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Rogan (Men of Siege Book 1)

Page 24

by Bex Dane


  On a dusky fall morning, at the Idaho courthouse, Savannah's palm sweated in my hand. She stood on my right and Rogan was on my left. Timandra—who'd changed her name from Temperance— Jasmine, Mercedes, Phillip, and Milo flanked us on both sides as a silent courtroom waited for the verdict.

  "With regards to the count of murder in the first degree, we the jury find the defendant, Jebediah Barebones, guilty."

  Rogan squeezed my hand and a collective exhale from all of us filled the silence. Tori, who had fought hard through the whole trial, dropped her head and her beautiful red hair covered her face. She didn't want anyone to see the hard-nosed attorney cry.

  "On count one of aggravated sexual assault, guilty." The juror continued to read guilty verdicts for all his accused crimes— twelve other counts of aggravated sexual assault, human trafficking, tax evasion, WIC fraud, bigamy, racketeering, child labor law violations, everything.

  Lachlan Cutlass pumped his fist in the air. He gave me a thumbs up and a reassuring smile that said everything's going to be okay. And I believed him. This was a new beginning for me and all the women who had left the compound to start new lives on the outside. The sister wives and witnesses gathered at the courthouse clapped and cheered. My father called out, "This is religious persecution," but no one paid him any attention through our celebrations.

  At the sentencing two days later, the judge sternly handed down three consecutive life sentences with no chance of parole or early termination.

  Tori came to me and hugged me. "Good job, Tessa. It's done. They're free."

  "Yes." All the stress of testifying was worth it.

  Zook Guthrie negotiated a plea bargain for two years for his charge of sexual assault, reduced from five years because he provided critical information leading to the murder and rape convictions. My heart ached for Zook because I knew he never would've raped Lyric if my father hadn't forced him to do it. Four other seed bearers were convicted of aggravated sexual assault and given maximum sentences.



  "This cornbread is the bomb," Blaze said.

  "It's spoonbread, man," I replied.

  "Whatever. It's good."

  I shook my head and took the last bite of my Christmas dinner. When I stood and raised my glass, the chattering stopped and all eyes turned to me. "I'd like to make a toast." They picked up their glasses too and held them in front of them. "This Christmas is a first in some way for all of us. For Timandra, Phil, Heather, Mercedes, and Milo, it's their first Christmas." It felt good to call them by their new names. Milo chose to keep his. "For Savannah, the first as their mother. For some of us, it's our first Christmas married to our soulmates." I bent to press a kiss to Tess's temple. "But for all of us," I swung my glass past Falcon, Diesel, Blaze, Brock, Dallas, and Cyan, "it's the first as a family. We may not have been born into this family, but we sure as shit are one now."

  Milo covered his mouth and giggled at my cuss word. "Uh, damn." I always forgot. "And cursing is part of life, so fucking get used to it." Tess coughed next to me, but everyone laughed. "And as a family, we celebrate freedom. Freedom to live and love as we choose. I choose to love this angel right here." I looked down into Tess's shimmering eyes. "I'd like to thank my brothers for taking my back with the new business and making Z Security a huge success in its first year. And let's all thank Tess and her sisters for preparing this kickass meal."

  Everyone mumbled thank you and really good.

  Tess stood next to me. "I'd like to thank you all for supporting my charity to help Brotherhood families get settled and start new lives."

  I nodded because Tess had collected enough money to provide homes, clothes, tutoring, medical care, and a ton of other supplies for the families left behind at the compound. Soon, she'd expand from Idaho to Utah to help other women in similar situations.

  "We all know what it's like to go without," I said to the group. "Not a soul here takes the gift of this day for granted. So I raise my glass to you all. May life offer you a colorful bounty, and may you be smart enough to take it."


  Five months later

  My Harley hummed between our legs, and the Carolina wind whipped our faces on the ride to Wilmington National Cemetery. Tess's hands wandering up my chest made it a challenge to focus on the road, but it felt good having her on my bike and pressed up against my back.

  Crowds milled about the grounds on this Memorial Day weekend.

  I held her hand and walked her through the grass to section two, space forty-five. Zander Saxton's gravesite.

