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Casting Lacey

Page 18

by Elle Spencer

  Lacey opened her eyes. “You’re not winning. And I kissed her hello. That’s it.”

  Quinn went to the other side of the bed and lay on her back, leaving plenty of room between them. “Tell me about her. Tell me about Dani.”

  Lacey rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. This couldn’t possibly end well, but she took a deep breath and said, “She’s beautiful. So beautiful, I can’t take my eyes off of her sometimes.”

  “What else?”

  “Her family moved here from Colombia when she was a teenager. Definitely fits the image of a fiery Latina. Smart. Tri-lingual. English, Spanish, Portuguese. She’s still studying.”

  “Were you putting her through school?”

  “I was the reason her parents cut her off financially, so I insisted on helping her finish. But then, something changed.”

  “What changed?”

  It wasn’t easy to think about, let alone talk about. “Losing her parent’s love and support changed Dani. That’s a pretty fucked up thing, you know? Having your parents take away something they’re supposed to give unconditionally. It made her angry and the fact that I wasn’t out at work made her bitter. She thought I was ashamed of her. It all added up.”

  “Were you? Ashamed, I mean?” Quinn asked.

  Lacey huffed. “God, no. If you saw a photo of her, you’d know that’s not even possible. It was never about shame. It was about keeping my job. Keeping her in school. Keeping the money rolling in. I’d heard enough negative stuff…homophobic stuff at work, that I just wasn’t sure how people would react.”

  “Sounds like you were willing to do anything to keep her happy.”

  God, wasn’t that the truth? Even as Dani got more distant and bitter, Lacey had fought like hell to keep her. And at the end, nothing she did was enough. “I honestly don’t know how she’s getting by now. I have no idea who’s supporting her. Maybe her parents took her back when she broke up with me. I didn’t ask and she didn’t offer any info on that front. But she looked good. Happier. Not so bitter.”

  “And she wants you back,” Quinn said. “That’s pretty clear, right?”

  Lacey didn’t want to talk about that. Yes, now that she was working again, Dani wanted her back. She didn’t want to tell Quinn how shitty that made her feel. “She wants to meet you. She’s a fan. I think I told you that in the beginning. She’d die if she knew that you’re actually gay. Probably make advances or something. She’s pretty forward when she wants something.”

  “You didn’t answer my question. And I really don’t want to meet the woman who broke your heart.”

  “I didn’t know you cared.” Quinn cared. Lacey knew that. She could hear it in her voice when she’d called her in New York. That’s why she’d come back so soon. If Quinn needed her, she’d be here. She was still under contract, after all.


  Lacey turned and looked at Quinn. “Yeah, I guess the trifecta of comfort food says it all.”

  “Just be careful with Dani, okay? Don’t jump in with both feet until you’re sure.”

  “I already told you, I’m not doing anything until we’ve completed our mission.”

  Quinn blew air through her lips. “What was our mission again?”

  Lacey huffed out a laugh. “Faking love so you can find the real thing while keeping your career intact.”

  “God. It seems silly now, doesn’t it?”

  “We can stop. Just pay me and I’ll leave.”

  Seeming stunned by the comment, Quinn sat up. Their eyes met for a few seconds and then she got off the bed, putting some distance between them. “Just like that?”

  “Fulfill the terms of the contract. That’s all I ask.”

  Quinn put her hands on her hips. “Give you an early termination bonus. Is that what you’re referring to?”

  “Yep. Give me that and I’m gone.”

  “You know what, Lacey?” Quinn raised her voice as she backed up toward the door. “Fuck you!”

  Lacey squeezed her eyes shut. Why did she push Quinn away when she needed her the most? All she really wanted, was to stop this arguing, roll over and lay in Quinn’s arms all night. “Quinn?” She sat up and looked around, but Quinn was gone. “Fuck.” She fell back on the bed and threw her arm over her eyes.


  It was getting worse. They couldn’t even talk to each other without fighting. Twice now, Quinn had told Lacey to move out. Maybe she really should. They had to work together, and even though they were both great at shutting everything else out when the director yelled action, they didn’t need the entire cast and crew witnessing this tension between them.

