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Just One More Chance: Baytown Boys Series

Page 20

by Maryann Jordan


  As the door to Finn’s opened, the light and music spilled out onto the sidewalk. Inside, the bar full of townies, fishermen, and groups of friends crowded the old pub. Aiden and Brogan worked the bar, keeping the waitresses hopping as they took orders, while Katelyn served pitchers of beer to the gathering of Baytown Boys just back from another Legionnaire’s meeting. Jillian and Tori arrived, heading to their men as the crowd parted for the two beautiful women. The local men appreciated the view, but ogling was kept to a minimum considering they were clearly walking toward policemen.

  Grant looked up, a wide grin on his face seeing the orange t-shirt and yellow capris on Jillian. Her blonde hair, loose from its braid, hung in waves down her back. Standing, he welcomed her with open arms.

  She walked straight into his embrace, loving the kiss he always placed on top of her head. Leaning back, she grinned in return, asking, “How was the meeting?”

  “It was good, babe. We talked about the Auxiliary.”

  “Really?” she squealed, giving a little hop, bumping him on the chin. She heard a similar cheer from Tori and assumed Mitch must have given her the same good news. “We’ve got so many people who are interested in serving. Oh, Grant, it’ll be so good for this county.”

  Letting go of his waist, she slid into the booth, scooting next to Zac, greeting him. Callan and two of his Coast Guard buddies were sitting across from her.

  “Hey, girl,” Zac said, leaning over to her. “I’ve got to make an inspection of the coffee shop and galleria this next week. I’m almost caught up on the fire inspections, but still need to get your section of Main Street.”

  “Aren’t they supposed to be unannounced?”

  Flashing his gorgeous smile, he shoulder-bumped her. “Some are, but with this one we just need to come in to test your sprinkler systems.”

  Just then, a woman Jillian did not recognize walked by, smiling at Zac. She winked and giggled before sashaying over to the bar. Zac stood up in the booth and, with a deft hop barely missing her head, made his way over the back, stalking after the woman while Jillian watched in awe. Turning back to the group, she shook her head. “How does he do that?”

  “What?” Callan asked, his gaze following Zac as well. “Get the girl or hop over the back of the booth without knocking over drinks or kicking someone in the head?”

  Laughing, Jillian said, “Both, I guess!”

  “Practice…lots of practice,” Callan answered. “It comes from having to hustle to put out the fires!”

  Staring at Jason’s arm resting on the table across from her, she bit her lip. He caught her staring and lifted his eyebrow.

  “When will your shop open?” she asked. “The tattoo shop?”

  “You interested in getting one?”

  “Yes…something fun…something colorful,” she confided.

  Glancing down at her bright clothes, he chuckled. “I’d have never guessed.” Seeing her seriousness, he said, “Hopefully soon. Hell, you can be my first customer if you want.”

  Clapping her hands in glee, Jason shared a glance with Grant.

  “Don’t mind her,” Grant joked, “she’s a goof!”

  With a pretend glare shot his way, Grant grinned, shifting Jillian down the bench seat so that she was next to the wall. Pinned in by him, there was a small element of privacy, which he took advantage of with a kiss that bordered on the too-much-for-public kind. Not that Jillian was complaining as she melted into his arms.

  Suddenly, they were jolted from the side as Katelyn sat down next to Grant. “I’m dead on my feet,” she complained. Stretching her neck around, she complained, “Geez, Grant, let her up for air or y’all get a room!”

  Laughing, he complied as he ended the kiss with a quick one on the end of Jillian’s nose. Tori looked over at the girls and said, “Are you excited about the Auxiliary?”

  Before Jillian could answer, Katelyn slapped her hand down on the table, causing those around her to jump. “Dammit boys, why don’t you ever tell me anything?” she yelled at her brothers.

  Brogan grunted but Aiden ducked his head. “Sorry, sis. I know you wanted to know, but we had to hustle back here to get behind the bar.”

  Katelyn turned to Mitch and said, “So when can we get started?”

