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Addicted to His Touch

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  She didn’t want nice though. She wanted smoking hot, dirty, dreamy, all of it wrapped into one. The porn she used to watch didn’t help matters. As she was walking around his home, she was thinking of all the sexy stuff they could get down to doing. He’d been her crush, one that she’d thought she was over. Totally not, and being close to him was going to drive her crazy.

  Before Sophia had arrived, Freya had struggled to focus on anything. Every now and again, she’d even caught herself staring at him as he’d been with a client. It was embarrassing. She really needed to get her shit together.

  “You’re going to have to teach me how to cook,” Freya said.

  Sophia burst out laughing. “You’re a danger to yourself and to everyone around you. I can’t do that.”


  Her friend smiled. “You don’t have to cook to impress him. I’ve seen the way he looks at you, and he’s impressed already.”

  “I want to be able to do something nice for him. Please, Sophia, this time I will pay attention to everything that you say.” She pressed her hands together, begging her. “I’ll do anything you want. I’ll be your partner in crime. Anything! Anything.”

  Sophia was once again laughing. “You don’t need to do anything. I’ll teach you. It’ll be fun to see how much you’ve learned since the last time you asked.”

  “I’ve not improved. Since you married Alfie, I’m very good at ordering food to last me a couple of days.”

  Her friend shook her head. “That’s not good at all.”

  “I know. I know.” She didn’t know why, but she really wanted to do something special for Jared, and men love food, and all that. She could do this. It would be a piece of cake.

  Chapter Four

  For the next week, Freya lived with Jared not knowing what to expect. They ate together, watched some movies, he took her out to restaurants, and they had fun. At work, he was professional. Neither of them mentioned that they were living together, nor did they cross that boundary to lovers, which was fine. Freya liked not having the pressure of dealing with that, even though in the back of her mind she wanted to.

  She wanted to sleep with him so badly. It wasn’t just about the sex though.

  All of her dreams, thoughts, and fantasies had a prime suspect, Jared. He featured in every single one of them.

  He was there all day, then at night, in between lunch and dinner. Everywhere she turned her thoughts were devoted to him. When Sophia came to teach her some cooking, the kitchen became another matter entirely. She had this thought of Jared, using food as sexual torture and pleasure. Dipping strawberries in chocolate, and running them across her body, over her nipples before sucking them off.

  All of her thoughts were on sex.

  That was it.

  Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex. Sex.

  She’d never thought about it all that often before, and it was driving her crazy.

  One the second Saturday that she was at his place, he’d already gone into the office, leaving her alone.

  With the house being empty, she put on a bikini and headed toward his private pool, which was past the main garden, and down a secluded section of his home.

  It was hot, and even though to many her size eighteen body shouldn’t be in a bikini, she had found this awesome website that catered to the fuller woman, and the bikini she wore rocked. It did show her cellulite legs, but she was alone, and didn’t care.

  Lying down on one of the long, spread-out chairs, she placed her laptop on her knees and began doing some internet surfing.

  She looked at some fashion websites for the plus size woman.

  Freya still hadn’t used that credit card that Jared had given her.

  Her own little sugar daddy. Just thinking about it made her hot. He was a sexy man, confident, mature, and he would be so damn hot in bed. She just knew it. There was no way that Jared would not be good. He was a master of all skills that she had seen him do.

  He could even cook.

  Now that her thoughts were once again on Jared, any innocent surfing stopped, and she found herself watching some very sexy, very pornographic videos featuring older men.

  Some of them were really gross. The guys looked a little pervert-ish, if that was even a word.

  There were a few that caught her eye. It wasn’t that they were noticeable on being with an older man. It was because they were just sexy. She loved the way one of the clips showed a man holding his woman as he ravished her. The chemistry seemed real, and not an act for the camera.

  He didn’t rush through the kissing or the foreplay. Every single second was for the woman in the camera.

  Her body was scantily clad, but Freya saw she was aroused. Freya’s own pussy was slick, and her nipples tight.

  She released a little moan and a gasp as the guy on the camera, slid his hand into the woman’s pants, and when he came up his fingers were wet.

  There was no sound on the laptop as she couldn’t watch outside in case someone was close.

  “I’d never thought you’d be the kind of girl who watches porn until I discovered the truth,” Jared said, making her jump.

  She stood up, and turned to find him quite close behind her. She’d been so engrossed in the movie she hadn’t even heard him approach.

  “Jared, you’re home.”

  “I am.”

  The suit looked so good on him as it hung down his body. She put the laptop she’d been watching down on the chair.

  “I think it’s a little hot, don’t you? I’m going to go for a swim.” She turned about to head for the steps, when suddenly Jared caught her wrist, stopping her progress.

  His touch was like fire, a brand on her skin, turning her on even more.

  She wanted him more than anything else.

  Glancing down at his hand, she felt him move up behind her, his front touching her back. Did she feel his rock-hard cock pressing against her ass? It felt so good, so amazing.

  His other hand was on her stomach, holding her steady. His lips grazed her neck, and her eyes fell closed.

  In that moment, Jared had all the power. There was nothing she wouldn’t do for him, for his touch. Her need was that strong, and so great.

