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MasterofVelvet Page 9

by Kirstie Abbot

  “Hush, Beth,” he remonstrated, his voice both stern and sensual. “Did I give you permission to make any sound?”

  She was about to answer but shook her head instead.

  “Excellent. You’re learning. Now I want you to lift your legs up and hook them over mine—that’s it.”

  The shift in position tilted her pelvis up, opening her wide for him while her weight rested fully on his broad chest. The heat of him flooded her body. The arm that had been around her waist moved and then she felt his hand between her legs. God, she so wanted to close her legs against the invasion. It was too, too much—but she could do nothing. In this room she was his possession.

  He was massaging her pussy with deep, slow, sensual strokes. She was already wet before he even came out of the bathroom, just thinking about what might happen. But now—and he hadn’t even touched her clit yet—she swore she could feel moisture trickling between the cheeks of her bottom.

  A stroke went deeper, separating her labia and allowing his middle finger to dip inside her—and on the upward stroke he pressed that finger to her swollen clit. She couldn’t help but cry out as her back arched in reaction. She tried to push his hand away but he would have none of it.

  “Beth, in here you will deny me nothing, unless you use your safewords,” he reminded her, his touch picking up pace and pressure. “You may speak now. What do you want?”

  “Please, Adam!” She writhed in his embrace, desperate for a release from the mounting need in every atom of her being.

  “What, Beth?” he asked, his voice calm and controlled. “Tell me exactly what you want.”

  “Please…please let me come, Adam!” Overwhelmed by need and desperately embarrassed, she could barely get the words out.

  “Not yet, my love. I know you need to come but I forbid it. You need to learn self-control and I am going to teach you.”

  The hand between her legs, the finger dipping into her pussy—it was like being in the path of a sensual tsunami. It was rushing toward her and she could do nothing to save herself from it. She couldn’t pull herself away from that hand. She couldn’t push it away. She felt like she was going to explode. “Please, Adam—please!” she whimpered.

  “Self-control, Beth.” His voice was intractable, compelling, almost totally devoid of emotion. “Remember—you’re stronger than this.”

  She was crying now, the pleasure becoming unbearable as it boiled through her veins. She wanted it to stop, she needed it to stop—but it was just going on relentlessly, endlessly, the hand between her thighs ceaselessly working her clit to drive her out of her mind, going on and on…

  “Please!” she sobbed. “Please, Adam, I need to come. May I come?”

  Silently she begged for release, pleading with Adam in her mind to let her give in to the sensations he was creating in her treacherous body but all that happened was that he increased the pressure and the rhythm yet again until finally he allowed her what she craved.

  “You may come, Beth.”

  Adam wrapped his arms around his woman as her body shook under the force of her orgasm, his belief that under that cool exterior there was a torrent of passion proven beyond a doubt. His voice was a low murmur as he calmed her, stroking her skin, kissing the nape of her neck and her shoulder. Finally her breathing settled as her senses returned—and so did her embarrassment. It was in every line of her beautiful body.

  “Beth, listen to me. What you’ve just experienced is nothing to be ashamed of. It’s the most natural thing in the world. I want to teach you how to lose yourself in all the pleasures your body can give you. And there is even more gratification to be had in holding off from giving in—that was your lesson for today.”

  He looked across at the mirror through which he’d watched her as he pleasured her. She was limp in his arms, her head bowed, her glossy hair a cascade of waves. With an effort she sat up straight and it was then that he saw her face—her expression was softer and more feminine than he’d ever seen before.

  And he wanted nothing more than to bury himself forever in her glorious gentleness.


  “Yes, Adam?”

  “Go and clean yourself up. Leave the bathroom door open. When you’re done come back here and get dressed. I’ll get some clothes ready for you.”

  He watched her walk to the bathroom, unaware that he was holding his breath, waiting to see if she would look around at him. Just as he was resigned to losing the bet, Beth paused and turned. He nodded, acknowledging how well she’d done, and let his breath out on a long, silent sigh.

