The Secret Space Age
Page 7
So how do you prove that these ships are human? Over my last few chapters I have attempted to lay out a compelling argument of who built these ships, which include the usual suspects of NATO, the Soviet Union and various fascist elements who decided to leave in the post World War II timescale.
As discussed in the previous chapter, I have documented fairly good evidence that some abductions such as Betty and Barney Hill were actually carried out by, for lack of a better term, Space Nazis as well as elements of our own military under a Millab scenario. But it was an article written by the famous Otto Binder in a 1972 Saga magazine which has now given me the strongest evidence of all that these ships are human and if we can slot that fact into the secret space program we have a fairly complete story.
So what is so shocking about what Binder wrote in 1972? In that article, which UFO Iconoclast has reproduced, Binder undertook an analysis of UFO iconography, you might say logos, and what he documented is staggering in its implications. But we need to make some assumptions, and as a reader I ask you to indulge me.
The first assumption is that an alien intelligence would think, feel and write in an alien way. Much the same way that someone from Japan would write in Japanese and have a different view of the world as someone in, say, the United States.
As an English speaker I could learn Japanese and maybe recognize it but if I were in Japan I would expect signs to be in Japanese. In the same way if an alien were to place marking on their spaceship they would use alien writing not English or any other earthbound language.
The second assumption is that as humans we label things. We name our aircraft (For example the famous Air Colbert plane which Virgin America named after Stephen Colbert), we name our cities, streets and just about anything. We do this for a lot of reasons but those markings are significant and in a military or governmental sense are required to designate things like squadrons, purposes, and home bases.
The final assumption I would suggest we make is that as humans we will report what we see as accurately as we can but as non-trained observers that those observations might be slightly off.
Madrid UFO / Italian Fascist Aircraft Symbol
The first symbol that I found interesting in the article was a symbol seen on a UFO in 1967 over Madrid, Spain. While the match between the UFO image and the World War 2 Italian symbol, is not exact. It is directionally similar and given the time scale of 22 years post World War II, could represent a change in stylization. The other point to consider is if this was seen at an angle. The angle of observation could also change the image, as we will see below.
In 1967 Gary Chopic observed the symbol below on the side of a triangular UFO flying over his house in Simi Valley, California which bears a striking resemblance to the symbol used by the World War 2 era Luftwaffe to designate the rank of the pilot or their standing within the squadron.
The next image we can take a look at was seen over the San Bernardino Mountains in 1954 by A.P. Wheeler. The interesting element here is the “F” shaped symbol, which bears a striking resemblance to the Wolfsangel symbol used by the NSB—National Socialist Movement of the Netherlands during World War II. If the observation is accurate, the “F” shape on the left seen by Wheeler could very well represent the stylized Wolfsangel as used by the NSB. The other markings could have a number of meanings in this context but the fairly clear symbol is the Wolfsangel. So why would a symbol used by a fascist organization from the 1940s be seen on a UFO over San Bernardino in 1954? This would indicate the potential presence of a NSB contingent utilizing German saucer technology.
Little is known about the 1973 symbol seen below other then it was seen in Belgium by a 28 year old individual of a UFO seen hovering over his garden. The UFO was seen for over four minutes and he took extremely good notes on the symbol seen. What is interesting about this icon is two fold. Number one, the image bears a striking resemblance to the symbol used by the British Union of Fascists (the flash of action embedded in the circle of unity) as well as the symbol used by the People’s Action Party of Singapore. The second interesting fact is that as the crow flies Belgium, long a hot spot for UFO sightings, is fairly close to England.
So if a ship being used by members of the English fascist contingent was being used in the air over Europe it is not beyond the pale to think that it might fly over Belgium for some reason. The other question to ask is again, why would a non-human intelligence use symbols on their ships which are easily identifiable (this symbol is also similar to the symbol used by The Flash in comics). One would image an alien would use iconography based on their own experience from their own world, not ours.
One of the more interesting images found by Binder is a symbol reported by three boys over Cape Canaveral in 1966. The interesting element here is why would an alien UFO have a recognizable Soviet red star with the English letters HU HR PS RED? One important thing to remember is that even in 1966 the official flight language, meaning the international language used by pilots, was English and many aircraft had at least some marking in English as a result.
This would lend credence to the idea of a breakaway civilization operating in our skies as early as 1966. This is also consistent with the notion that the Alternative Three scenario began after the American Chemical Society meeting of 1957 which is referenced in the film.
Another very interesting set of symbols came out of Oklahoma City and Temple, Texas in 1971 and 1965. These images reported by two different observers seem to show again English lettering on the side of a UFO with roman style numeric symbols attached. The true meaning of these designations is only a guess but this also seems to indicate Breakaway aircraft operating in the skies over the south and Midwestern United States in the 1960s and 1970s. The question we must ask here is why would an alien ship from another star use English letters and numbers as part of a designation or tagging of a vehicle?
