“Tell me what you want, Beth.”
* * * * *
For a few moments Adam stood at the bedroom door, a thoughtful look on his face, just looking at Beth while trying to work out the best way to convince her that she belonged under his roof.
He wanted to witness every moment of Beth’s development as a sub—his sub. Thoughts of showing her the ropes turned his mind briefly to learning more about Kinbaku—she would look truly stunning adorned in an intricate, artistic arrangement of bindings and knots. A human work of art.
Before they started to play in earnest there were other things he needed to attend to—not least of which was a call to Dan to find out if there’d been any developments in the investigation in the last twenty-four hours. And he had no intention of making that call in front of Beth.
Most people would dismiss the uneasiness he’d felt as paranoia but not Adam. He’d experienced it too often in theater to dismiss it out of hand now—not when it had kept him and the men in his troop alive against all the odds.
The phone call was brief and as he’d expected Dan couldn’t add anything to what he’d told Adam the previous day. When he emerged from the bedroom, Beth was over in the kitchen area and from the aroma wafting over, she was making coffee. It felt good, Adam realized, to have a gorgeous naked woman in his kitchen.
He slid down on the sofa, feet up on the coffee table. He hadn’t forgotten about the spanking she’d earned over lunch and he had every intention of administering it. He wondered, though, what had brought that smile to her lips—it had to have been something special and he wanted to know. He needed to know.
As he watched Beth in the kitchen he found himself considering the matter of a collar. He was torn between wanting to collar her as soon as possible but at the same time not going too fast for her. She’d looked perfect in the diamond collar the previous evening and while that had its place for special occasions it was too elaborate for his plans for the rest of the day. And he wanted her collared for the spanking he was going to give her shortly, a symbol of his ownership of her in the bedroom.
Of course—the ribbon. So appropriate. It was the blue velvet ribbon that the jeweler had tied round the box that contained the diamond collar, when he’d had it made…soon after Beth had come to work for him. He’d tossed it into a drawer and never given it another thought until now. He laughed to himself—had his subconscious known even then that there would be a need for it, that there would be a day such as this?
Beth brought the coffee over then sat beside him on the sofa, her legs curled under her. As he sipped the coffee—made just how he liked it—Adam slipped his arm around Beth, drawing her closer to him.
“Well,” he said eventually, “now that you have your safewords, I seem to recall that I promised you a good spanking at lunch.”
Chapter Seven
Adam led his sub into the bedroom.
It was a powerful moment for him, taking a sub who would wear his collar and warm his bed. Taking Beth. He hadn’t imagined that it would affect him so deeply. Soon, when she was ready, he would take her to see Giorgio, a fellow Dom who specialized in crafting slave collars. Not just collars suitable for play but collars that could be worn as if they were jewelry, innocent-looking pieces in the vanilla world—but full of meaning in the community.
“On your knees.”
She obeyed immediately, assuming her designated first position. For a few moments, Adam looked down at her then from a drawer he removed the length of blue velvet ribbon.
“Beth, it’s important to me that my sub knows her place when in a scene. I don’t have a suitable collar for you but I want you to be aware of where you belong. As a symbol of my ownership, and to help you get used to the idea, this will be your collar for the time being.”
Beth gathered her hair together, lifting it out of the way so that he could tie the ribbon around her neck. With great care, he laid the band against her skin, ensuring that it wasn’t twisted, tying it with a perfect double bow at the nape of her neck.
“Now you’re mine.”
It was only a length of ribbon, for fuck’s sake, but it lit a wild fire in the primitive depths of his being. Christ, she was turning him into a bloody caveman! He pulled off his shirt, offered her his hand to help her up, wrapping his arms around her as she rose and pulled her into his body before kissing her as if he would devour her body and soul.
At the end of the kiss, he looked into Beth’s eyes—they were soft and full of wonder. And the collar—maybe he’d have to revise his plans because the ribbon looked as sexy as hell. “Come and sit with me.”
Once seated on the bed he pulled her down onto his lap so that she was sitting sideways, deliberately keeping her off balance by not letting her put her feet on the floor. “Now spread your legs.”
At the first touch, her eyes closed and a delightful little whimper passed her lips. The arm around his shoulders tightened too. She was already wet and growing more so with each firm stroke of his fingers. “Open your eyes, love.”
Her gaze meshed with his. He felt like he was looking into her soul—she was hiding nothing from him. Her arousal was a growing fire, consuming her from within. Adam altered the rhythm of his stroking, dipping a finger inside her. She cried out this time, bracing herself with a hand on his chest as her thighs started to close, ready to fuck his hand.
“Beth, keep your legs open,” he said sternly.
“I …can’t,” she gasped. “I have to—”
“You don’t. Lean on me, Beth. Put your arms around me and lean on me.”
He grunted. Her breasts against his chest made his cock surge under his jeans, hinted at what she would feel like when she was under him. Her curves were in all the right places, soft and feminine and voluptuous, the way a woman was supposed to be.
