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Casting Lacey

Page 12

by Elle Spencer

  Selena breathed a sigh of relief. “Thanks. I’ll do that.” She picked up her purse. “See you tomorrow.”

  Jordan watched Selena walk away. “Selena?”


  “Speak up next time. You’re allowed to have a personal life, you know.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Jordan laughed. “Touché.”

  Selena walked back and stood in front of Jordan, looking pensive.

  “Oh god. You have no idea what to get this girl of yours, do you?”

  Selena shook her head.

  “Looks like we’re going to Barney’s,” Jordan said as she motioned for the check.

  “Cut!” J.J. tipped his baseball cap. “Well done, ladies. I think we got it. Hopefully tomorrow won’t be such a long day. Quinn, you rocked the hostile witness scene. Can’t wait to see what the editors do with it.”

  “Thanks, J.J.”

  Lacey offered her hand. “I’m thinking leftovers.”

  Quinn took her hand and stood up. “Fine with me. I’ll probably sleep in the car.”


  “And Action!”

  Jordan picked up a bottle of perfume and smelled it. “Tell me about this girlfriend of yours.”

  Selena picked up another bottle and winced at the smell. “Uh…she likes nice things, I guess.”

  “Don’t we all? I need more than that. Is she an attorney?”

  “God, no. If she were an attorney, she’d understand.”

  “Understand what?”

  “My life. Or lack thereof.” Selena picked up another bottle and took a sniff.

  “It won’t always be like this. Does she get that?”

  “The only thing she gets is more bitter by the day.”

  “You’re in the right store then. And definitely with the right shopping partner. I have my share of experience with gifts that replace…you know…”

  “Being there?”

  “Exactly. So, what do you want this gift to say?” Jordan asked.

  “Sorry for putting my career before you and your, I mean our…” Jordan turned to Selena and lifted an eyebrow, waiting for her to continue. “…cat.”

  “Oh, thank god,” Jordan said, clutching her chest. “I thought you were going to tell me you have a child.”

  Selena laughed. “I barely know the cat’s name. Trigger or Terry or something.”

  Jordan gave her a sideways glance. “You’re worse than I am, Selena Scott.”

  “That’s not possible. You don’t even have a house plant in that high-rise apartment of yours.”

  Jordan sighed as they walked up to the jewelry counter. “Yes, that’s true. If it can’t water itself or feed itself, it won’t last long in my world.” She pointed at a very expensive looking gold watch. “That should do the trick.”

  Selena leaned down, peering into the glass display case. “That’s beautiful. How much is it?”

  Jordan put out her hand. “Don’t ask. If you’d like to keep your girlfriend, and the cat of course… just hand over your credit card.”

  “And, cut! That’s a wrap everyone!”

  J.J.’s eyes followed Lacey as she walked away. “Is she okay, Quinn?”

  It was close to midnight. It had been an extra-long day thanks to a few technical glitches, but Quinn hadn’t noticed anything unusual about Lacey’s demeanor. They were all tired. “What are you seeing?”

  J.J. shrugged. “Eh, maybe she’s just that good at playing the overworked, deep in law school debt, having to placate Jordan Ellis, first-year associate. Seems like the character’s staying with her today. Anyway, you ladies go get some rest. You’ll be glad to know we worked in a late call for you tomorrow.”


  J.J.’s words kept playing in Quinn’s mind on the drive home. It was unfair, everything she’d put squarely on Lacey’s shoulders. She was doing it all – the laundry, cooking, cleaning, errands, doctor’s appointments, physical therapy sessions. And on top of that, now they were working 14-hour days. She glanced over at Lacey, and now that she was looking for it, the fatigue was so obvious, she had to look away. What was she thinking, putting it all on one person?

  Once they were inside and the house was secured, Quinn stopped Lacey at the stairs. “I can take care of myself tonight. You go to bed.”

  “Nonsense.” Lacey pushed past her and headed up the stairs. “You know you’ll sleep better if you have a hot bath.” She went into the master bathroom and turned on the water, then squeezed a dollop of bubble bath into the tub.

  Quinn stood in the doorway. “I can do this on my own now.”

