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Whiskey and Honey: Can a forbidden fling be real love? (The Empire Records Series Book 1)

Page 6

by Heather Lauren

  “That would be so cool, Coco. Please will you do it?” Harmony says, hugging his arm and using her big brown eyes as a superpower to bend him to her will.

  “Of course, sweetheart,” he says, taking her hand and helping her climb onto his lap. “Do you want dessert?” he whispers to her, so softly I think I’m the only one that heard. She nods her head, excited.

  “What do you say, Lyla?” Willow asks.

  “Actually, I think Marcus is just being nice. I don’t cook anymore. I actually just found this delivery service that delivers these five-star dinners, lunches, even breakfast right to your door. Custom-made meals prepped for you. That’s what I’m investing in,” I say, looking down at my plate, avoiding everyone’s eyes boring into me.

  It feels like an hour passes by the time Willow talks again.

  “You still have to finish the rooftop,” she says, pointing her fork at her brother.

  Harmony says something to Mason, and everyone else starts different conversations. The staff comes in and clears our plates. We all decline dessert, so Cole promises Harmony dessert from the ice cream truck down the road. I can’t help but notice how great he is with her. They share more whispers and an inside joke of some kind and she’s laughing, completely at ease with him. A spark of jealousy hits me square in the chest, and I’m left feeling like maybe Cole has been my replacement. That maybe my family hasn’t missed me because Cole has been here instead of me.

  That’s not true. No way.

  No one can ever compete with what Charlie, Marcus, and I have been through together. What secrets we keep. No way had the last six years I’ve been gone changed anything between us. Everyone starts to get up from their seats, and we all walk out together. I give everyone a quick wave and give Harmony a big hug and kiss, saying good night. I want to beat Cole home and not deal with my problems. Soak in a bath and pretend he doesn’t exist.



  “Okay, I give up! Can we say whatever it is that needs said so it’s not so fucking weird between us, and I don’t have to keep avoiding you, who’s avoiding me?” Lyla asks me with her arms up in the air in surrender, and I can’t help but laugh. She’s right. I’ve been avoiding her for the last two days like a fucking pussy. If I’m being honest with myself which I’m not, I don’t want to avoid her. I want her.

  I want her so bad I can almost taste her, but that scares the shit out of me. The last thing I want is to find myself in a relationship again. Lyla is cool as fuck, but here I am already fucking it up. She’s way too good for me.

  “I’m sorry, Lyla. You’re right. I have. I freaked out.”

  She gives me a weird look with her eyebrows up and exhales a heavy sigh. “I’m not even mad anymore, Cole. You don’t owe me anything; you never did. I want that to be very clear. We tried our best not to hook up, but we did. It happened and now we still live with each other and we live with Marcus who will still kill us if he finds out. Now he’s coming back tomorrow and shit around here can’t be weird.”

  “You’re right. I hear you. I’ll stop being weird. I promise.”

  “Cool. That would be great.”

  We stand there between the kitchen and living room, just staring at each other a minute. “That was actually a lot easier than I thought,” she says with a growing smile. Mine can’t help but match hers and soon I’m smiling too. Her hair is down and straight again, and I already miss the curls.

  “Are you hitting the gym?” I ask, noticing her tight sexy outfit, which gives me an excuse to be roaming her amazing curves. She’s in tight black yoga pants and a lavender top that has her tits pushed together and peeking out the top.

  “Yeah, I heard about a new yoga studio opening up down the block and thought I would check it out. They have a help wanted sign up.” She shrugs her small shoulder.

  “You want to change careers from a chef to a yogi? Is that what you call them? I’ll be honest I know nothing about yoga.”

  She laughs. “I will be honest too; I don’t either.” She winces and laughs again. Light pink dusts her cheeks. “I just read somewhere online that some studios don’t do a background check which is the only way for me to get a job right now, and that’s really embarrassing.” She looks down at her shoes and sweeps some of her fallen hair behind her ear.

