  More than anything, Sin had a keen intelligence that rose above his physical sexiness. That, coupled with his talent, spelled serious trouble for Gia. His husky voice set her senses on high alert whether he was speaking or singing. In fact, when he sang, she really melted. She desired Sin Carstens with an intensity that shook her to the core. With a past filled with faceless one-night stands that never included musicians, Gia had nothing to compare it to.

  “Did you really call my name when you came?”

  The instant she spoke, she wanted to yank the words back, but he drew her so intensely she had difficulty focusing on the fact that he was too young for her and so not in the same headspace or place in his career. Sin equaled trouble in her world, but she couldn’t resist him.

  A warm smile with a hint of sheepishness lifted the corner of his mobile mouth. “I did. Shanna didn’t appreciate it at all, but after her temper tantrum, she packed her things and wished me luck with you.” He shrugged. “She’s not the type to beat a dead horse and as soon as she realized my interest was elsewhere, she moved on to greener pastures.”

  The hand on her thigh moved in seductive strokes that sent shivers down Gia’s spine. Sin slipped his other arm behind her head and pulled her against his chest, his breath feathering over her temple as he bent to her ear. Her own breathing ratcheted up a notch.

  “I want you, Gia. You’re all I think about,” he whispered, nuzzling the sensitive spot behind her ear.

  “The age difference… I’m almost forty and you’re not even thirty…”

  Her protest faded as he licked her neck. She shuddered, heat rising within her. Clenching her thighs together to stem the flood of cream from her pussy, Gia arched her neck, unable to stop her body from responding to him.

  “Eight years is nothing, Gia. I’m not a kid and I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.”

  Sin’s voice stroked over her and she pushed away all the logical arguments and other reasons her brain devised not to be with him.

  “I’m not beautiful,” she protested weakly as he slid his mouth along the side of her throat.

  He caressed her with gentle strokes, as if soothing a frightened animal. “Oh, but you are to me. If I smell the rosemary scent of your hair or the citrus perfume you wear, my cock aches. When I see you smile, when I hear your voice, all I can think of is stripping you naked and making you mine.”

  Gia began to shake. His words seduced her completely. She didn’t think she’d ever been so hot from just talking to a man.

  “Come upstairs with me, Gia. Let me make love to you.”

  At Sin’s whispered words she realized the limo had stopped at a side entrance to their hotel. Her bodyguard stood outside, waiting patiently for her to open the car door. She looked into Sin’s eyes. Passion burned in the blue irises and with a frisson of shock she acknowledged that he truly wanted her, age difference or not.

  “Okay,” she whispered.

  When Sin smiled, she turned her face to him and brushed a kiss against his mouth. He flicked his tongue at hers, then he pulled back and took her hand, threading their fingers together.

  “My suite,” she said, reaching for the door. “Wade won’t let anyone in, even my band.”

  She watched Sin’s eyes flick over the tall bodyguard. Then he squeezed her hand.

  “Whatever you want, baby. Tonight is for you,” he told her, his eyes promising far more than his simple words.

  They slipped out of the limo and Wade opened the side door and ushered them inside the hotel. He led the way to the elevator and rode up with them. He never looked at her hand clasped in Sin’s, but Gia knew he had noticed. Wade was paid really well to notice everything and everyone around Gia.

  Wade strode down the hotel corridor ahead of them and opened the suite door. As she stepped into the room, he reached out to pull the door shut, his eyes meeting hers.

  “He’s not like the others…and it’s about time you picked someone worthy of you. G’night, Gia,” he murmured.

  Blinking in surprise, Gia stepped back as the door closed with a snap. Turning, she found Sin standing close behind her. He cupped her face and bent to kiss her with slow heat. Gia’s toes curled in her boots as her arms came up around his neck.

  Sin played her mouth expertly. His tongue brushed hers teasingly, advancing and then retreating. Gia shivered at the sensations he roused within her. She hadn’t been with a man in more than three years, but her reactions to Sin went deeper than just intense physical need. She responded to him on an emotional level as well. Music was such an intrinsic part of her psyche, and his music fed her soul. She also had the sense that he understood her on a fundamental level—they were in the same business, driven by the same creative demons.

  Sinking her fingers into his silky hair, Gia breathed in his clean scent and kissed him back, twining her tongue with his. She rubbed her body against his,
seeking heat and friction, needing him to assuage the burning ache between her thighs. He slid his hands beneath her tank top, gliding his palms along her spine. Despite the riot of pleasurable sensations that bombarded her at his touch, she stiffened.

  “What’s wrong?” he whispered into her mouth.

