THE WICK OF WAR: Absolution
Page 8
22. Trip's Mansion
The faint screams of torture from prisoners of hell were heard threw the dark and large, fungus-stricken theatre section of Trip's mansion. The lights flickered, uncontrollably, dying vines hung from the ceiling, weeds covered the seats, and fog covered the floors. In front of the projection screen, center stage, in a steel chair, gagged and bound, was a squirming Diamond, crying. The smoke surrounding her, traveling up to her knees.
Jacki moved in. Gun in hand. Chelsey beside her.
Diamond shook her head, frantically, from side to side.
As they made it to her, they removed the gag from her mouth.
She screamed, "My legs! My legs!"
Jacki bent down to untie them. She was covered in large wood ticks the size of a mans fist, and chiggers, the same.
"Harvest mites!" exclaimed Chelsey.
"Please," Diamond continued, "He's a monster. Help me. They hurt." she was hysterical. "They're gonna kill me!" her voice lowered.
Chelsey waved her hands over the arachnids, and they fell under the fog. Dead.
As they continued to untie her, they noticed that the arachnids left deep wounds in her legs.
After they untied her, she fell to the floor upon trying to stand, "Oh god." she cried, "I can't walk... You said you would protect me. I was safe with you."
"And I am here." Jacki told her. "What the hell happened?"
Diamond cried, "They've all gone mad! Something's wrong with Trip." her words were sped up by fear, "No one has seen him in years. No one except for Lexi. And I seen him for the first time. And I don't understand. He's not well. Something is wrong. Please, You got to get me out of here, I'll bleed to death. My skin itches so bad. I feel terrible. Please."
"Pull it together, Diamond." Chelsey told her. "No one’s going to let you die. Help is here. Are you with me?"
She nodded in agreement, "But the screams..."
"You have to get out of here." Chelsey told her, "You'll be fine."
Jacki ripped some of the stage curtain and wrapped it around Diamonds wounds tightly, hoping to stop the spread of the arachnids poison. It wasn't until she lifted her from the fog before she realized the severity of the bites; Her feet were almost detached from her ankles. And although Diamond was to numb to feel it, when she looked down at herself, she fainted right into Jacki's grasp.
Chelsey peered around the theatre carefully, "She knows I am here. Get Diamond out of here. She will not follow you."
She did.
Chelsey took off her cape and twirled it until it transformed into a whip. She left the theatre threw a side exit, and into darkness. She snapped her finger, and an orb appeared, lighting the way. She was in a hallway. Walking toward the screams of torture getting louder.
"Come. Chelsey." Tolrah's voice echoed. "Come to me!"
At the end of the hallway was a closed door; what lie beyond it? She touched the knob. Hot. She backed away. A Hand went over her mouth. She turned into dust. reappeared. behind.
"Shhh..." he put a finger to her lips and walked into a bedroom, "Trip's in there. We have to go around and get him from the foyer in the front." whispering. "I never got a chance to see him up close, but this isn't good. I haven't seen... I haven't seen her. She's someplace else."
She whispered, "Have you checked upstairs?"
"Whatever you do, stay from up there." They walked back into the hallway. "Get rid of that light. I'll guide us." The orb vanished.
At the end of the hallway, a muscle spasming thump was heard behind the pair. They turned to look, and the door had been torn off the hinges. Trip stood on top of it. His hair, shirt, and blue jeans soaked in his own sweat. His skin, bubbling, "I heard you. Thanks for coming to the party uninvited." his voice harsh, deep, and soar.
Chelsey stood guard, pulling a dagger from her lower-back side.
Surbenét pulled a semi-automatic, and aimed. "It has been a long time. What happened to you?"
Trip held his stomach, "I control them all." his head tilted back and he began to gag. When he brought his head forward, he regurgitated more than a stomach worth of wood ticks and chiggers that grew as they hit the ground, to the size of a man's fist, and raced toward Surbenét and Chelsey.
Surbenét began shooting the arachnids as they got closer. Chelsey snapped her whip. She threw her dagger toward Trip. Tolrah appeared and grabbed it. Threw it back at her. Chelsey stretched the out the palm of her hand. The dagger turned into dust.
