THE WICK OF WAR: Absolution
Page 6
"What does that mean? And why are the Elders' sending you?"
"I don't know, but I was chosen because of the birthmark on my back... Back home they say it is of a higher order. Some sort of code. A unique pattern of letters shaped in a square."
"You’re fucking crazy. Take me to the Elders!" he demanded.
"No. I Can't. That would be too easy for her. She sees with you, but, she is too weak to appear in this dimension now. She must gather her strength. I must fight her. That is the way. You’re just her vassal holding her fortress. SHE has the army. You must believe what I say to you. If your life has never made since to you at all. This. What I bring to you will be your guiding light to clarity. They will strike first. And when the numbers are lowered, she will appear."
That grabbed his attention, "I think it's already begun..."
"Believe in yourself..." she said backing away into the darkness. "In your legacy. Your destiny. Only you know what lies ahead. You’re far more valuable and precious than you can imagine, Surbenét. Make the right decision. Absolution." she faded into the shadows, scattering into dust.
After that, he recalled Neka and various others telling him the same thing all threw out his life- Did they all play a part in this society? Furthermore; Neka said the same thing right where he stood.
17. Somewhere: Sierra Nevada, California
A sign read: Private Property. The area was surrounded by cactus. A bright sun beamed down on four white cargo vans speeding up a dirt road toward a small two story farmhouse. Behind them was a black Dodge Charger. Dorchester was on the passenger side, transmitter in his ear, his badge hanging from his neck, over top of Dragon Skin body armor that was on top of his camouflage, and Devin drove, wearing the same.
The vans all lined up when they came a hundred feet from the house. The drivers' poured out and went to the rears' of their trucks. opened them. And ten men from each van appeared forming ten lines of five. All dressed as Devin and Dorchester, except they wore police riot helmets, carrying either tactical shotguns, AK-47's, M14's, and LAR-40's with side-arms, extra magazines, flash bangs, frags, grenades, and smoke canisters.
Devin and Dorchester pulled up and got out the car.
"Teams one and two," Dorchester announced, putting on a pair of expensive, designer shades, "secure the area."
Their presence was intimidating, swiftly moving around the farmhouse, guarding each other’s back.
They spread out on all corners of the house. Five on each. When they were in position, team leaders sounded threw the earpiece, "In position."
Dorchester grabbed a pair of binoculars and gave the house a closer look. He seen a shadow pass through an upper level window. He held his earpiece. "Activity. Upstairs master bedroom. Team three your up."
The men moved to the front door. The first man holding a tactical shotgun shot into the heavy oak wood door three times. Still no sound. The two men in the rear threw two flash bangs in the near first floor windows. Explosion. The door was kicked in. The first two men went inside. Massive gun-fire sounded from inside. They were shot dead. The next two men stepped up to the door.
"Team three hold. One and two. Frag." he waited for them to throw the frags. "Open fire."
They did. For ten seconds. Unload. Reload.
"Cease fire." he waited for the smoke to clear. "Team three. Enter the building and radio survivors."
More rapid-fire.
Threw the ear-piece you could hear the shouts of the men telling their adversaries to drop their weapons, getting resistance. After a few seconds, the team three leader came back over the ear-piece, "Area clear. Holding the package plus four. Master suite."
"Team four. Clear the first level." Dorchester sounded.
Dorchester and Devin walked in behind team four.
The inside was foggy. The dead bodies of the two team three members, their adversaries, and just about all the furniture was now just debris scattered around a war zone. Devin and Dorchester pulled their semi-automatic side arms from their holsters, walking to the rear of the first level. The walls had been torn out to make one large room. The kitchen centered. And the windows were covered with dark curtains and aluminum insulation, now destroyed, facing inside the bullet-riddled room filled with dead bodies, and a huge grow operation worth millions holding hundreds of full grown Hemp plants. The blooming babies upstairs.