  Lacey rolled over and stared at the suitcase that she’d yet to unpack. She’d woken up feeling slightly better, but the thought of finding another place to live felt overwhelming. She regretted practically everything she’d said the night before. Of course, this wasn’t exactly new territory for her. Being hurt about one thing and communicating about it by being a monumental asshole about something else was pretty much par for the course.

  From the corner of her eye, she saw the notification on her phone. She instantly, and idiotically, hoped it was a message from Quinn. Not that she could think of even one good reason why Quinn might have texted her, apart from a friendly, Get the fuck out of my guesthouse.

  Her heart sank when she saw it was from Dani. It was a photo of a dreary New York day with the words, wish you were here. She’d have loved that message on almost any other day. But today, she couldn’t shake the feeling she’d thrown something important away. She stood up and started stripping her pajamas off on the way to the shower.

  With her wet hair pulled up into a bun and her pride tucked firmly into her pocket, Lacey went to the main house, ready to apologize for her careless words. Ready to do and say whatever it took to make it right. Honesty. Total honesty, she kept repeating in her head. When she opened the sliding glass door, she was shocked to find a complete stranger in Quinn’s kitchen.

  The woman dried her hands on a towel and rushed over to Lacey. “There she is,” she said as she opened her arms and pulled Lacey in for a hug. “How are you, dear? I hear you’ve had the flu.”

  “Um… much better today,” Lacey answered tentatively. “Just a little weak still. Um…forgive me, but…”

  “Oh! I’m so excited to meet you I’m afraid I’ve completely forgot my manners. I’m Margaret. Margaret Kincaid. And I’ve been watching you your whole life.”

  Quinn’s mother was one of those rare, ageless creatures. She could be 45 or 60, depending on who you asked. Her secret wasn’t surgery, although that was common in her social circle. It had more to do with the way she carried herself – like a woman who expected to be treated a certain way. Like a woman who was in complete control. It didn’t hurt that her wardrobe was almost entirely bespoke.

  Suffice it to say, Margaret was not the typical soap fan Lacey usually encountered. She couldn’t imagine her wearing a sweatshirt with an iron-on photo of her favorite cat on it – a memorial, of course. Okay, they weren’t all like that. Only one in particular that managed to corner Lacey as she left the studio. Most of her fans were sweet and ardent and had strong opinions about the show. She appreciated every one of them, even the cat lady.

  “It’s such a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Kincaid.”

  Margaret patted Lacey’s cheek. “Of course, you’re still a little weak, dear. The flu can take it right out of you. That’s why I’m making breakfast. Quinn said you haven’t eaten much.”

  Lacey nodded as she backed away, trying to regain some of her personal space. “Okay, let me just go talk to Quinn for a second and I’ll be right back.”

  Margaret followed Lacey to the stairs. “I watched you grow up on TV. It was so wonderful to see how you emerged from that gawky stage with the braces and those few extra pounds. Such a vulnerable time, you know, what with the acne and becoming a woman.”

  “Wow!” Lacey said with a laugh. “That’s quite
a picture you’re painting.”

  “Oh, honey, you got through it like a star. I remember wishing Quinn could have seen you when she was that age. But she’s a few years older than you are, of course.”

  Lacey smiled politely and motioned with her thumb as she took a few steps up. “Let me just…”

  “Of course, dear. We’ll talk later. I have a lot to say about that husband of yours.” Margaret gave her a conspiratorial wink.

  Lacey smiled politely again and made her way upstairs. She went into Quinn’s room and shut the door behind her. “Quinn?” She walked into the bathroom and found Quinn sitting on a bench in her dressing room, hunched over. When Quinn looked up, Lacey could see tears in her eyes. “Oh god. What’s wrong?”

  Quinn pointed to a manila folder sitting on the bathroom counter. “I signed the early termination, so just go. The final payment will be…” Quinn couldn’t finish. She broke down and put her face in her hands.

  “Quinn...” Lacey knelt on the floor in front of her, gently placing her hands on her knees. “I’m sorry about last night. Will you let me explain?”

