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MasterofVelvet Page 8

by Kirstie Abbot

  His bark of laughter was totally without humor. “You really think I’d get you into my bed and then avoid you? You’re mine now, Beth, now more than ever and there’s no way I wouldn’t touch you. After all, what would be the point in taking me to bed with you, if we’re not going to touch?”

  Beth took a deep breath. “The point is that you wouldn’t be alone.”

  For the third time, she offered her hand. This time he took it and together they went to the bedroom.

  It was obvious that Beth had been sleeping to one side of the bed. She headed for that side while Adam went to the other. At the movement of the mattress as he got in beside her, she felt a little of her bravery evaporate—maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.

  Although she was lying on her side with her back to him, she was waiting for Adam to close the distance between them, to touch her as he had declared he would. And why not, she was his girlfriend, his woman, his sub—it was only natural that they’d make love or whatever a Dom did with his sub when she was totally inexperienced. He might even just want to talk.

  “Would you like to tell me what’s bothering you?” she offered.

  “Not particularly.”

  “Then is there anything else that would help?” She asked the question in spite of knowing what she could be letting herself in for. Or was that because of rather than in spite of?

  “I already told you.”

  He shifted position and all of a sudden the heat of his body was at her back as he fitted himself to her, his arm coming over to anchor her to him. She should have been scared. Instead she felt like she was where she belonged. And judging by the erection pressing against her bottom, where she was wanted.

  “Tonight we’re just going to sleep together, Beth,” he told her softly, his voice a warm caress. “We’ve both had too much alcohol to play safely now but make no mistake—in here, I’m in control.”

  * * * * *

  The warmth and the closeness of a very male human body were what woke Beth sometime later—something she hadn’t experienced for too long. Adam. If he hadn’t been there she’d have been tempted to think that last night had been a dream.

  The arm around her was very real, though. She remembered that it had started off resting on her stomach over the t-shirt. At some point during the night, it had found its way under the garment and right now, a large male hand was splayed possessively across her belly. It wouldn’t have to travel far south to find its way between her legs and discover that she’d woken up in a state of arousal and need.

  His low, even breathing told her, however, that Adam was still asleep—there was no need to wake him up just yet.

  A sexual Dominant, he’d said. Now that she was faced with the fact, in what would soon be the cold light of day, all sorts of worries made themselves known. Yes, she’d admitted she wanted to be his submissive but what if she discovered that that sort of relationship wasn’t for her? What would happen then? Was it an irreconcilable difference? Was there any feasible compromise?

  “I don’t know what you’re thinking, Beth, but stop it—it’s making you frown and I don’t want my woman frowning.”

  He was behind her. How in the name of heaven could he possibly know she was frowning?

  “I can feel it,” Adam said in response to her unspoken question. “Why don’t you turn around and we’ll see what we can do to take that frown away.”

  This was it—now or never. Beth inhaled slowly then turned within his embrace. The sight that met her scored a bull’s-eye on her stomach again. He looked every bit as roguishly attractive as he had when she’d woken up next to him yesterday. He was lying on his side, his dark, mesmerizing gaze unwavering as he looked at her— devoured her. The duvet was low on his hips, revealing that chest of his. Actually, not so much a chest as a lethal weapon, she thought abstractly. That chest was doing crazy things to her common sense.

  And the hand that had been resting on her stomach was now curved possessively over her hip, drawing her inexorably toward him.

  “Now Beth, you know we have to talk. Don’t be afraid. There’s nothing you can say that will shock me.”

  She laid a tentative hand on his chest, feeling the crisp hair beneath her fingertips, as real as the rest of him, as real as what he was. She wanted him but could she be what he wanted?

  Chapter Six

  “Shall I start?” he asked, his voice low and gentle. “You’re wondering if this really is what you want. I know you’ve fantasized about submission, Beth. You know that I’m a Dom but now that you have the opportunity, now that you’ve admitted it to yourself and to me, you’re scared. There’s no need to be scared, love. I’m right here with you.

  “You know I want you and it’s fairly obvious—given our current situation and the fact that you’re in no hurry to move away from me—that you are attracted to me. We all have our comfort zones—I don’t want yours to become your prison. It’s time to explore who you really are and you can do that with me. I’ll keep you safe, I promise.”

  “Adam, I’m afraid,” she admitted, her voice a moment away from disappearing into the pit of her stomach. “I’ve said yes but I’m still scared about what would happen if it all went wrong.”

  “Come here.” He gathered her to him. “I won’t let it go wrong. I know that’s what you’re afraid of, but I will not let it go wrong.”

  “It’s not just that, Adam. You’re a Dom. Even if I think I want to be your sub, what would happen if I found I’d made a huge mistake and I’m not submissive after all? What would happen then?”

  “Don’t worry about something that isn’t going to happen. Trust me, Beth.” He stroked her hair from her face. “Don’t be afraid of what you want. Put yourself in my hands. I won’t let you fall.”

