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A Bestiary of Unnatural Women

Page 7

by Ashley Zacharias

  “Great. Now, this thing that looks like reins is attached to the stirrup. The stirrup is the heaviest part, so when you pull on the reins, it’ll pull the weight of the stirrup over a bar underneath the wedge. Then it’ll drop down and be held up out of sight and out of reach. You can drop the reigns where they are or toss them over the front. Either way doesn’t matter because pulling on them won’t do anything else after the stirrup has been pulled over the bar. Now you just slip your hands into those handcuffs that’re attached to your belt and ratchet them closed and you’ll be as secure as can be. You can cuff yourself in front or in back – it doesn’t matter – you won’t be able to move your hands anywhere useful. You’re held in place right on top of the wedge. You have no place to put your feet; you just have to let them dangle. I imagine that hurts a lot. You just give me the word and I’ll push the stirrup back down and unlock those cuffs.”

  “No,” she said emphatically. “Torture has to have a purpose. You have to make me do something. Don’t let me off this thing until I’ve promised to do something that I don’t want to do. You have to make it something that I really don’t want to do. Then I’ll try to hold out for as long as I possibly can before I break down. Go ahead. See if you can make me agree to something that I don’t want to do. Give me an incentive. Tell me that if I can hold out for long enough then maybe you’ll let me go without making me do it. But that only happens if I suffer for a long, long time. Longer than I can endure. Two hours. Tell me that I can stop the torture any time if I agree to do something awful, otherwise, I’m just going to have to sit here and suffer for two hours. If you do it that way then you can turn a deaf ear to my crying and pleading for mercy. You’ll know that I can stop the torture any time I want just by giving in.”

  “Okay. So you mean like I have to make you agree to wash the dishes every night for a month.”

  “No, silly. I wash them every night anyway. This thing is already hurting so much that I’d agree to that right now. It has to be something that I really, really don’t want to do. You may as well make it something that you really want.” Her eyes were gleaming. “Make me give you a blowjob.”

  “You already give me blowjobs.”

  “I never give you a real blowjob. I just kiss your dick a little bit before I make love to you the regular way. And I don’t do that very often and don’t even try to do it very well. Make me agree to give you a full-blown blowjob. Down on my knees and swallowing and everything, just like a whore would do. And you don’t have to do a thing to get me off in return. I have to give you blowjob and I don’t get to cum.”

  “Okay. I’ll let you get off when you agree to give me a blowjob. Just think about what it’ll be like, slurping away for all you’re worth. Me, standing over you, loving every minute, trying to make it last.”

  Cindy was quiet for the next few minutes, thinking about it, partly not wanting to do it, mostly wanting to see how long she could stand the pain. As the minutes, ticked by, she began to moan, quietly at first, then more loudly.

  Trevor knew that she was suffering and said, softly, “Come on, dear. You have to end this sooner or later. You’ve stood it longer than I would have expected. Do it for me. Now that you’ve got me all excited about it, I really want a proper blowjob. Please give me what I want. If you want to be tortured again some time, then we can do this again. If you don’t give up and end it soon, then I’m going to be reluctant to do this to you again.”

  She moaned and jerked feebly at her handcuffs.

  “Come on,” he cajoled. “I really want to get that blowjob now. Let me get you down from there and you can give it to me, just like you promised. Will you do that for me?”

  He was hard as a rock. He wasn’t kidding when he said that he really wanted to get her off the horse so that she could suck him off as soon as possible.

  She looked at him with watery eyes, then dropped her gaze down to the prominent bulge in his pants and nodded. “Okay. Get me off this thing and I’ll service you just like you want.”

  The handcuff key was hanging on a cup hook that had been screwed into the end where the tail would be if it were a real horse. He reached underneath and pulled the stirrup into position, helping her put her foot into it. As soon as she could, she pushed down to take her weight off her crotch and gasped in relief. “God, it feels so good to get off that edge. You wouldn’t believe it.”

  “I’d believe it,” he said, unlocking the cuffs, then helping her unbuckle the straps from her legs.

  As soon as she was standing on the floor, he said, “Keep going down. You’ve got a promise to keep.” He put his hands on her shoulders and pressed toward the floor.

  She fell to her knees and began unfastening his belt.

  She put her entire effort into giving her man an enthusiastic blowjob. He lasted less than a minute before dumping his load into her mouth.

  She swallowed every drop without complaint and licked him clean as a whistle.

  No more was said about the horse for the next two weeks. It sat silently in the middle of the room, its malignant presence studiously ignored by both Cindy and Trevor. But it was obvious that she had been thinking about it a lot because, one evening after supper, she took Trevor by the hand and said, “I’m going to make a promise to you.”

  “Oh?” he said, suddenly nervous about what she was going to say, her tone was so serious.

  “Yes. This is really important to me, so I want you to pay close attention, ok?”


  “I promise that I will mount the horse any time you tell me to.”

  “Ok-ay,” he said, drawling the word, conveying his uncertainty about what she had said.

  “That’s all. Any time you tell me to get on the horse, I will. That’s a promise.”

