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Southern Admirer (Southern Loving Book 2)

Page 18

by Thorn, Ava

  They put Shay to sleep and placed her back in her crib before lying down in the bed next to each. His fingers intertwined with hers as she laid her head against his chest, listening to the soft beating of his heart.

  Yes, they were stubborn and love doesn’t come when you’re looking for it, but it came to them when they least expected it. Her mother used to say that love could serve as a lesson and other times, they send the man of your dreams also known as the ‘the one.’ Somehow the universe was looking down on her and brought her ‘the one.’

  Chapter Ten

  Before Jasmine and the baby left with Farrah for shopping at God knows where, he offered his bank card to Jasmine, she scrunched up her pretty face and backed away like it was a snake it ready to strike any second. He’d just sat down to watch the NASCAR game when the doorbell rang. Groaning he got up and walked to the door.

  “Mr. and Mrs. Jennings.” He blinkingly stared at Sarah’s parents. “Please come in,” he stuttered, and opened the door wider for them to enter.

  Barbara Jean Jennings, known as ‘BJ’ by the family, walked into the house with her head held high. Sarah and Savannah inherited their tall model stature and strawberry blond hair from their mother. Even in her late fifties Barbara Jean was still a beauty to be reckon with. Bobby Jennings was the quiet one, Sarah used to always say that her father allowed her mother to call the shots. Archie followed BJ into the house with the assistance of a cane. He wasn’t the same man, Sarah death took a toll on both parents but it showed much more with Archie Jennings.

  “What can I do for ya’ll today?” Shane asked. He followed their line of sight to the baby items scattered around the house. From the black Moses bassinet, pink and white activity mat and a baby swing.

  “Sarah always wanted kids and you always told her to wait…or the time wasn’t good enough,” she said with disgust. “You always put Sarah last; you put the military before here then your career in law enforcement.”

  “Now Barbara Jean, just calm down, before you raise your blood pressure,” Archie said, sitting down on the couch. “We didn’t come here to argue.”

  Yeah right, Shane thought.

  “It’s upsetting me that you moved on so quickly since Sarah died. You even had sex with this woman on the anniversary of her death,” Barbara Jean said.

  “It’s been two years and I’m not going to discuss the ramification of when my daughter was conceived.”

  “The good ol’ people in Dallas and McKinney Texas do talk son,” Archie said, giving him a disappointing stare. “What we are trying to say is that since the God awful baby shower, people have been talking.”

  Shane looked at the people he considered family in disbelief. “I don’t care what people have to say about me.”

  “Shane it’s not a good look to be with this woman,” Barbara Jean snapped. “You don’t even come to the house for dinners anymore. Three months have went by and not a peep out of you because of her.”

  “We even saw the for sale sign in front of the house in McKinney.” Archie ran his hand down his bald head. “Now Nina, down at the real estate office downtown said that you placed the house up for sale about three months ago.”

  For weeks Shane been avoiding this meeting with Barbara Jean and Archie for the longest, but his daddy used to always say ‘you can’t avoid the inevitable for long.’ When Sarah died he wanted to spare the people that was fond of her of the grisly details surrounding her death. He didn’t want her parents to be burden with the thoughts that plagued him every time he thought about her. What could I have done better to help her?

  “Now, we’re being told by the Johnny down at Horton Builder that you building a large estate on the ranch…rumor is it that you building a house for Ms. St. Clair.”

  Damn, Shane wondered. How was his business spreading around town like wildfire? Didn’t these people ever hear of loose lips sink ships?

  “Are you taking the insurance money to pay for this house?” Barbara Jean exclaimed.

  “There was no insurance money,” he replied.

  “Of course there was insurance money,” Archie's voice raised. “Don’t sit up here and tell that bull faced lie.”

  The little bit of restraint that Shane had flown out the window. “She killed herself! Insurance doesn't pay out when someone kills themselves.”