  She pulled away, tugging at her shirt. “This is.”

  Sin grinned, a wicked expression on his handsome face. “I can fix that.”

  Before she could open her mouth to protest, Sin pulled the tank top off her. Standing bare-chested in the cool air of the hotel room, her sweat-dampened skin pebbled with gooseflesh.

  “That’s not exactly what I meant,” she said with a chuckle. “I’m sweaty from the stage. My shirt reeks. I reek. I need a shower.”

  Sea-blue eyes glowed with anticipation. “There’s no law that says we have to do this in a bed, babe.”

  Gia laughed softly. “I like how you think, Sin-ful.”

  He palmed one of her naked breasts. Her stiff nipple pressed into the center of his hand and Gia shivered. She arched toward him and he dropped his free hand to the button of her leather jeans. She stood silently, watching as he knelt and pulled her boots off, then peeled the tight pants from her legs. Clad only in a black satin thong, Gia remained motionless as Sin’s gaze slipped over her, from the red lacquer on her toenails to the stage makeup smeared all over her face. His Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed visibly.

  “You are the most gorgeous woman I’ve ever seen,” he murmured, stroking his palms over her calves.

  She shook her head. “I can’t be. Shanna’s a supermodel,” she protested, thinking he was nuts for dumping the gorgeous redhead for her.

  Sin stood up and took her in his arms. Gia shuddered as her naked breasts grazed his t-shirt.

  “Holding her is like holding a fragile bone china teacup. She’s so thin that I was afraid I’d snap her in two sometimes,” he admitted. “I prefer women with curves and flesh I can grab onto, women who like it a little rough sometimes.”

  Gia raised one brow, astonished to find amusement bubbling inside her. “And you think I like it rough?”

  Sin grabbed her ass and kneaded the flesh firmly. Gia moaned and ground her pussy against him. He laughed softly, leaning in to nip at her earlobe.

  “I know you like it rough, baby. It’s right there in your eyes. You want it hard and fast, sweaty or clean. You don’t care. You just want it. You want me. And by God, you are gonna get me.”

  His harsh, whispered words scorched her with their intensity. She sucked in a breath but let it out in a whoosh as he picked her up and tossed her over his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, heading toward the suite’s bathroom. She heard the shower stall open with a bang and then the hiss of water. Steam began to fill the room as Sin set her on her feet and stripped off her thong.

  His nostrils flared as he held it for a moment. “Fuck. You are wet for me, aren’t you, baby?”

  Without waiting for her answer, he tossed the thong over his shoulder. His eyes darkened as he gazed at her naked body. Gia stared back at him, wondering what delights she would find beneath his simple t-shirt and jeans. She stroked the tribal swirl that curled along her hipbone toward her navel as she weighed the possibilities. Sin pushed her hand away and brushed his fingertips over her tattoo.

  “Are you just gonna stare at me or are you gonna touch me, Gia?”

  Sin’s wicked words encouraged her to reach out and push up his t-shirt. As she uncovered his pale gold skin, her heart began to beat harder and more unsteadily. Desire made her knees weak and she hurriedly pulled his shirt over his head. She dropped it and reached for his jeans as he toed out of his boots. With muffled pops, all the buttons on his fly opened. Gia pushed the worn denim down and Sin kicked free of the jeans.

  Her breath caught in her throat as she noted the thick erection pressing the front of his black boxer briefs. The dampness in her pussy increased as steam swirled around them. She looked up at him, wide-eyed, knowing there was no turning back. He bent his head and kissed her lightly, stroking his tongue over her lower lip briefly.

  “Go ahead. I want you to,” he urged, pushing her hands toward the waistband of his underwear.

  Gia slipped her hands inside the cotton, brushing her fingers against his straining erection. Sin groaned and grasped her buttocks hard. She pulled the material down, exposing him to her gaze. He didn’t have the biggest cock she’d ever seen, yet it wasn’t the smallest either. She knew its thickness would fit perfectly inside her, both her pussy and her mouth. Firm, plum-sized balls hung beneath the curve of his erection and he had neatly trimmed pubic hair, even on the tender flesh of those balls. The swollen head gleamed with moisture as precum seeped in pearly drops from the slit.

  Her fingers spread the sticky precum over the head and shaft. She stroked him slowly, unable to take her eyes off his beautiful cock. Sin’s lean hips pushed toward her rhythmically. His thick cock slid between her fingers and she stared at it, mesmerized.

  “Condom,” she moaned, aching to put him inside her.

