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MasterofVelvet Page 11

by Kirstie Abbot

  Beth’s sense of self-consciousness had gone off the scale when Adam shackled her to the bed—she’d felt silly and vulnerable and after the spanking, confused. Part of her mind had told her that she shouldn’t like or want this, yet something more primal deep inside her had soared toward freedom the first time his hand dealt out the discipline she craved. It was that primitive hunger that had compelled her to ask for more. What she had received was more than she could have hoped for. Her bottom stung deliciously.

  It was easier with her eyes closed and with Adam talking to her. She was able to forget the helplessness of her position. Instead she focused on the fact that this was how her Dom wanted her and her only responsibility was to please him. If it pleased him to have her like this then so be it. His voice was hypnotic, leading her to a place she’d never been before—where all that existed was the sound of his words, the touch of his hand and the way her body was responding to both.

  When her Dom’s attention returned to her pussy, Beth felt her legs go weak again. His hand was less gentle this time, more demanding. It was so hard not to writhe with the pleasure he was giving her but she couldn’t move, she couldn’t cry out and she wasn’t even aware of the tears that began to run down her cheeks.

  And then his hand was gone, leaving her with emptiness and a raging hunger between her legs.

  “Open your eyes, Beth,” came his low command. “Look at me.”

  Hesitantly she obeyed—and saw a man looking down at her with desire of such intensity that it stopped her ability to breathe. His touch on her cheek was gentle as he wiped away her tears. “If you wish this to stop, use your safeword. You have permission to speak.”

  She shook her head. “No, Adam.” Her eyes connected with his. “Green.”

  Was that relief she saw on his face? “Then it’s time. I’m going to fuck you, Beth. I gave you permission to speak—use it wisely—but you do not have permission to come. You may move your arms but your legs remain shackled and your pussy open and available.”

  She watched him position himself between her legs, a dark, primitive force kneeling over her. She wanted him so badly—she ached for him. If he’d been handsome in formal attire at the restaurant last night, he was devastatingly masculine wearing nothing but an erection. She gorged herself on the sight of his broad shoulders, the sculpted muscular chest above rock-hard abs, the carved obliques that begged to be caressed, the strong arms, powerful thighs—and the long, thick cock she desperately wanted inside her.

  He rocked her world.

  Adam reached for the condom, ripped the pack open and rolled the sheath onto his rigid shaft. Then his hands were on her hips, sliding under her back to support her while he lifted her to straddle his hips. “Wrap your legs around me as tightly as you can and put your arms around my neck—do it!”

  She obeyed, adjusting the length of chain between the shackles to follow his order. He was the only thing in the universe. He was holding her hard against his body and between them was the solid length of his cock. His sac was hot and tight against her pussy, and then he was lifting her and—

  “Oh God!”

  He was so hard, so thick—but it was the slow, controlled strokes and the feel of his well-muscled body moving against her that was overwhelming her. Her already sensitized clit was being brutally aroused by the closeness and the unrelenting stimulation, and as if that weren’t enough, her breasts were pressed against his chest, her nipples stimulated to stiff points by the direct contact with his muscular flesh.

  She tried to clasp her legs around him more tightly but due to the ankle restraints, her movements were severely limited—instead, she got an intense reminder of her status as this man’s sub, a reminder that targeted her already hungry pussy.

  A large masculine hand anchored itself in her hair, pulling her head back and exposing her throat. His mouth was hot on her skin, she could feel his teeth grazing her flesh, then she was falling backward, secure in his arms…

  The weight of him on her was glorious. He held her hands pinned to the pillow again as his hips continued to drive into her, all carefully controlled power, his strokes slow and deep. He was her Dom—he owned her. She wanted him to take everything that she was and make her his.

  He was the man she’d wanted all her life.

  “Please, Adam,” she gasped. “Please let me come!”


  His mouth fastened onto her nipple as he picked up the pace, his rhythm faster now. Her pleading became sobs of tormented pleasure. She couldn’t hold it in much longer.

  “Come, Beth. Come for me now!”

  She needed no more encouragement. Fireworks went off in her head and her body and her orgasm exploded on a panting cry of sexual ecstasy, the likes of which she had never known until this day. And then her Dom went deeper, harder, his orgasm driving her into the mattress. It felt like it would never end, wave after unrelenting wave crashing over her, robbing her of speech, thought, even her sense of self.

  She whimpered when Adam rolled off her, only distantly aware of him moving to release her bonds, and then he was gathering her to him, holding her as she came down from the heights. The comfort of his low voice soothed the tumult inside her. “Thank you, Adam,” she whispered against his sweating chest.

  Adam wrapped his arms around his sub, pulling her tightly into the protection of his body. If he hadn’t known better, he’d have thought she was showing signs of having flown in to subspace—her eyes were glazed and unfocused and he felt the first hint of a shiver. He wouldn’t normally have expected that to happen so soon but this was her first experience of a scene—albeit a mild one—and if she’d not had sex for a while…even if it wasn’t true subspace, the session had clearly affected her deeply.

  He took a moment to dispose of the condom, then installed Beth under the sheets with an instruction not to move—not that she looked capable of going far.

