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Rogan (Men of Siege Book 1)

Page 20

by Bex Dane

  He slid on a condom and entered me, my walls stretching to accommodate him.

  "Fuck. So tight, babe."

  I whimpered as Rogan swamped my awareness.

  He flipped us so he was on his back, and my hair cascaded over his face. He did a sit up that raised us to sitting. I clutched his broad shoulders like a lifeline. He crossed his arms behind my back and impaled me on his rigid cock over and over. I clasped him tight as my orgasm engulfed me.

  He groaned and buried his face in my chest as he came, and we held each other through the deluge. He lay back with me on top of him, my ear pressed against his chest. The steadfast tha-thump of his heart helped calm my breathing.

  "I was lost. Couldn't breathe I was so far under water." His raspy voice rumbled low and rough. "Now I'm found. Feels so damn good to breathe fresh air."

  I snuggled my forehead into the crook of his neck and blinked a tear onto his shoulder. Somehow, I'd given that to him. But he'd given so much to me too.

  "I was invisible," I whispered. He drew his hand up and twined his fingers into my hair. "You saw me."

  He kissed the top of my head and tugged on my hair. "I see you." His free hand caressed down my back and paused on my ass. "You're mine."


  "No one touches you but me."


  "I'll make that clear to Cutlass when we meet with him."

  "What?" I pushed up, and his lips curved into a sated smile.

  "You want sweet revenge, I'll see to it."

  My fingertips traced the stubble on his jaw. His face had taken on a mesmeric glow from our lovemaking. His lashes seemed thicker, his cheeks a ruddy red. He'd never looked more captivating.

  "Thank you." I returned my cheek to his chest.

  He tightened his arm around my lower back. "Ask Savannah and her husband how they'd feel about relocating to Boston."


  "I saw a few properties up for sale in this neighborhood."

  "You think we could do all that? Get the kids out, get them to Savannah, and have them live here by us?"

  "We could."

  "Wow. I'd love that."

  "And we'll change their fucking names."


  I woke enfolded in Rogan's arms, his hot chest warming my shoulders, and his hard shaft nudging my back. We must have shifted positions in the night. My legs petrified, and my breath froze in my throat.

  Not my father. No need to panic. I squeezed my eyes shut. Not my father. Rogan. I love Rogan.

  He jolted awake and recoiled to the other side of the bed.

  "No. Stay." I reached behind me and tugged his leg, but he wouldn't budge.


  "Come back."

  He inched his head closer but not his body.

  "It's okay. You're Rogan. You're not him."

  He rested his hand over my hip as he settled his frame against my back again, bending his legs so we fit together in a lazy zigzag, but careful not to touch me with his erection.

  "I don't need to take you this way." His voice scraped with the roughness of sleep.

  "I want it. Keep talking so I can hear your voice."

  His breath feathered over my ear as his hand moved to cup beneath my breast. "You're safe with me. I love you. You're so strong. So brave."

  He closed the distance between us, and his hard cock aligned between my ass cheeks. I took a deep breath and wiggled to let him know he was welcome there.

  The bed tipped and his warmth tore away from my back.

  "Please stay. Keep talking. I love this. I love you."

  A condom pack ripped through my desperate pleas, and his solid form encompassed me from behind again. I raised a knee and rested it over his leg, opening myself to him. He moved one arm between my breasts, clasping my shoulder and pulling me close. His other hand guided his cock to my entrance.

  As he pushed in, he cooed in my ear. "You're my Sunshine, my mermaid, my golden sapphire."

  I gasped and blinked through unwanted tears as Rogan filled me. His fingers brushed miniscule swirls on my clit as his hard body undulated against my back. "I'm holding an angel in my arms. My angel. Like heaven being inside you."

  I bent my neck, and his lips found my ear, tickling me from head to toe. We moved together for endless moments. The love between us was as visceral as the heat and sweat on our skin. I curled forward as a decadent orgasm wracked my body. He held me close and came with three quick breaths and a stiffening of his chest against my back. He didn’t grunt or groan, most likely being considerate of what my father might have done, but he didn’t need to be so cautious. Peace and security washed over me, coating me in an armor of confidence. Love had won an epic battle against fear, and it felt damn good.

