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Casting Lacey

Page 26

by Elle Spencer

  After posing for several photos and signing an autograph, and somehow convincing Dani’s parents to get back in their car, Quinn went back to her own limo. “Tell me when they’re gone,” she said to Jack as she opened the car door. She took one more look at Dani and Lacey before she got in and lay her head back against the seat and closed her eyes. “I can’t compete with that,” she whispered to herself.

  “No. I don’t suppose you can. I learned that the hard way with your father. No matter how hard I tried, I could never be twenty-five again.”

  Quinn opened her eyes and found her mother sitting across from her in the stretch limo. “I didn’t know you were still here.”

  Just then, Amy got in the limo. She gave her boss an apologetic grimace. “Mrs. Kincaid, are you sure you don’t want the other driver to take you home?”

  Margaret waved her off. “Shush, Amy, I’m talking to my daughter. Now, who is she, Quinn?”

  Quinn took a deep breath. “Lacey’s ex-girlfriend.”

  Margaret looked to Amy for answers but Amy just shrugged her shoulders. “Well, how nice of you to give them room to cuddle.”

  Quinn rested her elbow on the door and rubbed her forehead, ignoring her mother.

  Margaret leaned forward. “Maybe you should tell me why you would let an ex-girlfriend who looks like that, anywhere near Lacey. What the hell are you thinking?”

  Amy’s eyes widened as she nodded her head in agreement.

  “Well, for one thing, I don’t own her,” Quinn snapped back.

  Margaret scooted forward and grabbed her daughter’s hand. “But you can own this moment. And that may sound dramatic, but you always liked a little drama in your life…so go take care of Lacey and put that little tramp in her place!”

  Little tramp? Quinn had a feeling her mother wasn’t referring to Dani so much as expressing her feelings about the woman that stole her husband. Quinn didn’t move. It wasn’t her place, no matter what everyone around her thought.

  “Amy, talk some sense into my daughter.”

  “Um…” Amy cleared her throat. “She’s the best thing that ever happened to you.”

  Quinn smirked. “Yes, I know you two are her squealing fangirls, but you don’t understand.”

  “You think we’re saying this because of her incredible career?” Margaret scoffed. “My darling daughter, we’re saying this because of who you are when you’re with her. If you can’t see how happy she makes you, and how great you are together, then you're blind.”

  “She makes me crazy,” Quinn muttered.

  “The best kind of crazy,” Amy gently replied.

  Margaret narrowed her eyes at her daughter. “Amy, give me a moment alone with Quinn, please.” She waited until Amy was out of the car and then said, “What’s going on?”


  “Then go take care of your girlfriend. Her father is about to be lowered into the ground and you’re going to let some other woman…”

  “It’s not real, okay?” Quinn blurted out. “We’re not real.”

  Margaret straightened her shoulders. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know you don’t, Mom. It was Jack’s idea. But it’s over now. Lacey has done her part.”

  “Stop talking in riddles, Quinn.”

  “Our relationship, okay? I paid her to be my girlfriend to make the coming out process easier.”

  Margaret sat back in her seat, stunned by the declaration. “You paid her for…”

  “Not that. Not sex.”

  “Well, that’s a relief.”

  “And that’s why I have no right to go over there and claim her as my own. She’s not mine. She never was.”

  “I disagree,” Margaret said. “Have you seen the way she looks at you? And unless my eyes have failed me, I believe it was your hand she held through the entire funeral.”

  “She doesn’t have anyone else,” Quinn muttered.

  “Apparently, she does.” Margaret forcefully pointed out the window. “But she chose you, today. The worst day of her life and she chose you, Quinn. Now, get out there, because the worst day of her life isn’t over yet. And if you don’t, I will.”

  Quinn considered it for a moment, her eyes filling with tears.

  “Do you love her, honey?”

  Quinn didn’t answer, but she did put her hand on the door handle.

  “If you love her, it doesn’t really matter how this thing between the two of you started. All the best love stories are complicated.”

  Quinn pulled on the door handle, but didn’t open the door.

  “This sham…this charade…how does it end?” Margaret asked.

  “We break up in a few months.”

