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Body Heat

Page 6

by Unknown

  “Trust me, I’d much rather be with you. I’m heading out of town for a few days to take care of some business for the firm. The guy I have to deal with is a colossal dipshit, so you can rest assured that I’ll be miserable the entire time. How does the weekend look for you?”

  “Better now that I know I’ll get to see you.”

  “Good, I’m going to work you over like you won’t believe this weekend.”

  “And I’ll use the extra time this week to think of more delicious things to do to that thick cock.”

  “IVY, CAN YOU POP in here for a second?”

  Crap. My heart rate rockets and my palms instantly sweat. Emma is a kind woman and a great boss, but I’m still new enough and insecure enough with my performance to be secretly terrified every time she calls me into her office.

  “You bet. Be right there.” I grab my coffee mug and scoop up a notebook and pen off my desk—a gunmetal gray monstrosity that was probably first used when Eisenhower was still in office—and head to her office.

  She looks up from her desk as I enter. She has a magnificent crown of salt and pepper curls and warm brown eyes that never miss a thing. She’s petite in stature but not personality; I haven’t known her long, but I have the distinct feeling nothing gets by her.

  “Hon, you look like you’re heading in here for a root canal. Relax a little.”

  “It’s not you,” I say as I close the door. “It’s just hard. Starting over from scratch at a new job.” I sink into a chair across from her desk. “Not that I’m not enjoying it. Well, maybe enjoying is the wrong word.” I tap my pen against my leg as I ramble on. “I find it very satisfying. But it’s difficult to go from a job where I knew I was good at it, to one where I’m learning the ropes.”

  “I know.” She reaches across the desk and pats my hand. “That’s why I’ll keep telling you, until these old vocal cords give out, that you’re doing a great job. This isn’t an easy job and it takes time to adjust. Your learning curve has been steep and you’re really shaping up nicely. The clients you’ve worked with have been very happy.”


  “Yes, really!” She leans back in her chair and rests her head in her hand. “Now, first thing’s first. I want to know where I can get whatever you’ve been putting in your coffee lately.”

  I look down at the mug in my hands. “French vanilla creamer?”

  Her laugh fills the small room like a rumbling freight train. I sit there and smile like an idiot while I wait for her to clue me in on the joke.

  She wipes away a tear and addresses me. “I’m talking about you walking around here lately looking like someone flipped on a 1000-watt light bulb inside of you. Humming at your desk. Smiling all the time. You’re practically glowing.”

  Sure, I’ve felt different recently, but I’m a little shocked to learn the change is that obvious to those around me.

  “I’m trying to cut down on my refined sugar intake,” I say.

  “I’ve never seen a dietary change put a pep in someone’s step like that. Maybe I’ll have to give it a whirl.” She rifles through her calendar. “Moving on to business.”

  I take the cap off my pen and ready myself for her instructions.

  “As you know, we are a non-profit, and charitable donations make up the bulk of our budget. We do fundraising all year long, but the winter gala is our biggest event by far. I’ve done all the planning and leg work for the past five years, and I would absolutely love to hand you the baton this year. With your background in the culinary and hospitality industry, I think you could do something really great.”

  She’s right. My mind is already racing. I’m sure Nova would close down Champagne for the evening so we could use it for a private event. God knows the kitchen can handle a large crowd. The space itself is large and luxurious—perfect for wining and dining wealthy donors. We could get a string quartet or a swing band, there’s plenty of room for either one and the acoustics in the place are surprisingly good.

  She slides the calendar in front of me and points at several dates. “Traditionally, it’s been held mid-January, but you can make any adjustments you like.”

  “Are there any non-negotiables?”

  “Yes. We always have a speaker talk about the work we do. About how we’ve made a difference in her life.”

  “Do you have any ideas for this year?” My pen hovers over the paper. I wrack my brain for any clients who would be a good fit.

