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Just One More Chance: Baytown Boys Series

Page 16

by Maryann Jordan

  Circling her clit, he plunged his finger deep inside her sex, the slick walls warm and accepting. Plunging in and out, he nipped her breast, eliciting more writhing from her body. He added a second finger inside and began a scissoring motion, finding the sweet spot that had her moaning as her head pressed back against the blanket on the soft sand. He felt her inner core tightening against his fingers and slid them out slowly, circling the wet digits against her swollen clit.

  Jillian, her head heavy, felt boneless as the morning breeze blew over her body, making her nipples ache with more need. Her hands smoothed over the hard muscles of his back and shoulders as she moaned, “Mmmm, I love your shoulders,” her eyes closing as her fingers continued to roam.

  “My shoulders?” Grant lifted up on one arm to see if she were kidding, but her expression was softened as he felt her hands knead the muscles of his neck and upper back.

  Opening her eyes, focusing on the man she loved lying half on top of her, his weight comfortable and right. “Yeah,” she whispered. “You’ve got great shoulders.”

  Kissing her lightly, he said, “Now you’re the goof…but an adorable one.” Shifting over her prone body, he settled his hips against her core and said, “Let’s see if there’s another part of my anatomy you think is great.”

  With one hand, he reached down and unfastened the strings on her bikini bottoms, moving the material out of the way before he pulled his engorged cock from his swim trunks, placing it at her entrance.

  Grinning, she grasped his shoulders tighter, her fingers digging in as she replied, “Oh, I’m already a big fan of your cock.”

  Thrilled not to have to deal with a condom, he plunged inside her warm channel, the friction causing both of them to gasp in pleasure. He cupped her face in his hands as his upper weight rested on his forearms, his tongue mimicking the movements of his dick. No longer able to exercise control, he thrust over and over, relishing the feel of her tight walls grabbing his aching cock as he rocked her body back and forth on the blanket.

  Jillian dug her heels into his ass, wanting to pull him deeper, but as the friction built, she was not sure she could take more of him. Her hands wandered up and down his back, the muscles cording and bunching with his movements. His ass felt tight against her feet as his cock stroked her sex, her clit pulsating with need.

  All thoughts flew from his mind as his balls tightened, pulling up, ready to blow. Jesus, what this woman does to me! He wanted her to come again but could not tell if she was close. Reaching between them, he pressed against her clit, the nub slick and engorged. Come on, baby. Come on!

  She shuddered underneath him, her fingers digging into his shoulders as her orgasm slammed into her. Barely aware of the tension pouring off him, she focused on her sex clenching, sending tingles radiating outward in all directions. Crying out once more, she arched upward, now hearing the roar in her ear that was his groan as he spilled his orgasm deep into her. He continued to pump until there was nothing left, barely moving to the side before crashing next to her, his heart beating erratically against hers.

  They lay on the blanket, sweaty bodies quickly cooling with the breeze across the dunes, both breathing rapidly until, slowly, their bodies recovered. Staring into the blue sky, afraid to look into his eyes, Jillian whispered softly, “I love you.” Unable to hold them back, the words simply slid from her heart to her mouth. Biting her lip as they floated between them, she barely had time to wonder what he thought before he leaned up on a forearm and peered down at her, blocking the white clouds passing overhead.

  Reaching out with his free hand, he brushed scattered strands of hair behind her ear, while some still blew about her head like a halo. Caressing her cheek with his thumb, he admitted, “I fell in love with you years ago, Jillian Evans. And then I let life…and nightmares…keep us apart. But my love for you is still there…still strong…and here to stay.”

  Sucking in a quick breath as his words slid into her being, her lips curved into a slow, sweet smile. Reaching up, she caressed his jaw, holding his gaze.

  Just then, the wind picked up slightly and Jillian felt the sting of wind-blown sand hitting her body and she snapped her legs together tightly. A crease appeared on her brow as she bit her lip. “Uh…Grant? I hate to ruin a perfect moment, but um…the wind is blowing sand up my…you know.”