  Sin backed her into the shower. The hot water sluiced over her as she stood staring at him in a stupor. He reached for his jeans and pulled out a foil packet, ripping it open with his teeth. He covered himself and stepped into the shower stall, pulling the glass door shut behind him.

  Closed into the small space with Sin’s broad-shouldered body hovering over her and his scent filling her head with a plethora of sexual images, Gia began to tremble with anticipation. He reached for the shower gel provided by the hotel and squirted it into his palms. Then he stroked his hands over her, his fingers and palms leaving not one millimeter of her skin untouched. Lather and bubbles slid down her torso and legs. The scent of oranges filled the shower.

  Gia stood still and let Sin wash her, from her chin to the spaces between her toes. No one had ever paid such attention to her body and her skin sang right along with her heart, the music swelling inside her. When he finished rinsing her long, thick hair of shampoo and conditioner, he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply, slanting his mouth over hers, demanding and insistent.

  Grasping his biceps, Gia backed toward the shower’s small seat, then pushed against him, turning their bodies so that he sat on the ledge. Straddling his thighs, she clutched his shoulders, her wet pussy rubbing along the hard ridge of his erection.

  Sin’s long fingers bit into her hips. “Take me inside, Gia.”

  She grasped his latex-covered length and drew a deep breath, letting it out as she sank slowly onto him. They stared at each other as he filled her. Electric excitement crawled along Gia’s skin. Her pussy, unused to anything but her vibrator for the past three years, stretched to accommodate Sin’s girth and length. She tilted her hips forward and the head of his cock pressed her G-spot. Heat flashed through her body.

  Gia cried out, the sudden orgasm catching her by surprise. Sin thrust shallowly, rubbing the head of his cock again and again against her sweet spot as she shuddered. She dug her nails into the hard muscle of his arms.

  “Sin. Oh, Sin, I need more. Fuck me!” she moaned.

  Bending his head, Sin rained hot kisses over her throat and shoulders, licking at the water that beaded and ran down her pale skin. The trail of fire left by his exploring mouth made her shudder. She pushed her hips forward and her shoulders back, her breasts thrusting toward him, the full globes capped by taut pink nipples. Sin held her tightly, bending her over his arm as he sucked on first one nipple then the other. With his thighs spread and feet planted firmly on the floor of the shower, he thrust up into her. Gia could barely initiate a movement because he did it all for her.

  She ran her hands over his chest, shoulders and arms, loving the strong muscles and the tribal tattoos that swirled over his biceps. His beauty called to every primal cell in her body. When he reached between them and slipped a finger over her clit, she shuddered.

  “Oh, yeah. Oh, Sin, more!” Vaguely, she wondered why she’d never noticed how vo
cal she could be during sex.

  Sin thrust up into her, his thickness filling her. The exquisite friction caused by their perfect fit sent her lust spiraling out of control. She rode him hard, tossing her wet hair, her nails leaving marks on his shoulders, her lips sucking at his throat. Wildness flared within her as she bit and sucked his skin, marking him and uncaring that she did. His cock battered her G-spot and his fingers plucked at her swollen clit.

  “Come for me, Gia,” he growled loudly. “I want you to come on my cock.”

  She watched him closely as another orgasm neared. His eyes glittered with passion and his focus never wavered. Pleasure rushed through her again as he flicked his thumb over the sensitive nub between her thighs. Satisfaction suffused his face as he watched her orgasm break over her.

  “Oh, God, Sin!” she cried out hoarsely, holding him tightly with fingers, hands, arms and thighs.

  “Yes! Come, Gia. Come for me, baby,” he growled roughly.

  He pumped his cock into her, the hard thrusts making her head spin with the heady wash of her orgasm. She watched him, waiting for his pleasure to overcome him. His face flushed and his pupils expanded. Beneath her thighs, his muscles bunched and turned to stone. She squeezed him tightly with her pussy, milking him. His skin rippled slightly. She heard a breath catch in his throat.

  “Oh, yeah, baby. Just like that. Fuck, I’m coming!”

  His words inflamed her and she threw her head back, moaning loudly as she felt his cock move inside her, pulsing as he came. She reveled in his ecstasy, her head buzzing from the sensation of having brought the hot young stud to such a big climax. He did wonders for her ego, not to mention her body. The hum of satisfaction deep within her made her feel better even than the performance high.

  Gia leaned on Sin’s chest, gliding her hands along his arms in a mindless, distracted caress. He moved the flat of his hands rhythmically over her back, soothing her as they both tried to regain their breath. A deep sigh of contentment escaped her.

  Sin chuckled. “Liked that, did you?”


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