  “I think it’s pretty clear.”

  “It’s not. None of this is clear. It’s all a muddled mess, but I guess if I’m being honest, I’m still a little pissed off about what you said about me getting too cozy.”

  Quinn wiped her eyes and looked at her, waiting for her to continue.

  “Ok, I’m a lot pissed. It hurt. And then you wouldn’t stop talking about Dani. Between that and how sick I felt, I just…”

  “Morphed into a complete asshole?” Quinn helped her out.

  “I was going to say I reacted badly. But yeah, yours is more accurate.” Lacey looked away for a second, trying to summon the courage to be really honest. “I’m sorry,” she said, making eye contact again. “Leaving you…moving out…calling everything off…is absolutely not what I want.”

  “Are you sure about that?” Quinn bit her lip, trying to keep it from quivering. “Because, my mother showed up this morning without any warning.”

  “I know. She just mentioned what a gawky teenager I was.”

  “Let me guess,” Quinn said with a huff. “She managed to make it sound like some sort of backhanded compliment.”

  Lacey tilted her head. “Come to think of it, she kind of did.”

  “That’s Margaret.” Quinn shook her head. “I can’t believe she just showed up like this.”

  Lacey resisted the urge to reach out and push Quinn’s hair behind her ear. “She’s been worried about you. You couldn’t keep her away forever.”

  Quinn wiped her eyes and immediately broke down again. “You don’t know how scary this whole coming out thing is for me. And that woman, my mother, will not be happy about it.”

  “Look at it this way,” Lacey said reassuringly. “When she finds out you’re gay, you can tell her it’s because of something she did.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “It’s kind of funny.” Lacey didn’t stop herself this time. She reached out and held Quinn’s face, gently wiping away her tears with her thumbs. “I’m not going anywhere. And you don’t have to come out to your mother right now. In fact, don’t. Let her watch the show like everyone else and do it on your own terms, okay?” Lacey kissed Quinn’s forehead and wrapped her arms around her. “Let Dr. Covington deal with Mrs. Margaret Kincaid.”

  Quinn returned the hug, resting her chin on Lacey’s shoulder. She held on tight, trying to get control of her emotions. Then, she pulled back just enough so she could look Lacey in the eye. “This isn’t just a business arrangement anymore.”

  Lacey’s eyes widened as she wiped more tears from Quinn’s cheeks. “No shit? Does that mean we’re friends?”

  “Would you please take me seriously for a second?”

  Lacey got up off the floor and sat next to Quinn. “Okay.”

  Quinn wiped her nose with a tissue that had stopped being useful. Lacey grabbed the box off the counter and gave her another one. She sat closer this time, crossing her legs and wrapping an arm around Quinn’s waist.

  “When my mom showed up,” Quinn started. “I actually considered begging you to stay, and by beg, I mean bribe. That’s how hard it is for me to have her in my home. But what I really wanted, was just to be able to ask you… as a friend…to be here for me and not get on the Quinn-bashing bandwagon with her.”

  “She has a band? Well, I have a Quinn is awesome trumpet, so we’ll see who’s louder.”

  Quinn leaned on her and let their heads touch. “Thank you.”

  “You owe me,” Lacey joked. She quickly added, “Just kidding. Is your mom a good cook? Because she made breakfast and expects me to eat it.” She turned and kissed Quinn’s temple, breathing in her scent. She’d missed that scent. She’d missed being this close to Quinn. They didn’t have reason to be this close anymore, now that the cast had been removed.

  “My mother’s good at everything. It’s part of her fucking charm.” Quinn put her hand on Lacey’s knee. “You’re lucky you’re sick, because these awful pajamas would not fly with her on any other day.”

  “She doesn’t like Hello Kitty?” Lacey didn’t want to let go. In fact, she wrapped her other arm around Quinn, locking her in an embrace. “I guess I know exactly what I’m getting you for Christmas.”

  “You smell better,” Quinn said. “Like yourself again.”

  “What did I smell like before?”

  “Like you’d been on plane and hadn’t showered in several days.”

  “HA! Should we talk about how you smelled after the hospital?”