  Barbara Jean gasped so loud Shane thought she would faint. “I will not stand for you to spread malice gossip about my dear Sarah.”

  “Sarah was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and depression six years ago before she died.”

  “No,” Archie said, shaking his head no.

  Shane rolled his eyes and ignored his ex-in-laws’ theatrics. “She didn’t want anyone to know about it, that’s why when I retired out the army we decided to move to McKinney instead of the ranch. She needed to be around family that could be there for her.”

  “She was sick and you continued to put your career ahead of our baby,” Barbara Jean shrieked.

  “I did not put my damn career before her!” he shouted, causing Barbara Jean to sink back down on the sofa. “I got out early because she tried to kill herself…took a whole bottle of sleeping pills.”

  “I’ll tell you what,” Archie stood up and walked over to Shane. “We’re not going to sit here and listen to these LIES!”

  Shane stormed down the hallway to his office to retrieve the file from his desk. He thrust it into the old man’s chest. Archie wobbled back to his seat on the couch. Shane watched the array of emotions displayed on the man’s face.

  “Sarah would never kill herself.” Barbara shook her head vehemently.

  Shane watched the old man crumble to the floor in a heap of tears. “I tried to help Sarah the best of my ability, she stop taking her medicines.”

  Barbara squinted as she glared at Shane. She placed her hand over her mouth. “The day before she died, Sarah claimed you were having an affair.”

  “What are you saying, Barbara?” Archie stopped crying and stared at Shane.

  “She came to the house crying saying that her marriage was over.” She dabbed her eyes with a tissue from her purse. “She mentioned that Shane was having an affair and that he didn’t want to be with her anymore.”

  “I didn’t have an affair with anyone. Stop listening to those women at the hair salon with their malicious gossip. I will tell you that Sarah and I were on the verge of splitting up.”

  “I’m disappointed that you decided to keep us in the dark,” Barbara Jean sniffled. “We could have saved our daughter! You didn’t give us that opportunity.”

  “The only person who could save Sarah was Sarah.”

  His voice broke as he thought about the night he received the call about a single car crash. He was already off-duty, the dreaded feeling of returning home to Sarah was unbearable. Assisting in the crash was better than going home to Sarah. To this day he still recalled the smell of gasoline pouring from beneath the car.

  As he rushed to the smash in vehicle that was unrecognizable beyond disbelief something caught his eye. The lotus flower sticker was familiar to the one Sarah purchased a few months ago. He chanted the whole time as he hurried to the driver side, her luxurious strawberry blonde hair was now red with blood. Sticking two fingers against the side of her neck, checking for pulse he didn’t feel any signs of life.

  “You’re ruining our daughter memories by dating too soon,” Barbara Jean cried. “We still love you as a son but if you continue with this relationship with that gal we…won’t have anything to do with you.”

  Shane walked to the window and staring at the green pastures that seem to go on forever.

  Archie cleared his throat before speaking. “Do you love her?” he asked.

  Both Shane and Barbara Jean looked at Archie confusedly. “Yes.” He paused and looked at Barbara Jean. “I don’t wish this on anyone. To the feel the guilt that they weren’t able to help someone.”

  Archie nodded his head in agreement. “If you’re serious about st
arting a new chapter in your life with someone else, than our opinion shouldn’t count.”

  “I don’t want you guys to think that I…never loved Sarah. I’m able to put those feelings for her in a special place in my heart and devote my time and attention to Jasmine.”

  “Shane we’re back,” Jasmine sang as she walked into the house carrying Shay, she was so busy holding onto Shay and carrying shopping bags she didn’t realized there were guests in the room. “Oh…I’ll just go to the other room.”

  “No,” Shane said quickly, going to her aid to help with the bags. “I want you to meet Barbara Jean and Archie Jennings.”

  “Sarah’s parents.” Jasmine acknowledged them with a soft hello.