  Lacey huffed. “It takes you ten minutes to get your shirt off. Come here.”

  She took off the sling first, with Quinn watching her every move and breathing in her scent. She loved the way Lacey smelled. Even after a long day, it was a nice mix of her natural scent, shampoo, and just a hint of perfume. “I’m going to get help,” Quinn exclaimed out of nowhere.

  “Put your arm up. And good. I’m glad you’re finally taking my advice.”

  “Not that kind of help. I don’t need a shrink.”

  Lacey smirked. “The jury’s still out on that one.”

  “Being fastidious about one’s life is not a mental weakness,” Quinn retorted.

  “Fine.” Lacey made a circling motion with her finger. “Turn around.” She unhooked Quinn’s bra and pushed her panties down to the floor. “All set.” She smacked Quinn’s bare bottom. “Get in and I’ll wash your hair.”

  “I’m serious about the help.” Quinn stepped into the tub and sunk down in the water, resting her cast on a towel Lacey had placed on the ledge. “Would you prefer a cook or a housekeeper or both?”

  Lacey came out of the walk-in closet holding a bathrobe, stopping dead in her tracks when she heard the words. “Am I not taking care of you well enough?”

  “God, no.” Quinn fervently shook her head. “No, that’s not it.”

  Lacey knelt by the tub. She filled a pitcher with water and poured it over Quinn’s hair. “You don’t like people in your house.”

  “That’s true, I don’t. But it’s not fair, expecting you to take care of absolutely everything now that we’re working these long days. It’s too much for one person.”

  “It’s a lot, but I can handle it. You’re paying me to handle it.”

  “Not enough.” Quinn turned to Lacey, looking her in the eye. “The thing is, as long as you’re here with me, I think I’ll feel safe, even with strangers in the house.”

  Lacey stopped what she was doing. “You are safe. I wouldn’t let anyone hurt you. Ever.”

  Quinn nodded and looked away. She believed Lacey. With her whole heart, she believed her. “Thank you, for everything.”

  Lacey put shampoo in her hand. She leaned over the tub and massaged it into Quinn’s hair. “I hate cleaning toilets. Maybe you could hire someone to come in once a week. I’ll deal with them. You don’t even have to meet them if you don’t want to. And as far as the other thing goes, unless you’re trying to tell me that you hate my cooking…”

  “I love your cooking.”

  Lacey smiled. “Just the housekeeper then. And I get to keep the title of…um…what do they call the person who bathes the lady of the house?”

  Quinn giggled. “I believe her title is lady’s maid.”

  “Oh. I guess that makes perfect sense.” She scooped water into the pitcher and rinsed Quinn’s hair until all of the shampoo was gone. “Am I rockin’ being a lady’s maid or what?”

  “Mmm…where have you been all my life?”

  Lacey didn’t answer. Instead, she got up and set a fresh towel by the tub. “I’ll come back up and check on you once I’ve showered.”

  Quinn soaked for a little longer and then got into bed naked, pulling the sheet up and tucking it under her arms. She looked at her phone one last time and set it on the bedside table. She was ready to turn her light off, but she’d gotten used to Lacey’s nightly habit of checking on her befor
e she went to bed – one final check to see if she needed anything. She usually didn’t, and she didn’t really need anything tonight, either. That didn’t matter. It comforted her.

  Quinn’s orderly brain liked consistency, and if she was honest, Lacey’s hands inspecting and touching her felt good too. She’d never had such tender care in her life. Lacey may have a sharp tongue, but her hands were a different story. They were soft, warm and gentle.

  Quinn found herself craving the attention, and that worried her some. But tonight, if Lacey came back into her room, she’d set her fears aside and let herself bask in the touch. No jokes. No sarcastic comebacks. Those could wait.

  “Sorry. The hot water felt so good, I let it run on my back a little longer than normal.” Lacey’s wet hair was piled on top of her head. She had on pink flannel pajama bottoms and a purple tank top. Quinn smiled, trying to guess where Lacey would touch her first. Her eyes widened when she saw the banana in her hand. Lacey laughed at Quinn’s expression. “Oh my. Where did your dirty little mind just go?”

  Quinn demurred. “Nowhere.”