The house was cleared and Dorchester ordered team three to bring the hostages down into the massive-size grow room. They did. And all came with their hands on their head followed by automatic gun wielding mercenaries. The 'package' was Reuger.
"What's up! I can recognize you even with that long, blond hair over your face." Dorchester smiled. "Not talking to much today, huh? See how you bring us way out here to kill you. I got the blueprints and everything at a discounted price. What do have to say for yourself?" he waited for an answer.
Reuger said nothing. Dorchester looked to Devin.
Devin walked to Reuger and karate chopped his neck. You could hear his bone crack.
"Answer him. Or next time I'll break it." Devin told him.
Reuger was calm, "Man, what the fuck. I ain't armed. Shoot the fair one. Bitch." talking to Dorchester.
"We took your gun!" Dorchester reminded him, toying. "I mean, I'm sure you had a gun. Right?" he asked team three, "Did he?"
They laughed. The team leader nodded in agreement.
"Well. I tell you what. I'll put my gun down and fight you. If I win. All of you die right here. You win... Well. All of you will die right here." Dorchester finished, handing his gun to Devin. "Stand down, men. I'm about to get me some period pussy."
Reuger charged. Devin snickered.
Dorchester stepped aside and threw an uppercut that landed in Reuger's stomach. Reuger gagged. Dorchester grabbed him around the throat with his bicep. Reuger elbowed him twice. Dorchester let go.
Everyone cheered as the fight continued. Team three, and the hostages, their hands still on their heads.
Reuger gave Dorchester a good right hook to the jaw. Dorchester stumbled. Reuger charged. Dorchester grabbed him and slung him like a bowling ball, only with two hands, threw a few hemp plants.
When Reuger finally landed, Dorchester rushed him while he was grounded. Elbow drop.
Reuger rolled out the way of Dorchester's attack. He hit the ground. They both got up.
Dorchester charged Reuger again, hitting him in the mid-section like a NFL player sacking a quarterback, dropping him to the ground.
They were both in pain. They fought from one end of the room to the next, destroying everything. Each one gaining and losing the upper-hand, repeatedly. They fell over dead bodies, hit each other with florescent lights, threw hemp plants at each other, and bruised each other up pretty well. They were burned out.
Reuger spotted a gun. Grabbed it. Aimed.
Devin shot Reuger in the head.
Dorchester was so upset that he grabbed a shotgun from a merc. Walked to Reuger. Cocked the shotgun. And blew his head off. Blood Splattered everywhere.
Everyone turned their heads in disgust.
The hostages froze. He went to them.
His team stepped back.
He blew the hostages heads off one-by-one, and when he got to the last hostage, he bombed, "Where the fuck! Is Able?" as loud as he could, the barrel of the gun covering the man's nose.
The hostage quickly answered, pissing himself, "Virginia. Virginia Beach, Virginia." crying.
"With who?" Dorchester pressed the nose of the shotgun between his eyes, yelling.
He screamed, "Everyone." he closed his eyes, "Trip's having a party. A private party that's heavily armed. Please. Don't kill me. Please."
"A party in the middle of war? Your fucking lying. Don't make me..." he pumped the gun and yelled in the man's face.
The man took a deep breath, spilling his guts, "It's one of Trip's annual rave parties. Able. Kitten. Lexi. Diamond. Other chapters' of their gang. Their bands. Everyone. The MC. It'
s at the auction property. This Friday. Please!" he cried.
"Alright." Dorchester pulled the trigger.
"... The fuck!" Devin jumped. Shocked. "Why'd ya kill him?"
"Just in case he was lying. We wouldn't have to fly way back out here to track and kill him."
The four van drivers' were called in. They poured gasoline over the entire house, and while everyone else went back to the vans, set the house on fire, then Returned to the vans, and drove off.
Devin picked up his cell phone.
18. Fayetteville, North Carolina
"Why didn't you tell me?" Surbenét asked Neka, who stood across from him in the reconstructed room that she appeared to him as a child.
"I knew she would."
"Mother. What happened to you?"
