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J.Rihards - An Agitated Gentleman (The Submission Series #2)

Page 5

by Unknown

  Vicki nods and the small group begins to walk toward Gavin’s room. The nurse is leading them and disappears into a room ahead. Vicki’s feet stop moving. Her heart climbs into her throat and suddenly she can’t catch her breath. She begins to pant, the air she needs unable to fill her lungs fast enough.

  Stacey stands in front of her and tips her chin so that their eyes meet. “He is alive,” she begins. “But he will need your help, and you have to be strong for him. I have seen you get through much worse.” Uri is behind Vicki, and she feels surrounded by their support. “This is just one more thing, right?” Stacey’s eyes bore into Vicki’s, and she knows she is right.

  Vicki pulls in one deep breath, holds it for a while before blowing it out softly. She gives a confirming nod. “Right.”

  “Good. Let’s go.” Stacey smiles and waits for Vicki to move first.

  Vicki can hear the machines beeping before she sees them. Finally, she peeks around the corner and there he is. Her big strong man, lying in a hospital bed. She had never seen someone so strong look so frail. She swallows and forces her feet to keep moving. She stands beside his bed and bites into her to lip to stop it from trembling.

  Both his legs are wrapped in the hard plaster that makes up the casts covering him from his knees down. She quietly thanks God that his hips were undamaged. Carefully, she slips her fingers under his. The long, lean lines of his hands are cut up and bruised. She chokes on a whimper and bends to place soft kisses to his hands. His eyes open and he sighs heavily.

  “Victoria?” She looks up and offers him the best smile she can manage. A large bandage is wrapped around most of his head. His face is uncovered, and she wonders what the injury is to his head.

  “It’s me.” She leans closer, careful not to put any weight on his body, and kisses his lips softly. He groans and she fears she has hurt him. “Oh, I’m sorry.” She pulls back, and his lips lift in a smirk.

  “That’s all I have been needing, baby girl. Kiss me again.”

  All banged up and still giving orders. Oh, how she loved this man.

  “Yes, Sir.” She kissed him again, a bit firmer this time.

  “Good girl,” he whispers as she pulls away. “Sit on the bed with me?” He asks, looking up at her through swollen eyelids. He lifts his arm and all of the wires attached to it. She scoots up on the bed and his arm lowers to rest on her hip. She tucks herself tighter to his side in order to stay on the small bed while Uri and Stacey move to stand at the end of the bed.

  “If you wanted some time off from the gym you should have just told me,” Uri teases Gavin. “You did not need to wrestle with a vehicle.”

  A struggling laugh rumples in Gavin’s chest. The sound makes Vicki so happy. She didn’t think she would be hearing it for a long time.

  “I wish you’d have mentioned that earlier,” Gavin says. His eyes close and his voice takes on the serious tone that she loves so much in other situations. “How bad is it?”

  Vicki looks at his face and suddenly realizes she doesn’t know. She didn’t ask! What kind of woman doesn’t get information on her injured lover? She looks to Uri for help.

  “Your tibia and fibula in both legs are broken. Clean breaks though, should heal nicely. You cracked the side of your head when the force threw you into the fire engine. Fourteen stitches put you back together. Probably will leave a nice scar.” Uri pauses as Gavin takes in the information. “You are looking at four to six months before you are back to your old self.”

  “Fucking A,” is all Gavin says. His fingers clench into a fist on top of Vicki’s thigh. She begins to open his fist one finger at a time, pulling gently until his open hand lies on her leg.

  “It’s just another thing,” she says softly to Gavin, placing a kiss to his jaw. “We’ll get through it together.” She turns to peek at Stacey, who smiles and nods.

  “Together,” Stacey repeats.


  Gavin spent a week in the hospital, and each day his attitude got worse. Victoria would pamper him with kisses and soothing massages, but he didn’t want to be touched or looked at. He pushed for physical therapy to begin as soon as possible, but his doctor asked him to be patient. Impossible!

  Now that he was home, he continued to get sucked into an unavoidable cyclone of anger. The medical team assigned to him had given him a wheelchair that was very easy to move around. He should be grateful for that, but he couldn’t help but wish he was on crutches, something he could ditch when no one was around to yell at him.