You would think that being of an alien source this symbols, seen on a UFO, would be alien in origin, not English, which is easily read by any English speaker, unless they are American in origin and part of a larger fleet of ships active outside our atmosphere a la Solar Warden and the finds by Gary McKinnon. It would again demonstrate why the United States government targeted McKinnon and why so much effort was put forward to marginalize him and his information.
The final image I would like to reference from the Saga article is the image we see to the left. In my mind this image, amongst all the others, has the strongest implications for the Breakaway Civilization argument. This image reported by Haskell Raper from a UFO seen over the skies of Alabama in 1957 shows a UN along with four numbers. This is particularly interesting because each of the images we’ve seen with a two-digit code (TL, IX and UN) are followed by four numbers.
This would clearly demonstrate a numbering scheme. Its also interesting because that number scheme has appeared to have lasted more then 30 years ranging from this 1957 report to the 1971 report above from Texas.
What is also interesting is that the designation appears to be United Nations in origin. This would again lend itself to the idea of: An international space fleet and an international attempt to evacuate the earth which we know from the Alternative Three premise. One would stand to reason that an international body such as the UN would play a key role in the Alternative Three scenario being that they are an extra-governmental body which would be crucial in the project and program management of such an undertaking. The United States, former Soviet Union (now Russian Federation) are both permanent members of the security council and founders of the United Nations.
What we have seen in the examples above is a clear indication that with UFOs there is more then meets the eye. It is reasonable to think that if the Germans chose to move their Fourth Reich to the stars they would probably bring along a few other fascists who shared their beliefs. We saw this with the Irishman in the Betty and Barney Hill abduction as well as the Nordic Space Brothers from Venus. If there is a extra-earthly contingent of space fascists we can now
see clear evidence that their is at least minimally a group from the UK, Ireland, the Netherlands, and Italy operating along with the German groups.
This also supports the space war notion where there is a struggle for control of space between the Earthbound Breakaway group and the fascists kicked into space in a post World War II escape. We’ve seen the evidence, which this makes stronger, and we’ve seen the war in STS48, Ed Grimsley’s space war footage and now we can at least identify some of the groups involved. It is not an accident that these symbols bear a striking resemblance to the World War II era groups they represented. If their ideology has not changed why would their symbols? And symbols mean something.
Additionally these images have shown us that from an Alternative Three point of view, we are able to identify at least several craft, which are marked, operating in the skies over the Earth, including the United Nations.
To move large amounts of people off planet to the Moon or Mars, or where ever, takes a large concerted effort on the part of many groups. So it would stand to reason that the UN would be involved and other countries would have their own ships to move people and supplies to their constituent bases.
What these markings are not is alien. That would make no rational sense here since the markings are in English, and English is the international flight language.
We can argue about do aliens exist or is this all a sham but what is clear now is that at least some percentage of these strange ships over our skies are human, and it is clear to me now that the Breakaways have been at this for a very long time.
It all started simply enough, as these things usually do. I was a guest on Ground Zero Radio, hosted by the venerable Clyde Lewis, talking about the Secret Space Program, Solar Warden and the like when in the fourth hour we had a very interesting call.
A gentleman called into the show from Washington state and wanted to discuss a secret program he had worked on back in the 1970s. Being that he called in from Washington state I have some suspicions about his employer.
So he called in and began to describe a project he had worked on called “Space Warden” which was part of the SDI program, but wait, the SDI program was launched under president Ronald Regan in the early 1980s right? Well here I have a man on the phone saying he was working on a functional program in 1974!
Well the discussion got even better.
He reported to us that the program he had worked on, Space Warden, was well underway in 1974 and was field deployed around the time Regan announced SDI.
Ok very interesting, but he continued. The facility he worked at in Southern California, probably “Plant 42,” was guarded by United States Marshalls, not the usual Wackenhut guards, but instead U.S. Marshalls.
At which point he went into some detail about the program and stated that to his knowledge there were three components, two killer satellites with lasers in a equatorial orbit and a third hunter killer which was a rover and moved around and that got me to thinking.
When you get a call like that you really have to pause for a minute and think about things.
Any conspiracy researcher worth his weight in anything has a vast storehouse of sometimes-meaningless information that they have to access from the recesses of their brains to make a connection and for me a connection was forming.
It’s kind of like an old TV show I used to watch called “Connections” hosted by James Burke.
I vividly remember in one episode that Burke was in an estate garden holding a briefcase. As was so common with him he nonchalantly asked the implied viewer something to the effect of “I bet you’re wondering what’s in the briefcase, well it has enough power to light a small city for a year.”
