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Bitter Enchantment

Page 17

by Yvonne Whittal

  Making no effort to control the tremor in her voice, she said: 'You don't have to buy my love with Greystone Manor, Jason. I would gladly forsake my old home to spend the rest of my life with you if that's what you really want.'

  She was in his arms then, tasting the salt of her tears on his lips. He kissed her with such infinite tenderness that she clung to him in rapturous delight, returning his kisses with a hungry yearning she no longer had to keep in check.

  It was some considerable time before they came down to earth and, lifting her in his arms like a child, Jason sat down in the large armchair beside the fire and cradled her on his lap. Melanie buried her face against his shoulder, at peace with the world as he held her and caressed her with a gentleness that was awe-inspiring. To be near him like this, to know that this sometimes formidable and self-possessed man needed her, was almost too incredibly wonderful to take in all at once.

  'I know I've said a good many things over the past three months to make me appear a crass, unfeeling swine, but…' He placed his hand beneath her chin and brought her face out into the open. 'I love you, Melanie. God help me, but I do, and that's something I've never said to any woman before.'

  Melanie thought for a moment that her heart would burst with happiness, and she raised her hand to stroke his cheek tenderly as she had wanted to do so often in the past.

  'Jason, are you sure?'

  'Very sure,' he said, turning his lips into the palm of her hand before he kissed her hard and satisfyingly on the mouth. 'Melanie, I'm not an easy man to live with— you must have realised that already. I'm selfish and possessive.'

  'And arrogant, and ruthless,' she added, flinging her arms about his neck with an abandon that surprised even herself. 'Oh, darling! I love you so very much, and I went nearly out of my mind when I thought you could never love me too.'

  'I've been a brute to you, haven't I?' he asked seriously, and she smiled up at him tremulously.

  'Sometimes, yes,' she admitted, raising her lips for his kiss.

  His arms tightened about her, and tenderness made way for passion. Their hands fumbled with buttons, seeking a closer contact as their emotions sharpened on desire, but it was Jason who drew back a little for a moment of sanity.

  'Perhaps I should explain,' he said, burying his face in her corn-coloured hair. 'My parents were never a wonderful example of marital bliss. They never made any secret of the fact that they both indulged in affairs from time to time, and their constant bickering drove me out of the house at a very early age. There was no such thing as love, my father once told me, and I believed him. My studies and my job became my entire life, and with success came women. None of them ever meant anything.'

  Melanie was silent for a time as she digested this shattering information, then she said softly; 'Delia must have meant something to you. Everyone seemed to think you would marry her.'

  'I might have married her eventually, I suppose, if I hadn't met you,' he admitted, brushing his lips against her closed eyelids. 'In you I found what I'd subconsciously been searching for, but it took some time for me to realise exactly what you meant to me. I hope you're listening,' he added mockingly after a brief pause, 'because I most probably shan't ever repeat all this to you again.'

  'I'm listening,' she assured him contentedly, 'and I'm making a mental record of every word you're saying so that, no matter what happens, I shall always remember this wonderful moment in my life.'

  'You silly child,' he laughed, kissing her briefly. 'I suppose you'll like to come and live here in your old home?'

  She nestled closer to him, listening to the heavy beat of his heart. 'Only if you want to.'

  'You could have the place redecorated as you've always wanted to,' he suggested generously.

  'Oh, yes,' she sighed, a secretive little smile hovering about her lips. 'I would like our children to grow up here at Greystone Manor as I did.'

  Jason laughed softly as he gazed down at her with a teasing look in his eyes. 'Having children is something I haven't thought about yet, but I dare say I'll get used to the idea in time to be able to tolerate the little brats.'

  Melanie coloured slightly and buried her face against him. She could not delay her news for a moment longer. 'You'll have to get used to the idea very quickly, I'm afraid.'

  'Melanie?' His hand stilled on its caressingly destructive path along the hollow of her back. 'You're not serious.'

  'I'm afraid I am.'

  Her face was lifted out of its hiding place as he demanded, 'When?'

  She smiled up into his incredulous face. 'Seven months from now.'

  'Why have you kept it to yourself all this time?'

  Melanie sobered instantly, remembering her unhappiness when she had first discovered she was going to have his child. 'I didn't want you to feel you were under an obligation to continue with our marriage for the baby's sake.'

  'My wonderful, crazy darling,' he whispered, tracing the outline of her lips with a gentle, exploratory finger, and she wondered suddenly how she could ever have thought his eyes cold and hard when they looked at her now with such a wealth of love that it made her feel quite faint with happiness, 'We've been such fools, you and I,' he added against her lips. 'Such idiotic fools.'

  Time stood still for Melanie in the arms of the man she loved, but a hollow feeling at the pit of her stomach made her draw back a little from him.

  'Have you had anything to eat?'