  “I’ll talk to Aunt Nancy and give her the info that I’ve got. Then we can call a meeting, kind of like we did when we got the American Legion started.”

  The three women grinned at each other, excited for a new challenge. Jillian felt Grant’s fingers squeeze her shoulders slightly and she turned her gaze up to his, her head cocked in an unspoken question.

  Leaning down, his warm breath washed over her neck as he whispered, “Let’s get outta here.”

  Beaming her reply, she nodded as they slipped out of the booth after Grant nudged Katelyn out of the way. Saying goodbye, Grant linked fingers with her and they maneuvered through the crowd toward the door.

  Hearing group laughter at the far end of the bar, Grant turned out of habit, to see who was there. Eyeing Jermaine Hubbard with several others, he quickly jerked his head toward Zac, who was flirting with the blonde at the bar. The unspoken communication between the men had Zac moving toward Jillian while Grant stepped back to the Baytown Boys still in the back.

  Leaning in to Aiden, he said, “Got some underage guys at the far end. Make sure to check their IDs.” Mitch stepped over, his attention on the group as well. “I’m taking Jillian home and then following them. I haven’t been able to get a lock on where Jermaine is hanging out and he hasn’t been home in a week.”

  Brogan, listening, made his way back behind the bar, standing near the group, keeping his eyes concentrated on them. With a nod to the MacFarlane brothers, Grant walked back to the door, relieving Zac. Jillian looked up at him, her brows drawn together, but she did not question his actions.

  “Thanks, man,” Grant said, then grinned. “Better get back to your friend.”

  Zac spied the hook-up, leaning against the bar, a pout on her red lips. “No worries. I’ll make it all better for her.”

  With a clap on the back, Zac sent Grant and Jillian out into the night. As soon as the light and music dropped off behind them with the closed door, Jillian turned to him. “What’s up, Grant?”

  Wrapping his arm around her he tucked her into his side as they walked toward his SUV. “I need to drop you off at home, babe, and then go back out for some surveillance.”

  Twisting her head up, she said, “I can get home by myself, honey. You can go do your cop thing.”

  Chuckling, he shook his head. “My cop thing, huh? Well, my cop thing can wait the few minutes it will take to get you home safely, and then I’ll head back out.”

  Ten minutes later, after checking her house, they stood at the front door. Lifting to her toes, she threw her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. He angled his head for maximum contact, delving his tongue deeply into her warm mouth, immediately deciding that move may have been a mistake when his cock jumped, pressing against his zipper.

  Regretfully pulling back, he sighed as he kissed the top of her head. “I hate like hell to do this, but I’ve gotta go.”

  With a tight squeeze around his waist, she nodded her face against his chest. “I know. Be safe, honey,” she whispered. “Come back to me.”

  “Always,” he promised. “Always.”


  Grant called in his position as he followed the car Jermaine was in. Keeping his distance, he watched as they turned north on Highway 13 after leaving town. So he’s not staying in town. Or at least, not hanging out here.

  There were no lights on the empty highway, making it harder for him to follow without being seen. He knew they had not been drinking in Finn’s—Aiden and Brogan would have made sure of that—but it did not mean they were clean. Having talked to some of the kids from the high school, he had a good idea that Jermaine and his friends were small time dealers.

  He watched their vehicle turn west onto a
smaller road about fifteen miles north of town. Fuck, I can’t follow too closely without them knowing. Out of town, the county was not his jurisdiction anyway, so he noted the name of the road Jermaine turned down and waited a moment. Making the turn, he drove slowly down the road, scanning in the dark to see if he could make out their car. Passing a few farms, the lights out in the houses, he finally passed one with several cars outside and the windows lit brightly. Noting the address, he moved down the road until he was able to turn around before heading back home.

  Chapter 23

  The dark night cast long shadows as Grant stood on Jillian’s front porch instead of his own. He had almost arrived at his house when he checked his phone and read the text she had sent. No matter what time – come to my house. I’m lonely without you!