  The heat of his palm on her cheek warmed her through. It was so easy—too easy—to imagine giving herself up to this man, being his in a way that most people probably wouldn’t understand, trusting him with her safety…with her life. She thought about the previous evening and how it felt to be close to him right now, about the fantasies she’d written about, wanting the reality but being too scared to go looking for it.

  Instead, that reality had found her.

  And her stomach went into free-fall.

  Adam watched his gorgeous new sub close her eyes as a variety of emotions chased one another across her adorable face, making a mental note to work on teaching her not to conceal her eyes from him. They were too beautiful to be hidden away.

  He pondered the idea of taking her to the club, as he’d thought of doing a little over a week ago. Adam would never share her—some subs thrived on being shared, but he knew that Beth would never be one of them, for which he was extremely grateful, and while he would never challenge that limit, there was something inside Adam that was strongly attracted to the idea of…what?

  Christ. It was the idea of demonstrating his ownership of her, he realized—not just showing her off but proclaiming to everyone that she was his. When fully trained, Beth would be a sub any Dom would be proud of—and he, Adam, wanted to show her off but only when she was ready and that was a long way off yet.

  His first hurdle would be convincing her to move in with him—proof, if any were needed, of how different she was from every other woman who had passed through his life. Common sense dictated waiting but when he looked at Beth, Adam knew that his common sense had long since flown.

  “There’s something bothering you, Beth,” he observed. “What is it?”

  “I know I said yes, and I mean it, but…what will you expect from me?”

  He lifted her chin so that he could kiss her, a kiss meant to convey care, reassurance, safety. “I will expect you to be Beth—outside this room.” He gestured around the bedroom. “In here, in any bedroom we share and when we’re scening, I will expect you to obey me at all times. I will expect you to give up control so that I can show you all the pleasure your body can give you.”

  He kissed her again. “In here your bod
y is mine and your mind is mine. You will deny me nothing, Beth—you’ll have your safeword but I promise you’ll never need to use it.”

  He brushed the back of his fingers over her cheek. “I’ve made that sound very one-sided, I know—but in return, you will have my protection at all times. The gift of your submission will be an honor, and it will be treasured and cherished, as you will be treasured and cherished.”

  Adam couldn’t resist the lure of her mouth. He had to claim it again. This time her response was electric as she pressed herself against him, rubbing her hips against his erect cock. If she’d been his sub for longer, he’d have spanked her for that, turned her over his knee and paddled her bottom until it was glowing pink. Beth was passionate all right—it would be a delectable challenge to teach her and an infinite reward to see her develop.

  “My beautiful Beth, you have a lot to get used to.” He looked at her face. His stubble had burned her cheek a little, branding her temporarily with his mark. “Go and get a shower and see how you feel about it when you’re not on your back in my bed.”

  * * * * *

  Beth let the water flow over her like a tropical storm, clearing her mind and her senses of everything save Adam’s kisses and how it had felt to lie beside him. She thought about all the time she’d spent around him over the years. There was more than one reason why she’d modeled her fictional Dom on him. Yes, he’d displayed Dominant characteristics on occasion but it was more than that. She had a tremendous respect for him. He’d always behaved with the utmost honor and integrity in his business dealings and around his staff. He’d always done the right thing even when it wasn’t the easiest thing. She knew without doubt that he would keep her safe—that she had nothing to fear.

  All cleaned up, she wrapped herself in one of Adam’s huge fluffy towels, leaving the robe for him. Now for the hard part. Hard, because she had no experience of a relationship such as this and she had to learn what to do.

  Adam was sitting on the edge of the bed by the time she emerged from the bathroom, his back toward her. He was so—everything. Beth took a deep breath. When she’d last gone to sleep in the loneliness of her own bed she’d had no idea that she was in love with Adam Granger.

  Understanding didn’t come on a bolt of lightning—it came with the warmth of an embrace, enfolding her slowly in a comforting blanket of promise for the future, however limited that future might be. There could be no fireworks for something that had been growing slowly but surely over time. He was what she wanted. For now. Forever. For however long he wanted her.

  And whatever price he came with he was worth it.

  She dropped the towel, slightly anxious about her nudity although he’d seen everything yesterday and seemed to like it.

  Her stomach rose to her chest as she took up a position in front of him and his eyes met hers. On instinct she knelt in front of him, feeling self-conscious and clumsy. All the while, a part of her mind was almost screaming at her, asking her what she was playing at—telling her she was making an almighty fool of herself. Her heart was racing now. Please let me have the courage and the trust to do this. Please don’t let him laugh at me.

  “I don’t know exactly what I’m supposed to do,” she admitted hesitantly, “but this feels right, Sir.”

  Adam looked down at her. She was a truly remarkable woman. What she’d just done took courage and character. There was no way he was going to reject that bravery.

  “First of all, call me by my name for now no matter where we are. It’s taken me three years to get you to use it and I kind of like the way you say it—but for future reference, there will come a point where I’m ‘Sir’ in here. Unless of course,” he added, his eyes full of teasing humor, “you give me a reason in here to have you call me ‘Sir’ out there.”