  Adam continued to watch her for a few moments as she washed the copious moisture from her pussy. During their conversation, he’d let her know in no uncertain terms that as his sub in the bedroom she would hand over control of everything. He abandoned his plans to lay out her outfit—he already knew what he was going to have her wear anyway—then went join her in the spacious shower.

  “Give that to me.” He took the handheld showerhead from her and began to play the warm water on her pussy. “Spread your legs. Hold on to me if you need help with your balance.”

  He crouched so that he could ensure that she was clean. His fingers flirting with the curls at the top of her thighs, he made a mental note to put depilatory cream at the top of the shopping list. Beth would look even more gorgeous with a smooth mound—when she was ready he would introduce her to the delights of a Hollywood wax. The result would be delightful at any rate, even if the procedure wasn’t. He would have to ensure that he spoiled her rotten afterward.

  He felt her hand rest tentatively on his shoulder.


  “Yes, love?”

  “Did I really please you?”

  She sounded so uncertain. “You did, Beth,” he confirmed, his tone warm and reassuring. It wasn’t a lie. For someone so new to the scene, she had done very well. He straightened up. “All done now. Dry off and then we’ll get dressed.”

  He made her wait while he dressed. He enjoyed looking at her nude body. Her shoulders were set with the same quiet determination with which she’d taken on everything that he’d thrown at her in the office over the last three years. Her dedication had not gone unnoticed then—it did not go unnoticed now.

  Once attired in faded jeans and a navy rugby shirt, he gave Beth the clothes he wanted her to wear—smart black trousers and a violet-colored turtleneck sweater. When she looked up at him he saw the question in her eyes.

  “No underwear, remember?” His tone wasn’t unkind.

  Her beautiful eyes widened and then she smiled. In that smile was complete acceptance of his instruction.

  The unseasonal sunshine had brought a lot of people to the park. As Adam strolled along with Beth at his side, it felt entirely natural to take her hand in his. So far she appeared to be coping reasonably well with the changing dynamic of their relationship, although he could still detect a trace of tension in the way she gripped his hand.

  At the first available park bench, he had her sit down, making himself comfortable beside her. “How’s your ankle holding up? I haven’t dragged you too far, have I?”

  She shook her head. “It just needs a rest for a few minutes.”

  Adam looked at her for a few moments. “Beth, tell me what you’re thinking about right now.”

  Her teeth worried her lower lip for a second or two. “I feel like the way I fit into the world has changed, Adam.”

  He took a deep breath as he clasped her hand in his, twining their fingers together. “Beth, don’t be afraid. You’ve taken two enormous steps out of your comfort zone—it’s only natural that your perception of yourself has changed. You’re not alone any longer—that’s a huge change in itself.” He lifted her hand to kiss her fingers. “And you also have a Dom who adores you.”

  Transferring her right hand to his right hand, he put his free arm around her, drawing her into his side, so that he could kiss her temple. Her hair smelled fresh and clean and delighted his senses.

/>   “Beth, you’re not doing this alone. I’m here for you, always remember that. I’ve been around the scene for years, I trained in the U.S. with the best—”

  “You trained?” Her surprised expression spoke volumes.

  He returned her look of astonishment with an amused smile. “Of course. Didn’t you realize that any Dom worth the title will have been trained to take his responsibility for his sub seriously—he needs to recognize all the implications of what he’s doing? Yes, we do have certain natural traits that make us what we are but those traits have to be developed and guided. A Dom needs to know how to create a safe environment for a sub—there’s a lot more to it than deciding on your safewords. I need to know what you need before you know it yourself, I need to be able to recognize that you’re in trouble before you even realize it. I need to know how to discipline you without harming you—not just physically but psychologically, too—what to look for if your ability to communicate is restricted. I wasn’t born knowing these things nor was any other Dom. I had to learn them and I learned from the best in the business.”