  Chapter 28

  Rogan, Lachlan, and I sat at Rogan's coffee table in his nook.

  "What's the delay, Cutlass? Why haven't you moved on the Caldwell compound?"

  "Lack of evidence. No witnesses willing to testify. Those women are fiercely loyal, and the exiled ones rarely press charges. We believe after Jeters went to prison, he created an edict that no one under eighteen could marry, making child abuse harder to prove. If Tessa testifies, it will help, but we need real dirt on him to have a solid case."

  Lachlan and Rogan stared at each other.

  "Tell me what you got." Lachlan broke the staring contest.

  "How do you know I got anything?"

  "Your woman's in danger, you're not gonna let that shit lie."

  "You serve?" Rogan asked him.

  Lachlan nodded. "Marines. Former SEAL."

  Rogan's eyebrows rose. "Huh. Really. And the bureau has you pounding the pavement in Boston, following college girls around?"

  "Not your concern."

  "Why don't you work counterterrorism for the FBI?"

  "I have obligations. I prefer to keep my feet on native soil."

  "Are you married?" I asked Lachlan.


  "Why were you lookin' into me?" Rogan asked Lachlan.

  "Made it clear to the Monroes I was investigating their business dealings."

  "Not cool moving in on Tess to get to my boss."

  "Wait a minute. Did you take me to Miss Saigon to get me talking about Rogan?"

  "Sorry, Tessa. It's my job. Came to like you though as I got to know you. That was genuine."

  I crossed my arms and scowled at him.

  "Anyway. I know you're active Delta Force," Lachlan said to Rogan.

  Rogan's eyes widened. He looked at me then back at Lachlan. "Then you'd know you shouldn't be talking about the unit in front of Tess."

  "If she's gonna stand by your side, she should know you're with the unit."

  "It's my decision to let her in on that, not yours."

  "I know about the unit, Lachlan. He told me," I said.

  Lachlan ignored me and spoke to Rogan. "As a unit operative, you must have connections I don't. What did you find on Barebones?"

  "Make you a deal," Rogan replied. "I'll give you evidence to lock your case tight, you back off looking into me and my unit."

  "Agreed," Lachlan answered.

  "You call your dogs off Dallas and Brock," Rogan pushed.

  "Not gonna happen." Lachlan shook his head. "I'll give you a bye because all's fair in wartime, but the Monroe brothers murder for blood and money. Not giving up the hunt on them."

  They stared at each other waiting to see who'd cave first.

  "Alright," Rogan said. "I found deposits of large sums of money into Barebones' accounts that correspond with the dates women leave with sponsors."

  "What do you think's going on?" Lachlan asked. "'Cuz I got my own theories."

  "You go first," Rogan said.

  "I think they're collecting money, holding the girls ransom if they want to leave. Figure if they want to leave, there must be someone they're leaving for, so they contact 'em and demand money for her safe release. You thinking the same?"


  "If we can get them on kidnapping and extortion, tax evasion and fraud, we've got a strong racketeering case on top of any rape we can prove. We could take the whole place down and put a lot of those creeps away for a long ass time," Lachlan said.

  Rogan nodded and aimed his intense gaze on Lachlan. "If you nail 'em for murder, could get them life sentences."

  I gasped. "Murder?"

  "Spill, Saxton," Lachlan said.

  "Jeb Barebones took over and claimed himself the true prophet after Yoder Burkholder died six years ago."

  "Know that. He died in a fire," Lachlan replied.

  "Our horses Traveler and Orion almost died in that fire," I said. "I rescued them just in time."

  "We'd need proof Jeb started the fire," Lachlan said.

  "Give me some time alone with the man, I'll get you a confession."

  Oh boy, I wouldn't want to be on the other side of an interrogation by Rogan.

  "We can't do that. It has to stand up," Lachlan replied.