  Being dependent on Victoria was what made him the angriest. She and Kane moved into his home to be with him while he recovered. Having her stay on any other occasion would have been a dream come true. In this situation however, all she did was ask if he was OK. Did he need anything? What could she do to help him? Nothing! No one could make this better. No one but time, and time was seemingly not on his side.

  Another month passed by impossibly slowly, but things were beginning to smooth out. Uri was now picking him up in the mornings so that he could take part in activities at the gym. Well, not real activities. He was able to pay bills, make smoothies, and watch everyone else work their bodies to exhaustion. He was starting to feel weak. That wasn’t a feeling he was used to or one he enjoyed. Again he called his orthopedic doctor, begging for physical therapy to begin, and reluctantly the man agreed. He also approved for Gavin to begin light upper-body workouts from his wheel chair.

  Uri and guys from the fire station would come to spend an hour or so with him here and there throughout the week, passing him the dumbbells, standing behind him to spot. Making sure he could handle the weight without causing further injury. It felt so good to get a pump going. It helped some of his bitterness ooze from his pores, making it easier to tolerate Victoria’s never-ending support and concern.

  Now two more months have passed, and still he is stuck in this fucking chair! Gavin pushes the wheels to roll himself through the gym. December was turning out to be a slow time for the gym, people were out shopping instead of working out and celebrating with their friends and family. Pushing off their fitness goals for the last month of the year, telling themselves they could work harder on next year’s “resolutions” that more than likely won’t stick either. Victoria had strung garland from one side of the building to the other, her Christmas joy gagging him at every turn. The smiling faces of clients greet him, and he wants to punch every one of them. Being unable to do as he pleases is slowly wearing him down. His patience is thin now, so close to breaking.

  Victoria walks around him on eggshells. She won’t touch him for fear she will hurt him or get snapped at. Little does she know, all he wants is her touch. He moves himself to the smoothie bar and starts taking orders for protein shakes, blending them and passing them off, a fake smile plastered to his face. It hurts his cheeks, and anger swirls in his gut. Uri strolls up to the bar, sweat dripping from every pore. Must be nice to work out. Gavin rolls his eyes and turns away from his friend.

  “We need to talk, Gavin.” Uri sits on a stool and wipes a sweat rag over his face.

  “No, we don’t,” he snaps back and begins washing the blender and cups scattered around. Anything to avoid the kick in the ass he knows is coming.

  “Vicki called,” Uri says, bringing Gavin’s attention to him.

  “Why did she call you?”

  “She asked me how she could bring your spirits up.” Uri smiles and stands from the stool. “We’re all going out tonight!” he calls over his shoulder, walking away so that Gavin can’t argue.

  By the time Uri has finished his shower, most of the gym members have left. Gavin is in his office, paying bills and still irritated. Quickly Uri ushers the remaining gym members out and locks the door. He taps on the office door and peeks his head in.

  “Are you able to shower by yourself yet or do you still need a sponge bath?”

  “Just go fuck yourself,” Gavin barks with a sarcastic smirk on his face.

  “Actually, no thank yo
u,” the Russian says. “We have a date with our ladies at the bondage club an hour east. So I’ll just let one of them fuck me.” He steps into the office and plops in the opposite chair. “Are you sure you don’t want to come and watch?” He wiggles his eyebrows, and Gavin leans over his desk.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Ah, well. You have been so pissy since the accident that Vicki was talking to Stacey about how she missed your…” He waves his hand, trying to find the word. “Control. Stacey suggested we all go to the club to lighten your mood. I thought it was a great idea and agreed to drag your ass there.”

  “In this chair?” Gavin yells. “You want me to go and do what, exactly?”

  “Watch? Enjoy? Chill the fuck out maybe?” Uri suggests. “Stacey and Vicki have already left, so the more time you waste, the more time the other Doms have to look at your woman without you there to stake your claim.” Uri grins and stands up.

  “Son of a bitch.” Gavin runs his hand over his head, his hair having grown back a bit since he stopped shaving his skull after the accident. “Help me shower.”