  “As a matter of fact, I do.” I wait for the name, but her eyes just bore into mine. My stomach starts doing flip flops and sweat breaks out on my brow when I realize what she really called me in here to talk about.

  “Me?” I squeak. Christ, I can feel my scalp sweat. “Emma, I can’t. I really can’t.”

  “You can. And you should. You’re so much stronger than you think you are.” She moves from behind her desk, sinks into the chair next to me, and rests her hand on my forearm. “The people in the audience would relate to you. You have money. A career. You’re well spoken. You’d remind them of their wives, their daughters, and they’d open their wallets.”

  The tears build up and blur my vision. I can tell they’re about to spill over at any moment. Emma continues.

  “I think it would be good for you, too. The more you talk about any traumatic event, the less power it has over you.”

  “I can’t get up there in front of all those people and—” She sees the tears spill over and interrupts me.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. You don’t have to make a decision now.” She pats my arm. “All I ask is that you think about it. That’s not too much to ask, is it?”

  But it is. Because I’d give anything to stop remembering.

  “ARE YOU READY FOR something more adventurous?” I rest my hands on my hips and give him my sauciest look. We’re standing in his bedroom, ready to play. “Because I’ve exhausted myself this week thinking of all the naughty things I could do to you.”

  “I’ve been going crazy for you, too.” He takes me in his arms and brushes his lips against mine. They are so possessive, so ready to take what’s theirs. I can feel how much he wants me as his tongue pushes into my mouth and explores me. His hands are kneading my ass, pulling me against him, and I don’t fight it. I push my hips against the hard bulge of his erection. Everything feels divine.

  “Let’s get undressed,” I say as I disentangle myself from his arms. He pulls me closer to steal one more kiss and then relents and strips off his suit jacket. I untuck his shirt and pluck apart the buttons from the bottom as he loosens his tie. I free him from his shirt and pause to run my hands over his glorious torso, enjoying the feel of his warm muscles and the tickle of the fine dusting of chest hair. I want to lean in and rub my face against his masculine warmth, so I do. I want him so bad. There’s no point in fighting it. I take his nipple into my mouth and tease it as I nuzzle against him.

  “Christ, can you feel how hard I am?” He rubs his monstrous bulge through his trousers. “I have a feeling I’m not going to last very long this time.”

  “We’ll see about that.” I unbuckle his belt and ease his zipper down. “Maybe you’ll be surprised by your stamina.”

  His pants fall to the floor and he steps out of them. I can’t help but be impressed by the size of the erection straining against his boxer briefs. I’d bet he could break through concrete with that monster if he had to.

  “I want to tie you up and pleasure you. Would that be okay?”

  “That would be insanely hot.”

  “Is there a certain position you want to try?” I ask. “Maybe something you’ve fantasized about?” I’m warming to this wonderful man, and I’m eager to make everything perfect for him.

  He looks around the room. “Maybe I could stand in front of the pillar. You could bind my hands behind it?” I walk over and inspect the architectural pillars that separate the sleeping area of his master bedroom from the sitting area.

  “I think that will be perfect,” I say. �
��What do you want me to use on your hands? I bought some bondage tape and rope.”

  “We can use those if you prefer,” he says. “But I actually bought some leather cuffs the other day.”

  “Those duty-free shops at the airport are great, aren’t they?” I tease.

  “I far prefer the anonymity of internet shopping.”

  “Then you miss all the fun! I went to the Big Bang, that sex-toy shop downtown, and had a fabulous time checking everything out.”

  “I hope you bought a few things for yourself,” he says as he walks to his heavy wooden dresser and pulls the black leather cuffs out of the drawer. I motion for them and he tosses them to me. I nod toward the pillar with my head and we both move over there.

  “I certainly did,” I say. “And I can’t wait to show you. Now, lean up against this and put your hands behind your back.”

  He leans back against the smooth plaster and extends his arms until his wrists almost meet behind the pillar. I secure the soft leather restraints and test their strength.

