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Page 6

by Sam Crescent

  “Suck a little harder. Work your tongue around me.”

  Sliding her tongue around his length, she took more of him.

  “You don’t need to choke on me, baby. Gagging doesn’t turn me on. Use your other hand to cup my balls.” With his free hand, he guided her to his balls, cupping them together. She worked his balls between her fingers, listening to him moan. “That’s it. Fuck, your mouth is perfect.”

  He was being way too nice. She knew it. This was her first time, but she’d take all the compliments she could take.

  Duke guided her on how to suck, lick, and touch his dick. She followed his instruction, loving the feel of his width inside her mouth. He became her toy as she sucked his dick. With his hand in her hair, Duke set the pace, making her go faster or slower with his grip. She liked the little bursts of pain he created when he touched her.

  Her own arousal was driving her crazy. She couldn’t bring herself any release as she worked Duke’s body with her hands. There wasn’t a spare one for her.

  “Fuck, baby, if you don’t stop you’re going to get a mouthful of my load.”

  Holly wasn’t a fool. This may be her first blowjob but she knew what went on between a man and woman. In her mind the slender club whores passed through, each one looking more tempting than the other. They would swallow or at least make sure their man was taken care of.

  For the next couple of weeks or until Duke got bored with her, he was hers. She wouldn’t have him searching elsewhere.

  Sucking harder on his cock, Holly was determined. Duke wouldn’t look anywhere else.

  “Holly, fuck, babe, you better stop.”

  She didn’t pull away, nor did she let him try to ease her off his length when he tugged on her hair. Fighting the pain, she held onto him.

  Within seconds he growled, his cock pulsed, and his cum filled her mouth. There was so much of it she didn’t have a choice but to swallow. She milked his cock as he filled her with his cum, drinking every drop he spilled.

  When it was over, she released his cock, resting her head against his thighs. They were both shaking. At least Duke had gotten his release. She was still waiting to find hers.

  Chapter Six

  Holly’s hands rested on either side of his thighs as her head rested on him. Fuck, Duke couldn’t remember a time he’d come so fucking fast from a woman blowing him. It had been Holly’s first time. Her inexperience showed, but she’d listened to every single word he said¸ making it one of the best blowjobs he’d experienced. Duke had a lot of blowjobs under his belt. He liked having his cock sucked, but none of the other blowjobs had ever come close to being that amazing. Her mouth, the feel of her sucking him, it had all worked together to be phenomenal.

  Never to be outdone, he sank to his knees, catching her hands in his and placing them above her head.

  “Hold onto the stairs,” he said, ordering.

  “Duke, what are you doing?”

  “You really think I’m going to let you suck my dick and not let you come yourself?” There’s no way he’d let her out of his house without listening to her scream his name in orgasm. Opening her thighs, he moved in closer. Her pussy was bare and slick with her arousal. Cream coated her lips, and his mouth watered. She looked so tempting, so tasty.

  He separated her lips with his fingers and leaned in close. Inhaling her musky scent, he let out a groan. Holly was shaking, and he’d barely touched her. It wouldn’t take long to have her screaming in orgasm for him.

  Sliding his tongue into her cunt, he felt her pussy ripple around him. She was so responsive and horny. He was surprised no other man had tried to snap her up. So many men let the good ones get away. Holly was a good one, better than good. She was a rare gem that men hoped to claim yet always failed. Women like Holly were always lost to men as they were too kind. They didn’t demand attention when other women came flaunting their assets for men to see.

  Duke wasn’t like most men. He’d taken his time to get to know women. Over the years he’d been with a lot of women before he met Julie, then after her. He knew the women who only wanted the title of sleeping with him. Other women wanted to be by his side for his connections, and money. Some just wanted others to know they’d fucked a badass. Holly, she kept to herself, rarely letting anyone in. She was like a rare diamond, her body hidden away in jeans that she thought hid her round, curvy ass, and long shirts to hide away her large tits.