  His heart twinged in his chest as he read the message and there was no doubt in his mind where he would go. They had shared house keys a few weeks ago, but this was the first time he would be joining her late at night, after a shift. With his hand on her front door knob, he hesitated. Looking back over his shoulder, he glanced down her street, noting the row of neat houses. Jillian bought one of the older houses that had been refinished on a street just three blocks from the town beach, while he was renting a small house in town. The pleasant idea of coming to this house every day after work hit him—and made him smile.

  Not a place to crash. Not a place to sleep off a wild night spent partying. And certainly not a place to bring back a bar-hookup. But home. This house felt like home.

  He had fought the idea of a home with Jillian for so long, but now that he had it, he relished the warm feeling in his chest. Julie had spoken of her home with her husband and child in such loving, happy terms. And now he understood—while her life may have been cut short, she had experienced the love that comes from living with someone you want to spend forever with.

  Squinting his eyes tightly to ward off the sting of unfamiliar tears threatening, he knew he had found the same forever love. Thank God Jillian gave me one more chance.

  Opening the door, he stepped through quietly, slipping off his shoes as soon as he entered. The foyer light was on as well as the hall light. Locking the door behind him, he turned when he heard the sound of soft footsteps coming down the stairs.

  Jillian walked toward him, her sleepy eyes barely open and her blonde tresses wild about her head. An old blanket was wrapped about her body but as she stumbled toward him, her arms opened instinctively. Grant barely had time to throw his arms wide before she slammed into him, her blanket covered body plastered to the front of him as he enveloped her in his embrace. Tucking her head underneath his chin, he did not say anything for a moment, not sure if she were truly awake.

  Finally, he whispered, “Baby?”


  He smiled at her sleepy grunt and bent to scoop her up. At that motion, her eyes widened as she laid her head on his shoulder. Upstairs, he placed her back on the bed, settling her head on the pillow and pulling the covers up over her body. Kissing her forehead, he whispered, “I’ll be right back,” before moving into the bathroom. He was not sure she would even remember getting up, she slept so soundly, but he moved quietly nonetheless. Within a few minutes, he slid underneath the covers craving the warmth only her body could provide. Wrapping his arms around her now sleeping form, he pulled her close. His mind wandered for a moment to the cases they were investigating, but then he forced them from his thoughts. They’ll still be there tomorrow, ready for me to tackle.

  Tucking her back to his front, he nuzzled her hair, the familiar scent of her shampoo teasing his senses as he allowed his body to relax. Home. This was home.


  “All right, let’s get started,” Katelyn said loudly, followed by her famous whistle. The shrieking noise quieted the audience quickly.

  The large gathering of women in the American Legion hall settled, all eyes on the women standing in the front. Jillian and her mother, Claire, along with Tori, Katelyn, and Nancy Evans stood, ready to hand out brochures on the American Legion Auxiliary.

  Nancy spoke first, stepping to the microphone. “Ladies, I’m going to read directly from the ALA website to explain our purpose for gathering here tonight. Then we’ll start talking about what we can do.” Clearing her throat, she began, “Founded in 1919, the American Legion Auxiliary is the world’s largest women’s patriotic service organization. The American Legion Auxiliary’s mission is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad.”

  Looking over the group, she continued, “Simply put, we are here to serve the needs of our veterans. Membership can be earned by being a mother, grandmother, sister, daughter, wife or any other direct descendent of an American Legion member or armed service member who has died in action. What we will do tonight is pass out information, decide if there is enough interest to move forward with a chapter here and, if so, nominate some of us to work on getting a chapter established.”

  The other women quickly began distributing the brochures while a pad of paper circulated about the room, collecting names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. People began raising their hands with questions and the women at the front answered them as best as they could.

  “What will we work on?”

  “Is this just a women’s club?”

  “How often would we meet?”

  Jillian pointed out the brochure on activities. “We would volunteer and organize activities for youth, teens, active duty military personnel, and veterans. I would encourage you to visit their website for information on what all we can participate in and how we can help.”