Her clit was swelling beneath his touch, and he could feel her starting to fuck his hand. “Keep still, Beth,” he ordered. “Have you ever tasted yourself?”
When she answered by shaking her head, he took his hand away from her and used the same hand under her chin to force her to look at him. “Open your mouth. Now suck my finger as if it were my cock. You didn’t answer me properly so this is your discipline.”
Christ, he was going to have to take her soon. If she were sucking his cock rather than his finger it would be a supreme test of his self-control not to come too soon. Her tongue was swirling round his finger, sucking it deeply into her mouth.
“Tell me how you taste.”
Color rose to her cheeks, and again she shook her head—embarrassment, he guessed. He quickly swiped his fingers through the folds of her pussy, sweeping up her moisture and then licked his own fingers.
“Shall I tell you? Slightly salty, warm, delicious and all woman. Do you know how wet you are?” This time he scooped more of her juices and wiped his fingers over her cheek. “Does this tell you how sexy you are? How much you want to be fucked? I’m going to fuck you, Beth, but not before I put you over my knee and spank that luscious bottom. Stand up and lay yourself facedown over my lap. Now.”
Once she was in position with one of his hands on her back to keep her safely in place, his other hand explored the soft curves of her bottom, weighing up the best places to paddle her backside. Half a dozen to begin with—that should get the message across nicely and give her a nice, warm feeling where it counted.
At the first slap she writhed on his lap and cried out, startled by the sharp sting on her flesh. As soon as he stroked the same area, she quieted down, wriggling slightly. “Keep still, Beth. Do not move and do not come.”
“Yes, Adam.” Her voice was little more than a whisper, poised between pleasure and pain. “Thank you.”
Another smack landed. This time she flinched, her buttocks clenching beautifully before relaxing as he stroked her flesh again. “How many is that, Beth?”
“Two, Adam.”
“Good. You will now count out the re
He repeated the process four more times, the slap followed by the caress. She counted each stroke as he had ordered her to do and at the end her bottom was glowing nicely.
“You’ve done well, Beth,” he approved, his voice a little more gentle as he lifted her to her feet. “Did you enjoy that? If you did, don’t be afraid to admit it—tell me properly.”
Her eyes were fixed on the floor. “Yes, Adam, I enjoyed it,” came her quiet admission.
An eyebrow rose to accompany the wry grin. “Which just proves that I can’t use spanking to discipline you, young lady. You’ve been a good girl.” He examined her face. There was something in her eyes that suggested something remained unsaid. “What is it, Beth? Tell me.”
“Adam.” She knelt before him, hands clasped and resting on her thighs, eyes still lowered. “Please. I need—I don’t know how to ask.”
She looked up at him. In her eyes he saw the need of which she spoke. But need for what?
“Just ask, Beth. It’s only words and words can’t hurt you. Tell me what you need. If you don’t tell me I can’t give it to you.”
She took his hands and pressed a kiss to each palm. “Please may I ask if you would consider…“ she took a deep breath, “if you would consider correcting your sub further?”
“In what way?”
Adam knew he was pushing her but she had to learn to finish what she started and to communicate her needs.
Her voice was barely above a whisper when she responded with a single word. “Harder.”
“Good. Now put the two ideas together and find your confidence.”
He waited.
“Please would you consider extending your sub’s discipline by using a paddle, Adam?”
“And how many strokes does my sub feel that she deserves for her transgression?”
“Would ten be appropriate?”
Adam considered her request but not for long. “No, ten would not be appropriate, Beth—not with a paddle. In conjunction with the spanking you’ve already received, I consider that four would be sufficient for you as a novice. If you feel you should have ten strokes, then it’s ten strokes with the flogger. So what’s it to be? Tell me what your transgression deserves.“
Her stunned expression told him that she wasn’t expecting that response.
“The flogger, Adam,” came her quiet reply.
“On your belly, on the bed.”
While she obeyed his instructions Adam found what he sought in the toy chest. He stood beside the bed, swinging the implement in a figure eight to get the feel of it again while he weighed where he would place the ten strokes.
With a gentle touch he traced a path down her spine. The color in her backside was fading—no matter, it would soon be refreshed. He had no intention of making this painful for her—it would be just enough to stimulate her nerve endings and bring an enticing glow to her skin.
Her body jerked in response to the first stroke, a common enough reaction but before he had the opportunity to deliver the next, Adam heard a soft moan of what could only be described as blissful contentment.
He followed the stroke with a tender caress to take the sting away. This time he didn’t have her count out the strokes—he was more concerned with watching out for signs of distress.
There were none. She took the flogger well and when it was done he stretched out beside her and kissed her cheek. “Well done, sweetheart,” he whispered, stroking her hair away from her damp face.
“Thank you, Adam.”
He let her rest for a few minutes, then told her to turn over. Her obedience was immediate.
From his box of toys, Adam produced brand-new ankle and wrist cuffs on chains, which he proceeded to attach to discreet eye bolts set into the wooden bed frame, before fastening the well-padded cuffs to Beth’s limbs, paying great attention to her injured ankle. “Does this one feel all right, love? If it starts to feel uncomfortable, tell me—use your safewords if necessary.”