  "Pops, this is Tess. My wife. She found me and brought me back." She squeezed my hand. "Been twenty-two years since you gave your life. Always thought I'd join you here by now." I scanned the array of white memorial stones. "But looks like I have some living to do. This woman right here," I held up our joined hands, "gives me a new purpose. And I'm gonna fight like hell to be the man she needs."

  "You are, Rogan. All I need."

  "Doesn't seem fair. Me walking away breathing, with all my limbs still attached. But that's the way this mission played out. I gotta roll with it, like you always said, things get fucked, adjust on the fly."

  Tess placed a bouquet of red, white, and blue flowers at the base of his stone. "Say hello to my momma. Tell her I love her." She sniffed and wiped her eyes. "Tell her the kids are happy and free. Tell her I found my joy."

  I pulled her up against me. "Tell her I did too, and I'll take care of her girl. If she ever loses sight of that joy, I'll help her find it again."

  She smiled through her tears. "You think my mom and your dad could be up in heaven knocking boots?"

  I laughed and lifted her up for a kiss. "Could be."

  I set her on the ground and tugged her hand to the south corner of the lot.

  Tess placed a bouquet of violet roses on Eden Langbow Saxton's gravesite where she was buried next to her brother Nathan Langbow.

  "Hello, Eden." Tess blinked back tears.

  My throat clogged and I couldn't move. Staring at that stone hit me different this time. It always obliterated me, but now the hollowness at the bottom of the grief had a solid bottom. The endless chasm I'd always dropped into was finite.

  "I figured if I came here often enough, the pain would lessen," I said to her. "It never did."

  Tess wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed.

  "Not till today."

  "Thank you for taking me here. And for sharing Eden with me."

  I tucked my wife into my chest and held her tight.

  Thank you, Eden. For letting me go so I could love her.


  Bang-bang-bang! The headboard of our four-poster bed banged against the wall. Her wedding ring glinted in the lights I'd installed in the ceiling for exactly this reason. Tess struggled like a trapped doe in her bonds, and I wanted to see it bright and clear.

  "Take it. Stop wigglin'."

  She was on her knees facing the headboard, hands tied wide to each bedpost. I liked her that way. Tits totally free for me to play with. I was on my back between her legs, pinching her nipples hard and tugging.

  She stilled and looked down at me.

  "Good." I spread her knees till her sweet cunt smashed to my lips. The second my tongue hit her slit, the board started banging, and she squirmed like crazy again.

  That's okay. I liked her wiggling on my face. I plunged my tongue deep inside her, enjoying the tease, knowing she wouldn't come like this.

  "Ahh! Please, Rogan. Lick it where I need it."

  "Nah." I kept at her entrance and moved one hand to her ass, sweeping in the crack and brushing her hole. "This is too much fun." My other hand pinched harder and lifted her tit up.

  She threw her head back and moaned.

  "I'm gonna leave you tied like this all day so I can take lazy sips from you whenever I want."

  She growled. "No. Want your cock. Please."

  "In due time. Tilt."

  She t
ilted her hips, giving me optimum access to her clit.

  I worked her where she wanted it. She screamed and pulsed against my lips as she came hard. My girl always came hard for me.

  "Now you get my cock." I slid out from under her and pulled up on my knees behind her. "You ready?" I probed her slit with the tip.

  "God, yes. Fuck!"

  "Oh, she's cussing now and takin' the lord's name in vain. That means she's ready."


  I entered her in one swift thrust. "I'm in you. On you. All the time."


  I pumped into her slowly and looked down to watch my cock disappear inside her. "My Sunshine, my mermaid."

  "Faster. Deeper."

  I reached down her front to feel my cock sliding between my fingers in and out of her sweet pussy. "I'm taking my time. Enjoying the beauty in front of me." My palm smashed her clit. "You should feel our connection. Oh wait, you can't. Your hands are tied."

  "Gah! Please, more."

  "As you wish, my love." With one hand on her hip, the other grasping her cunt, I drove in to the hilt. I pummeled her over and over, each stroke a taste of heaven.

  "You need to find it, babe, because I'm there." I ran my finger up and down her clit and drilled in on my target.

  "Ahh!" She clenched and came all over my cock.

  "Beautiful." I slammed in a few more times, trying to make it last, but it was too good. It overtook me and I let it all go inside her.