  “Do you have any idea what you do to me? What I want to do to you when I see you watching stuff like that? Did it make you hot, Freya?”

  She could have a sassy comeback, or say something she didn’t mean at all. Instead, she went with the truth. “Yes, it did.”

  “Do you want me to do something like that to you? Do you want me to touch your body? To make you come? He didn’t stop. I bet he pushed her down on that bed, made her come, and then fucked her raw.”

  “Oh, God,” she said.

  “No, she wasn’t screaming for him. She was screaming for the guy that she wanted between her thighs. The guy that made her wet. Tell me, Freya, what makes you wet? Do I make you wet?”

  She was a sucker right now. “Yes.”

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked. The hand on her stomach glided down, his fingers teasing the top of her bikini bottoms.

  “No. I don’t.”

  Crap. What was she doing?

  She didn’t care.

  It was Jared. The man of her dreams, and she wanted him more than anything.


  Jared had completed his work as fast as he could so that he’d get home to Freya. He’d not wanted her working today as she’d been putting in more hours than she needed to, and last night she’d looked exhausted.

  What he’d not expected was to find her watching porn when he came home. The bikini she wore was tempting as fucking sin, enhancing her curves, especially her tits and ass. She was fucking perfection, and he wanted her so badly.

  Every night he had to take care of his dick as he didn’t want her to think all he wanted was a fuck.

  He wanted sex, hot, dirty sex, but he wanted her more.

  Being with her made him feel so fucking amazing. It was hard for him to describe. She made him laug
h, and just feel like himself. He wasn’t a billionaire boss. He was just a man to her. She didn’t even treat him like her boss in the office. He was more of a friend, and he liked that.

  Freya didn’t cower. She stood up, and she fought. He loved that about her. She had a bad mouth on her, an attitude that went with it, and he relished it.

  No woman had ever made him work so hard to prove himself. She was a challenge that he couldn’t wait to win, and he would.

  “Tell me what you want, Freya.”

  She whimpered.

  “I’m not going to go any further unless you tell me.” He nibbled on her neck, giving her a little bite over her pulse. “What do you want me to do?”

  He kept his hand poised above her bikini bottoms, waiting.

  “I want you to touch me, Jared.”

  Before he could ask another question, he placed his hand right over her pussy. She released a gasp, and turned her head slightly to look at him. Her lips were plump, and her cheeks flushed.

  He cupped her pussy, and then moved so that he pushed his hand inside her bikini bottoms, touching her pussy.

  She didn’t have any hair down there, and the lips of her sex were wet. She was a fucking dream, and she belonged to him.

  “You really did enjoy watching that porn, didn’t you?”


  “Who were you thinking about?”

  “You know who.”

  “I want to hear you say it.”

  “I was thinking about you. That’s all I can think about. All I want is you.”

  He slid his fingers between her slit, relishing her gasp, and then her cry as he teased her swollen clit. He used two fingers to tease her.

  “Put your hands around my neck,” he said. She reached behind him, locking her fingers together around the back of his neck.

  He wished they had mirrors so that he could watch her. In that instant, he’d love to see her face, to know what she was thinking as he teased her body.

  “Does that feel good, baby?”

  “Yes, please, Jared.”

  “Who do you belong to?” he asked, sucking on her neck.

  “You. I belong to you. All of me belongs to you.”

  Even though she still had her insecurity about him, Jared knew he could change her mind. That with time, her doubts would cease to exist.

  He’d show her that he was a one-woman man, that there was no chance of anyone loving her the way he did.

  “You feel so fucking good, baby. You’re so wet. After I make you come, I want you to take this bikini off and to show me how damn sexy you are.”

  “Then what?” she asked with a moan to her voice.

  “We’re going to go for a swim.”

  “It feels so good.”

  “I know, baby, and I’m going to make it feel even more so.”

  He stroked her clit, sucking on her neck as she wriggled against his fingers. His cock threatened to explode. He wasn’t some randy little boy. He was a man in complete control, and this was all about her. No one else.

  She came on his fingers, screaming his name as she did. He held her tightly, letting her ride that wave. He would always catch her, always hold onto her, and always love her.

  When she was finished, he pulled his hands away, and only when he was sure she could stand alone, did he step back.

  He didn’t wait for her to take the lead. Removing his jacket, he threw it onto the ground, followed by his shirt. She turned toward him, and for several seconds, she just watched.

  Only when his shirt was off, did she release her bikini top. Her glorious tits sprang out, and he wanted to touch them.

  Time and patience seemed to be his mantra when it came to Freya. He needed to keep her on her toes, to keep her wanting, and desperate, which was why he wasn’t going to fuck her on the ground even though his cock wanted to.

  Before she finished wriggling out of her bikini bottoms, he was naked, and jumping into the pool. He needed to cool off, as otherwise he was going to go for her.

  She jumped in after him, and he watched as she pushed her hands over her hair, wiping some of the water from her eyes.

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “I can wait.” He moved toward her. “You’re not ready for what I want.” He circled her in the water, and in that moment, he felt like a shark, taunting her. “You couldn’t handle it.”

