Book Read Free

Iron Soldier

Page 20

by Katie Ford

  My heart began thumping in my chest at a million miles an hour, my body heating up from inside. But the voice in my head spoke again.

  Don’t lose it for a hot cop! it screamed. You have to convince him to let you guys go, otherwise Jenna’s a goner.

  So I smiled feebly but the man didn’t smile back, instead fixing us with a penetrating blue gaze.

  “License and insurance,” he said, straightening again.

  And this time, I saw the rest of his body. Okay, maybe only from his chest to his pelvis, but oh god, this guy was built. Even through a thick police jacket, I could tell he was in shape, what with his powerful stance and the long legs that I glimpsed from my seat. Strong arms hung loosely by his side, one hand holding a notepad.

  And it was that notepad that propelled Jenna into action because immediately she reached for her purse and began fumbling inside.

  “Here’s my license,” she babbled, handing over the plastic card to him. “It’s me, Jenna Jones, and it’s not expired. Let me look for my insurance,” she said, reaching over me to pop open the glove compartment. “I know I have it in here.”

  But as soon as the glove compartment opened, a sinking feeling set in because it was clear we were toast. Not because the drawer was stuffed full with all sorts of handbooks and receipts, but because it was completely empty. There was absolutely nothing inside, and Jenna turned wordlessly to me with panic in her eyes.

  “What do I do?” she whispered so that only I could hear. “I swear, it was here,” she said tearfully. “Or at least it was here last time I got a ticket, and that was only last week. So where could it be?” she said, fingers flexing and contracting in the empty space as if by magic, her insurance card would appear.

  But there was only gaping darkness, so I took a deep breath.

  “Let me take care of it,” I whispered. “Just stay calm.”

  I called out to the handsome police officer.

  “Um, sir? Can I talk to you a moment? My friend just needs some time to find her proof of insurance.”

  “No,” he said flatly. “Let her find it first.”

  Oh shit. This guy meant business. I took a deep breath and opened the door as Jenna shrunk backwards into her seat. But with no warning, the police officer sprang into action. Within two seconds, he’d moved from beside the driver’s door to behind the car, and to my horror, he was kneeling behind the trunk with a revolver pointed at the back of my head.

  What? How could this be happening? I was a high school girl who got straight A’s and was well on her way to her freshman year at State come fall. How could I be staring in the rearview mirror at a fierce, handsome man who had a firearm pointed at me?

  But the answer was clear.

  “Get out of the car,” he barked. “Slowly, with your hands on the back of your head.”

  Oh my god, it was really happening.

  “Um, me or the driver?” I asked in a high-pitched voice. “Or both?”

  God, my question was so inane but the glower on his face didn’t change.

  “The woman in the passenger seat. You, get out now!”

  Jenna shot me a panicked look.

  “Oh my god, he’s going to give you a ticket!” she whispered. “Try to stay on his good side.”

  The blonde’s nonsensical comment made me shake my head with frustration because clearly, we were way past the point of a ticket now. Jenna just couldn’t focus because her entire being was centered on the possibility that she might get shipped off to military school.

  Plus, what good side? This guy had basically assumed the worst of me although I’d done nothing but open my door. Why was that so horrible?

  But it wasn’t the time to talk because we heard the click of the revolver being cocked.

  “Get out,” he growled again, blue eyes fixed on us via the rearview mirror. “Now!”

  And with slow movements, I opened the door fully, pushing it so that there was a pie-shaped expanse of snow beneath my feet. My heart beat like a crazy butterfly in my chest, but I took a deep breath and slowly swung my feet outside so that I could stand up.

  “Hands on your head!” the police officer growled again. “Right now!”

  Imperceptibly, I nodded and lifted my hands to my wool cap, resting my fingers lightly on the red material. Then slowly, I levered my curvy body until I was standing up outside the car, hands on my head in surrender.

  “Turn towards me,” the police officer barked again, and slowly, I rotated to my right until I was facing his way. The man was still crouched behind the Accord with his gun pointing at me, so I tried to defuse the situation.