  “Uh huh.” Lacey placed the banana next to a glass of water. “I’m leaving this here for you in case I sleep in. Eat it with your morning pill, okay?”

  Quinn gave her a salute. “Okay, boss.”

  Lacey sat on the edge of the bed. Her hand went to a red spot on Quinn’s upper arm that was poking out from under the cast. She gently ran her finger over the spot. “What’s going on here?”

  “Irritation.” Quinn pointed to a spot by her fingers. “There’s some down here too.” She knew what would happen. More touching.

  Lacey inspected the fingers. “God, Quinn, this can’t be good.” She pulled the bedside table drawer open and took a tube of antiseptic cream out. “Just in case.”

  Quinn watched intently, all of her senses firing and her brain free-falling into a state of Zen. Lacey’s voice, her touch, her freshly showered scent, all seeping into every pore of her body.

  “What about the other side?” Lacey waited for Quinn to lift her arm. She tsk’d when she saw more redness on the inside of her arm. “Why didn’t you tell me your cast was irritating you?”

  “We’ve been busy.”

  Lacey leaned forward even more, rubbing the cream in. “We’re not so busy that we can’t get you a new cast.” She tossed the cream on the table and set her eyes on Quinn. “You’re in enough pain. You don’t need more.” She reached out and pushed a lock of damp hair behind Quinn’s ear. “Don’t suffer needlessly, okay?”

  Quinn nodded, anticipating the next touch. It came in a long, reassuring stroke up and down her thigh. She wanted to throw the covers off and let Lacey do it again on her bare skin, but she was naked. The hand made its way back down her leg to her foot. A little squeeze and then back up, coming to rest just above her knee.

  “The bath helped,” Lacey said.

  Quinn lifted her eyebrows in question.

  “You’re relaxed, now. You seemed tense on the drive home, like you were worried about something.”

  “You,” Quinn said. “I was worried about you.” She wanted to reach out and touch Lacey’s fingers that were resting on her leg, but she didn’t. Instead, she held Lacey’s stare.

  “I’m good.”

  “Are you, Lace?” They studied each other for a moment. “I mean, are you really?” Quinn ran her hand down her own leg until her fingertips touched Lacey’s. “Whatever you need…you’ll tell me, right?”

  Lacey didn’t answer immediately. Her eyes fell to their fingers that were barely touching. “Yeah.” It came as a whisper so she said it again. “I mean, yeah.” She let her middle finger inch up a little bit so it covered Quinn’s. “I know we’re both under a lot of pressure right now, and I know we fight sometimes, but I’m good.”

  Again, Quinn resisted her urges. Instead of leaning forward and intertwining their fingers, she just nodded. But the air between them was getting warmer with each passing second.

  Lacey did lean forward, her hand ending up on Quinn’s cheek. “Are you good? Am I giving you everything you need?”

  The question hung in the air, their eyes locked on one another. Quinn covered Lacey’s hand with her own. She wanted to turn and kiss Lacey’s palm. She wanted to pull her closer and tell her no, I need more. Kiss me. Touch me. Be with me.

  “What do you need?” Lacey’s eyes bore into Quinn’s, looking for answers. Quinn’s heart skipped a beat when those same eyes dropped to her chest. Had the sheet fallen? Was she showing more cleavage than she’d intended? Did it matter?

  It didn’t matter, because they were never supposed to be lovers. They had a contract. And that trumped everything. With a quick inhale of air and a motherly pat on Lacey’s hand, she pushed her feelings away “I’m good. Now, go get some rest. You need it.”

  “Oh god,” Lacey groaned. “Please don’t say I look haggard.”

  “What? Did someone say that to you?”

  Lacey’s wet hair started to fall out of the bun she’d haphazardly put it in. She let it fall and pulled it all to one side, running her fingers through it. “That jackass who plays the judge said I looked haggard today.”

  “Bill?” Quinn scoffed. “A sixty-year-old man with bags under his eyes the size of grapes had the nerve to tell you…” She let her head fall back against the headboard. “What an asshole.”

  “Is he right?”