  “You want a job? I thought you were just waiting for all the drama to calm down. I figured you would go back to the food industry,” I say in total shock.

  “No, you see the thing about public humiliation is that it survives long past the original scandal,” she says, saddling up on the stool at the kitchen island and I join her. “Even when the drama calms down, which will only happen if my former business partner Howard is ever found, my name, my brand, my talent is all tainted, and no restaurant will ever hire me again. My dream of being a top chef was lived and it’s over. Right now, I have to pull up my big girl pants and figure out my future.”

  “It’s probably not yoga though.” I elbow her ribs, shaking her out of the seriousness of her thoughts. That gets me a giggle.

  “You’re probably right, but I need a job. I can’t live off Marcus; it’s driving me nuts.”

  “Why don’t you come work for me?” Did I just say that? Not second-guessing myself, I go on. “I just got in three new jobs that are going to have me underwater if I don’t hire someone to help me. I heard about your illegal activities, but I’ll be willing to look the other way since we’re such good friends now.”

  I get up and round the table, putting my water glass in the sink. I turn around and lean against it. Seeing her in this kitchen again has me tasting honey. I swallow hard, my mouth suddenly so dry. Maybe I should have thought the offer through before throwing it out there. I’m not sure I can be just friends with her.

  “Were such good friends now, huh?” she says, her voice skeptical. I know she needs this, so I have to make it work.

  “Yeah. It’s perfect. Good pay. I’ll teach you everything you need to know. Plus, I know you can bring a lot to the big warehouse project I have over on 8th and Market since you’ve already converted one warehouse into a five-star restaurant before.”

  She still doesn’t look convinced, but she’s smiling. I’ve got a chance.

  “I promise to be on my best behavior, to never make you feel uncomfortable or avoid you and be a friend to you whenever you need me.” I give her my best smile and puppy dog eyes and wait.

  “Okay. Okay.” She laughs. “I feel like you just tricked me into accepting your help, but I appreciate it. Thank you.”

  “You bet. We could start tomorrow morning if you want. I don’t have an office except the one here, but I’ll take you around and show you the different sites and different crews I have running right now. I have tons of meeting this week, mostly with existing clients so we’ll take them to lunch and let you meet everyone and start building relationships.”

  “That all sounds great, but, Cole, do you really want my name associated with your business? It’s one thing for me to help with paperwork; it’s another for me to be meeting your clients. I really want to help in any way, but I don’t want me helping you to actually hurt your business.”

  She looks at me with so much sadness it threatens to crush me. I don’t understand how this amazing woman could be more worried about me right now.

  “It’s not going to hurt me, Lyla. That’s really nice of you to say all that, but I have work lined up for the next five years. It’s going to be fine. Great in fact because I know everyone will love you and you will be an asset to me. What do you say?”

  I stare at her waiting for several beats.

  “I say thank you and I’ll be ready in morning.” Scooting off the bar stool, she continues. “Although I will see you before then so remember…no weird.” She winks.

  I can’t help but laugh. “Promise.”

  She grabs her bag, throwing it over her shoulder, and takes off out the door. I stare at it like she’ll walk right back in. What is wrong with me? I ch
astise myself, pushing off the island and heading for a shower.



  “And reach your fingertips up to the ceiling, stretching your upper body as high as it will go. Pause. Now bring them down to your toes, as close as you can reach. Now relax. Very good.”

  The yoga instructor announced wrapping up class. I watch everyone grab their mats, and I bend down and grab mine and head back for my bag. I pick up my phone and see I’ve missed three calls from a number I don’t know and a text from Charlie. It’s a picture of her holding up a vintage Beatles album. Nice.

  “Hi there.”

  A man I recognize from class is bent down grabbing his bag beside mine. He’s very attractive. Tall, tan, dark-brown hair, blue eyes, and defined biceps I can clearly see under his white t-shirt.

  “Hey,” I say casually, putting my shoes on.

  “Do you come here often? You look really familiar to me.”