  She spent a great deal of her life hidden away, working with her friend, only coming into the world when necessary.

  He was going to open her mind in ways she never imagined. Trojans MC had a little tradition for their women. It was a tradition he never actually did for Julie. Did Holly know her own mother had gone through it, too?

  Replacing his tongue with his fingers, Duke slid up to circle her clit. Glancing up, he saw her head thrown back in pleasure. Her whole body shook as he worked her pussy.

  Each club had a different method of claiming women. Some clubs simply made a claim, married the bitch, and she was known as an old lady. In the Trojans, they made their possession known to the whole club. For a club whore to become the whore to the club, they were fucked in a room full of men, with each of them taking turns. Only when the club was satisfied with the bitch, she’d be taken into their protection with the description that they’d fuck any member, anytime, anywhere. Not all members had to fuck a club whore but enough had to. For an old lady to become part of the club, to be shown as a possession of the club, property almost, she had to be taken by her man in front of the club. No one was allowed to touch, speak, or interfere. They witnessed her becoming one at the hands of a member. From that moment on, she was protected. The club knew she was the old lady to that member, and that meant all hands were off.

  The club respected the rules, and it had been happening for many years. When Russ asked him why he’d not taken Julie as his old lady, he’d not had an answer. Julie had been his old lady in name only, like their marriage. He couldn’t bring himself to make such a claim with others watching. It wasn’t just about the sex in front of the club.

  Taking a woman, fucking her, making love to her, bringing her to orgasm for all the men to witness, took a lot of fucking guts to do. He was opening a part of himself up to the club, showing them his love of that woman.

  When he took Holly, which he would, Russ wouldn’t be present. Sheila’s and Russ’s parents were not present for their claiming of one another. The woman, in participating, also agreed to take care of the club as well to be loyal to their man. Duke would prepare her as his old lady soon. Until then, he was going to enjoy their time together when she thought it was only the two of them who knew.

  Flicking her clit repeatedly, he relished her screams as he bought her to orgasm. Lapping up her cream, he groaned at the taste. He could lick her pussy all day every day.

  “Beautiful,” he said, pressing a kiss to her hip. Duke wiped the cum from his face.

  “Thank you.” She reached out to stroke his cheek.

  “Come on, I’ve got something cooking.” He took her hand, helping her to her feet. Duke pulled his jeans up and buttoned them up. Leaving his belt undone he led her through to his bedroom. The shirt she wore lowered down to mid-thigh. He’d have walking around naked, but he doubted she was ready to be that open with him.

  “You cooked?”

  He led her through to his kitchen, which was almost finished. The island had been finished last week, and all he needed to do was finish up the painting on the walls that hadn’t been covered in cream tile.

  “I can cook,” he said. Opening the fridge, he pulled out a bottle of fresh orange juice and handed it to her. “Here.”

  She took the juice. “This place is nice. Who have you got decorating?”

  Duke stared at her as she unscrewed the lid and glanced around. “I’m doing it.”

  “Really?” Her gaze returned to his, shock clear on her face.

  “I’m good with my hands, Holly. I’m doing all the work. I
’ve hired a plumber and electrician to do the jobs I can’t do.” He walked to the oven to check on the chicken he’d been baking.

  It was done, and he pulled it out, snagging the bread that he’d put aside for the sandwiches.

  “I know you’re good with your hands. This place is amazing. Can you show me around?”

  “It’s not all done. I don’t get to spend all that much time here.” He worked at night while Matthew was doing his homework and went to bed.

  “I’d still love a tour.” She looked down at her lap, and he wondered what she was thinking. “This is the first time I’ve been here.”

  “You came by cab?”


  “Do you want the money?” he asked.

  She frowned. “No, I don’t want any money from you. I can afford a cab.”

  Staring at her, Duke waited for her to calm down before speaking. “I figured you didn’t want people gossiping about me turning up to bring you back here. I’m happy to pay for your cab.”