  “That’d a boy.” Uri laughs loudly, grabbing the handles of Gavin’s chair and pushing him to the locker room.

  Uri drives Gavin’s truck to the secret club. It’s a member’s only venue, and everyone signs non-disclosure agreements when they walk in to keep its members identity as private as possible. Both Gavin and Uri have been members since it opened. Since their very good friend Michael is the owner, they even helped design some of the private rooms in the club.

  The club has no name, adding to its mystery and allure. People simply call it “The Club” or “Michael’s.” Gavin can’t remember the last time he had time to come here to relax and indulge in all his dark desires. With Victoria as his willing submissive, he’d had no need to visit.

  The bright foyer gives away no secrets to people who happen upon this place. The black marble floor stretches out to a large desk, the woman behind it wearing a tight black business suit, her pencil skirt the thing of many fantasies. She smiles at them as Uri holds the door open for Gavin to wheel his chair inside.

  “Welcome back, Masters,” she purrs and presses a button opening the door to her right. “Enjoy.”

  “We plan to,” Uri replies as they enter the darkness of the club’s center room. The only source of light in the room comes from the candles burning in the wall sconces that are scattered across the walls. Three equally spaced platforms have large spotlights above them, adding more illumination than the dancing of the flames.

  Most of the men are dressed in suits, as Uri and Gavin are. Some wear leather pants and are shirtless while their subs are in various states of nakedness. Some are completely bare save for the collars, while others wear strips of silk or leather. Smells of arousal meet Gavin’s nose, and whimpers of pleasure fill the room. Why hadn’t he thought to bring Victoria here sooner? His eyes scan the room as he adjusts to the dimness inside. Where is his little kitten?

  “There you are!” Michael greets them. He shakes each of their hands. “You two are some lucky sons of bitches.” He tips his head to the stage at the far left of the room. “Your girls are putting on quite the show.”

  “How do you mean?” Gavin turns his chair, but before he can get far Uri is helping, shoving them through the crowd until they can clearly see the stage. The sight takes both of their breaths away.

  Stacey walks slow circles around Victoria, who is bound to a St. Andrew’s Cross with her ass facing the crowd gathered to watch them play. Gavin groans when he notices how Stacey has her restrained. Long strings of pearls are wrapped around Victoria wrists, securing her to the metal loops at the top of the cross and again around her ankles. Three strands of the tiny beads hang over her hips and disappear between her plump ass cheeks. He grins when he sees the thick tangle of pearls that rest against her clit, grinding along the bundle of nerves every time she flinches away from Stacey.

  Stacey is wearing a tight black skirt that hugs her ass and a matching corset that pushes her tits up for a stunning view. She whispers something in Victoria’s ear and he sees a small shiver run down his kitten’s spine.

  “Closer, Uri. Push me closer.” Gavin looks up and can see the pride in Uri’s face as he too watches the girls.

  “Read my mind.” Uri grins at him and they move to just in front of the stage. This close, Gavin can see the thick syrup of Victoria’s arousal run in slow rivers down her inner thighs. It has been far too long since he had touched her, and now his cock throbs with months’ worth of need. He grabs his slacks and tries to adjust his erection to a more comfortable position. It’s useless, so instead he just watches the show.

  Stacey holds a thin paddle and strikes it against Victoria’s ass. The gasp from her throat causes his dick to twitch and his hand to curl in a fist. Fuck, this is too hot. Stacey taps her perfect ass a few more times until the pale surface blushes a beautiful shade of rose. Victoria’s spine arches, pushing her ass out in offering to Stacey’s paddle.

  Uri drops into a leather captain’s chair next to Gavin and grabs the attention of a waitress. He orders them both two fingers of scotch. Gavin smirks when he catches the longing look on Uri’s face.

  “Did you give the permission for public display?” Gavin asks. Uri nods and meets his gaze.

  “I had no idea it would be like this, or I wouldn’t have allowed it,” he admits. “I just thought maybe they would give each other a massage or some shit.”

  Both men look back at the women. From the sounds of the crowd around them, they aren’t the only ones affected. Doms are filling the mouths of their subs while they watch Stacey spank Victoria’s perfect ass. Stacey drops the paddle and runs her long, red fingernails down Victoria’s back. Small scratches appear, and Victoria whimpers. A sound of desperation. Gavin’s cock throbs even harder.