  “Is that comfortable?” I run my hand up his arm. His skin breaks into goose bumps at my touch and I revel in the feeling.

  “It’s fucking perfect,” he says.

  “Good. And, like we talked about, if it stops feeling perfect, you just say—”

  “Yellow to slow down and red to stop. Green if I want to keep going.”

  “Perfect.” My hands move to the tie that secures my wrap dress. “Now, I think it’s about time we get down to business.” The plain black sheath falls open easily and I shrug out of it while I kick off my heels.

  “Christ, you’re so fucking hot,” he says.

  I know it’s not a lie. When the shop girl had shown me the black lace set with strategic cutouts, I had blushed at more than the price. When I tried it on at home, I realized it was worth every penny. The black made my pale skin look exquisite and accentuated my pink nipples and labia, exposed through the peek-a-boo cutaways. I hadn’t felt sexy in a long time, hadn’t really felt anything for a long time, but now I can see myself through his eyes, feel his desire for me as I watch his chest heave and his cock dance and his eyes glaze with lust. It feels divine.

  I move closer and run my hands over his magnificent body, carefully avoiding any contact with his cloth-covered cock. I caress his broad shoulders, his muscled torso, and his meaty thighs before finally rubbing against his bulge with the back of my hand, barely letting my knuckles graze against him. I see where his precum has dampened the fabric and I feel myself grow even wetter in response. I sink to my knees and press my open mouth against him through his boxer briefs. He groans and pushes his hips toward my face.

  “Babe, take me in your mouth” he says, and it’s everything at once. A command, a plea, a growl. “Suck me off.”

  I’m dying to take him deep and suck him dry, and he would know if he could see how slick my inner thighs are. I lean in and rest my cheek against him, taking in his manly scent and his pulsing warmth. I need to taste him. I curl my fingers in the waistband of his boxer briefs and slowly peel them off. His cock springs free and I can see his balls are already tight. I look up at him, meet his searing gaze, and wrap my hand around the base of his cock. I reach out with the tip of my tongue and steal the glistening bead of juice from the tip of his length. He gasps like I’ve touched him with a hot iron and thrusts his hips, reaching for my mouth with his cock.

  “Next time I’m going to have to tie your legs,” I tease. “But let’s take advantage of the situation at hand.” I look up at him as I stroke the insides of his thighs. “Spread your legs so I can suck on your balls and play with your asshole.”

  He complies without question, and I feel a little thrill. He’s a giant beast of a man, but he has willingly given me all the power right now. It’s intoxicating. I bury my head deep between his thighs and press the flat of my tongue against the soft skin of his nut sack. I pull each of them into my mouth in turn, sucking them as he thrusts against me. I push them up against his dick so I can tend to the sensitive skin under his balls, against the root of his dick. I snake my tongue deeper, closer to that sensitive little pucker, and when I brush lightly against it he bucks like a jolt of electricity has passed through him. He’s getting too close again, so I pull back and look up at him.

  “Do you like my wet little tongue back there?”

  “Fuck yes. Please don’t stop.”

  “I don’t want to stop. I want to bury my head and taste you, but you’re too close to the edge right now. We need to slow things down a little.” I kiss his dick before I rise to my feet and go the bag I brought with me. I pull out a few other new purchases and lay them out on the bed where he can see them. His cock twitches and his muscles strain as he takes everything in.

  I take the lube I’ve had warming in a cup of hot water and pour it into the chamber of the Fleshlight. I return to him and plunge the toy down the length of him, until he’s enclosed up to his balls in the soft silicone pussy. I start with slow rhythmic strokes and he moans. It’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, being so close to his desire and feeling the tremendous strength in it and him, but still feeling safe. I can smell his sweat and his aftershave, and my pussy is so swollen it aches. I slide one hand to my wet cunt and rub my clit in lazy circles as I plunge the toy up and down his shaft. His eyes drift between my legs and he stares at the hand moving there.

  “Do you like watching me play with my pussy?”