  It took a second for her words to penetrate, but then his eyes widened and he moved quickly. Pulling his boxers up, he leaned down and tied her bikini bottoms back at the sides as she shifted her top to cover her breasts once again.

  “Well, we need to take care of that problem,” he announced with a grin as he stood and offered her a hand up. Grabbing the blanket, he linked fingers with hers and they jogged back to the kayaks. It took several minutes to carry them over the dunes to where his jeep was parked, but they had them tied on top as quickly as they could.

  “Come on, sweetheart,” he said, as he led her around to the passenger side, assisting her up. “We still need to take care of your you know!”

  Giggling, she rolled her eyes as she shifted uncomfortably on the seat, the small amount of sand in her bikini beginning to chafe. Eyeing him as he jumped into the driver’s seat, she said, “What are we? Twelve?”

  “You started it,” he laughed, pulling away from the dune and back onto the road. “I’m just following your lead.”

  Within a few minutes, they pulled into her driveway and jumped down from the vehicle at the same time, jogging toward the door. Once inside, she shrieked as he scooped her up and headed up the stairs.

  “I swear, I should get used to you carrying me to the shower by now,” she said, holding on to his neck. Once inside the bathroom, she slithered down the front of his body as his arms loosened. With a wink, she turned and flipped on the water, letting the warmth fill the room.

  Stripping, they entered underneath the showerhead, letting the water flow over their bodies, washing away the residual sand.

  “So I take it you’re not a fan of beach sex?” he asked, his soapy hands roaming over her body.

  Turning to face him, a smile on her lips, she replied, “Sex with you anywhere, anytime…perfect.”

  “Well then, let’s see what you think of shower sex.”

  Chapter 17

  Grant drove the Baytown police SUV through the early morning streets, his thoughts returning to the delights of the previous morning spent with Jillian, first on the water, then on the beach, and then in her shower.

  Hearing dogs barking as he turned down one of the streets, he saw Mrs. Malton on one side of the road holding onto her dog as it strained toward the other side where Mr. Royer and his dog were walking. At least they’re staying on opposite sides of the road! He slowed and rolled his window down as he came to Mr. Royer. “Good morning! How goes the walking?”

  “As long as she stays on her side, we’re fine!”

  Waving to Mrs. Malton across the street, he choked back his grin when she snubbed him. Grateful the town was quiet as he finished his patrol, he glanced at the clock. Knowing he had an early morning presentation at the elementary school, he left the town and drove toward the county school.

  The main highway cutting through the Eastern Shore was a four-lane road with a grassy median. As a school bus in front of him slowed, he watched carefully as it came to a stop to pick up children, knowing both lanes on their side needed halt as well.

  A black car with dark, tinted windows all around, coming from behind, ignored the school bus stop sign and lights, passing quickly. Flipping on his siren, he waited until the school bus dropped its sign before he pulled around, keeping the car in his sights.

  Calling it in, he had Mildred radio for assistance from the North Heron County sheriff and the state police. Driving fast, but cautiously, he was glad the traffic was almost nonexistent on the road. Come on, prick, pull over! Furious at not being able to see the license number from the vehicle, he lost sight of it as it rounded a curve. Speeding forward as he came out of the curve, he gr
inned in victory as he saw a North Heron Sheriff’s cruiser SUV jerking in behind the black car, entering the high-speed chase. Within a minute, the SUV managed to maneuver the pursued vehicle off the road, dirt and gravel flying beneath its tires as it ran into a ditch. Grant called in the tags and got the name of the suspect—Tyrone Johnson. Calling in his location and status, he stalked over to the black car, his boots stamping into the ground.

  Glancing into the trunk as the State Trooper popped it open, he viewed two dark duffle bags, each stuffed and full. Snapping on gloves, the State Trooper unzipped the bag, revealing plastic bags full of white powder.

  “You can’t look in there!” Tyrone yelled. “I was just out to get my coffee. I didn’t do nothin’ wrong!”

  “Colt,” Grant acknowledged, as he was joined by Sheriff Hudson, who proceeded to lean over to see what else was in the trunk. The State Trooper unzipped the second duffle bag and revealed a multitude of handguns. Picking one up, he turned to Grant and Colt and commented, “Serial number’s been filed off. Probably off all of them.”