  “And then?”

  “Then, I start dating for real. Find someone…” Quinn took her hand off the handle. “We have a plan. Jack has a plan. We need to stick to it.”

  “I see.” Margaret smoothed her charcoal gray coat over her dress as she considered what she was hearing. “And you just forget about Lacey?”

  “No.” Quinn shook her head. “Never. She took care of me. She’s become my best friend.”

  Margaret pulled her phone out of her purse. “I’m sorry, my darling, but I don’t buy it. These are not the words of someone who is just a friend.”

  Quinn put up her hand. “I know, Mom. I know she’s texted you, but she was just saying what she had to say to keep up the charade.”

  “Really,” Margaret said with a doubtful tone. She put her reading glasses on. “Lacey, I’m so very sorry to hear about your father. I’m getting on the first plane out. See you soon, my darling. And this was her reply. Thank you, Mrs. Kincaid. I feel so lost right now. Quinn is the only reason I’m still standing.”

  “That doesn’t mean…” Quinn shook her head.

  Margaret gave her daughter a stern look. “Let me finish.” She scrolled down a bit. “Quinn is a strong woman, Lacey. She gets that from me, whether she’ll admit it or not. If you let her, she’ll shine bright like a star in your time of need. She’ll prop you up until you can stand on your own again. And I’ll be there for you too. You’re a part of us now, and the Kincaid women will not let you down.”

  “You really believe that?”

  Margaret took off her glasses. “I may not say it enough. No, that’s not right. I haven’t said it enough, honey. But honestly, you haven’t made it easy. You’ve kept everyone at arm’s length for years. Including me. But Lacey has opened you up again, and yes, I can now see all of you in all of your glory and it’s a beautiful sight. Now, do you want to hear what her reply was?”

  Quinn nodded.

  “Her grief was making her ramble, but just hear her out. Okay, she says, before I met Quinn, I thought I knew what love was. It’s funny how wrong we can be about our own lives. I wish you could’ve met my dad. He would’ve liked you and your honesty. I haven’t been so honest lately. He would’ve been disappointed in me for that. Now, he doesn’t have to know, and that’s okay. He’s with my mom now and that’s the most important thing because he loved her so much. Life tears us to pieces sometimes, doesn’t it? I hope we’ll see more of you, Mrs. Kincaid. Family is so important.” Margaret met Quinn’s gaze. “Now I know what the dishonesty was about. She felt guilty that she’d lied to her father about her relationship with you.”

  Quinn took a tissue out of her pocket and wiped her nose. “She hasn’t really said much at all to me since her dad died. Only the things she’s had to say. Details about the funeral. Practical stuff.”

  “She’s devastated, honey. Her thoughts, her feelings, they’re all over the place. That text was a jumble of emotions, but one thing is clear – she sees you as her family. Now, am I going out there, or are you?” Margaret tucked her phone back in her purse and waited.

  Quinn put her hand on the door handle again, this time she hesitated for only a few seconds before she opened the door and got out of the car. Margaret smiled in satisfaction. “That’s my girl.”


  Quinn stood by the limo for a moment, praying for courage. Jack was keeping the paparazzi away and she couldn’t see Dani’s parents anywhere nearby. She looked to her left and found Amy, who gave her a reassuring nod. She slowly made her way back to the gravesite. Dani was sitting next to Lacey, an arm wrapped around her shoulders.

  “It’s time, honey.” Quinn held out her hand to Lacey. She looked up with a vacant stare. She put her hand in Quinn’s and stood up.

  “Let her sit for as long as she wants.” Dani stood up and grabbed Lacey’s arm.

  Quinn kept hold of Lacey’s hand, completely ignoring Dani. “Tell me what you need. Do you want to be here when they lower the casket?”

  Lacey shook her head. “I can’t watch that again. When they threw dirt on my mom…”

  Quinn removed the space between them and kissed Lacey’s temple. “Shh…it’s okay. I’ll take care of it.”

  Lacey gripped the sleeve of Quinn’s coat. “Let me say goodbye,” she whispered. She went to her father’s casket, keeping hold of Quinn’s hand. She set her other hand on the casket and immediately started to sob again. She leaned down and kissed it, then turned and fell into Quinn’s arms.