  Without bothering to pull any clothes on, he went out to the kitchen to pour a glass of orange juice, to which he added a splash of cognac. He also picked up one of the chocolate bars he’d bought the previous day.

  When he returned to the bedroom, Beth had moved onto her side and was curled up in an almost-fetal position and the shivering had increased. He put the juice and chocolate on the nightstand by the bed. At the moment, she needed warmth and comfort more than anything else. He got into bed beside her, sliding down under the covers.

  “Come here, Beth,” he encouraged, his tone soothing and gentle. “You’ve been a good girl and now it’s time for me to take care of you.”

  She turned back toward him and snuggled closer. A good sign, he thought—she was responding to his voice and his commands though the look in her eyes was still distant. He wrapped his arms around her again—she was chilly to the touch. He needed to get her warmed up and to bring her back down gently.

  Although she was the main focus of his attention, there was a part of Adam’s mind that was replaying the session and evaluating how successful it had been. He was also evaluating his feelings.

  For a first session with a new sub it had gone very well. Best to keep it fairly simple and not too demanding and she’d responded well to a little discipline, light bondage and verbal instruction.

  For a first session with the woman he loved, it promised a rich, vibrant future.

  She moved slightly in his arms. When he looked down at her in response she was looking at him with questions in her eyes.

  “Everything’s okay, love,” he said quietly. “How do you feel?”

  She shivered again. “Cold. Should I feel cold? It’s been so long…”

  Since she’d had sex. Adam didn’t want to think of all the times he might have had her with him, just like this. “I’ll keep you warm,” he reassured her. “Beth, this is almost like your first time all over again—you’ve done something you’ve never done before. This is just your reaction to it. Are you ready to sit up? I have something that might help.”

  He helped her
up. Still holding her close, he held the glass of juice to her lips, letting her take a few sips. She made a face at the first one.

  “Cognac.” He smiled. “It’s supposed to make you feel better.”

  From the look she gave him Adam figured she was starting to regain her equilibrium. “Maybe the chocolate will go down better.”

  He broke off a couple of generously sized pieces, feeding them to her as he had fed her the cheese and biscuits a couple of nights earlier. Adam was a man who prided himself on not much being able to trip him up but what Beth did next completely stunned him. When she finished the chocolate, she took hold of his hand and proceeded to lick the melted chocolate from his fingers.

  Adam’s instincts told him that it was because she was a natural sub who had tried to keep a tight control over that side of her personality for as long as she could remember. It had certainly never been let out to play before and now that it was, it was determined to make the most of the opportunity.

  At the moment, though, he was concerned about how she’d react to what had happened once she recovered fully. It was quite possible that embarrassment, even shame, would kick in and he wanted to be on hand if and when that happened. He had been planning to take her out for dinner again later on, but all of a sudden pizza, beer and a bad movie, with Beth curled up on the sofa beside him, seemed like a far better idea.

  “Adam…I need to go to the bathroom.”

  “No problem.” He kissed the top of her head. “I’ll help you.”

  “No!” Her face flamed. “I mean thank you, but I need to—“

  “You need me to make sure you’re all right, Beth,” he overruled her. “It’s my job as your Master to take care of you.”

  He carried her into the bathroom, letting her attend to her needs while he ran the shower to the right temperature. When she was ready, he removed the velvet ribbon with a reassurance that it would be replaced when they were done and guided her into the spacious enclosure. He then followed her in.


  He picked up a bottle of shampoo and poured some into his palm, then told her to turn away from him. He lathered up the shampoo, then began to massage it into her hair. “Beth, as my sub, what is your only purpose?”

  “To please you,” she replied.

  “Good girl. And it pleases me to bathe you and wash your hair just as much as it pleases me to fuck you and spank you. As much as it will please me to teach you more of the art of submission.”

  He rinsed away the shampoo, then applied conditioner, gathering her hair and piling it loosely on top of her head. Then he washed her body with a fragrant, creamy shower gel before rinsing her hair again.

  He was about to start showering himself when her hands stilled the movement of his. “May I?”

  The sensation of her touch on his body was sheer torture. She washed his back first, her soapy hands never faltering as she gently cleansed the scarred skin, left to right, top to bottom. He sensed her drop to one knee, and she was carrying on down, over his buttocks and then down each leg. When she came round to the front of him, her gaze dropped to the erection jutting from his thighs.

  “Don’t look so surprised, Beth. That’s the effect you have on me.”

  She looked up at him. For a heart-stopping moment, he thought she might shrink away but then a slow smile lit her flushed face. “I’m glad, Adam.”

  Adam had a hard time not giving in to the desire to kiss her there and then. If he did that…

  What he did or didn’t want went by the board. He could only watch as she moved closer, close enough to take his nipple in her hot mouth and begin to suckle on it, sending a bolt of sensual lightning straight to his cock.


  Her name was a growled warning. If she carried on like that, he’d have to take her again—and he hadn’t been planning to do that quite so soon.

  “Please, Adam.” She looked up at his face, her eyes full of adoration. “Let me give you this.”