  “No. This was my first class. I actually just moved to the area.”

  “Well, then you’ll need someone to show you around. I’m Darren Henry.” He grins and says this to me like I should swoon at his name alone which is an even bigger turnoff than the fact he regularly goes to yoga class.

  “Thanks anyway, Darren Henry, but I think I’ll manage just fine.” I brush him off and turn to head toward the exit, and I feel him follow me.

  “You never told me your name,” he says, opening the door for me.

  “Thank you. I know I didn’t.” I smile and walk past him, but he keeps following me.

  “Let me take you to dinner.”

  “No, thanks, I’m not hungry.”

  “But you will be eventually. Say around eight tonight? I can get us reservations at Mazzini’s.”

  He name-drops to try and impress me. It’s the highest in fine dining in the area and will cost a small fortune if I agree to go, but I won’t. I can’t be seen in a place like that without someone recognizing me, and then I’ll be all over the local papers and embarrassed all over again.

  “That’s very generous, Darren, but I have other plans.”

  “Plans can be canceled. Trust me when I say I will make it worth your while.”

  The grin he gives me sets off warning bells and suddenly I’m uncomfortable. I’ve heard dirtier words, but something about this guy is off and I need to get away from him.

  “No, thank you,” I say, glaring at him. No smile on my face to lead him to believe anything other than I am not interested. He scoffs and throws his hand up like he’s dismissing me.

  “Fine. Your loss, ya stuck up bitch.”

  He slowly backs up with a snarl on his mouth. A small laugh escapes, which pisses him off more, but he just retreats faster. When he rounds the corner and is out of sight, I turn and exhale. I start walking when my phone rings again. It’s the same number I missed three times during class. Afraid it might be important, I answer.


  “Hello, and who am I speaking with?” An elderly man’s voice comes on with a heavy accent.

  “Well, sir, you called me.” I laugh. “My name is Lyla; I think you have the wrong number.”

  “Oh no, Lyla Turner, you are exactly who I want to get my hands on.” Creepy, I think to myself.

  “Well, here I am; how can I help you, sir?” I say, holding my arm out for a cab.

  “You can give me back my money along with the body of your partner. That would be best-case scenario for you, Ms. Turner.”

  I stop walking toward the curb, frozen in shock by the change in this man’s tone and threatening words. “I really think you have the wrong person,” I whisper.

  “Lyla, this is a gentle warning. I’m not a patient man. Where is Howard Stapleton?”

  “I haven’t heard from Howard since he bankrupted our restaurant. I have nothing to do with him. As far as I’m concerned, he’ll soon be rotting in prison when the police catch up with him.”

  “Hmm. Unfortunately, he has more than the police to worry about. I don’t believe you aren’t in touch with him so I will be keeping my eye on you. Take care for now.”

  I end the call and climb in the cab. After a few minutes, I roll my eyes, thinking that was the weirdest call ever but not my problem. The man sounded ancient for one, and for two, I genuinely don’t have anything to do with Howard so if he screwed someone else over too, it’s not my problem.



  Bright and early Monday morning Lyla comes bouncing down the hall and into my home office. It’s only six a.m. and I’m not showered. I am just checking emails in my sweats. She comes in hips swaying, with two mugs of coffee, already dressed for work in a skintight skirt that ends right below her knee and makes that apple ass of hers incredibly destructing. This was not my best idea.

  “Good morning,” Lyla chirps.

  “Mornin’. You do realize we don’t actually start work until nine, right?” I ask her, accepting the hot mug of steaming coffee.

  “Yes. but I was excited, and I might be a bit of an overachiever.” She shrugs and brings her own coffee to her lips, looking out the office window as the sun continues to rise. It’s a great view of the beach and the main reason I bought the building.

  “I just emailed you a link to my calendar, and we have a lunch meeting with a client at one today.”

  “Okay. I’ll go get my phone. Breakfast will be done in fifteen minutes.”