  Margaret unrolled her window and tracked Dani as she walked away. “That’s right. You walk away like a good little girl.” Amy gave Margaret a thumbs up. Margaret chuckled and returned the gesture.

  Lacey leaned on Quinn as they made their way back to the limo. Jack opened the door for them, and Lacey met his gaze. “Thank you, Jack. For everything.” He gave her a nod and offered his hand, helping her into the limo. He did the same for Quinn and Amy, and then closed the door. He eyed Dani and her parents, standing by their car, watching everything as he tapped the roof of the limo, letting the driver know he could go.

  “Thank you for coming, Mrs. Kincaid.”

  Margaret slid in the seat next to Lacey, wrapping her arms around her. “Call me Margaret, honey.” Lacey rested her head against Margaret’s and let her emotions go again. Her hand reached for Quinn’s, finding it and squeezing it tightly.


  Later that evening, Lacey opened her eyes and saw familiar wallpaper. Hotel. Dead father. Funeral. Quinn. Not ready to face any of it yet, she pulled the covers up around her face and closed her eyes again.

  Half an hour later, Lacey’s bladder woke her up. She pushed back the covers and got out of bed, never looking behind her to see if Quinn was anywhere in the room. When she came back out, Quinn was back in bed and lifting the covers for her. Lacey climbed back in and Quinn snuggled up behind, spooning her. Lacey kept her eyes open for a few seconds, soaking in the warmth of the woman behind her. She rested her hand on Quinn’s arm and closed her eyes, refusing to care about what was real and what wasn’t, because she didn’t want any of the last few days to be real.


  “Now’s not a good time, Jack. It can wait.”

  Lacey opened her eyes when she heard Quinn speaking in hushed tones across the room.

  “I don’t care what she’s saying and my husband can go to hell. Ex-husband…yes, that’s what I meant. Tell them I have no comment. Pictures? I was drunk, but I don’t think anyone took pictures.” Quinn turned around and looked at Lacey when Jack asked about her. “She’s devastated. Just like we’d all be if we lost both parents that young.”

  Lacey squeezed her eyes shut, trying to fight back the tears again. She pulled the covers up over her head when her phone started ringing.

  “I have to go, Jack.” Quinn ended the call and walked over to Lacey’s phone where it was charging on the desk. She saw Dani’s name and pushed the red button.

  Lacey threw the covers off of her head. “Who was it?” She couldn’t hide from the world forever.

  “It was Dani.”

  Lacey motioned for Quinn to hand her the phone. She listened to the voicemail and sat up. She put her feet on the floor but didn’t stand up. Quinn stood in front of her. “You’re not going anywhere.”

  “I should shower.” Lacey fell forward a bit, resting her forehead on Quinn’s stomach.

  “I could run a bath for you. Would that feel good?”

  Would anything ever feel good again? Lacey had her doubts. She’d given up on trying to stop the tears that just kept coming.

  “Lace?” Quinn ran her fingers through Lacey’s hair. “Tell me what you need.”

  She needed time to stop and then reverse a few years. She needed to tell her dad to eat better and not work so hard. She needed to make healthy dinners for him, instead of making him fend for himself. She needed to give him more of her time, not just holidays and a few Saturday mornings where they would catch up over coffee. For so long, he lived with a broken heart and then he died of one too. She could’ve prevented that, couldn’t she?

  Couldn’t she?

  Lacey wrapped her arms around Quinn’s legs and hung on for dear life as another sob exploded from her chest.


  “I don’t know what to do for her. She won’t eat the room service food. And the tears, Mom – they’re constant. If she’s awake, she’s crying.”

  “Where are you?” Margaret asked.

  “I’m trying a different tactic. I’m buying her favorite junk food.” Quinn grabbed a bag of Doritos and put them in her basket.

  “Good idea. When are you heading back to L.A.?”

  “Tomorrow morning.”

  “Quinn, honey, listen to me. You’re doing everything exactly right. She’ll probably want some space eventually, but right now, she needs your constant support. Don’t leave her alone for very long. Be there for her, and in time, the tears will subside.”