  Adam hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

  His sub had a wicked mouth. He felt her teeth grazing across his nipple before her tongue started working its magic again. He leaned back, the coolness of the tiles nowhere near enough to calm his growing arousal—especially when Beth’s mouth transferred to his other nipple while her fingers began to play with the first.

  And when her mouth began to travel down his torso it only grew worse. He watched her move lower and lower and then kneel before him. He braced himself for the inevitable.

  On her knees now, her tongue stroked his heated flesh, his inner thighs, his groin, until she reached his balls, driving him insane with arousal and need. When she took his cock in her mouth, he could do nothing to prevent the low, guttural groan that rumbled past his lips. His balls were cradled tenderly in her palm while her mouth and her free hand worked his cock.

  His hands clenched into fists for a few seconds, then he forced his fingers to uncurl so that he could lay his palms flat against the tiles, needing the chill to turn down his desire to fuck her wonderful mouth. The alternating kisses and licks were like nothing he’d felt before and the most distant part of his brain, the part that was still able to put together a coherent thought, wondered how Beth could be so skilled. Was it natural talent or had some lucky bastard had the pleasure of teaching her how to suck a cock?

  Adam pressed his back harder to the cold wall, using it to bring himself back from the brink of orgasm. He wasn’t ready to come yet. He had to know…

  “Who taught you, Beth?” he managed to get out, looking down at her, dreading the answer but needing it more. The thought of her in this position in front of another man was killing him.

  She looked down, a slight flush rising to her cheeks. “I’m sorry, Adam. I wanted it to be good for you.”

  Without her mouth wrapped round his penis, he was a little more capable of articulating what was on his mind. “Did I say it wasn’t? Answer my question.”

  “No one. I’ve never…I never wanted to do it for anyone before. I’m sorry.”

  She was sorry? “For what? For having a beautiful mouth and knowing how to use it to please me? Never be sorry about that, sweetheart.”

  She looked up at him, her eyes glowing with emerald fire. “Please…may I continue?”

  He nodded. “But I’ll tell you when I’m about to come. Then it’s your choice.”

  Her choice was to give him a gift that almost brought him to his knees in front of her. He gave her the warning he’d promised, expecting her to back away but no, she remained in position, taking him deep into her mouth as he climaxed.

  Afterward, he allowed her to finish the task of washing him so that they could get on with the serious business of relaxing for the rest of the evening.

  Relaxing. That was a laugh, Adam thought some time later as he lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. The half-finished pizza was abandoned on the coffee table along with his beer and Beth’s wine. Neither of them knew how the film ended, and he suspected that Beth cared as little as he did.

  Beth. She was already asleep at his side, naked apart from the ribbon. His stomach clenched at the memories she’d given him, of her kneeling in front of him while her mouth gave him pleasures that had blown him apart. And then kneeling again, holding out the makeshift collar for him to replace after the shower. He had done so with warmth, gentleness and care.

  And so much love that he thought his heart might break from it.

  But now it was time for sleep. Adam began his usual ritual of controlling his respiration, counting each breath as he tried to get into the right frame of mind, hoping, as he did each night, that tonight the terrors would stay away.

  Chapter Eight

  Monday morning Beth sat at her desk, feeling like a totally different woman from the one who’d left the office on Friday night. And her concentration was shot to pieces.

  She’d arrived at the office fifteen minutes earlier with Adam. It was only a quarter past eight now but it had been a very stran
ge morning, right from the moment she had dared to wake her sleeping companion with a kiss. For a brief instant, an odd expression had passed over his face—then it was gone and he was leaping out of bed and dragging her off to the bathroom with him. Beth could swear she’d spent more of the weekend in that bathroom than out of it.

  Funny how quickly she was getting used to the intimacy of communal bathing.

  A finger ran across the velvet ribbon—she still needed to remind herself that it was real. Not that she needed to do that to remind her as there was a certain lack of underwear that was more than capable of doing it. Especially when she got up to finish off making Adam’s coffee and take it into his office.

  He was on the phone to Japan again. While Beth was fluent in French and could get by in a couple of other European languages, her employer’s command of a variety of foreign tongues was seriously impressive. She was about to leave when he signaled her to stay.

  “Thank God that’s all sorted out now,” he said with a long sigh when he put the phone down. “Come here.” She went around the desk, only to be pulled unceremoniously onto his lap for a deep, lingering kiss. “Beth, you have no idea how often I’ve wanted to do that since you started working for me. You taste good.”

  He didn’t taste so bad either but she refrained from commenting.

  “I should have mentioned it over breakfast but Dan’s coming in just before nine to give me an update on the security problem we’ve been having. I just want you to be prepared for when he notices this.” His touch was gentle on her throat. “You know you don’t have to wear it in the office?”

  “I know. I want to.”

  The words left her lips before she realized they were spoken and in the space of a heartbeat, she knew they were true. She felt protected by Adam and because Dan Chesterfield was also a Dom, she knew that he would respect that protection.

  She wasn’t wrong.

  “Good morning, Beth,” Dan greeted her when he breezed into her office a short time later. To his credit, his initial reaction was barely perceptible—an uninformed observer certainly wouldn’t have noticed it. But as he approached her, she could see that his gaze was drawn to the ribbon.


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