  Everyone in the room was uncomfortable. He could see that Barbara Jean and Archie were having a hard time seeing their daughter’s husband fall in love with someone else. He opened his heart and life to someone else, he wished that Sarah’s family would continue to be a fixture in his life. Their relationship didn’t have to stop because Sarah was dead.

  “Would you guys join us for dinner?” Jasmine asked.

  Shane could sense the answer ‘no’ was on the tip of their tongues but Archie surprised everyone.

  “Of course we will have supper you great young folks,” Archie said.

  “Now, I’m not a cooker, but Shane does wonders on a grill.” Jasmine looked up and smiled at him.

  “Honey, we shouldn’t disturb them.” Barbara Jean could barely look at Jasmine and Shay.

  “Seriously, you’re not imposing. Shane has this habit of —”

  “Making too much food—like you’re feeding an army,” Archie interrupted and laughed.

  “Exactly,” Jasmine laughed. “Now, we can get started on dinner.”


  This was her first time laying eyes on Sarah’s parents. The uncomfortable feeling that was there, finally dissipated. The awkward feeling she was sure would come but hadn’t arisen. When she first walked through the door and noticed they had company, she could see the hatred in Barbara Jean’s eyes but she saw something else when she looked into Archie's eyes.

  During the dinner, they talked mostly about Shay, hunting season, traveling and love. Jasmine was amazed that Sarah’s name never came up once during dinner.

  After dinner and the Jennings left, Jasmine stood in the kitchen alongside Shane washing the dishes while Shay slept in a bassinet in the next room.

  “So, do you think they hate me?” she asked.

  “Archie adores you,” Shane assured her. “He told me he thought you were warm, intelligent, sweet and told me don’t wait too long before claiming you as mine.”

  Jasmine thought about how good of an evening she had with Barbara Jean and Archie. It took a while for Archie and Barbara Jean to warm up to holding Shay, humming lullabies and giving her a bottle. It was a picture of two caring grandparents. Wiping away the tear that threatened to fall in the dish water, she thought about Sarah. She would never experience this, watching her parents being grandparents or just bring her own children into the world.

  “I think we should invite them over for dinner once a week.” Jasmine kissed his cheek.


  “Yeah?” She turned around and looked at him.

  “I fell in love with you a little bit more today,” he said, and went back to washing the dishes.

  There was this peace that she’d never experienced before in any of her relationships. She blew him a kiss before going down the hallway to prepare for her bubble bath.

  Chapter Eleven

  Shane paused to wipe the sweat from his brow and let his eyes sweep over the construction site. His eyes stopped when they landed on his father, Gerald McBride, who was overseeing the project. Shane held up the bag of food to show his father. Lowering the tailgate to his truck, he sat down and waited for his father.

  Someone said ‘a relationship is like building a house; build it well or it will collapse.’ He was going to set on a firm foundation that the house rests on. The foundation for a home is like setting your hopes in things that will never change. When the clouds turn grey and storms rolls in, his house would still be standing still when the sun rose on the horizon.

  “I see the look of love on your face,” his father said, taking a seat next to him on the back of the truck. “I didn’t tell you this at the baby shower, but I see that twinkle in your eyes that’s been gone before Sarah died.”

  Shane bit into his turkey sandwich, his father was like his best friend besides, Austin and Hank. “Jasmine loves me inspite of all my imperfections and vice versa. We’re overcoming painful moments and building endless memories together.”

  “You have something special in Jasmine St. Clair.” His father nudged him with his shoulder. “I want you to look at this new fresh start with her as a chance to do something differently. Did you gain any perspective from your last marriage?”

  “I’m always going to choose love and my family.” He looked at his dad. “Do you know Mom brags about you to family and friends?”

  “No,” his dad said simply, as he ate his food.

  “I want to be the husband that Jasmine can’t help but brag about.”

  “Well son, be the husband she can count on, be a husband who don’t stop paying attention to the smallest details. Don’t take her for granted.” He paused and stared at his wedding ring before continuing. “The day I married your mama, my daddy told me to that was the day I promised to be the man that would own Melody’s heart and protect it. Getting married is a job you don’t get lazy and do the job half assed, because if so she will fire your ass and hire someone else.”