“It feels all right at the moment.”
Adam looked at her closely. There was something different in her voice and it was there in her eyes too. Trust—she was starting to trust him properly just a little, enough for the level of play he intended for her first day.
He sat on the edge of the bed. While he had every intention of burying his cock in her pussy before long, he wanted to start familiarizing her with his touch—there was no part of her body that did not belong to him.
“Your body is mine now, Beth,” he began, his voice low and sensuous. “Each of your toes, your feet,” he laid his palm on her instep. “You have beautiful feet and I especially like your ankles, since one of them brought us to this wonderful place. Your legs— Now what can I say about your legs? From now on you will only wear stockings in the office—for a long time I’ve thought your legs were made for them.”
His hand played with her pussy again, drawing the sweetest of moans from her luscious lips. “You’ll get used to my touching you here, Beth, because I intend to touch you a lot. I’ll teach you to control your orgasm so that it serves my pleasure.
“And so there are no surprises in the future, I also intend to teach your anus to take my cock. Don’t be afraid, Beth. That too will give both of us great pleasure.”
His hand massaged her belly, savoring its softness and curves. To his mind, any man who preferred skinny women with no breasts had to be out of his ever-loving mind—not when there were women like Beth around.
“Do you know how sensual and erotic it is to have a woman with a figure like yours? You have beautiful breasts.” He flicked his finger across her nipple, felt his body quicken at the way hers jerked in response—then pinched the bud between his thumb and forefinger, rolling the little nub of flesh and watching the areola pucker in response. Jeweled clamps, he thought. She would look exquisite.
He spread his hand, cupping her breast and squeezing it so that she arched off the bed. With her head thrown back, the temporary collar was extremely visible.
His mark of ownership.
Primitive needs boiled in his blood. In one smooth movement he stood up, shed his jeans and released his erection. From the nightstand drawer he withdrew a foil packet, tossing it onto the bed where it would be within easy reach. He freed her wrists from the cuffs and replacing them with his own hands, pinning her hands to the pillows over her head.
He looked into Beth’s eyes, searching their emerald beauty for the secrets in her soul. He saw only honesty, a little apprehension and gentleness before she averted her gaze before her Dom.
He loved her. Dear God above, he loved her. Adam closed his eyes, letting the emotion wrap itself around him, flood every last part of his being. The fire of it consumed him. He’d wanted her forever but loving her? When had that happened? When had she stopped simply being his assistant and become the woman he loved? It felt like it had always been that way.
Adam went very still—it felt like it had always been that way simply because it had always been that way. He’d started to love her the day she started working for him. For an intelligent man, he’d been spectacularly dim-witted.
He released his hold on her wrists.
“Keep your hands where they are, Beth.” His voice was steadier than he could have hoped for given the circumstances. “I’m going to touch you, every part of you. While I touch you you are to lie perfectly still. You will make no sound unless you need to use a safeword. Nod if you understand.”
She nodded.
“Now close your eyes.”
He began with the touch of two fingers, laying the back of the index and middle fingers of his left hand on her chest over her breastbone. She quivered for a heartbeat then quieted again.
His fingers resumed their journey, moving through the scented valley between her breasts, rising and falling with each measured breath she took. He paused there, close to her heart, taking in her calmness and serenity—attributes that reached out to soothe the darkest, most tormented parts of his soul.
He adored her breasts, another part of her perfect imperfection. They were as nature intended and suddenly he was hungry to taste them.
She gasped when he captured her nipple in his mouth, holding it lightly between his teeth while his tongue teased the sensitive flesh. That gasp went straight to his dick, set it twitching to bury itself in her pussy. Not yet. He wanted to savor her body as he would a fine wine before he took her slowly and deliberately.
His hands curved possessively around her breasts, gently squeezing their softness. In spite of his command for her to lie still, she arched against his touch.
“Beth.” He growled her name. “What did I tell you? If you disobey me again, you won’t be sharing this bed with me tonight.”
Tremors rippled through her body as she strove to regain control, teeth biting down hard on her lower lip.
“Don’t do that sweetheart, you’ll hurt yourself.” He pressed his thumb to her mouth, framing her cheek with his palm and fingers.
A man less observant than Adam would have missed the way she pursed her lips to place a tiny whisper of a kiss to the pad of his thumb. If he hadn’t already been in love with her he would have fallen for her in that moment.
His tactile exploration of her body continued—her rib cage, her navel, her belly and hips, all soft skin and alluring curves. She was a delight to touch—each movement of his fingers elicited the tiniest shiver of reaction, over which she had no control. When he dipped his fingertip in her navel her belly trembled.
“My sweet, sweet Beth,” he began, his finger tracing a pattern over her abdomen, “I think it’s time to tell you a little more about what your future holds.
“I normally spend my weekends in the country at Winterleigh. I want you to join me there. Next to my bedroom is the playroom and there I’m going to teach you properly what it is to submit fully and completely to your Dom.”
His touch was sending her to heaven.
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