  “How long are we going to let this go on?” Gavin asks Uri, noticing Uri’s pants are also tented.

  “I don’t know.”

  Stacey turns to the crowd as if she has heard Uri’s voice. The spotlight above her must make the crowd difficult to see. She steps closer to the edge of the platform and looks down.

  “Master Uri?” she asks softly.

  “I am here, pet,” Uri responds, and Stacey drops to her knees on the stage.

  “Is Master Gavin with you?” she asks with her head bowed.

  “He is.”

  Stacey lifts her head and stands back up. She walks across the platform to where a small toy kit is left open. She grabs a remote and returns to the spot she had just left, back on her knees as she holds out the small controller.

  “What’s this, Pet?” Uri asks.

  “The control to the wireless bullet in the center of the knot at Vicki’s clit.” She smiles wickedly. “I thought Master Gavin would be upset if I let her come, so the choice is his.”

  “Very thoughtful, I’m proud of you.” Uri passes over the remote, and Gavin nods at Stacey. She is beaming from Uri’s praise and looks between the two of them.

  “Shall we continue? Or do you wish for me to release her?” Stacey folds her hands in her lap as she waits.

  “Continue, please.” Gavin grins. “I want to hear her scream.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Stacey stands up and moves to Victoria’s side. She smoothes her hands up Victoria’s stomach and cups her tits, molding them together, kneading the heavy, swollen flesh. A buzz sounds through the room, and Victoria yanks against her pearl anchors. Stacey watches as Vicki tries to close her thighs against the vibrating bullet touching her clit. “That’s your Master, Princess,” she purrs to Victoria. “He wants to hear you scream.” She pinches both of Victoria’s nipples at the same time and every muscle in Victoria’s body tightens. “Don’t disappoint him,” she warns. The buzzing stops and Victoria pants for air. Stacey picks up the paddle again. “I guess he wants a little more first.”

  She swings the paddle so it meets the underside of Victoria’s ass. Her skin ripples out from the
impact point. Victoria’s hands are clenched, she has climbed up on to her tiptoes, and Gavin knows she won’t hold out much longer. The bullet comes to life. By the hurried sound of the pearls clicking together its clear, he has turned it up to the highest setting.

  A scream tears through Victoria’s throat and echoes through the room. Stacey paddles her ass in quick strokes, the bite of pain seeming to add strength Victoria’s orgasm. She quivers in her pearl bonds and her head falls forward, her red hair covering those beautifully hard nipples. One last strike from the paddle and Gavin shuts the bullet off. Stacey tucks her finger under Victoria’s chin and tips her face up.

  “Thank your Master, Princess,” Stacey orders.

  “Th-thank you, Sir,” Victoria whimpers. Gavin inhales deeply and looks down at his lap. His cock has dripped enough precum to make a noticeable wet spot in his pants. He rubs his palm against his dick and tells his body to hold on just a bit more.

  “Good girl,” Gavin announces loudly. The sound of his voice causes another wave of shivers to visibly rock through Victoria. “Please release her, Stacey. I’d like to use her body now.” He declares this, not only to the crowd, but so that Victoria knows.

  Gavin realizes what an asshole he’d been, letting his injuries cause him to leave Victoria wanting for so long. How could he have become so lost in his self pity to not notice how he was letting her down as her Dom and as her friend. Never again would he let a single day pass without making her scream his name and make it known that she is completely his.

  Uri and Gavin watch as Stacey unwinds the attractive pearls from Victoria’s ankles first. Once freed, she shifts Victoria’s legs so that they are closed. Stacey’s hands massage up her calves and over her tightly toned thighs. Her fingers dip into the flesh of Victoria’s hips. Gavin can see Stacey lips moving, but he is unsure what she is saying to his little kitten.

  He swallows down more of his scotch as Stacey frees Victoria’s second wrist. Stacey holds on to her body while she regains her balance. He wants so badly to jump up on the stage, bend Victoria over, and pound into that soaked cunt until he is spent. But this fucking chair. He chugs the rest of his scotch.


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