  "Okay. We'll play clean. You get his computer, you'll find he purchased kerosene two days before the fire. They don't need kerosene on that compound. They have electricity and all their equipment is gasoline powered."


  "You'll find emails with him ordering his boys to bring Yoder to the barn that night. I can get them for you now, but you'll have to have your men work on legit recovery."

  "I'll get on it. But still all circumstantial."

  "You get your team to lean on those pussies that helped him. They'll turn fast. They got no loyalty to Jeb Barebones, only their own asses. Tess thinks Zook Guthrie will turncoat for you."

  Lachlan looked at me and I nodded.

  "You're gonna need a forensics team and some digging equipment. Could be bodies buried on the property. Who knows how many Jeb has taken out to get where he is."

  "Of course, Saxton, I know how to conduct an investigation," Lachlan answered.

  "Then get on your fucking phone and call it in."

  "We need your help," Lachlan said to me. "You'll go in wearing a wire and tell your dad you want to leave—"

  "No." Rogan's stern voice interrupted Lachlan's plan.


  "She does not go in alone. No fucking way."

  "It's okay, Rogan." My voice came out calm, but my heart rate was skyrocketing.

  "You will not face Jeb Barebones alone."

  "Come with me," I asked him.

  "We can't do that," Lachlan said, shaking his head. "He's not on this case. We'll have the entire compound cased out. Saxton will be outside watching on monitors."

  Rogan’s fists slammed on the table. "I gave you the evidence you need."

  "It's all weak without his confession."

  Rogan stood and marched out the door, slamming it behind him.

  "He's considering it. Give him a minute," I said to Lachlan.

  He returned to the table five minutes later.

  "Go ahead. Make sure she's never in danger." Rogan's voice rasped with authority no sane person would dare challenge. "If she gets so much as a scratch, it's on you."



  "Can we stop and get a sewing machine?" I asked Rogan as we drove home in his truck.

  "We could. Why?"

  "I need to make a dress. If I arrive at my father's in secular clothes, it'll anger him right off the bat. I have to return as the old me."

  Rogan pulled over and looked up a sewing supply store on his phone. We went there, and I picked out four yards of champagne pink fabric and one yard of white eyelet cotton. Rogan walked past me carrying a high-end sewing machine with a computer and embroidery features. The price said fifteen hundred dollars. He placed it on the register next to my fabric and notions.

  "I don't need an expensive machine. This might be the last dress I sew."

  "Then you're getting this machine for your last dress."

  He loaded the machine in the truck, and we drove home.


  "Where's this tunnel you were talking about?" he asked and pointed to the screen of his laptop. I stopped working on my dress and peeked over his shoulder at the aerial photo of the compound. A bike lay on the ground and a twinge of homesickness pricked my heart. Then I saw the guard standing at the front gate and bile rose in my throat.

  "It lets out here." I pointed to the door the kids all rumored to house a secret tunnel. "I'm not sure where the entrance inside the compound is."

  "How were you going to use this tunnel to escape if you didn't know how to get in?"

  "I planned to explore it from the outside. But it's dark and scary."

  "Are there any rooms in the church you've never been granted access to?"

  "There's a private men's room back here." I pointed to the screen.

  "Do me a favor. Don't tell Cutlass and his team about the tunnel."


  He raised an eyebrow at me. "Just promise me."

  "Okay." I agreed but talking about the tunnel and keeping secrets from Lachlan made me nervous.

  He stood and held my face in his palms. Their reassuring warmth coursed through my tense muscles. "We'll get through this. We'll get the kids out of there. And then we'll move on together. After we get them new names."

  Chapter 29

  I flattened the eyelet collar of my dress as I walked into the living room. I tugged on the puffy sleeves and stood before Rogan.

  "I'm a sick, sick man."


  "Wanna pull up your skirt and lick you through your little girl undies."

  "That doesn't make you sick."

  "Doesn't it make me just as bad as him?"

  "Not if I want you to do it."

  "Let's go."

  "Where? Should I change?"

  "No. That dress is perfect."