Then he went on to say “But it doesn’t do that because it’s a nuclear bomb, boom..” then he tossed it in the air.
Connections was a great show because James Burke was the master at connecting seemingly unconnected things, and this skill is one the proper conspiracy research must have as well, but I digress, and back to the story.
So I remembered back to my youth, about a graphic I had seen when Regan introduced the SDI program as well as a conversation I had once had with a Russian man who had worked in the Soviet space program about SDI. Both of which supported the caller.
The idea was simple: you have a particle beam or laser satellite or “killer” and you have a “Spaced-Based Interceptor” or a “Hunter Killer.” The Killers had orders programmed into it from the ground station to hit a missile, or object in space, where the Hunter/Killer is independent, and I would suggest, autonomous.
All very interesting stuff to think about, but 1974? Much more interesting! Rumors have been going around for decades now that programs like “Space Warden” had not been cancelled as we were lead to believe but instead keep right on trucking and were actually deployed, only now it looks like SDI was running by the time Regan announced its development, which makes sense.
I would also add that in the hours after the call I tried to find any reference to “Space Warden” and could find nothing, which is strange.
Systems like “Brilliant Peebles” or “Thor’s Hammer” had been hypothesized to exist for some time, but now we had something to go on and a witness that they exist and are up there now.
So that got me to thinking about another thing I had seen, mainly the infamous STS-48 video.
To give you a brief rundown an object enters the screen from the right and is hugging the outer atmosphere of the earth. There is a flash and the object quickly makes a 90 degree turn out into space. Moments later two objects launch past the screen ostensibly being fired at the object.
Now the interesting part if that a few seconds after that mission control comes on and asks the shuttle pilot Kenneth Reightler to execute “The Maneuver” followed quickly by an explanation of dumping waste water.
There are a couple of things here to think about. When the STS48 video came out there was some discussion at the time about those two objects being part of a space-based weapon shooting at a UFO. So that idea is old hat, and I think given the support of the idea that SDI was active in 1974 probably the case.
What is more interesting is the flash, which comes from behind the camera. Could that have been a laser firing at the object?
There has never really been a good explanation of why the object changed course. Maybe that Hunter/Killer our caller spoke of was firing.
The other interesting thing about STS48 and this confirmation of the SDI program being active was the request by ground control to execute “The Maneuver.”
Back in the day, when STS48 originally occurred there was a lot of chitchat, even from the venerable Richard C. Hoagland, that STS48 was rolled over with the camera pointing to the right place as a sign that whistleblowers were trying to allow us to see a UFO in orbit. I think now given the command and the immediate change in attitude that was not the case.
I think they accidentally filmed SDI firing on something and went to a commercial break so to speak.
The other thing about this video that I think needs a reappraisal is what were they firing at? Was it alien, has been the collective theory or was it something else? I would argue given recent developments in research we might have been firing at some other group.
The easy money is firing on a Soviet or Russian vessel of some sort but given what we have learned over time it would appear that we are in this together, and maybe just maybe the Soviets were reacting to what we were reacting to. Some sort of outside force, human, but outside force nevertheless.
The Alternative Three Scenario
Alternative Three argues that we were carrying out joint operations, and given that if our equipment and their equipment were clashing, then it would start a proper war. Instead someone or some people go to extraordinary efforts to keep this quiet and silently carry out a war over our heads. That alone argue
s the idea for a second breakaway group which is not sanctioned.
So why does that make sense? Well publicly we seem to be in lock step. In the 1960s the US Air Force had come up with a daring program to bring warfare to the high reaches of space utilizing a space station called the “MOL” or Manned Observation Laboratory.
The “Laboratory” was to be equipped with a laser to directly ostensibly to compete with a Soviet program called “Almaz” which was launched in 1973 on Salyut 2, which is right around the time our mystery caller said his Hunter/ Killer went into orbit.
There were three ALMAZ stations publicly flew and the second successfully fired its cannon in a test. No one is really sure at what but it was apparently fired.
So we have three Almaz stations, a MOL and a Hunter/ Killer with two killer satellites in orbit. Sounds like a standoff right? Maybe but as I have pointed out before you don’t spend that much money and keep these devices crewed for nothing, and this wasn’t a MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction) scenario.
Those devices were there for a reason and at this point I don’t think it was to engage each other or they would have done so. It also doesn’t make sense to engage an enemy so powerful they could come here from another star and not think the enemy would escalate.
You would think they would bombard us with high technology if they were aliens being attacked, but instead it’s a quiet war.
Based on that fact I suspect they were while both active, we know the Soviet one was, and they both took potshots at the competing space vehicles.