  “I don’t have any weapons,” came my wobbly voice. “I don’t have –”

  But I was cut off again.

  “Walk towards me,” the man said. “One step at a time and slowly.”

  I froze, my eyes blinking against the harsh glare of the cruiser’s headlamps. But I obeyed, slowly placing my right foot in front of the left. There was no sound except the crunch of my footsteps as I walked to the rear of the car.

  Finally, I was standing right next to him as he remained crouched there, a black shape in the darkness. I was afraid to look at him, instead keeping my eyes focused straight ahead and looking forwards at nothing.

  “Keep going,” he commanded, that low growl by my hip. “Keep walking forwards.”

  What? Where was I going? Was he taking me to jail? Is that why he wanted me to walk towards his cruiser? Oh god, no. But taking a deep breath, I continued to walk, slowly covering the distance between the two cars and then towards the rear of his vehicle.

  “Um, is this far enough?” I asked once I was next to the back door of the black and white. Surely, he wanted to throw me into the backseat and then haul me off to jail right?

  But instead, the man slowly stood upright, never taking his gun off me.

  “Keep going until you’re behind the cruiser,” he growled, blue eyes penetrating. “Don’t stop until I say so.”

  But I was temporarily immobilized because I hadn’t realized how huge this man was until he stood. At least six four, the guy was tall and powerful, with long, strong legs and a broad chest that seemed as wide as a tank. Powerful arms held a gun … that was pointed right at me.

  “Um, okay,” I bleated weakly. “I’m going, I’m going.”

  And slowly, I made my way until I was standing behind the black and white, alone on the deserted street.

  “Um, is everything okay?” came Jenna’s feeble voice from up ahead. “Officer, are we in trouble?”

  “Shut up,” he growled. “Sit in your seat with your eyes straight ahead. Don’t turn around until I tell you to.”

  And I could see a flash of gold as Jenna’s head snapped forwards, terrified of disobeying.

  “Okay!” she said fearfully. “Whatever you say.”

  I stood in the cold snow with my hands on my head still, heart beating in rapid thumps because what in the world was going on? Why had Jenna been ordered to stay in car and face forwards? Why had I been goose-marched all the way back here? Oh god, what was going on?

  But as the big man advanced, my heart began fluttering again, this time with excitement and not fear. Because he was sooo handsome, the harsh, carved planes of his face illuminated by red and blue flashes. And as he approached, I grew warm inside and then hot because this man was everything that high school boys aren’t. He was commanding, those blue eyes making my heart seize. He was powerful, locked and loaded with a weapon still trained on me. And he was masterful in the way he handled the situation, two teen girls under his command.

  “Um hi,” I said weakly, once he rounded the car to stand next to me. “I mean you no harm? Sir? Could you please put the gun down?”

  I fully expected him to bark at me again, but instead, that revolver slowly dropped. The officer holstered it at his side, and then fixed me with his blue gaze. It was ice cold but made me shiver hotly inside, something about him touching me within.

  “Um, what
can I do for you?” I asked feebly. “Can I put my hands down?”

  He nodded curtly.

  “I’m Officer Davies,” he growled. “And you are?”

  “Marisa Martin,” I said with a sigh of relief as my hands dropped to my sides. “I was just at a party with my friend, and she was giving me a ride home, and ….”

  But he cut me off.

  “Turn around and put your hands on the back of the cruiser,” he ordered. “I need to check you for weapons.”

  My expression was shocked.

  “But I don’t have any weapons,” was my protest. “I just have my wallet, and my ….”

  He cut me off again.

  “It’s police procedure. Do as your told. Now.”

  And something about that deep voice was so compelling that slowly, I turned and did as ordered. Bracing my feet apart like I’d seen on TV, I put my hands on the back of the car and leaned forwards. It was an oddly vulnerable position.

  “Um okay,” was my mewl. “I’m ready.”

  Slowly, Officer Davies took his gloves off, stashing them in a side pocket.

  “Alright, I’m going to pat you down, so don’t move,” he warned, that dark voice so close. “Hold still.”