  Jason frowned. 'No, I haven't, now that you come to mention it.'

  'Are you hungry?'

  'Yes. Are you?'

  'I'm starving,' she admitted with a mischievous grin. 'Shall we raid the kitchen?'

  Laughter lurked in his eyes as he said: 'It sounds like a good idea to me.'

  'What are we waiting for, then?' she wanted to know as she slipped off his lap and drew him to his feet, but Jason pulled her back into his arms and kissed her long and satisfyingly before they wandered down the passage towards the kitchen with their arms about each other.

  Greystone Manor was ablaze with lights one evening three months later. Jason's generosity had been boundless, and the old house had been transformed into a gracious modern home which Granny Bridget would have been proud of. It was of her Melanie was thinking as she came down the stairs that evening, but the sadness in her eyes did not quite diminish the radiance of her appearance.

  She found Jason in the living-room mixing their drinks, and at the sight of his tall, imposing figure in a dark evening suit, her face lit up with pleasure.

  He turned, sensing her presence, and his warm glance slid down the length of her, taking in the flowing peach-coloured maternity dress that no longer hid her condition.

  'Have I told you yet that you're beautiful?' he asked softly, and she laughed shakily, placing a hand against her stomach.

  'How can I be beautiful while I look like this?'

  'It only makes you look more beautiful to me. Come here.' She went to him without hesitation, and he placed his hands possessively on her hips, drawing her against him. 'Will your lipstick smudge if I kiss you?'

  'The sales lady guaranteed that it wouldn't,' she laughed softly, locking her hands behind his head and raising her lips to his.

  He kissed her lingeringly, but she stirred against him eventually at the sound of a car coming up the drive.

  'Our guests are starting to arrive.'

  'A pity,' he murmured against her throat, inhaling the tantalising fragrance of her perfume. 'I'm just beginning to enjoy this.'

  'It was your idea to have a housewarming party,' she reminded him lightly.

  'I must have been out of my mind to suggest it when all I want is to have you to myself.'

  'My darling,' she sighed, thrilled by his remark even though she rebuked him gently. 'You're behaving as though we've been married only a few weeks instead of six months.'

  Jason raised his head and looked down into her eyes with a hint of the old mockery in his glance. 'Can I help it if you're such a desirable little wi
tch that I want to spend every available moment alone with you?'

  The sensuality in his voice sent a familiar weakness through her limbs, but her reply was interrupted by the chiming of the doorbell and, kissing him quickly instead, she disengaged herself from his arms and went through to the hall.

  Barnaby Finch stood on the doorstep looking quite unfamiliar in an evening suit. Melanie extended both her hands in welcome, and drew him inside.

  'I'm so glad you could come, Barnaby.'

  'It was kind of you to invite me, Melanie.' His smile froze as he glanced beyond her. 'Good evening, sir. I'm sorry about that slip.'

  'I have no objections to your using my wife's name, Barnaby,' Jason said smoothly, but the arm he placed about Melanie's shoulders was faintly possessive. 'Come through to the living-room and let me mix you a drink.'

  The look of relief on Barnaby's face very nearly succeeded in making Melanie laugh out loud, but she smothered the desire hastily when he glanced at her with a curious bewilderment that said clearly, 'I thought for a moment my head would roll.'

  The rest of their guests arrived soon afterwards, and Jason, despite his earlier remarks, was a gracious host. At the dinner table that evening, Melanie was seated at the one end, with Mr McAlister and his wife on her right. Barnaby sat on her left with Susan McAlister beside him, and Melanie could not help noticing the interest they seemed to be taking in each other for two people who had met for the first time that evening.

  'You know, my dear,' Mr McAlister remarked, capturing Melanie's attention by placing a hand on her arm, 'you're looking lovelier each time I see you, and I don't know what you've done to that husband of yours, but he's certainly mellowed over the past months.' His eyes twinkled mischievously as he added, 'He's mellowed only slightly, mind!'

  A warm smile curved Melanie's lips as she glanced down the length of the table to where Jason sat listening intently to something his chief engineer was saying, but he looked up suddenly and, as their eyes met and held, everyone else seemed to fade into insignificance, and they were alone in a private world of their own.

  He would, no doubt, always be the arrogant, often ruthless man everyone had come to know, but to her he was the man she loved deeply despite his mockery and cynicism, for underneath it all there lurked a warmth and gentleness intended for her alone. She need never doubt again that his heart belonged to her as wholly as hers belonged to him.

  Jason's mouth softened into a brief smile, and hers quivered in response, her heartbeats quickening as his eyes caressed her with a warmth that tinted her cheeks a delicate shade of pink. Then he looked away, and the mask shifted into place as he gave his undivided attention to their guests once more.

  They had shared one brief moment together around the crowded table, but they would be alone again later, and Melanie knew she would always find contentment and happiness in that part of him which he reserved only for her.

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