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A Valentine Challenge (Challenge Series, #1)

Page 8

by Kiru Taye

  He kissed her again tenderly, reverently like she was the most precious thing. He leaned over, tugging her dress up. She lifted herself and he pulled it over her head.

  Michael leaned back watching Kasie, unable to move his gaze away. She was exquisite dressed only in burgundy lace and silk bra and knickers. The mere sight of her was pushing him out of control. He’d promised himself their first time together he’d be gentle and take it easy. Not like the crazy passion-filled incident the other night in the car.

  Yet now he knew he was close to losing his control. Whereas the other night, she’d let him take the lead. Tonight she wasn’t being shy about showing what she wanted. The way she touched him, her soft moans, the way she moved her body showed him without a doubt what she wanted. Him. And it was driving him crazy.

  It had only been days. Yet it seemed like a lifetime since he last held her like this. Since he’d smelled her, orange blossoms fragrance mixed with her essence. He’d tasted her delightfulness, a confectionery of sweet and spice on her sumptuous skin. Since he’d felt the smooth slenderness of her beautiful body.

  He cupped her breasts through the lace, rubbing his thumbs over her taut nipples, watching them blossom before him. She let out another soft sob, pushing her body toward him. A growl rumbled in his belly.

  He took a nipple into his mouth, teasing its bud. The wetness of his tongue collided with the heat rising from her body and the friction from her bra causing the nipple to harden further.

  His hand moved down her belly, her smooth skin hot to the touch. She moved her hands to his belt buckle, fumbling with it for a moment. It came apart and her hand was undoing his zip. He held his breath. Waiting. Expecting.

  Then she was cupping his arousal, through his boxer shorts, the feel of her hand nearly driving him insane. He pulled back, taking his trousers and his boxer shorts off in one movement, his shoes already discarded.

  He looked at her. The look of adoration in her eyes nearly floored him. It filled his heart with tenderness. He wanted this woman more than he’d ever wanted anybody else. Anything else.

  He wanted her in his life permanently.

  The realisation was sobering. He needed to tell her the truth and call off the bet. He didn’t care if he lost the Cessna. This woman was more important. There was no point in waiting. She needed to know how he felt before they made love. This was it for him.

  He moved toward her and sat on the bed. "Kasie, I love you."

  Her body froze. She looked shocked for a brief moment before her face broke into a glorious smile and she leapt at him.

  "Oh you don’t know how much I wanted to hear you say it. I love you too!"

  "Really? Are you sure."

  "Of course, I am. Now stop talking and show me how much you love me."

  "There’s something else I have to tell you."

  "Hmmm..." but she wasn’t listening as she stroked his hard length with her hand, licking her lips.

  All thoughts deserted him as his rein on his control broke. Hooking his fingers into the knickers, he yanked them off. He reached into his trouser pocket and pulled out a foil of condom. She took it from him, tore it open and rolled it on.

  Bending over, he parted her thighs with his knee, his hand played with her hooded flesh and his tongue tasted. She was chocolate cake and vanilla ice cream. All things nice. Her hands held his head as his lips caressed her centre, making her come apart again and again.

  He moved up her, lifting her hips with his hands and sinking into her. She cried out, her voice high each time he rocked into her, her body’s movement meeting his, matching his.

  With his hands he removed her bra, and he took her nipple into his mouth, alternating between them. Soon he felt her shuddering around him again as she came apart. A few more strokes and he joined her, finally letting go of his past and succumbing to this woman as his future.

  Chapter Nine

  The sound of the phone ringing woke Kasie up. She opened her eyes and tried to raise her head but realised there were limbs wrapped around her. Suddenly alert, she looked at the face of the man in her bed and the events of last night came rushing back.

  Michael had stayed with her. He held her, her body spooned into his; his solid chest and legs against her back. He’d made love to her like no one ever had. They’d made love all night, Michael worshipping her body. No other man had ever given of himself so generously before seeking his own pleasure.

  Smiling to herself, her body heated up as she remembered every touch, every caress, and every kiss. Never had she given her body to any other man the way she'd given herself to Michael.

  Knowing Michael loved her had made it more special. It had given her the strength to decide to tell her family about him. If they didn’t like him it would be their loss. She wasn’t going to give him up just to make them happy.

  He might just be a driver now but he was a smart man and soon he’d be much more. He could set up his own firm. She’d finance it from her savings. She wouldn’t have to ask her father for anything. She hoped her family would accept him. It would be the best thing all round.

  The phone started ringing again. Gently, she tried to move Michael’s arms so she could get out of bed without waking him. His arm tightened around her.

  "Don’t move," his deep voice resonated within her.

  She turned. He was awake and smiling at her. He leaned in and kissed her.

  "I’ve got to answer the phone. It’s been ringing for a while," she said breathlessly against his lips when he broke the kiss.

  "I can think of other things to do this morning."

  "I know. But let me answer it quickly and we’ll get to those things without any disturbance."

  "I’ll hold you to that."

  He swiped her bottom as she shimmied out of the bed. She walked to the table and took her ringing phone out of her handbag. Surprised, she lifted her eyebrows after noting it was her sister calling. Michael had been right when he’d said Kemafor would call Kasie before the weekend ran out.