  “He’s gonna kill me! The mother-fucker’s gonna kill me!” Tyrone, handcuffed and on the ground, began screaming.

  Grant, jaw tight, called in to Mildred just as more law enforcement vehicles pulled up. Stepping back, since he was out of his jurisdiction, he turned to Colt. “I witnessed him speeding by a school bus stopped at a bus stop, so while that may be secondary to all the evidence here,” he said, jerking his head in the direction of the trunk, “I still want that added to his charges. I do not want this piece of shit to get away.”

  Colt nodded before moving over to the suspect, just being lifted to his feet, still struggling against his handcuffs.

  “Who are you afraid of?” Colt asked, his hard eyes pinned on Tyrone.

  Tyrone’s lips tightened into a grimace, but he held his tongue, shaking his head. Giving a little shrug, Colt said, “I’ll just be putting you in the county jail…same cell as a recent drug runner had.”

  Tyrone’s eyes grew wide with fear as his chest heaved with each breath. “You gotta take me somewhere different, man,” he begged. “He’ll off me just like…”

  Grant moved closer, listening as Colt continued. “Who? You give me one good reason to listen to anything you’ve got to say.”

  Tyrone leaned forward, his voice dropping. “You know. You know what’ll happen to me.”

  Another shrug, and Colt spoke as though he did not have a care in the world. “I don’t know anything, unless you choose to enlighten me. Then, and only if I determine what you say has any merit, we may consider a scenario other than the one the last drug runner had that was caught here.”

  Tyrone held on to his silence until the officer was pressing on his head to assist him into the back of the cruiser. “Wait, wait!” he called out, looking over at Colt and Grant. “You get me some protection and I’ll,” he swallowed deeply, his eyes darting around, “give you what you want.”

  With a curt nod toward the officer, Colt and Grant walked back toward their vehicles. “Hate like hell he passed a school bus, but sure as fuck glad you were right there,” Colt said.

  “I was pissed just about the traffic violation but, as soon as I saw the all tinted windows, I wondered if he didn’t have some reason to be flying down the road this morning—besides just wanting to get to his coffee.”

  Colt snorted, shaking his head. “Well, I guess Tyrone’s Starbucks is just going to have to be delivered to the county jail.”


  “Hey, Mr. Policeman,” the young child’s voice called out. “Can you show us your gun?”

  The small children sat in a semi-circle on the floor as Grant perched in a too-small chair, all eyes glued to him as he cleared his throat. Not about to draw his weapon from its holster, he nonetheless attempted to answer the first grader’s question before being peppered by the next, but was unsuccessful. “Well, I—”

  “You ever shoot anyone?”

  “Do you look at blood and guts under a microscope like they do on TV?”

  “My daddy says it’s okay to race down the road as long as there ain’t no damn cops around.”

  “Richie!” Jade hushed the child, reprimanding his language. “You do not use that word even if you are quoting your father!”

  Grant, looking at the clock, was glad when he realized his time was up. Standing, he waved goodbye to the small children, startled when one little girl ran over and hugged him around his knees.

  “I’m glad you came, Mr. Policeman,” she said, her wide blue eyes and blonde ponytail reminding him so much of a much younger Jillian. “And I can say no to drugs too.”

  Grinning down at her, he patted her head before moving into the hall with Jade. Dropping his head back to stare at the ceiling for a moment, his mouth opened to speak but nothing coming out. He then looked back down at the pretty, brunette teacher and asked, “How on earth do you do it?” Placing his hands on his hips, he shook his head as she laughed softly.

  “I love this age,” she admitted. “They’re fun, inquisitive, and not cynical.”

  “They’re inquisitive for sure!”

  Patting his arm, she said, “You did fine, Grant. Thank you so much for coming by today.”

  He turned to shake her hand when he heard, “Officer Wilder!” from around the corner. “You’re coming to my room next and I’ve been sent to escort you so you don’t get lost!”

  Bobby bounded over, his enthusiasm contagious as Grant greeted him. With a wave backward to Jade, he followed Bobby to the next classroom, grateful to have a chance to speak to the older children. An hour later, as he was leaving the school, Jade came jogging after him.