  Shane didn’t recall his father speech about love but then again things have changed. When he got married to Sarah, he was a young man, trying to do the right thing before he left for his first tour of duty. “Thanks, Dad.”

  They both looked back as his mother’s familiar, red mustang jeep pulled up next to Shane’s truck. “Gerald Author McBride, I know that’s not potato chips you’re eating. You’re supposed to watching what you eat,” Melody McBride scowled.

  “Mama, it’s baked chips,” Shane said, holding the bag of chips up for her to see.

  “What am I’m going to do with you guys?” Melody said with her hands on her wide hips. “Are you drinking enough water?”

  “Yes ma’am,” Gerald said, raising a bottle of water for her to see and took a sip to appease his wife. “I was just sitting here giving our young’un some helpful advice about love.”

  Melody folded her arms across her chest. “Were you now,” she said, looking at her husband then back at Shane. “Well, it’s your turn to listen to your mama. Don’t ever take Jasmine for granted. Be grateful for every day that you wake up next to her and Shay.” She licked her thumb and wiped the mayo from the corner of his mouth.

  Shane moved his head and blushed. “Geez Mom, you could have just told me.”

  “Don’t be acting like you’re too old for that,” she said ignoring him. “Now, back to mama’s advice. Don’t allow these devices,” Melody picked up his iPhone and dangled it in front of him. “To come between you guys, I never see it. Ya’ll young people concentrate on work and iTa and everything else except for each other.”

  “It’s iPad,” he corrected.

  “I know what it is,” his mother snapped, her eyes softened as she looked at him. “I always told you it takes two people to make a relationship work. If one person isn’t giving their all or not fully vested in the relationship, then the relationship will fall apart.”

  Shane stood up and kissed his mother on the cheek. “Thanks for all the useful advice. I will use it every day.”

  “When are you going to tell her about the house?” his father asked.

  Shane looked at the scenery in front of him. The two-story farmhouse he was building was out of love. He was rebuilding his life. Everything was going well. The foundations for the house were already up and Jimmy promised the house would be done in f
our months.

  Tossing his trash in the basket, wiping his mouth and brushing crumbs off his pants, Shane stood up and walked to what would soon be the circular driveway. “Her birthday is coming up.”

  “You’re doing well,” his father said. “Just remember to give us a lot of grandkids to love on.”

  “I second that,” his mother laughed.

  He felt like their life was coming along. The only roadblock standing in their way of living happily ever after in their relationship was with her. Jasmine proved that she wasn’t anyone’s property and she was able to make her own decision in life. But, Shane was old fashioned and wanted Reginald St. Clair’s blessing and to know his full intentions when it came to his daughter.


  Jasmine stood next to Farrah as they both looked at the new and improved security hut that Shane had built near the black iron gate that led onto McBride ranch. She patted Shay on the back, she was swaddled in the black and pink sling across her chest. “I don’t know if this is going to work,” Jasmine said nervously.

  “Don’t worry, Jazzy. Gil Novik is new and he is a people pleaser,” Farrah said through clenched teeth. She fixed her and lifted the tray of cookies up.

  “Hi Mrs. McBride, haven’t seen you for some time,” Gil, the security attendant, said as he grinned from ear to ear showing all his teeth.

  Jasmine studied the tall, medium built man with pale skin. He had a familiar face that she swore she’d seen before. He looked at her nervously before running his fingers through his black hair.

  “Hey Gil, I know, my husband’s been keeping me under lock and key.” She smiled. “Here, I baked some fresh cookies for you and the guys.”

  Gil happily accepted the platter of cookies. “Now what can I do for you?” he asked, not wasting no time sampling a chocolate chip cookie.

  “I was wondering if you can replay the surveillance camera back for us?” Farrah asked.

  “Do you have something or someone in particular you looking for?” he asked them.


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