  "I’ll take it in the bathroom," she said before walking into the bathroom and shutting the door.

  Michael stared at the closed door, the image of Kasie standing naked still in his head.

  Would he ever get enough of her? He didn’t think so.

  What would it take to make her his permanently? First he needed to phone his friends and call off the stupid bet. Then tomorrow he was going to shop for the best engagement ring he could find.

  But first he had to tell Kasie about him. About whom he really was. He wasn’t a low-income chauffeur. He was an entrepreneur with a personal worth of millions of dollars.

  She’d proven herself more than worthy. Regardless of how exasperating she could be sometimes, she was still a passionate and loving woman. He loved all of her.

  He wanted her as his wife. When she’d said he’d never taken any woman to his hometown before, it was true. He’d never thought any woman worthy of the special event of meeting his mother. Yet Kasie had made it easy for him to do without much thought.

  The door to the bathroom opened and she stepped out. She wore the white towelling robe. He wondered why she’d bothered since he’d only be taking it off in a few seconds.

  When she turned to look at him, he knew something was wrong. Gone was the ecstatic woman who had been in his arms last night till early this morning. In its place was the condescending, exasperating woman who wound him up.

  "What’s your name?"

  As soon as she asked him, he knew the game was up. His stomach sank and anger laced his veins because he hadn't told her first. Who had she been speaking to on the phone?

  "That's a silly question. You know my name already – Michael Ede."

  "Yes, silly me. Of course I know your name." Her eyes flashed angrily. "I meant who are you? Because you are certainly no chauffeur."

  He got out of bed and pulled on his trousers. If they were going to have this conversation right now, he needed to be dressed. Being naked gave her
the power. He’d made a mistake but there was no reason not to be in control.

  "Kasie, sit down. Let’s talk."

  "I don’t want to sit down," she screeched. "I just want to know who the hell I spent the night with. Is that too much to ask?"

  If her eyes could shoot daggers, he’d have a few stuck in his body right now.

  He understood her anger. Two days ago it wouldn’t have mattered to him. He’d have taken it in his stride; after all he’d achieved his aim. Today things had changed. It was no longer about a bet. He didn’t care about his airplane. He cared about Kasie and this thing between them.

  "Calm down. There’s no need to raise your voice," he said as his own irritation rose. He couldn’t believe he’d left it this late. Last night he’d been so consumed with connecting with her, he’d failed to do the right thing and tell her the truth.

  "Calm down? No need to raise my voice? Really?"

  She palmed her face in exasperation.

  "There I was thinking I’d spent the night with the man I love only to wake up this morning and find out he’s not a chauffeur. In fact he owns the car hire company and several other businesses across Nigeria."

  "Yes, it’s true. I own Prestige cars and other businesses including the airline you travel with and this hotel. Who told you about me?"

  She stared at him as if it all suddenly made sense, her eyes wild. "My sister told me."

  She shook her head and turned away. "Why were you pretending to be a driver?"

  He guessed it was her sister. When he told Kasie’s sister his name yesterday, he’d been expecting her to investigate him. Yet he hadn’t thought she’d move this quickly. He’d assumed he’d have time to tell Kasie first. It was a shame she had to find out like this but he had to tell her everything.

  "On Wednesday, I was with my friends at the hotel bar when you walked in. You looked so untouchable, my friends decided to set a challenge for me. I was to get you to fall for me or lose my private plane." he grimaced as he said the words, his own guilt washing over him.

  "But I was only to do it as someone whom you’d consider beneath you. At the time I didn’t know you. Only saw you as the stuck-up ice princess. Now I know it was all a facade. I’m sorry."

  When she turned around her eyes blazed with her rage. She stepped toward him, her fingers jabbing his chest.

  "I know I’ve heard about some crazy things but this has to be the lowest, the meanest. I was there, ready for you last night, thinking this man loves me. What a fool I was."

  His heart broke. He couldn’t take her words anymore as they cut deep within his soul. He’d let her down. He wanted to make it up to her. Right now he just wanted to stop her words.

  So he kissed her, passionately, whispering "I’m sorry," with "I love you," against her lips.

  After a while she relented and kissed him back. He carried her back to bed making love to her again, seeking absolution in her arms. Spent, he dozed off glad she’d let him back in again.

  Later he was woken by a knock on the door. He stirred reaching for Kasie. She wasn’t lying next to him. He looked around the room but there was no sign of her. He assumed she was in the bathroom. He put his trousers on and went to the door.

  "Sorry, sir. I was told this room was empty. I’m here to clean," the maid at the door said when he opened it.

  "It must be a mistake." But even as he said the words he knew something was wrong. Alarmed, he raced to the bathroom, yanking the door open. No Kasie.

  He looked around the room and checked the dressing room. Her things were gone. The realisation dawned on him. After his pleading and their love-making she’d left without any warning.

  She hadn’t forgiven him.

  Chapter Ten

  A month later.

  Kasie sat at her desk in Waterman’s Lagos offices staring at the computer screen in front of her as she crunched numbers. Her fingers on the desk mouse tightened as memories flooded her mind.