  Abruptly Adam stopped talking, his brow furrowed, dark eyes scanning their surroundings for any sign of a threat. He couldn’t put his finger on it but something was making his skin prickle in a way he hadn’t experienced since he’d stopped taking assignments in the security business in which he’d been a partner with Dan Chesterfield.

  It was a feeling that always used to precede trouble and right now that feeling had the characteristics of an iron-clad guarantee. It had never been wrong yet. He wondered if Dan’s investigations were starting to stir things up—if they were and someone was following him… He needed to talk to Dan as a matter of some urgency. He couldn’t put Beth at risk from whatever was going on.

  With an effort he turned his concentration back to the conversation.

  “This will be a learning experience for both of us, love.”

  “It will?”

  She seemed surprised by that but Adam wasn’t going to tell her why—that for the first time in his life, he was embarking on an intimate physical relationship with a sub who would wear his collar. Or that he knew it would be the only time. That was the kind of disclosure that could overwhelm her and send her into hiding at this stage of their relationship.

  He pressed a brief kiss to her lips. “Your nose is turning a delightful shade of pink and it’s getting to the time when we should be thinking of lunch. There’s a pub I know not far from here by the river where they do a great Sunday roast. It’s just a pity it’s too cold to sit outside, overlooking the river, but I promise I’ll take you there next summer.”

  * * * * *

  Half an hour later, Beth was sitting opposite Adam, a glass of orange juice in front of her and a roast chicken lunch—not chosen for her by her companion—on order.

  The hidden depths of the man amazed her. He’d given her so much to think about, not least of which was his comment about bringing her here in the summer. A slip of the tongue—or a pointer to how he viewed the development of their relationship?

  Their relationship. It was still a strange thought. She was sitting opposite the man she worked for yet in the space of forty-eight hours he had become so much more—her lover and her Dom. She wondered a little frivolously if she could find the bag thief to thank him for changing her life beyond all imagination.

  She thought of what Adam had said to her—about telling him everything and sharing her worries with him. Oddly, that was going to be one of the more difficult aspects of this relationship. She was so used to dealing with things for herself.

  And then she remembered his arms around her in the night—his body next to hers, the strength and heat of him. Her eyes lifted, stealing a look at him as he gazed out the window, across the deck and the river beyond, almost as if he were searching for something.

  She’d been struck by his outrageously good looks from the start but now she saw more of the man beneath. How could a woman not love him? She’d stood no chance. Beth smiled to herself.

  “Something amusing you, love?” the man in question asked, setting his glass of wine back in its place on the table.

  She shook her head, hoping he wouldn’t ask her to explain why she was smiling because she wasn’t quite sure that she could. Or should.

  “That’s okay.” His manner was deceptively easygoing. “I suppose you won’t mind a good spanking when I take you to bed when we get back home then.”

  Heat rushed to her cheeks as her stomach turned gold-medal-standard somersaults. With Adam, she knew—down to the last cell in her body—that it was no idle threat. She closed her eyes against the vision of him stripping her of her clothes and putting her over his knee to spank her naked bottom but when she opened them again her face was lightly flushed and her eyes held a new sparkle.

  “Hmm, maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all,” he observed thoughtfully. “I think you might enjoy it just a little too much and we can’t have that.”

  “You said you’d only do things like that in the bedroom anyway,” she reminded him. “We’re not in the bedroom now.”

  “True—we will only do things like that in the bedroom and the playroom I mentioned but I didn’t say we wouldn’t discuss these things elsewhere.”

  She risked a quick glance at his face and saw that he was smiling that smile that had scored a direct hit on her knees more times than she wanted to think about right now. It was reflected in his eyes and if she had to put a label on that look, it would be mischievous. The damn man was enjoying himself!

  Far from being outraged Beth just about managed to contain her desire to join in with laughter of her own. The situation was verging on the surreal. Just a few short hours ago, she’d been shaking with nerves, yet now, she was relaxed and…happy.