  He grabbed a duffel bag and his rifle bag and directed me down the stairs to his truck. We drove to Siege and parked in the employee parking lot.

  He nodded to Brock in the bar and headed up a back staircase I'd never seen before. He opened a door and inside the room was a bed and some chairs around a dining table. He took one of the chairs and placed it in the center of the room.

  "They have rooms up here?"



  He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of his bag.

  "What's going on here?"

  "If Cutlass and I are right, there's a pretty good chance your dad's gonna treat you like a hostage. He'll probably restrain you and verbally attack you. I need you to be prepared."

  "What do I say?"

  "You escaped from the terrorists when they were moving locations. You ran to the American Army base and the military helped you get back to the States. My team and I did not rescue you."


  "My name is Rogan Saxton. I work security at Siege. You met me through your job. I'm your boyfriend. I'm going to sponsor you out of there."

  "Oh. Okay."

  "No matter what happens, do not mention Delta Force or anything I've told you regarding my work with the unit. The FBI doesn't know how we met. None of their business and immaterial to their case."

  "I won't. I promise."

  "He'll pressure you and know how to get to you. Your father is a diabolical narcissist. Men like him will sink their own ship if you get them talking. The feds will be recording through the cam in your necklace."

  I nodded.

  "Hands behind your back."

  I did as he said, and my legs started to shake.

  He snapped the cuffs into place. "Sit in the chair."

  I sat and peered up at him. He pulled a cotton rope from his bag and approached me. His face went blank. My heart pounded like a loud gong in the silent room.

  He wrapped the rope around my shoulders, crossed it over my torso, and tied it in the back. He bound my ankles to the feet of the chair so my legs were spread under my dress.

  "I won't hurt you. You're safe. If you need to stop, say tourmaline. I
'm gonna push you. Try to stick it out till the end."

  He backed up into a corner till I couldn't see him anymore. I felt his eyes on me and counted my heavy breaths.

  When he emerged from the shadows, his whole demeanor had changed. A hardened warrior stood in front of me.

  "Where the hell have you been, Vanity? We were worried sick over you."

  I pressed my lips together, not sure how to reply.

  "How did you get out of Afghanistan? I didn't pay the ransom."

  "I escaped when they were moving. I ran to the American base, and they helped me."

  "Why'd you come here today?"

  "I wanted to see my sisters and brothers. To say goodbye." I lowered my head. Even pretending to say these words was difficult.

  "Goodbye? You cannot leave without a sponsor from the outside."

  "I have one. He'll sponsor me."

  "You fucking him?"

  My head snapped up, and I glared at Rogan. I didn't think my dad would be so vulgar, but Rogan probably knew this kind of thing better than me. He wasn't breaking character and kept his face stern and intimidating.


  Rogan spread my knees and his heat warmed me as he stood between them.

  "How did you meet him?"

  "Through work. He's my boyfriend."

  "If you're fucking him, Vanity, I'll kill Milo."

  "No. No. I'm not. I promise."

  "I don't believe you." Rogan wrapped his hand around my neck and squeezed.

  "Please. Stop." My voice came out breathy and unconvincing.

  "You're weak. Feeble children like you are an embarrassment to God. I should've killed you to keep you from this imbecile you've chosen."

  His hand tightened, and I struggled to breathe. I reached deep inside and found my joy. I wrapped it around me like a cloak of armor.

  "You know what, Dad? I am fucking him—morning and night. He makes me come so hard, I can't get enough. I suck his dick. I swallow his seed. I've tasted hell and I love it."


  "He loves me and my damned soul. If this is hell, I'm staying because it's fucking heaven."

  Rogan's eyes darkened. The air between us became charged with the voltage I always feel when I'm near him.

  "Tourmaline," he said with purpose. Was he ending the game?

  His hands gripped the sides of my head and his thumbs tilted my chin up. His scent hit me as he bent to nuzzle my ear. "You did great. You're so strong. All tied up. Under pressure. You didn't lose your composure. Made it longer than I did." He peppered small kisses along my cheek.


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