  “Will it take a lot of time? I work full time and—”

  Corrine MacFarlane, Katelyn, Aiden, and Brogan’s mom, stood up and looked over the crowd. “Ladies, some of you are here because of your grandparents, or husbands, and for many of us, our sons. Aiden and Brogan served, but as most mothers know…our children didn’t come back the way they left…young and idealistic.” Her eyes dropped to the woman sitting next to her, Tonya Bayles, and her voice softened as she reached down to grasp her hand. “And some of our Baytown Boys didn’t return.” Blinking back tears, she lifted her chin and continued. “So before you pepper the ladies in the front with too many questions, I would encourage you to read the information to see if it’s right for you.”

  Katelyn, smiling at her mother, added, “If you’re interested already, then make sure to sign the paper making its way around the room.”

  Phyllis Banks, the mayor’s wife stood and announced, “I’m in. My husband never served, but my father and grandfather did. I’d be proud to put my name on the list!”

  Soon, other women, having read over the material quickly, began signing up as well. Jillian, Tori, and Katelyn all smiled at each other as the meeting came to a close. As the women slowly filed out of the meeting hall, Tonya walked over and silently hugged Katelyn. As her arms dropped back down to her side, she said, “Thank you, my dear. Philip would have been so proud.”

  Katelyn battled tears as she beheld the regal bearing of the woman she had once planned on having for a mother-in-law. Tonya smiled at the others but, before turning to leave, she moved back in to whisper in Katelyn’s ear. “Philip loved you…but he would never want you to be alone. When you find someone else, do so knowing my son would want you to be happy. And so do I.” With that, she slipped out of the room, leaving Katelyn staring in her wake.

  Jillian swiftly moved to her best friend, sliding her arm around Katelyn’s shoulders. “You okay, honey?”

  Nodding, Katelyn dashed the tears from her eyes. “Fine. I’m fine.” Sucking in a deep breath, she turned to the few leaders left and said, “Anyone want a beer before heading home? The Legionnaires go to Finn’s after a meeting…don’t see why we can’t too.”

  With a laugh, the women headed into the evening toward the pub.

  *r />
  The dust from the road kicked up behind Jillian’s car as she pulled into the driveway leading to Oliver’s workshop. She had only been able to leave a message on his voice mail about dropping by, but hoped he would be in the barn. Parking, she smiled as she climbed out of her vehicle. Taking in the farmland across the street and the woods behind his property, she smiled. Surrounded by the beauty of the Eastern Shore, she imagined it must be easy for an artist to find inspiration here. She still had not figured out which of her friends would be best suited for him, but was determined to set him up soon.

  Stepping inside, she called out, “Hello! Anyone here?”

  Aubrey popped her head from around the corner, a smile on her pixie face. “Hi, Ms. Evans! Come on in.”

  “Call me Jillian, please,” she responded, walking into the workroom. “Are you all alone?”

  Aubrey nodded, wiping her hands on an old rag. “Yeah, Jonas has finished here and Mike only comes occasionally. I really like it here so I’m hoping to stay for a while.”

  “I hope you do!” Jillian walked over to a shelf on the side of the wall and admired some of the finished pieces. “I still can’t get over the colors…sunsets over water is what I think about when I see these vases and bowls.”

  “That’s what Oliver is known for—the beautiful colors he gets from the different temperatures he heats the clay at.” As Jillian looked back to her, Aubrey said, “I’m sorry he isn’t here.” She moved back to her wheel, adding, “Is there anything I can help you with?”

  Opening her bag, Jillian replied, “Well, I have a check here for Oliver. I’ve been paid for the shipments to the galleries in California and Florida. There’s another one in Virginia Beach that sent payments as well. I have an itemized list and cut a check to Oliver, minus my commission.”

  She handed the envelope to Aubrey, who stood and motioned for Jillian to follow her. “Come on and we’ll put it in his office. I’ll be here until he gets back so I can make sure it stays safe.”


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