  Every time she remembered her disastrous weekend with Michael she choked up with emotion. Disappointment. Disgust. Anger.

  Disappointment because she’d hoped there was more to their relationship. Foolishly. She was disgusted at herself for falling for his charm when all her alarm bells warned against getting involved with him. She’d even advised her friend Franca to stay away from him, only to fall for his lies herself.

  Anger at Michael for deceiving her and daring to think all he had to say was sorry. To kiss her and everything would be alright. To dare to think if he made love to her, it would erase the fact he’d used her for his own purposes.

  To win a bet!

  No words could describe the mortification and rage she’d felt when he’d finally confessed. Only because she’d confronted him.

  Oh yeah, he’d said he would have told her about it. How convenient. Never mind how he’d paraded himself to her for three days as a chauffeur. Albeit an arrogant, infuriating, dominating chauffeur.

  She should’ve known better. It had been obvious he didn’t like taking orders. She’d thought it was because of her attitude. Now she knew he was a man no one could control.

  She’d done her research since. Found out more about him. He was a self-made man who’d worked himself up from very humble beginnings. The total worth of his businesses was in millions of dollars. Not naira.

  And she’d been thinking of helping him set up a business.

  Ha! Her savings were a drop in the ocean compared to what he had in the bank. Well, that would teach her to be generous. All the while he’d been laughing at her.

  Sometimes she wished she could see him again just so she could slap his face. No one messed with her and got away with it. Yet it seemed Michael could and had. All she’d done was run back to Lagos and ask to be reassigned to another client. Not in Enugu.

  As soon as she’d noticed he was back asleep that morning, she’d gathered her belongings hurriedly. Luckily most of her things were already packed as she’d been returning to Lagos the same day anyway. But she’d quickly dressed without showering and slipped out of her hotel room as silently as she could. Like a thief!

  It didn’t help matters when her sister who had practically ignored her for months was now calling her regularly trying to find out her things were going between her and Michael. Of course since Kemafor approved of Michael, by default, so would her father. How ironic! Especially after she’d spent all the time worrying about Michael not being accepted by her family because of his assumed status.

  The morning she left the hotel she’d gone straight to Kemafor’s house. Her sister had already invited her over on the phone. Kemafor had found out who Michael was and was happy Kasie was dating a mover and shaker of Nigerian business. Kasie had turned up without Michael; making an excuse he had other engagements on the day. Her sister’s driver had later dropped her off at the airport to catch her flight.

  In the elapsing time, Michael hadn’t called her. Not that she would’ve taken his calls. Proof he never cared for her. It had all being a game to him.

  It didn’t matter how gently he’d held her or how passionately he’d kissed her over the weekend. It didn’t matter how blissful and safe she’d felt being in his arms. She would never feel the same way again about another man. None of it mattered. He'd used her, seduced her. To win a bet.

  A tear rolled down her cheek and she wiped it quickly with the back of her hand. She wouldn’t break down again. She was done with crying. To hell with him.

  There were muffled voices outside her door and then a knock.

  "Come in," she said without looking up, thinking it was one of her colleagues.

  "You must be Kasie Bosa." That voice!

  Her head snapped up. Michael stood in her office, looking way too tall and way too large. He looked more striking than the first time she’d seen him. In his grey-charcoal suit, he was imposing, powerful, and breath-taking.

  For a moment, words deserted her. She struggled to breath.

  She should ask him what he
was doing here. Hell, she should be kicking him out.

  But he was here. Unbelievably. Was she hallucinating? Did someone have to pinch her so she could wake up?

  He took a step toward her. His action kicked her brain into gear. She scrambled out of her chair. The last thing she wanted was for him to catch her in the chair. She wouldn’t have any escape from him.

  "What are you doing? Get out of my office."

  "No," he said quietly, seductively advancing in her direction still. "I’m not going anywhere. You will sit and listen to me."

  "No way. You have nothing to say that I want to hear."

  She ran to the door, grabbing the handle to open it but it was locked. Michael lifted his hand, the office key dangling from his slender fingers. She remembered how those fingers had stroked her intimately and her insides contracted.

  Get a grip, girl!

  If she didn't keep her wits about her, he'd be shattering her heart all over again. He had proven he was a ruthless man.

  "Oh, you’ll find there’s nowhere to run, Kasie. I’m never letting you run out on me again."

  "What are you talking about? Open this door. Otherwise I’m calling security," she said, baring her teeth at him.

  "Kasie, sit down!"

  She ignored the warning in his voice.

  "I won’t and you can’t make me. Get out of my office."

  Before she could dash out of the way, he grabbed and hauled her into his arms. As she struggled, he dumped her into the chair. She wriggled to push herself off the chair.

  "Are you going to sit still or do you want me to carry you?" His deep voice had a menacing edge to it.

  She stilled her body. She wasn’t crazy enough to push him. She knew first hand he followed through on his threats.

  "What do you want from me? Why are you here, Michael?" She kept her voice impersonal though she didn’t feel casual about his appearance into her life again.

  Having him this close, standing over her, his heat radiating toward her, reminded her of their time together. She needed to keep it together. She didn’t want him to know he still affected her.


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