  “Okay,” he replied with only a slight increase in certainty, wondering what the catch was. She obviously wanted something; she had been thinking about this promise and making it was not a trivial thing for her. There had to be some hidden clause here.

  “I mean it. I’m putting myself entirely in your hands. I’m giving you permission to torture me whenever you want for however long you want. That means that you can make me do whatever you want at any time. If you want me to do something and you think I might be reluctant, you can put me on the horse and leave me there until my reluctance disappears. If you want to know my secrets, just put me up there until I’m willing to talk. If I’ve done something that you don’t like, put me up there for long enough to be sure that I have been properly punished and won’t dare do it again. Any time you give the word, I’ll keep my word and climb up there and lock my hands away and I won’t be able to get down again until you decide to release me. I’m putting myself entirely at your mercy.”

  “Okay,” he replied, feeling relieved. If it were entirely in his hands then it wasn’t a problem He never intended to make her get on the horse again.

  “Don’t take that tone of voice with me,” she snapped. “I mean it. I’ve made my promise. I’ve given you power over me and I expect you to use it.

  “Okay,” he replied, trying to sound authoritative.

  “Okay,” she replied and picked up a book on the psychology of interrogation.

  Half an hour later, he asked, “Why?”

  She looked up from the book that she was reading, “Why what?”

  “Why do you want to give me power over you?”

  “Because I want to understand torture – really understand it at the gut level. It’s not about feeling pain. I feel pain when I go to the dentist. I feel pain when I work out. Pain is a necessary part of torture but it’s not sufficient. In fact, it’s not even the most important part. The most important parts are fear and degradation. I only get that if you use my pain to force your will upon me. I can’t claim that I have really experienced torture unless I’ve been forced to submit to someone else’s will. There’s no one else that I’d trust with that much power over me except for you, so you’re it. It’s up to you to t
orture me.”

  “And if I won’t?”

  “Then I’m mistaken about you. Look at it this way. I thought about my promise for a long time and I know what I’ve committed myself to. If I didn’t want you to do your part then I wouldn’t have made my promise. You don’t need to worry about the ethics because you have my ongoing consent. I haven’t told you that you can assault me. You don’t have permission to beat me and grab me and force me to mount the horse kicking and screaming. Any time I want the experiment to end, I can just break my promise and not climb aboard and that’s it. Your part is easy. All you have to do is to want something from me and, if I refuse, tell me to mount the horse until I agree. Don’t worry. If you start feeling too uncomfortable then you can release me again as quickly as you want. It’s not such a big thing. I’ll do my part and I expect that you’ll do your part. Just think of it as helping me with my research. And the bonus is that you can get anything you want from me. Anything. Not many men get a deal like that.”

  He fell silent and she began reading again. After a few minutes, he interrupted her. “What if I want another blowjob?”

  She did not look up from her book. “I’m busy right now. Maybe I’ll feel like it later.”

  “I feel like it right now.” He looked down at the erection bulging in his crotch. Thinking that he could have a blowjob any time he got in the mood was enough to put him in the mood right now.

  She looked up from her book. “I don’t. I don’t find giving blowjobs much fun.”

  “Oh.” He felt rather crestfallen. She had acted enthusiastic enough the last time that he had been hoping that she would have discovered that she enjoyed giving them at least a little. “Maybe we should just go to bed and do something that you like, too, then.”

  She threw her book aside. “You idiot! Why would you settle for second best when you can get exactly what you want the most, no strings attached?”

  “I mostly want to do something that you’ll like, too.”

  “Well, you’re not going to get that. I’m not in the mood for anything. In fact, if you’re going to disappoint me like this, it’ll probably be a long time before I’m in the mood again.”

  He looked at her angry face. She wasn’t kidding. Either he played the game her way or she was going to pick up all her marbles and go home. He had never heard the phrase, topping from the bottom, but he was fast learning its meaning. “Get up on the horse.”

  She immediately stood up and began disrobing.

  He was already hard, but, watching her submit to him was making him harder by the second.

  She gasped when she pulled her foot from the stirrup after strapping her legs into place. “I forgot how much this thing hurts right off.” But she did not pause as she used the reigns to pull the stirrup up underneath the body of the ‘horse’ and then locked her hands behind her back.

  She spent a few minutes moaning softly, then said, “Okay. I’ll do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Give you a blowjob.”

  “Tell me exactly what you’ll do.”

  She whimpered a little from the pain and then said, “I’ll get down on my knees in front of you, unbuckle your belt and pull down your pants and take your cock in my mouth and lick and suck you until you cum. Then I’ll swallow every drop and lick you clean. I’ll be eager and enthusiastic and sloppy. Okay? Now you can let me down so that I can get started.”

  “Okay.” He stepped toward her and reached for the key to the handcuffs.

  “Stop right there!” she screamed.

  He froze. “Stop what?”

  “Stop letting me off so easily. I agreed too quickly. Just a blowjob isn’t such a big deal. You have to ask for something more. Something that makes it worse for me or I’ll always agree right away. This thing is starting to hurt real bad. You wouldn’t believe how much pain I’m in already. You have to come up with something that’s worse than the pain I’m in now.”

  He began thinking furiously. He had to come up with something quick but nothing was coming to mind.