Surbenét ran out of bullets and backed up.
"Surbenét, do something!" Chelsey rattled, as the arachnids came closer.
"Do what?"
"Concentrate on the mites," she snapped her whip. "I have to... conserve my power for her."
Tolrah moved behind Trip, into the room in which he came. Trip spit up more arachnids.
Surbenét held out his palms and closed his eyes. As the arachnids came closer, they jumped right in front of the pair. They caught on fire and fell to the ground, sizzling.
Surbenét's confidence grew, "Go through the theatre and meet me in the foyer." he told Chelsey. "Go!" turning back to Trip.
Trip was on his way into one of the room doors. Surbenét followed.
Inside, the room resembled a western bar. Its bar, tables, stools, and stage. It was only darkened, fog filled, and held three pool tables.
He couldn't see where Trip went to once he went into the room, "Come on out, Trip. I might be able to help you."
"Help!" Came his groggy voice. "How can you say help when you’re the one who made me like this."
"What does that supposed to mean. How'd I do it? Trip?" he heard grunting from behind the bar.
"You don't remember the blades ripping through my flesh? The bugs?"
Surbenét raised his voice, "Your crazy, Trip. I had nothing to do with that. Can't you see she's using you. Using us? Your one of her many imps. Wake up." he moved closer "She did this. Look around, man. Your HER slave. Not mine."
"You lie!" Trip shouted, rising from behind the bar with a shotgun.
He shot at Surbenét.
Surbenét dove across a table, holding it while he hit the ground, using it as a shield.
Trip pumped the shotgun. Walked from behind the bar. Aimed. Pulled the trigger. The top half of Surbenét's shield went scattering across the room. He pumped the shotgun.
From behind the table, Surbenét said, "I don't want to kill you Trip. I just want her. You can walk out alive, man."
Trip aimed. Pulled the trigger. The table was destroyed. Surbenét was not there. Trip was confused. Tilted his head to one side. "Where?"
Surbenét appeared behind him. Holding a pool stick. Trip turned around. He was whacked with the stick. The stick broke. Surbenét thrusterd it into Trip's lung.
Trip's eyes and mouth opened wide. He looked at Surbenét backing up, and collapsed.
Surbenét picked up the shotgun and left out into the hallway. He turned to look at the door knocked off the hinges. The passage was blocked by an extremely thick cobweb so thick that he could not see on the opposite side. He attempted to pass through, and a large black widow spider appeared overhead. Its young, within the web, launching webs at him. He brushed them off and headed in the other direction.
23. The Foyer
Surbenét went into the foyer from the right wing corridor, in front of an arched stairway that led to the second floor. He noticed Chelsey, cloaked in the left wing corridor, opposite him, in front of an arched stairway that led to the third floor. A misty fog covered the foyer, lit by torches mounted on the moss mushroom, and vine covered stone walls. The ceiling extended to the third level, arched like a cathedral. A red curtain draped on the rear wall.
In the center of the room, threw the fog, Lexi and Kitten faced each other from about ten feet, as if in a trance. Behind them was a golden throne between two upside down crosses on scepters, on a higher platform, on which Tolrah appeared in a ghostly image, wearing a purple hooded cape over
a scarlet body suit, lifting a Sparkling dagger.
She stood from the throne and became flesh, speaking the tongue of an unknown dialect.
The mist began to give away, and in between Lexi and Kitten, was a rectangular concrete table. Someone was on it in a white gown. The mist continued to clear. It was Rebekah.
Surbenét tried to get Chelsey's attention, waving his hand rapidly, and Tolrah ceased her prayer. "Come and join our ceremony, my love."
He stood.
"Tell your inbred friend to join us as well." she calmly called for Chelsey.
They both walked in the foyer together.
"If not you," Tolrah raised the dagger. "Then I shall have YOUR first born." she grimaced, lowering the dagger to her side. "Yes, Surbenét. Give yourself to me. I have executed my promises." she angered. "Now it is your turn." she spread her arms. "Come to me. Save me, my love."
He began to drift in her direction, against his will. He tried to resist. But failed.
Chelsey held out both of her fists. One straight. The other just under her eye. And from dust came a silver bow and arrow. She directed the silver arrow at Tolrah. Release.