  And I felt, rather than saw, the big man shift behind me. His palms settled lightly on my shoulders, almost stroking them through my jacket. Was this a massage? But no, then his hands went down my arms, checking to see if I had contraband stashed somewhere in my sleeves, before tunneling under my arms to slide down the curve of my waist and over my hips. Oh god. I’m a big girl and I was sure he could feel every love handle and every lump. Eating is a hobby of mine, and I have the poundage to show it.

  But curiously, his hands grew still on my waist as if enjoying the feel of a curvy form, before slipping over my hips to cup the rounded hills. Holy cow. Was he feeling me up a little? It didn’t seem like this was pure business. Did he do this with male suspects?

  But then the man’s hands slid over my hips and he crouched in back of me to, his hand lightly grazing over my bottom before circling my left thigh.

  “Weapons are often stashed where you least expect them,” he ground out. “I’m going to check each of your legs.”

  And with that two big hands circled my thigh. I blushed mightily because I was wearing a heavy wools skirt with thick stockings underneath that ended just above the knee. Right now, he was literally cupping my upper thigh right where my skin was most sensitive. Plus, like I mentioned, I’m not exactly a small girl and each of my thighs are what you’d call meaty. Oh god. He was probably disgusted by all this.

  But instead, those big, warm hands ran down my legs, caressing the length until they stopped at my tall boot. Then he did the same with my other leg, circling his hands around my right thigh and slowly running his hands downwards, caressing my leg.

  Tingles ran through my pussy and I leaned forwards, suddenly my knees unstable. Because I was supposed to be getting patted down, but instead this was turning into the most erotic experience of my life. I was burning up on a snowy night as my friend waited not twenty feet away, afraid to turn around and see what was going on. This was so wrong, and yet my body responded instinctively to this man, my pussy creaming hotly into my panties. Oh god, could he smell it? Hopefully not. The night was crisp and surely, Officer Davies was too busy patting me down to sense things like that.

  But that’s where I got it wrong because the officer stood behind me then, dwarfing me with that massive frame.

  “So what’s the story?” he rumbled.

  I turned slowly to face him, breathless with flushed cheeks.

  “Um, I’m sorry?” was my murmur. “What do you mean?”

  His brows quirked.

  “What’s going on with the careless driving? You guys almost hit me coming down the street. Didn’t you see my car?”

  I was still trying to recover from the intimate patdown and leaned against the back of the black and white, limbs trembling with arousal.

  “Um well, visibility isn’t good?” I offered. “It’s a snowy day and it’s dark and it’s late, and ….”

  Officer Davies cut me off.

  “There are streetlamps,” he noted, gesturing to one not twenty feet away. “I saw your car just fine.”

  “I know,” I said hurriedly, “but Jenna and I were talking and laughing about stuff. We just came from a party, you know, and we’d been having a lot of fun ….”

  But Officer Davies shook his head, that strong profile harsh under the streetlamps.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m going to give you a citation,” he said, already reaching for his notebook. “It’s the law.”

  Oh no. Suddenly, Jenna’s future flashed before my eyes and I shook my head furiously.

  “Please don’t,” was my begging mewl. “Please don’t, my friend’s going to be sent off to some women’s prison if she gets another ticket. She explained it to me,” I said pitifully. “Jenna’s not the greatest driver but she really tries, and she has a good heart. Maybe you could look the other way just this once?” I asked hopefully. “Please, sir?”

  I knew I’d messed up as soon as words were out because the officer’s expression grew shuttered, that handsome face betraying no emotion whatsoever.

  “You know I can’t do that,” he rumbled. “It’s against the law.”

  But I rushed on ahead because I’d already jumped into the deep end of the pool.

  “Please sir,” I pleaded again, my voice trembling. “I know we were wrong. I shouldn’t have been talking to Jenna as she drove, but we were having such a good time, and you don’t know her parents,” I rushed on ahead. “The Joneses are real particular, and Jenna tells me that she won’t be able to graduate on time if they ship her off to this school. Please sir.”