  Quinn breathed a sigh of relief. She was starting to feel a little bit helpless in the face of such grief. “Thank you, for being at the funeral. I know Lacey really appreciated it too.”

  “Of course, dear.”

  Quinn put her basket full of snacks and drinks on the counter. “Mom, I have to check out, now.”

  “Okay, honey. Keep me posted. And if I can help, you know I’m here for you both.”

  “I will. Bye, mom.”


  Quinn was halfway down the hall when she suddenly slowed her pace, shocked at what she was seeing. Lacey had just stepped out of the hotel room, fully dressed. “Hey, what are you…” She stopped dead in her tracks when Dani walked out of the room behind Lacey.

  Quinn hadn’t been gone that long, had she? Maybe an hour at the most. Just long enough to make a few phone calls and pick up some food. She eyed them both and then said, “Going somewhere?”

  Lacey adjusted the purse on her shoulder and stuffed her hands in her coat pockets. “Just for coffee.”

  A few awkward seconds of silence passed between the three of them. “You haven’t eaten anything. You need more than coffee.” Quinn held up the grocery bag. “I bought your favorites. Doritos, Snickers, ice cream…” Quinn trailed off.

  Dani took Lacey’s elbow. “I’ll make sure she eats some real food.”

  Lacey took the few steps needed to be face to face with Quinn. “Thank you,” she said. “The funeral. Everything you’ve done for my dad. I can’t thank you enough.” She gave Quinn a quick hug and walked away.

  Quinn stood there, speechless. What was she supposed to say or do? Just before they turned the corner and disappeared, she shouted. “Lacey!”

  Lacey stopped and turned around.

  Stay with me. Quinn forced the words back down. “Eat something. Soup. Eat soup.”

  Lacey managed a smile and nodded. Dani put a possessive arm around her and urged her down the hall.

  Soup? Fucking soup? Is that all Quinn had? What about, you’re not going anywhere with her! Or, I’m definitely not okay with you spending time with your ex. Because even if this was all fake, they were still supposed to be acting like their relationship was real, weren’t they?

  Quinn tossed the bag of junk food on the bed and groaned in frustration. It was going to be a long evening.


  Amy knocked on the door an hour before they were supposed to leave New York. Quinn let her in and went back to her suitcase. “I’ll just be a minute,” she muttered under her breath.

  “Everything okay?” Amy knew her boss well and there was definitely tension in the air, and worry written all over her face.

  Quinn didn’t answer right away. She continued to fold clothes and tuck them into her suitcase. “I don’t know where Lacey is. We’ll have to go without her.”

  Amy walked over and picked up a sweater to fold. “We can hold the plane,” she said, hoping Quinn would tell her what the hell was going on.

  “No. She knows we’re leaving and if she wants to stay, I have to let her.”

  Amy put the sweater in the suitcase and rested her hand on Quinn’s arm. “Why don’t you tell me what’s going on so I can help?”

  Quinn pulled her arm away and went over to the window, her arms firmly wrapped around her body. “She’s with Dani. She went for coffee with her last night and didn’t come home…back…she didn’t come back.”

  Amy shook her head in confusion. “Why are you so calm? And why the hell are you going to leave without her?”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “You’re right! I don’t!”

  Seeming a little surprised by Amy’s anger, Quinn turned around and shot her a glare. “Are you yelling at me?”

  “Someone needs to! You don’t even know where your girlfriend is? I’d be freaking out right about now! We should call the police! We should put out an APB! It’s your GIRLFRIEND, Quinn! And this is New York!”

  “I’m here.”

  Amy spun around and found Lacey standing at the door. She barely stopped herself from shouting, where the hell have you been? She turned to Quinn, hoping she would yell the words, but she just stood there, staring at Lacey. The tension in the room was so thick, she decided she’d better leave. “Let me know what you want to do.”

  Amy tried not to make eye contact with Lacey as she brushed past her, but Lacey grabbed her arm. “Just give me a few minutes to shower and we’ll go.” Amy gave her a terse nod and walked out. Lacey turned her attention back to Quinn. “I won’t be long.”


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