  I curled around her back, and her head fell back onto my shoulder. I kissed her sweaty neck, smoothing the hair from her face. "Sublime fucking you. Better every time. Never get enough."

  I untied her bindings, and she collapsed on her stomach. Keeping my dick buried in her, I rolled us to our sides, her back to my front. No more fear. We could sleep with her curled in front of me every night, and my wife would feel safe. I brushed my lips over the tattoo she'd made out of her scars, a fence with a dancer leaping over it.

  "Brock gave me something tonight."

  My arm clinched around her waist. "Woman, do not say another man's name when I'm still hard inside you."

  She pulled away and my dick slipped out as she grabbed an envelope from the drawer of the nightstand and held it up.

  "Oh shit."

  She peeled open the flap. "A letter you gave him the night before you left. You must have written this after our dance at Siege. I dunno, maybe you wrote it before."

  "Fuckin' hell." I scraped my hands through my hair.

  She read my own words to me.

  "If you're reading this, I'm already with my dad.

  My father gave his life for our freedom, and I've always been prepared to do the same.

  But if I don't come back, you need to know one thing,

  I loved you.

  I was too fucked in the head to show it to you like I should've, but I loved you.

  And if I die out there, I'll die with one regret; I never made love to you.

  Now, if I do make it back, I promise you I'll be fucking you long and hard every sunset and sunrise of each day we spend together, so I'm praying like hell right now you'll never read this letter.

  Anyway, I hope you find joy because you're an exceptional woman. Strong, smart, beautiful, brave. You deserve it. You brought a shit ton of joy to my life in the short time I knew you. The man who gets to call you his will be the luckiest man alive.

  I wish it could've been me, but I was stupid and got blown up.

  Live your life free and in full color. Maybe spend a minute thinking of me on Memorial Day, but on other days, focus on the beauty in front of you."

  She put the letter down and twisted to kiss me over her shoulder. "Thank fuck you made it back."

  I chuckled. "I'm making good on my promise too. Sunrise and sunset."

  "You are. And I'm lovin' the beauty in front of me." She trailed her fingers over the T on my left bicep. "And behind me."

  "Love you, Sunshine."

  "Love you too, babe."

  "That fucker," I said.

  "Who? Brock?"

  "He gave me his word he wouldn't give the letter to you."

  "He lied."

  She rested her head on the pillow and gasped as I pushed my hard-again cock inside her.

  "It's all still true. I loved you then. Love you more now. Gonna keep loving you sunrise and sunset till the day I die."

  "I'm pretty sure you'll find me in heaven and knock boots with me there too."

  "Damn straight."



  To the warriors of the U.S. Armed Forces and the spouses who stand beside them, you are my real-life heroes. If this book captures even a small percent of your bravery then I have succeeded.

  To the survivors of polygamy, thank you for opening my eyes and for inspiring Tessa to fight for her joy.

  More Men of Siege

  Want to know about Rogan's thoughts the night he took Tessa to Diesel's wedding? Download this free book to get all the juicy details.

  Tessa (A Men of Siege Short Story)

  Violet is the prequel novella to Rogan.

  Buy Violet (A Men of Siege Novella)

  Zook's book is next in the Men of Siege series.

  (Expected publication Spring 2018)

  Buy Zook (Men of Siege Book Two)

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  If you enjoyed this book, please take a moment to let the author know by leaving reviews on Goodreads and Amazon.


  "A.K.A" by Jennifer Lopez

  "Better Man" by Pearl Jam

  "The Wedding Ceremony (Dju Vui Vai)" by Lea Salonga (from Miss Saigon)

  "Goodbye" by Chris Young

  "Mercy" by Shawn Mendes

  "Mama's Song" by Carrie Underwood

  "Hey Pretty Girl" by Kip Moore

  "I Don't Dance" by Lee Brice

  "If You’re Reading This" by Tim McGraw

  "In Case You Didn't Know" by Brett Young

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  "Slow Hands" by Niall Horan

  "Then" by Brad Paisley

  "Vanity" by Christina Aguilera

  About the Author

  My name is Bex and I write strong alpha-males and kickass heroines.

  My influences are Kristen Ashley, Lexi Blake, and Susan Stoker.




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