Lexi moved in front of the intended target. The arrow was jarred in her left shoulder.
Chelsey's bow reshaped into a silver spiked ball and very long chained flail that she flung it at Lexi, knocking her into the fog.
Tolrah continued to drag Surbenét.
Chelsey lashed the flail once more at Kitten. The spiked ball punctured her rib cage and she fell in the fog.
Tolrah grew rabid and leaped from behind the concrete table, across the foyer toward Chelsey, who threw her cape over herself, turning to Dust.
Surbenét was freed from Tolrah's grip. Chelsey stood in front of him facing Tolrah at the front of the foyer.
He ran to Rebekah and tried to grab her, but an invisible force threw him back in the direction he came.
He got up and stood guard beside Chelsey.
Tolrah laughed, then looked to Chelsey, "Your inbred blood shall be an utmost exceptional delight, Sheriff." she explained. "Have not you people learned from your past perversions, that a bounty is not worth the lives of the innocent to come? Do you undoubtedly believe your sins of a savage intelligence with civilized rationalism will be forgiven? You are aware of your actions. Which, as like in hell, you will be accounted for them. Now... Surbenét knows not of his own reality. And his ignorance has made an entry point for your espionage to infiltrate his degree of relevance... Your secrecy is a past one. Stigmas and betrayal. Butchery and cannibalism. Barbaric monstrosities of a corrupted inspiration. Your people are damned because of their forswears. You have all been unknowingly wounded to the genocide of your own brothers... I am one with the atmosphere, and will never cease to exist."
Chelsey, turning to Surbenét, who looked in a daze. "Don't give in to her. She's a liar. Surbenét! Snap out of it!" turning back to Tolrah, "It was not our injustice. It was yours. Our people is one of vivacity and fraternalism. It was your tribulations that led to your grim reaper. You are an outcasted sorceress of the undead. And a shape-shifter like none I have ever encountered. You cast the illness. And we have the antidote. Another thing. It wasn't our ancestors that fated you to your inexorable doom." screaming, "It was your own matriarch that requested it be done! So if our prayers butcher sin, then we ARE just, and we shall receive absolution when we cross the rivers of blood by your devilry. Now let. The girl. Go!"
"gobbledygook. The unborn is mine." she opened her mouth and fire headed in their direction.
Surbenét snapped out of the trance, "Never!" he growled.
He Held out both hands and sent a trail of blue flames toward the flames that came from Tolrah. The flames connected. They both released their powers.
"Fascinating! But not most impressive." argued Tolrah. "You cannot break her shield." she reffered to Rebekah.
Everyone stood on guard. Waiting for the other to strike.
Meanwhile, Yakima and Dorchester was trying to find a way in the mansion, but even with his battle-ax and her silver, spiked mace, the doors and windows were all impenetrable; Black magic.
By Trip's dock, the headlights of Aurora's Ford blinked. Dorchester waved them in.
Jacki was in the back seat with Diamond, who lay unconscious, legs bandaged.
"She's too strong. We can't find a weak spot." Dorchester told Aurora. "I tried going in where they came out, and that's bewitched." he looked to Diamonds bandages, "Get them to the chopper. Tell 'em to take off. We don't need 'em here for the main event. The feds'll be here soon and Trip and his boys planned a little something special for the party. I need you two," he pointed at Aurora and Ester, "back in position and ready for evac. After we get Surbenét and Chelsey."
"Yes, sir." Ester concluded.
Aurora sped off.
Yakima and Dorchester watched as the helicopter took off. From the other direction, Federal helicopters were making their way to the property, and at the car dealership you could see many flashing lights making their way through.
The war raged on.
24. The Main Event
"You break our pact, you must compensate at my desire." Tolrah explained to Surbenét.
"I've said nothing!" he ranted.
There was passion in Tolrah's voice, "You were supposed to love me. Instead, you brought me here for your own selfish ambitions." her tone was adamant. "Now you will pay in abundance. And your embryonic nestling will compensate your debt. He shall be of magnificence."
You could read the fury in his eyes. Then he vanished.
Tolrah smiled. He appeared at Rebekah's side. Tolrah laughed. He grabbed for Rebekah.