  He looked at the woman kneeling before him. Eyes downcast, she only needed a little guidance regarding her posture. Pride in her gave him a warm feeling around his heart.

  “Widen your knees, Beth. More—that’s better. Just lower your eyes, not your head—you’re not a slave. That’s right, it shows respect. Rest your hands on your thighs, palms up. Good. Now, how does that feel? Could you hold that position for a few minutes without pain?”

  “Yes, Adam.”

  He sensed that she was a little confused by the question. “D/s is not about inflicting pain to the point of agony, Beth,” he explained patiently. “I’m not a sadist and I don’t expect you to be a masochist. Yes, you will be subject to discomfort and there will be brief—I stress, brief—spells of pain which you will come to love because of what happens after the pain but it’s not in my interest or yours to force you to assume a pose that leaves you hurting.

  “From now on, that is your first position. You will assume it when told and you will also learn when to assume it without being told explicitly. And should this or anything else ever cause you real pain, you will tell me immediately. Understood?”

  “Yes, Adam.”

  “I also want you to understand this—you will come to me, as your Dom if you have any problems or issues of any kind. You will tell me about anything and everything that bothers you or makes you happy, no matter how small or insignificant you think it might be. Inside the bedroom and out of it, I’m the one you lean on now. I’ll always protect you and support you. No arguments.”

  “Yes, Adam.”

  He nodded, his keen eyes scrutinizing her appearance in fine detail. For a beginner, she was really doing quite well. “And before we go any further, your safewords will be red to stop immediately, yellow to slow things down and discuss them and green if I need positive confirmation from you that you wish to continue. I know I said that I didn’t expect you to need to use a safeword but don’t ever let that stop you if you feel you need to.”

  He could sit here and watch her all day, except for three things—her hair was wet, her ankle hadn’t yet healed fully and he needed a shave and a shower.

  “That’s settled then. Beth, stand up. Gracefully. Take your time, remember— everything you do now is to please me and it pleases me to watch you move with poise and grace.” He offered her his hand.

  All things considered, she managed fairly well. Her balance was a little off but that was hardly surprising with the problem with her ankle. He noted that the bruising was healing quite well now, if colorfully. “Stand up straight, hands behind your head, eyes lowered, feet shoulder-width apart. That will be your second position. Does your ankle hurt?”

  “A little, Adam.”

  Probably more than she was admitting to, he decided. That was a habit he was going to have to break in the interests of keeping her safe. “I’m going to get cleaned up now, Beth. While I’m attending to that I want you to sit here and dry your hair. If your hair isn’t dry by the time I’m done, I’ll finish it off for you. And do not dress. I thought that later, we’d go for a stroll in the park. Not far, just for some fresh air. And while we’re out we’ll get some lunch.”

  The bathroom door closed behind him. At that point Beth stopped holding her breath. So far, so good.

  More than good. Involuntary warmth flooded through her at the memory of the way he’d touched her before heading for the bathroom, his hands gentle, his touch tender as he’d caressed her arms, almost as if she were the most precious thing in his life. His eyes had roamed over her face and body, igniting color in her cheeks before he’d lowered his head and claimed her mouth with a kiss that promised heaven.

  She went to the drawer where Adam kept the hairdryer. He’d promised to finish off drying her hair for her if she hadn’t completed the task by the time he’d showered so she’d better get a move on. Her equilibrium went haywire as she remembered the fireworks he’d set off when he’d done that for her yesterday. Just concentrate on drying your hair.

  She didn’t know why but it seemed like nothing—not her hair, not the dryer itself—was going to cooperate. In next to no time, the shower stopped—and moments later the bathroom door opened.

dam sat behind her again, his legs framing hers. The brush and hairdryer were taken from her and that delicious feeling ripped through her again as he began to dry her hair—taking care with each section, brushing it gently, the heat and speed of the hairdryer turned down so as not to damage the lustrous waves.

  Oh, God. Oh God, oh God, oh God! He was barely touching her and she was turning into a wreck.

  “Sit up straight, Beth. Good girl.”

  The tone of his voice…to call it masterful would probably be too much of a cliché but that was what it was and it melted Beth’s bones—did something she couldn’t begin to describe to the pit of her stomach. All she knew was that she loved it and wanted more. Adam was talking directly to a place inside her that was so secret she’d hardly been aware of its existence—the part of her that craved the surrender of all control.

  A few minutes later, the hairdryer was switched off. Beth sensed Adam’s movements as he put it to one side. She was expecting him to tell her to stand up but no, he said nothing. All she could feel when he swept her hair to one side was the gentle caress of his breath at the nape of her neck.

  “You’re beautiful, sweetheart,” she heard him murmur eventually and then his hands were on her shoulders. “Keep your back straight, look straight ahead. I want you to remain absolutely silent.”

  The sensation of his hands stroking down her back was exquisite, as was the moment when his arms came around her and pulled her back against his chest. His right arm pinned her to him, while his left hand began a sensual exploration of her breasts and nipples. A fierce, pulsating ache started up between her legs. Almost immediately, a soft moan escaped her lips.


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