  Quinn giggled. “No.”

  “Should we talk about how many times I wiped your…”

  Quinn slammed her hand over Lacey’s mouth. “My mother must never know about that.”

  Lacey nodded, the hand still covering her mouth.

  “Swear it.” Quinn said in all seriousness. She slowly removed her hand.

  Lacey offered her pinky finger. “Pinky swears.”

  Quinn smirked and wrapped her pinky finger around Lacey’s. “Pinky swears.”

  Lacey motioned with her head. “How about you throw that envelope away?”

  Quinn got up and pulled the contract out of the envelope. She tore it into several pieces and tossed it in the trash can. They left the bathroom together and Lacey slapped Quinn on the butt as they walked to the door. “Does your mom being here mean you’re not going to get in the hot tub naked anymore? Or, does it mean she’ll be joining you naked in the hot tub? Because my head might explode from all that womanly-ness.”

  “You’re disgusting.”

  “Hey, she has a great figure for her age!”

  Quinn shrugged. “Pilates.”

  “Huh. Maybe I should look into that.”

  “Your body is just fine.”

  “Fine as in…just fine? Or, fine as in…girl, you’re lookin’ fine.”

  They got to the stairs and Quinn turned to Lacey. “Fishing for a compliment?”

  Lacey looked down at herself. “I guess Hello Kitty pajamas are kind of like a drab, dull, beige sling.”

  Quinn rolled her eyes and leaned in, lowering her voice. “Yes, you’re still fuckable.”

  “But we’re never, ever, not in a million years…” Lacey stopped when she saw Margaret looking up at them.

  “Are you two ready for breakfast?”

  Quinn motioned for Lacey to go first. “After you.”


  “So, you’re on my daughter’s show, now. I have to say, you’ve done a marvelous job so far.”

  Lacey watched Margaret take an extremely graceful bite of her omelet. She’d never questioned her own table etiquette until this very moment. She set her own fork down and rested her hands in her lap, not wanting to eat while the woman’s eyes were on her. “Thank you, Mrs. Kincaid. It was just a small role at first, but we recently found out they want to extend my contract.”

  “Well, that doesn’t surprise me at all.” Margaret point
ed with her fork at Lacey’s plate. “Eat, dear.” She turned her attention to Quinn. “She’ll turn your show around, honey. Mark my words.”

  “My show didn’t need turning around. It just needed…”

  “It was getting a little stale. Of course, the soaps never let that happen. They’re always throwing something new at us,” Margaret said with a wink directed at Lacey.

  Quinn rolled her eyes. “Yeah, maybe we should give Lacey’s character a multiple personality disorder, or better yet…how about an immaculate conception?”

  Margaret chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous.” She set her fork down and tapped her finger on her chin while she considered the idea. “But there does need to be a twist.”

  “She’s gay.” Lacey picked up her fork and took a bite while the two women stared at her in shock, Quinn’s mouth literally hanging open.

  “Who is, dear?”

  Quinn shot Lacey a glare. “That’s top-secret information, Mother. You can’t tell anyone.”

  “How can I tell anyone when I have no idea who you’re talking about?”

  “It’s me. I’m gay. The producers on Light of Day fired me when I came out of the closet.” Lacey gave Quinn an apologetic look.

  Margaret furrowed her brow. “Well, that was certainly their loss. I’ve never known a finer actress than you.”

  Lacey was stunned. Did Quinn’s own mother really just say that? Quinn threw her napkin on the table and was about to stand up when Lacey grabbed her hand. If Margaret could’ve seen under the table, she’d have witnessed Lacey gently caressing Quinn’s fingers, trying to console her. “Your daughter, Mrs. Kincaid, is the finest actress I’ve ever had the pleasure to work with. She’s highly respected on the set and loved by everyone. And just being in her presence and watching her work, is an honor for me.”

  Lacey tried to remove her hand, but Quinn kept hold of it. She gave Lacey a smile and intertwined their fingers. “Thank you.” She took a deep breath and turned her attention back to her mother. “On the show, Jordan and Selena are going to fall in love. And one might say that life has imitated art.”


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