  “You made me breakfast too? Damn, woman, you’ve outdone yourself. I’ll follow you down,” I say as we head downstairs together.

  Calling it breakfast doesn’t do it justice. Lyla went all out in only a way she can. The island is covered in a feast of healthy fresh food and two plates set up with glasses of orange juice.

  “Wow, I am impressed, Lyla. This all looks and smells delicious.”

  “Thanks. Hope you like egg white omelets stuffed with swiss cheese, fried ham, mushrooms, red and green peppers, plus fresh fruit, buckwheat pancakes with bananas, and a secret maple cream sauce.”

  A smug grin stretches across her face when she sees the utter look of shock on my face. I’m beyond impressed right now. She shrugs and sips her coffee, looking away so I don’t notice the blush on her cheeks. I do. It’s beautiful.

  She sets her coffee mug down at the same time I reach for mine and the backs of our hands touch on the table. Instant heat rushes up my arm and I know she feels it too. Her eyes snap to mine; her green eyes are dark, and her chest starts to rise and fall faster. I’m frozen in her spell, not wanting to move and break this bubble we’re in. My eyes snap to her lips when she bites her bottom lip into her mouth. After a minute passes and our attraction has only grown stronger, I can feel myself leaning toward her, like a magnetic pull. She leans into me and we meet; her lips are soft and warm against mine. I kiss her softly and slowly, not being able to control this anymore. Not that I want to be anywhere else in the world right now. She feels amazing against me, and her lips taste like marshmallows. I cup her face to bring her closer, wanting to breathe her in; she smells like honey, and instantly I remember being inside her. We break apart. I am not sure which one of us pulled away first, but I regret it already. My cock is hard and waving a tent under the island table. She looks down and sees how much she affects me. I smile and turn back to my omelet and dig in. I feel her hard stare on the side of my face, but she turns toward her breakfast. We finish eating in silence. Not uncomfortable but in an atmosphere still charged with unfilled desires.

  “Jack, this is Lyla Turner, Lyla this is Jack the site’s foreman.” I introduce the team to Lyla and show her the plans for all my projects including an old warehouse that I’ve been hired to remodel into a retail space. I can tell she’s excited about this one because she lights up.

  “Cole, what about keeping the inside mostly exposed and bare? Letting all the pipes and beams show and painting them bold colors.”

  “You think we should paint them? Not keep them neutral to blend into the ceiling?”

sp; “No, because I was thinking we should do something different to make this warehouse stand out as a retail space and not look like a lot of restaurants and other buildings that keep it neutral. But that’s just my thoughts; what do you think?”

  It hits me in this moment how smart and talented Lyla is. The more I learn about her the more I like. I know it’s dangerous, but I think I want her. No, scratch that, I know I want her. We haven’t talked about the kiss at breakfast, but things between us aren’t weird or uncomfortable. It’s been the opposite. I’ve laughed more today than I have all week. And it’s not just me. Lyla bewitched every single colleague, client, and crewman she’s met today.

  “I think that’s a great idea,” I say honestly.


  She tucks her dark hair behind her ear and looks away with a blush at my compliment. Which makes me feel ten fucking feet tall. A king among men. I’m actually thankful I’m in a public place with her right now or I would probably snap and take her right here. I’ve lost sleep every night since I last had her, and now, I’m addicted and can’t stop thinking about having her again and again. I know we agreed and made a sort of truce to be friends, so it doesn’t get weird, but we need to draw up a new agreement because I’m going absolutely insane with want for her at this point.

  “This is the perfect location for the client, and I love that they want to keep the building, remodeling and not tearing it down. Most retailers would.”

  Her voice breaks through my daydream and I blink rapidly, trying to focus. “Yeah, the clients are a really cool couple from upstate New York. You’ll like them; they’ll be in town next week to go over design and budget. They’ve already given me a large deposit so I know the budget won’t ever become an issue, and I’ve worked with them before so I assume if everything goes well, we’ll get to work with them again in the future.”


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