"I gave myself, but, refused to cross over. It is true that your father and I knew of the curse. We also figured out how we could reverse it. More-so end it threw you."
"So. The child in your stomach. That was me? You lost me?"
"Do you understand why I had to let you go?"
"Why, Mother."
"She will do anything to enslave you, as she is. The more you seek out your destiny, the more powerful you become inside. The less you seek our chances for survival are close to none. If I had told you this then, you would not be standing here now. She knows you can defeat her. That is why she tries to destroy you in almost every encounter. To blacken your heart with anger and hatred. Destroy your ability to rationalize. Once she does that. All is truly lost. I let you go as a mother should after all that can be done is accomplished in his becoming a man. Not that I will ever forget. But to let you experience life and its beauty. For you to make your own choices with clear judgment."
"What of my eyes?"
"That happened when I stopped her from encasing you in her wrath of flames. A fortunate accident. Although I did know the danger. The gift of the darkness. Creature-like senses. Surbenét. You have all the tools you need. What you will choose to do with them... is up to you."
"And what of my father?"
"He is our guardian. Watching you always. And protecting our seats beside him. You are almost exactly alike. He was a man. A strong and superb leader. As long as he was there. I was happy." shifting the conversation, "My son, she does not want you. It is her King. She is just the visible body in which he travels through from time to time. She was indeed designed to prey upon men. A seductive blood-sucking, spell caster. You will fight only his minions. She is one."
"How do we end this?"
"I cannot. You will know when the hour is at hand. Your Allie has already told you. Her mother was strong.. Be brave, my son. I cannot aid you any further. Look for her slave. I love you my son." she smiled, reaching out her hand.
He reached his hand out to her. "I love you."
She faded into dust. "I love you."
19. Virginia Beach
Trip's property was huge, surrounded by a private wooded area. The car dealership was at the front with hundreds of cars. The auto auction building was further back - Thousands of cars surrounding it. Further back was a grass field area in which his large, three story mansion sat in between, followed by a dock and a boat lift.
Dorchester and Devin arrived by a modified stealth MH-60 Black Hawk helicopter, surveying the area for threat locations with binoculars informing their company.
Hollywood and Vegas were sent in as decoys for the ambush, accompanied by Victoria. As they pulled up to the entrance of the car dealership, they were approached by four armed, grungy looking characters. All of which wore leather jackets of a motorcycle club. On the back of the jackets-Evolution, which was reported threw Victoria's earpiece as a club member approached Hollywood's Chevy Avalanche with a shotgun.
"Hey! Hey!" Vegas raised his hands. "We just wanted to check out some wheels."
"The Lot's closed, punk. Get outta here." lowering the shotgun.
"Excuse me, sir?" Victoria cut in. "What's the shotgun for?"
As the trio kept the grungy biker occupied, X-caliber ninjas quietly subdued the other three, and when Hollywood put the truck in reverse, another ninja quickly apprehended the shotgun holding gatekeeper.
Two ninjas grappled themselves up to the top of the dealership building and spotted two gunners, one man on patrol.
A charter bus pulled up near the entrance, and eight men, black hoods and black jeans, snuck into the dealership building, went through the offices and killed everyone inside with silenced, semi-automatic weapons. X-caliber controlled the surveillance system.
The ninjas on the roof ambushed the gunners and patrolman as the dealership was being overrun. First, one took out the patrolman. Next the gunners were taken out in chorus. All tied up.
Vegas held his earpiece, "The entrance is clear."
Two Snipers stepped off the bus and went to the rooftop of the dealership.
There were bikers patrolling the car lot. More ninjas took them out in stealth, throwing stars, poisonous needles, and blow darts, leaving causalities and taking hostages.
Next, X-caliber members unloaded off the bus wearing black fatigues and Dragon Skin full body armor, all carrying fully automatic weapons, replacing the patrolmen, using the enemies walkie talkies to track the oppositions movements.