  “Grant!” she called out, breathless as she came to a stop in front of him. “I’ve got an aide watching my kids,” she explained. “I wanted to tell you that after you left, one of the girls in the class told me that her older brother talks about using drugs. I have no idea if it’s true, but when I questioned her, she seemed to know what she was talking about. Her name is Karly. Karly Hubbard.”

  “Damn,” Grant said, pulling out his small notepad. Writing down her name as Jade gave it to him, he then asked, “What did she say?”

  “Just that her brother, who dropped out of school, is always arguing with their mom, talking about his friends. She says he’s gone a lot and when he comes back, he’s got money. She’s overheard her brother and mom fighting and it seems that last weekend, she heard her mom say the word drugs.”

  Grant’s gaze sought Jade’s as his mind ran through the possibilities. Taking down the child’s information, he thanked her.

  “No, thank you for talking to the kids today in a way that helped them understand,” she said. “If you hadn’t, I don’t think she would have told me what was going on.”

  Climbing into the cruiser, Grant headed back to the police station, a headache beginning to form. Jesus, I’m tired and it’s only eleven-thirty!


  Walking into Stuart’s Pharmacy and Diner a few minutes later, Grant smiled as he saw Jillian sitting in a booth waiting for him. Thinking of the little girl from the school who had reminded him of the Jillian of years ago, his heart skipped a beat at the woman she had become. Her blue eyes twinkled as he dropped a kiss on her lips before sliding into the red, vinyl covered booth, sighing heavily.

  “That doesn’t sound good,” she said, a small frown forming. “Tough morning?”

  Nodding, he replied, “Oh yeah. High-speed chase down Highway 13, followed by the arrest of another drug runner, then spent a few hours at the elementary school and got a lead I need to follow up on.”

  Eyes wide, she leaned forward, running her fingers over his arm. “I’m sorry, honey. I’m glad you called so I could meet you here.”

  Looking at her sitting across from him, Grant knew why he fought the attraction for so long, but wished he had pulled his head out of his ass sooner. Her soft touch. A gentle smile on her warm, concerned face. Her rockin’ hot body showcased in a
light green sweater and skinny jeans that had his tired body sitting up to take notice. Damn, I wasted a lot of years fighting this. He linked his fingers with hers as Katelyn made her way over.

  “Hey, lovebirds,” she called out. “What’ll it be?”

  Grant looked at Jillian and grinned, the memories of many times sitting in the same booth when they were teens filling his mind, and, by the matching grin on her face, she remembered too. “We’ll both have cheeseburgers, mine with everything and hers with no pickles or onions. Mine with fries and hers with onion rings, so we can share. And two chocolate milkshakes.”

  Katelyn threw her head back in laughter. “Geez, that’s a blast from the past!” Walking away, she called over her shoulder, “Nice to have you two back!”

  Grant’s eyebrows lifted as he watched their dark-haired friend walk away. “I thought she was against you giving me another chance,” he said, looking at Jillian’s beaming smile.

  “You remember what I like to order here?” she asked softly, her smile reaching her wide, blue eyes.

  “Yeah…like it’s part of me,” he replied. Jerking his head back toward Katelyn, he prompted, “Katelyn?”

  Lifting her shoulders in a slight shrug, she said, “Katelyn loves me. She’s always wanted the best for me.”

  “And she thinks that’s me?” he asked, unable to keep the incredulity out of his voice.

  “Well, for a while, no,” she admitted, “but recently…let’s just say that she’s willing to give you another chance.”

  Giving a tug on her hand, he pulled her toward him as he leaned forward, meeting her in the middle of the space. “All I needed was you giving me just one more chance, sweetheart,” he whispered against her lips before sealing them with a kiss.

  Chapter 18

  Grant observed the faces of his fellow officers, his voice tight with anger as he read his report about the morning’s activities and subsequent arrest. As he finished reciting the facts, he pushed the report away from him and said, “I’m telling you, that guy was scared. Scared shitless. But Colt was playing him perfectly.”


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