  He saw the fight within her, and smiled.

  One day soon, Freya was going to be all his, and he was going to relish every single second of it.

  Chapter Five

  After three weeks of being around each other, Freya was at her last nerve. She didn’t know how much longer she could take his constant, never-ending teasing. What made it worse was the fact he didn’t even need to try. Everything he did came naturally, and she was finding that even harder to deal with.

  Sitting in her office, she glanced toward his, to see him in a meeting with a man from one of the companies he owned. Jared was a wealthy man, and she’d seen him in action many times.

  She thought back to the feel of his hands on her body, and how he’d teased her. After she’d come all over his fingers, she’d wanted him so badly. Instead, he’d dived into the pool, and she had followed in after him without a second thought.

  Tapping her foot onto the floor, she wondered what his game was. She loved being with him. They were friends, and got along well.

  “Hey, is this a bad time?” Lucy asked.

  She turned to see the mail lady standing by her door. “No, no, come in,” she said.

  From the first day with Jared’s company she had made friends with Lucy. They shared coffee every single day, apart from the weekends. Most of the staff were off then.

  Lucy closed her door, and paused at one of the sketches Freya had been working on. “Wow, that’s great.”

  “It’s for a special white toothpaste. I think the large teeth overdo it. I don’t know. Maybe I should do a contrast picture. Before the toothpaste, he had people lying around him dead, and afterward, they’re all cuddling up to him. I’m not sure yet.”

  Some of the advertising art that she was responsible for left her cold. She loved real life, drawing people, and also just using what was in her mind.

  When she thought of her father, the images were always black and smeared together. He’d called her the other day. She’d have enjoyed a conversation with him, if she’d not heard the woman on the other end, laughing and giggling. Her father would never change.

  Once again, she found herself glancing over at Jared.

  “You still have a thing for him?”

  Lucy had caught her drooling over Jared a lot even before she’d moved in with him.

  “It’s never stopped.” Freya turned away from him, and focused all of her attention on Lucy. “How have you been?”

  “Last night’s date was a complete bust.”

  “How come?”

  “He told me that next time, make a point on my profile of saying I had no tits whatsoever.” Lucy slumped down in a chair. “No man wants a woman with no tits.” Lucy’s bottom lip stuck out.

  “Then that guy is a total asshole.”

  “Says the girl with a double D bust.”

  Freya rolled her eyes.

  “Let’s face it, Freya. I’m stick thin. I don’t have any hips or ass. I’m plain.”

  “That’s not going to do in my company. Do you know how beautiful you are? You’ve got the right pair of breasts for your body, and you’re beautiful.” Freya moved from behind her desk, and perched in front of it. She took Lucy’s hands, holding them tightly. “I believe that there is a special someone out there for us all.”

  “I thought you hated all men,” Lucy said.

  Freya sighed. “You know about my mom. I know I’ve got more hang-ups than I even care to imagine. Don’t let this guy, or any other guy or even woman, tell you that you’re nothing. You’re beautiful, inside and out.”

  The tears in Lucy’s eyes disappeared. Frey
a pulled her in for a hug.

  “You should be a personal speaker, you know.”

  Freya laughed. “Please, this is me being nice. If I was in a really bad mood, I’d tell you to knee the guy in the balls.”

  “He told me that because I wasn’t all that great to look at, I needed to buy dinner.”

  “Tell me you spilled the entire contents of your wine over him?” Lucy shook her head. “Made a scene?” Another head shake. “You paid, didn’t you?” This time she nodded her head. “Lucy!”

  “I wasn’t going to argue with him.”

  “Ugh! I hate this guy already.” Freya folded her arms, and glared.

  “Don’t worry about it.”

  “How much were you out of pocket?”

  “About fifty dollars, but it’s no big deal.”

  Freya went to her purse, and held out the money.

  “I’m not taking your money.”

  “I was the one that said try dating online. I can’t believe you paid for some insulting loser. Take my money, or I’m going to lose it.”

  Lucy rolled her eyes, and took the money.

  “Consider it drinks on Friday.”

  This time her friend did laugh. “I should have known you had another reason for this.”

  “Always. I’m going to make sure Sophia comes. Is that okay? We’re going to dance, have lots of fun, drink. I’m in the mood to get drunk.”

  If she could let loose, maybe she’d have a chance of getting over these feelings for Jared. She was willing to try anything about now.

  “Yes. Maybe a girls’ night is what I need.”

  Freya pulled her in for another hug. “Do not let anything that loser said bother you. Okay?”

  “I won’t. You’re a good friend, Freya. I better get back to work before boss man fires me.”

  “He won’t fire you.” She’d find some way to keep Lucy as she was a good friend. With Freya being a newbie here, Lucy had been the only person who went out of her way to say hello. She was a nice woman, a beautiful soul, and Freya adored her.


  Jared walked into the kitchen, and smiled as he watched Freya put an entire tortilla chip filled with cheese sauce into her mouth. She closed her eyes and gave out a moan. He wondered if she’d make that sound if he was to stick his cock inside, and get her to suck him real nice and deep.


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