  “Ouch. This thing is getting to be a real torture. Hurry up and tell me what I have to do.”

  Suddenly Trevor realized the truth of his situation. “No, dear. You’re the one who’s in a hurry, not me. I’ve got all the time in the world to think about what I really want from you.” He sauntered over to the easy chair and sat down slowly. “All the time in the world.”

  “You bastard!” she screamed. “Tell me what you want. Anything. This is hurting like hell. It’s splitting me in two.” She kicked her feet impotently then squealed when her squirming ground her crotch harder against the wedge. “Just tell me what you want and I’ll say ‘yes.’ I’ll give you the blowjob, just like I said. No problem. To hell with gender equality. I’ll get down on my knees and suck like hell and swallow every drop. I’ll lick you clean as whistle when you’re done. I’ll give you the best blowjob ever.”

  “Nope. Like you said, that’s too easy. I could get you to agree to that even if you weren’t hurting much. I want something a lot more interesting than that.”

  “What do you want?”

  “I’ll tell you what I want. I want two blowjobs.”

  “Okay, two blowjobs. One today and one tomorrow.”

  Suddenly he got an idea. “If you want, but there’s a hitch. You stay naked until I get the second one. Naked and your hands stay cuffed behind your back. You only get to use your mouth to arouse me. No hands. And I’m going to be playing with your tits until my second coming. So you can take as long as you want to give me the second B.J. but I’m betting that you’ll want to get me aroused again as quickly as you can.”

  “What if I don’t agree?”

  He was about to say, Then you stay right where you are until you do, but recalled that she had once told him that she needed an incentive to try to hold out as long as possible. He had to give her some hope that she would be released eventually without consenting. “Then you stay there for another hour.”

  “An hour?”

  “That’s right. It’s seven thirty now. If you can hold out until eight thirty, then I’ll let you go free without getting my blowjobs.”

  “I can do that,” she said, defiantly.

  “Then go ahead and sit there,” he replied. But he hoped that she would cave. He had his heart set on feeling her lips encircling his shaft tonight.

  As the minutes passed, her moans turned to whimpers. She rocked back to shift the pressure off her perineum and onto her anus. She remained in that position for a few minutes, then rocked forward onto her vulva to shift the pressure again. That only lasted for less than a minute before her eyes began to water and her whimpers increased in frequency. Trevor thought that it was a silly idea to protect her less tender parts by shifting the pain to her most tender parts.

  “How much longer?” she gasped.

  “A long time,” he replied, glancing at his watch. “Time passes really slowly when you’re suffering. You’ve barely begun.”

  “You bastard.” She tried to snarl, but all she could manage was a pathetic grimace.

  His heart went out to her, but his cock really wanted to feel her tongue and lips.

  After a few more minutes, she said, “One blowjob. I’ll give you one blowjob and then let you play with my tits until you get bored with them if you let me down now.”

  “I’m not negotiating. You’ve heard my terms. Agree to them. Just as a favor to me. Okay? Two blowjobs and tit play with the handcuffs on.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. “I can’t take this any more.”

  “Then you’ll do it?”

  “I’ll do it without the handcuffs. Keeping them on is too much like coercion. Take the handcuffs off and I’ll give you both blowjobs with my hands clasped behind my back and I’ll keep my hands below my waist voluntarily any time you’re playing with my tits. It’ll be the same as if my hands were still cuffed.”

  “Okay. If you can do that, then that’s good enough.”

  “I can. I promise. Let me down. Please. Please let me suck your cock now.” She sounded like she was begging.

  He was surprised to realize that he liked hearing her beg to suck his cock. He liked it a lot.

  As soon as she was standing on the floor again with her hands freed, she grabbed his wrist and looked at his watch. “You bastard!” she screamed. “It’s eight-thirty. You said that I’d barely started but I was up there for the full hour.”

  He shrugged and grinned, “You expect that your torturer is going to tell you the truth? Don’t be naïve. Besides, it’s only eight twenty-eight. I would have let you down at eight-thirty like I promised.” His voice turned hard. “But it’s only eight twenty-eight so now you have to do what you promised.” He pushed gently on her shoulders and she sank to her knees in submission.

  As soon as his pants had fallen to his ankles, he said, “No hands, remember?”

  She obediently clasped her hands behind her back and went to work on him.

  It was good for him. Both times.

  And he loved playing with her tits during the two-hour interlude. He cupped them, massaged them, kissed them all over, and then caressed them some more. She had wonderful tits, not too big, but full and round. She never before let him play with them for as long as he wanted, but now, she kept her hands in her lap and arched her back to present them for his use, keeping with the spirit of her promise.

  There were wonderful rewards for being a torturer.

  As soon as Cindy came into the living room, she saw that the horse was missing. Though Trevor had not made her mount it since getting dual blowjobs the previous week, it had become a persistent feature of her world. Whenever she was in the apartment with him, she was constantly anticipating him asking her to mount up and was slightly disappointed when he did not torture her, day after day. They were making love as often as ever – she did not want to deny him regular sex just to force him to punish her – but she had presumed that he would want something extra, something distasteful to her, more often than this.


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