The ninjas, working their way to the auction building, came to a halt when one was nearly spotted by a security guard riding a golf cart. The security guard picked up his walkie-talkie, held it up.
Blood leaked from his mouth.
The sharpshooter grinned, looked toward the auction building. On the rooftop, four heavily armed men. Looking downward, at least one hundred motorcycles, twenty men outside, a few limousines and a lot of custom cars.
Aurora, accompanied with Ester, drove her Ford Edge to the auction building and occupied a few of the bikers and rockers, pretending to be girlfriends in an argument turned cat fight, while four ninjas grappled themselves up to the rooftop of the auction building, subduing the heavily armed men.
A second bus pulled up to the dealership parking lot and unloaded more troops. A few spread out threw Trip's property covering the boarders in all directions, using silenced rifles and night-vision goggles, taking out anyone the ninjas left behind.
As hostages were being loaded onto the buses, the rest of Surbenét's troops, automatic weapons aimed, headed straight forward on foot towards the auction building.
The enemy was so occupied with Aurora and Ester's performance that they didn't notice themselves being surrounded until it was too late, but they were not going down without a fight. They had a short-lived gun battle.
One biker managed to grab Aurora and use her as a shield, gun to her head.
Blood leaked from his forehead.
The sniper grinned.
It wasn't long before the few remaining survivors surrendered. They were disarmed and marched to the buses. The dead bodies of both forces were hidden by X-caliber.
Aurora and Ester got back into their vehicle and parked with the auction cars.
"We're all set." said Ester to Dorchester threw her earpiece.
"I copy that. Let's rock and roll, ladies. Here come the roaches. Okay. Hit the door." He sent back.
An X-caliber member appeared with a rocket launcher aimed at the auction building's bulky double doors, pulled the trigger.
It was a direct hit.
Back in the chopper, Devin noticed the flashing lights of police vehicles a few miles up- A lot of them headed toward the Car dealership. And as the gun-fire broke out on ground, Devin made it clear that the police was on the way and everyone should evade them.
"Someone must of tipped them." Dorchester told Devin. "What are the odds? Take us to the trees." he told the pilot.
The helicopter hovered over Trip's Private wooded area, centered between the mansion and auction building. Two thick ropes descended, and Devin and Dorchester slid down, dressed the same as their soldiers, rifles strapped to their backs. Only, Dor
chester wore a law enforcement badge.
As the police, state troopers, and detectives pulled on the scene, X-caliber members began pulling back from the fight. The police rode pass Hollywood's Avalanche that was parked across the street from the dealership. They ignored the charter buses, and went straight to the auction building.
"This doesn't look right." Jacki said to Chelsey. "She said that this place would have top-level security. Where is everyone?"
The police was there in full force. Riot gear, K-9 units, and a S.W.A.T. team on standby near the dealership entrance. And every one of them overlooked the charter buses filled with hostages.
When Jacki and Chelsey made it to the auction section of the property, they were surprised to see the rubble that was left after the rocket launcher.
"Looks like we came to the party a little late." Jacki told Chelsey.
From the back of the auction, a white limo was leaving, headed for Trip's mansion, its occupants unknown.
Jacki, Chelsey, and different branches of the police force went into the auction building. Inside, there was a large variety of people. From suit and ties to jeans and t-shirts. Some running out at the site of the uniformed officers.
Outside, many of the maintenance garages and storage doors opened. Hardcore bikers and thugs poured out. They held everything from brass knuckles to AK-47 assault rifles. The police force was under attack.
Aurora and Ester reclined their seats to stay out of site, both armed with semi-automatics in each hand.
Aurora held her earpiece and whispered, "It seems someone set the party up." pulling her law enforcement badge from the glove compartment.
"You think?" Dorchester came back, "Who set the police up? Evolution should be coming up from your rear any second now!"
Surbenét's voice came through the earpiece, "Probably Diamond. Trip probably already seen that coming a mile away. Took extra precautions... Sorry I'm late."