  The begging tone in my voice was ridiculous but I couldn’t stop at this point. After all, I was kind of the reason for all this trouble. Bobbie and I had been trying to get away from Cocker Daniels, thus forcing ourselves onto Jenna. If we hadn’t gotten a ride, then she wouldn’t be in trouble right now. So I had to do my best by the blonde.

  “Um, maybe I could do something for you?” I asked hopefully. “Is there something I could help you with?”

  The cop threw me a disbelieving look.

  “Absolutely not,” he rasped, shaking his head. “You must be kidding. It’s a crime to bribe an officer of the law.”

  “No, not a bribe!” I cried out. “It’s just that ….”

  And at that moment, I stopped. Because I’d just caught a glimpse of something that made my heart hammer hard and fast, the air in my lungs freezing. Officer Davies had turned away, and suddenly, the bulge in his pants was revealed by the spotlights up above. I’m not sure why I didn’t see it at first, but maybe it was because the dark of the night had everything in shadow, and I’d been such a combination of turned on and helpless myself. Because the bulge at his crotch was huge, and absolutely magnificent. That thick pole wrapped around his waist like a giant snake, the ridge making my mouth water. Holy cow. Officer Davies wanted me, and this was the proof.

  And as if out of a movie, my small hand slipped out in slow motion and slowly ran along that hard ridge. God, he was hot underneath the cotton fabric, and the hard length twitched under my hand.

  “Maybe I could do something for you?” was my soft whisper. “Would you like that?” I asked as my fingers moved along his length.

  I could hardly believe the words coming for my mouth. Because was this really me? I’m the straight A student with a scholarship to State come fall. I’m the girl who always does what she’s told with a healthy fear of authority. But right now, I was flaunting all the rules. I was touching a gorgeous cop’s cock right now, squeezing that hard length beneath his trousers, and oh god, but I wanted it so much. I wanted to feel this length in my mouth, between my legs, and anywhere else he wanted to put it. I wanted to offer myself to him, open and naked, letting him do whatever he wanted to my body. Somehow, this man brought
out my wildest desires and I lifted limpid brown eyes to him.

  “Can I do that for you Officer Davies?” was my soft whisper. “I’d like to.”

  He was motionless for a moment, those blue eyes boring into me and seeing straight into my soul. My heart beat furiously, sure that he was going to turn me down or even worse, laugh at my offer before throwing me into the slammer. But instead, the big man moved fast. One moment, I had a hand on his dick, and the next, he’d pushed me so that I was facing the rear of the car again, my hands braced on the trunk as he bent me over like a rag doll.

  “Shit,” he rasped, on his knees behind me in a flash. “Fuck, this is so wrong but I have to.”

  And with that, he flipped my skirt over my waist so that my bottom was exposed to the cold and pressed his face against my panties.

  “Oh!” was my gasp. “Oh oh!”

  Because surely, he could smell my aching cunt now. The juices were flowing fast and free, and with a low growl, the officer pressed his nose against my pussy again, breathing deep as if loving the scent of aroused woman.

  “Oh yeah, you want it, don’t you?” he growled into my folds, before pulling back for a moment and plucking my panties away from my pussy. I gasped again, but the big man didn’t hesitate. He pulled the pink panties to the side, strapping them over one big butt cheek, and dove right in again, lapping at my sweetest spot.

  “Oh god!” I squealed in a half-whisper. “Oh god, oh god!”

  The man pulled back for a moment to pinch my clit, causing me to scream slightly again. Shamefully, juice poured from my vag, lubing everything up.

  “Quiet,” he commanded. “Your friend’s up there still and we have to go fast, otherwise she’s gonna figure it out.”

  I gasped because in the whirlwind of desire, I’d completely forgotten about Jenna. Oh god, what must she think?

  And as if sensing that we were talking about her, the blonde’s voice came on cue.

  “Everything okay back there?” came her worried call, the voice sounding tinny and as if from far away. “Is there anything I can do? I’m still looking for my insurance.”


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