  Holly licked her lips. “It’s fine. I, erm, I wanted to come here anyway.”

  Slicing the chicken, he grabbed some lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese from the fridge. He’d already cooked the bacon earlier and arranged their sandwiches. Duke liked having her gaze on him, and he took his time in completing their food.

  “Matthew in school?”

  “Yeah, kid likes you.”

  “He’s a good kid. You should be proud of him.” She glanced toward the clock, and he looked over to see it was past two. Matthew would be coming home around five after basketball practice. Duke always picked him up from school after Julie fucked up.

  “I’m very proud of him.”

  “He handling the life okay?”

  “Better than I expected.”

  She smiled. “What did you expect?”

  “Him acting out, becoming a bit of a prick ‘cause his dad is president of the MC.”

  Holly chuckled.

  “How did you handle it?”

  “I didn’t go off the deep end. Being the kid of a president isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. Matthew knows the loyalty of the club before you took over from my dad. I was told to act accordingly. My dad was president of the Trojans, but I couldn’t bring attention to the club. I was on good behavior.”

  “Bullshit, I bet Mary kept you out of trouble.” He took a swallow of his orange juice as he smiled back at her.

  “We kept each other out of trouble.” She tapped her fingers together as she smiled at him.

  He finished up their sandwiches, moving around the counter to present her with food. “I had no choice but to learn how to cook. Julie couldn’t do shit in the kitchen. Matthew would have starved if I’d not.”

  “I like to cook.”

  Duke smiled. “You can come around one night if you’d like. Put those skills to good use.”


  Holly licked her lips. “Wouldn’t that, erm, wouldn’t that give the wrong message to Matthew?”

  “No. We’re friends, Holly. You’d be here as a friend. You’ll stay the night, and I’ll make sure you’re out before he wakes up.”

  She nibbled her lip. It was already becoming complicated. One moment they were secret and now he wanted her to cook dinner.

  You want to cook dinner.

  “Okay.” Holly liked being in his company. She didn’t know what she’d say to Mary. The thought of lying to her friend twisted things deep in her gut.

  Biting into the chicken sandwich, Holly moaned as the flavor exploded on her tongue. The chicken, cheese, bacon, and salad were so tasty and worked together.

  “I take it you approve.”

  “Very.” She took another mouthful not caring if he thought her a pig. Holly was so hungry, and she’d not eaten since breakfast. She missed lunch as one of the women at the nursery had gone down sick.

  Within four bites she’d finished the whole sandwich, using the towel he offered to wipe her lips.

  “I’m so sorry,” she said, suddenly feeling like a pig.

  Duke chuckled. “It’s nice to see a woman appreciating her food. Besides, I’m fucking hot from seeing you eat that.”

  She groaned, pressing her hands to her face.

  He finished his sandwich, and she stood beside him to wash the dishes. When they were done, she leaned against the counter, watching him move. She loved the sight of him naked. It was a shame he was wearing jeans as he had a nice ass.

  “You want to see the house?”

  She nodded. Her pussy was getting slick from watching him. He offered her a hand, which she took.

  Duke took her out of the kitchen moving toward the dining room. The only furniture in the room was a sturdy oak table. “Did you make this?” she asked.

  “Yes, how did you know?”

  Running her fingers over the hard wood surface, she smiled at him. “Dad told me you did the table for church. He let me see it once when no one was inside the club.”

  “Russ let you in church?” He raised a brow at her.

  “Only for a couple of minutes. He thought it was too good to not share.” She’d been so impressed, and when she’d seen Duke without a shirt she couldn’t help but wonder how good his hands would feel on her own body. She’d been so aroused that she couldn’t look him in the eye at the time.

  The room had pale cream walls.

  “This was a rundown ranch, right?”

  “Yeah, I had to re-plaster the walls when the electrician finished the wiring. Place had been left derelict.” He leaned against one wall looking like the master of his domain.