  Lunch was over quickly and then it was back to the apartment. Ever thoughtful, Adam hailed a cab, offering Beth his hand as she climbed inside. Unaware of his earlier disquiet she missed the way his eyes scanned their surroundings before he followed her into the vehicle.

  Back at the apartment she wondered when he would take her to the bedroom, assuming he meant what he’d said. She shrugged off her jacket and hovered, waiting for some clue from Adam. He was heading across the room, but stopped suddenly, looking back at her.

  “Not yet,” he told her with the tenderness she was starting to recognize would always make her feel special. “Take your boots off and come and sit with me.”

  Footwear hurriedly kicked off, she took the offered hand and followed Adam to one of the sofas. He sat down, pulling her down beside him. The next thing she knew she was lying on the sofa, half on top of the full-length sprawl of him, cradled between his body and the back of the sofa.

  “Beth, my sweetheart, later on we are going to go to the bedroom to discuss your discipline for keeping secrets—remember, I told you I want to know about everything that makes you happy—but for now I want to get to know you better.”

  With that he began to kiss her on the mouth, his lips playing havoc with her already reeling senses.


  “Shh.” He placed a gentle finger on her mouth to silence her. “Not here, not now. It’s still Adam, remember? Until I change that this is just Adam and Beth getting to know each other.”

  He resumed the kiss, cradling her close to his lean strength. Or he would have done had Beth not placed her hand on his chest to slow things down.

  “If this is just Adam and Beth getting to know each other,” she said, “does that mean I can go and put some underwear on?”

  His grin was devilish, telling her without words what the answer would be. “You’re forgetting—firstly, you don’t have my permission to wear underwear and secondly there’d be no point—it’d be coming off soon anyway.”

  “It would?”

  “It would,” he confirmed absently, cupping her cheek in his hand and tracing the outline of her lower lip with his thumb. “I like having you naked in my arms.”

  Just as well she had no objection to being naked in his arms—no objection at all. At that precise moment she found herself actually craving it. She could feel her mind moving into that space where she felt owned by this man whom she suddenly wanted beyond all reason.

  “I want to call you Sir,” she murmured, giving voice to one of her deepest desires.

  “And you will when I tell you to call me that and whenever it’s appropriate to do so.” He was suddenly fascinated with curling her hair round his fingers. “How do you feel about that?”

  Beth felt like she couldn’t wait. “When?”

  “When I’m ready.” His hand insinuated itself under her sweater, exploring the silken flesh that covered her rib cage. “Aren’t you hot and uncomfortable with this thing on?”

  The trousers and socks made her hot and uncomfortable. Moments later her clothing was in a heap on the floor and she was naked in Adam’s arms. He was still wearing his jeans and rugby shirt and looking like sex on legs. The difference in their attire made a huge feeling of submissiveness unfurl inside her. She felt she belonged like this—belonged to him. When her gaze began to shift from his face to his chest, his finger under her chin reversed the movement.

  “You didn’t even realize you were doing that, did you? I’m just going to have to kiss you to stop you doing it again.”

  This time he didn’t stop at just kissing her. His hand stroked down her side, curved over her hip and pulled her against him. His knee pushed ruthlessly between her legs and the next thing she knew she was straddling him, her mouth still on his while his hands roamed possessively over her back and bottom.

  Instinct drove her to push herself up so that she could look at him. Her hands on his chest supported her and between her legs she felt the force of his erection under the fly of his jeans. She couldn’t help herself—she had to ride him.

  “Good girl,” he encouraged her. “God, you look beautiful like that.” His eyes were smoldering.

  She didn’t expect to feel his mouth on her breast or the strong suckling at her nipple. Her body responded instantly and she knew that she was going to leave a wet patch on his jeans, right over the hard cock that was separated from her pussy only by the rough fabric. His hands on her hips held her firmly in place.


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