  “You know I do. You’re so fucking hot.”

  “So are you, baby. And playing with you like this gets me so fucking wet.”

  “I need to taste you,” he says. I take the slick fingers from my pussy and raise them to his lips. He inhales deeply before sucking greedily on them. I pull them free and return them to my aching core.

  I sense he’s getting close again, and I pull the toy abruptly off his cock. His eyes roll back into his head, and his cock dances in front of me.

  “No, no, no,” he says as his hips strain to seek out the soft warmth. His eyes are heavy lidded with lust and his body is glistening with sweat. I run my fingertips over his hip and lean in to lick his nipple. I take the little nub into my mouth and nibble on it and he almost growls at me. I wonder if it’s too much. I raise my face to his and lay my lips against his.

  “What color are you, baby?” I breathe into his mouth.

  “Green. Fucking green,” he says. “I could go all night with you like this.” I reach down and take him in my hand and stroke him lazily.

  “How about ten more minutes and then I suck every last drop out of those tight nuts.” He jerks in my hand, and I tighten my grip and increase my speed. He feels like hot steel wrapped in velvet. I can tell he’s getting close, so I give him two more fantastic tugs before I release him completely and he moans with delicious frustration.

  I work him with my hands, the Fleshlight, and my mouth, driving him to the edge every time but stopping just short of the release he wants so much. I believe him when he says he could do this all night, but I want his sweet cream in my mouth. I kneel tenderly before him and wrap my hand around the base of his cock. I suck him greedily into my mouth and run my tongue all over the head. I bob up and down the shaft in a steady rhythm and he’s making noises that sound inhuman as he fucks my mouth.

  He’s close to the edge, but I don’t want to just tip him over. I want to push him over with a running start. I slide my hand from between my legs and snake it between his. My fingers are slick with my juices, and one slides easily inside him, past that tight circle of muscle, and I stroke his prostate as I suck him off.

  His orgasm is shattering. He bellows as he strains against his cuffs and he empties a load of warm cum into my mouth. The force shocks me, and I can’t swallow fast enough to keep up. It slides down his dick and my chin as he continues to thrust against me.

  “Holy Christ,” he says when he finally has emptied himself. He leans back against the pillar, and I move quickly to untie his restraints. He sinks to the carpet
and pulls me onto his lap. He cradles me in his arms and presses his mouth against mine with bruising force. I’m waiting for him to come down from the new physical and emotional feelings, ready to lie there and talk and whisper sweet nothings, but he clearly has other things in mind when he buries his hand in my pussy and massages me with his fingers.

  “Now it’s your turn,” he whispers against my lips before moving his mouth to my breast and sucking the nipple into his mouth.

  THEY BROKE THE FUCKING mold when they made her. I wasn’t expecting, and I didn’t want, an innocent schoolgirl, but Jesus Christ, the things she knows how to do. Standing there in that outfit, with her meaty little pussy peeking out and her perfect plump nipples poking through, playing with herself as she worked my cock. She could read me like a book; knew when to rev my engine and when to downshift. She gave me the most fucking intense orgasm of my life, played out the fantasy I’ve had for years, and then she sat in my lap and looked surprised when I wanted to get her off.

  Like I’d let her leave before I tasted more of that sweet pussy and worked her over like she did for me. I know edging and teasing doesn’t do it for her, so I’ll have to settle for giving her as many orgasms as humanly possible until my tongue, my fingers, or my cock give out.

  I rub her to one quick sharp orgasm with the flat of my hand while I cradle her in my lap and suck on her nipple. But it’s not enough.

  I remove the lacy bra and G-string, lay her back on the carpet, and bury my face between her thighs. Sucking her sweet juice from her fingers was hot, but nothing compares to eating straight from the honeypot. I suck her entire swollen pussy into my mouth and savor every flick of my tongue. She bucks against my face, and I clamp my hands onto her hips and ride the wave of pleasure with her.


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