  Quinn’s eyes widened as she leaned forward. She knew she shouldn’t do it, but her hand made its way to Lacey’s hair, her fingers running through the long mane. “My god, no. Lace, you’re…” Gorgeous. Smart. Sexy. It was a long list. But saying those things out loud… “Wait a second. Are you fishing for compliments?”

  Lacey pushed Quinn’s hand away and went to the door. “Nah, I’m too haggard to fish for compliments. See you in the morning.”

  The door closed and Quinn let her head fall back against the headboard. “Fuck.”


  “And, action!”

  Jordan and Selena sat across the table from each other. Selena, working on her laptop and Jordan jotting down notes for her client’s upcoming testimony.

  Selena stopped typing and said, “How do you do it, Jordan? How do you shut it all off in the courtroom?”

  “As a woman, you’ll find out pretty quickly you don’t have a choice. Men can whine all day about how the judge hurt their feelings with a denied motion. If I pulled that crap I’d be labeled hysterical.” Jordan set her pen down. “If I’m caught up in my own stuff – which I never am – it’s tough to see when a witness is about to crack. Or when a first-year is about to crack.”

  Selena’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

  Jordan sat back in her chair and studied Selena. “Well, for starters, you didn’t laugh at my joke this morning.”

  “You made a joke?”

  Jordan shrugged. “It was funny too. About the judge’s robes?”

  Selena shook her head.

  “It’s too late now. You were so busy trying to pretend that everything’s fine – so wrapped up in making sure I didn’t notice how sad you are. But thanks to my keen ability to completely turn off all emotion, I’m able to see right through you.”

  Selena lowered her gaze. “Wow. Really?”

  Jordan waved her hand. “No. I saw the watch we bought when you opened your briefcase.”

  Selena glanced down at her open briefcase. “Yeah, um…I didn’t wish her a happy birthday before I left for work yesterday. She assumed I’d forgotten, which I had, until I got to work and looked at the calendar.”

  “Did she break up with you?”

  Selena couldn’t answer immediately. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Yes,” she finally whispered.

  “I’m so sorry. Selena, you know you can tell me these things, don’t you?”

  Selena wiped a tear from her eye and nodded. A knock on the door interrupted them. Jordan quickly stood up. “I’ll handle it.” She lingered for a few seconds
, looking like she wanted to say more, and then she left the room.

  “And, cut! Great job with the tears, Lacey.” J.J. leaned on the table next to her. “Just one more take to make sure.”

  Lacey patted her eyes dry. “No problem. Just give me a minute.”

  Quinn sat back down at the table. “How did she do it?”

  “What?” Lacey asked, confused by the question.

  “Those tears weren’t hard to come by. How did she break up with you?”

  “You’re talking about Dani, my ex?”

  Quinn slowly nodded. “Yeah.”

  Lacey chuckled, trying to laugh off the pain. “Second worst day of my life. No warning. But if you want these tears on cue, I can’t use them up right now.”


  “And, action!”

  Jordan had a satisfied grin on her face as she exited the courtroom. “Our afternoon just opened up. What should we do?”

  Selena put her own satchel strap on one shoulder and Jordan’s on the other. “I can’t believe you got her to dismiss the case. You’re a genius!”

  “And you questioned being my slave,” Jordan laughed. “We’re a good team, you and I.”

  “Do you really think so, or are you just being extra nice to me today because you feel sorry for me.”

  “Empathy, not pity.” Jordan pushed the down button on the elevator. “I can relate. It’s been a while, but your ex, with all of her emotional needs and birthday expectations, totally reminds me of mine.”

  Selena’s mouth dropped open. “You? With a woman?”

  “No, but a breakup’s a breakup. Though, I’m sure if I were with a woman, I wouldn’t get my sorry ass dumped.”

  They stepped into the elevator and stood side by side. “Another joke. It was a good one.”

  “I thought so,” Jordan said, looking awfully smug.

  “Cut! Let’s break for lunch.”

  Lacey dropped both briefcases where she stood. “Do these really have to be so heavy?”

  Quinn stepped out of her high heels and slipped on a pair of flip-flops she kept close by. “Authenticity, Lace. I hate it when actresses walk around with such obviously empty purses that they’re practically caving in on themselves.”


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