  The walls were plain apart from a couple of ink paintings on the wall. The room looked bare apart from the table.

  “Are you, erm, going to make more furniture?” She imagined a dresser with nice porcelain along the wall underneath the painting.

  “I’ve not had the time. I wanted to finish the decorating first.” He took her hand once again leading her into the sitting room. The room was a dump. The walls showed signs of the re-plaster but no painting work. Boxes were stacked up on either side of the room with a sofa covered with a sheet. “I’m getting to this room.”

  “Would you like some help?” She could handle some decoration.


  He tilted his head to the side as he looked at her.

  “It would be a good reason for me to be here.”

  “It would. Do you really need a reason to be around me?” he asked. His fingers landed around her neck, and her heart started to race. His touch was possessive as he stroked over her pulse. He leaned in close, kissing her cheek. “You can never hide your response from me, baby.”

  She closed her eyes, gasping as he drew her back against his body. “Duke?”

  “Don’t think about it, Holly. Feel what I’m doing to you.”

  “I always feel what you’re doing. That’s the problem.” She cried out when he pinched her nipple hard through her shirt.

  “No, the problem is you thinking about everyone else when you’re with me. I forbid it.” He released her but kept hold of her hand. They made their way into the study. Books filled every bookshelf that he’d assembled. The room was half finished, and boxes were in the center of the room.

  “You like to read?”

  “Didn’t expect that?”

  She shook her head.

  “You’ve been building up the cliché in your head when it comes to me?”


  “You’re a biker’s daughter and yet you’re making me out to be something I’m not. I’ve got another surprise for you, Holly. I finished high-school the top of my class.”

  “You were a nerd?”

  “No. I just knew what I was doing.” He kissed her head, leading her out of the study. Duke showed her the large pantry filled with food. “Matthew likes a lot of different food.”

  He led the way upstairs. The stairs was only partly finished. The banister had slats missing, and there wasn’t any carpet on the stairs. The lan
ding was also bare, but the floor showed signs of being treated and kept. The floor creaked as they moved.

  The work he’d achieved was amazing. The artistry appeared in his work. The main landing was painted expertly along with all of the doors.

  “I’ve completed two rooms and two bathrooms.” He took her hand, leading her into Matthew’s room. She was shocked to see three naked women posters on the wall. Duke laughed. “My son knows his own mind.”

  “He’s a little young don’t you think?”

  “I lost my virginity at his age.” Duke sounded proud of his son. “I doubt Matthew has had that pleasure, but I know he’s getting ready for it.” He opened a door, flicking on the light switch. “Walking in on your son masturbating gave him a bathroom all of his own.”

  Holly laughed. “Yeah, I like having my own bathroom. I walked in on my mom and dad. Scarred me for life.” He laughed along with her. “What if it was your daughter?” she asked, changing the subject.


  “Her losing her virginity at fourteen, having naked pictures of men on the walls?”

  The laughter on his face disappeared. “No daughter of mine will be touched by any fucker at that age.”

  “But you were happy about it for Matthew.”

  “It’s different for men. It’ll always be different. Any man or boy who put a finger on a daughter of mine will have to dig his own grave because I’ll bury him.”

  She pressed a hand on his chest. “What are you going to do about my dad?”


  “If this gets out in the open what do you think he’s going to do?”

  Something came over Duke. She didn’t know what it was, but it had her heart pounding inside her chest.

  “Let’s get something straight, Holly. You’re over the age of consent, and you wouldn’t be a quick fuck for me.”

  She tilted her head to the side, observing him like he’d done her. “What would I be?”

  “You’d be mine. Your father would know you’d be my woman, my property, and you’d be taken care of.”

  Holly shouldn’t be turned on by him calling her his property, but she was. Licking her suddenly dry lips, she tightened her hand within his grip. “Show me the other room you’ve finished.” She knew it was going to be his room.


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