Trip appeared from behind Surbenét. Grabbed him. And regurgitated arachnids onto Surbenét.
Immediately, Trip and the arachnids went flying across the foyer, knocking over a torch, setting the drapery behind the throne ablaze.
Chelsey attacked Tolrah with a chain whip. Slashed her face. Black blood leaked.
Tolrah gasped like a cat, revealing her sharp teeth, turned to Chelsey, and walked forward.
"Surbenét, do something if you want to save your family!" Chelsey exclaimed, walking away from Tolrah.
Kitten stood, and her eyes rolled into the back of her head. As she knelt down beside the concrete table she transformed into a Civet cat, it's hair bristled, and stared coldly at Surbenét.
Two full grown Doberman Pinchers came into the foyer from the right and left wing corridors. Chelsey's chain reformed into a wooden stick that resembled a practice sword, and stood guard, watching the dogs and Tolrah.
A dog went for Chelsey's throat. She ducked. Whacked the dogs rib cage with the stick.
The Civet pounced on Surbenét. He held its neck while it tried to take a bite out of his face, drooling a thick and puss filled saliva.
Trip regurgitated more arachnids.
Surbenét heard the dogs barking, let out a heartfelt grunt, and both Dobermans ran to his aid.
The Civet backed away. The dogs attacked.
Surbenét went for Trip, unaware of the arachnids biting at his legs.
Tolrah began to levitate. Chelsey leaped at her. The two engaged in a aerial battle of magic, Dark age weaponry, and hand-to-hand combat. Continuously deflecting each other’s attacks in mid-air.
The dogs and the Civet were tearing each other apart.
Surbenét continued in fisticuffs with Trip as the arachnids were taking control of his lower body, absorbing his strength.
Meanwhile, Dorchester picked up an M16 and started to shoot the rear door. Sparks flew. Bullets ricocheted. Unloaded. Door unfazed. Another magazine. Breached.
Yakima began swinging the silver, spiked mace.
Dorchester rammed the door with his shoulder. They were in the dying, jungle replicated mansion. "We got less than five minutes." he said, dropping the gun and wielding the ax as they ran through the mansion, entering the foyer threw the right wing as Federal agents were surrounding the auto
auction building; Whoever was inside was trapped.
The back wall was on flames, the Dobermans were devouring the Civet, and Rebekah lay on the concrete table, an aerial battle between Tolrah and Chelsey, and Trip standing in front of the golden throne.
Dorchester threw his battle-ax at Trip. It went into his chest. He fell backwards into the fog.
Tolrah was distracted by looking at Trip drop beneath the fog, and Chelsey formed a silver sword and thrusted it threw Tolrah's heart.
The auto auction exploded. The mansion shook. And multiple explosions were heard.
Both Tolrah and Chelsey fell from over thirty feet in the air. Tolrah hit the ground, limp. Chelsey Landed on one knee.
"Surbenét!" Chelsey screamed. "Surbenét!" she looked around.
"Where is he?" Dorchester asked. "Check on Rebekah!" the trio ran to check on her. "Rebekah?" he slapped her conscious.
The flames on the walls continued to grow.
"What? Where? What's going on?" she asked upon awakening.
Chelsey walked toward the throne and looked at Trip. He was dead, the battle-ax still in his chest. Arachnids around him dying. The insides of the Civet was visible near him.
Chelsey continued to look through the fog, "Surbenét!" she cried, kneeling to him.
She heard the sounds of crunching flesh being torn threw. She waved her hands and the fog cleared from over top of him.
Dorchester, Yakima, Chelsey, and Rebekah Surrounded to see arachnids, covering their friend from his neck down to his ankles.
Rebekah screamed, "Noooo!" echoing.
The arachnids began to dissolve like paper in a fire. Surbenét was covered in blood.
Rebekah got over top of him and cried, "You can't leave us! Surbenét! Wake up! You can't die! Please, wake up, baby. Please!"
He didn't move.
Dorchester, Yakima and Chelsey backed away as Rebekah mourned, covered in Surbenét's blood, beating on his chest, in tears.
The fire slowly made its way around to the back rooms in the mansion, thunder was heard outside, and rain began pounding on the rooftop.