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Peach Cobbler Confessions

Page 8

by Addison Moore

  “I recommend wearing your purse crossbody so you won’t have to hold onto it.” She helps me quickly change into the lush accouterment and helps arrange my purse so that it’s hardly noticeable.”

  “You know, you look familiar,” I say. “Do you work for a bakery, too?” I know exactly where I’m going with this, I think.

  She blinks back, stunned, as if I struck her.

  “Where did you get that idea?”

  A small laugh trembles through me as she tightens my corset and a wheezing sound escapes me.

  “Too tight.” I fan my fingers over at her and she loosens it a notch. “Thanks.” I take a breath and feel as if I’m about to bust right out of this lacy number. I can’t help but note my bosom looks as if it’s crying to be set free. I’m bulging and blooming in all the right places, and a part of me wants to go home with this cute little number I’ve donned so I can entertain Everett with it properly.

  She fluffs my hair with her fingers. “So what’s this about a bakery?”

  “Oh right. I think it was you who handed me a cobbler at some awards ceremony a couple of night ago.”

  Sammy’s pale eyes round out as she takes in a sharp breath.

  “That was you?”

  I nod. “And the cobbler was delicious.”

  She grimaces and her face freezes that way. And, I’ll admit, she looks downright creepy in this low lighting.

  “What?” I ask, tugging my dress down. “It was good. In fact, it was the best peach cobbler I’ve ever had.”

  She bursts out laughing in that annoying way where she keeps her mouth closed and her throat is gargling from the effort.

  “Okay, so seeing that you’re still breathing, I don’t see the harm in telling you.” She blinks those metallic lashes my way. “I don’t work for any bakery. I added a little something something to that cobbler because I was intending to give it to my ex, but you sort of got in the way.” She winces. “And believe me, I felt bad about it. But I was able to slap my ex silly, so that sort of made up for the fact I wasn’t able to poison him.”

  “Poison?” My voice shrills to the ceiling. “What exactly did you adulterate my cobbler with?” I tug her close by the wrist. Nothing pulls out the ninja in me the way messing with my baked goods can.

  “Relax.” She wrangles free from my stronghold. “I laced it with psyllium—aka a laxative. I meant to lace his food with psyllium and give him the runs, but I gave it to some cobbler hungry woman instead. And since it was you, and you’re here and looking like the pink picture of health, I’m guessing it came out all right in the end.” She gives a little wink before barking out another laugh.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. No wonder I was so nauseated. No wonder I craved a toilet the way a pregnant woman craves her nachos. And speaking of which, both of my men happen to think I’m carrying their child.” I drill my finger into her chest before quickly recoiling. “Sorry. But I’m not sorry. And don’t you dare tell them I’m not with child. That’s my secret to spill.”

  An odd cackle comes from her as she navigates me back into the hall and in through a black door with the word ritual written in red letters that appear to be bleeding.

  “I like you,” she whispers. “You’re a spicy one. And the fact you have two hot men on the hook makes you my hero.”

  My eyes adjust to the darkness and I note a fog swirling in the huge room that looks like a bona fide forest. A blue glowing light comes from around the corner, giving this place an eerie feel. The air is icy and smells like thick cologne, something heavy you might smell in church, but I get the feeling nothing in here has anything in common with a house of worship—and then I see it. A large stone sits in the middle of the room with a giant bloody X through it.

  “I don’t want to lie on that stone,” I hiss.

  “Fine,” Sammy hisses back. “I’ll tie you up to the tree.”

  “Tie me to what?” I try to grapple with her, but before I know it, I’m led into the faux woods, complete with lavender sky with angry clouds and charred trees everywhere you look with crooked branches and burnt out trunks.

  Sammy binds my wrists and lands my hands over my head as she hooks me to the girthy tree in the middle of the room facing a large glass mirror that seems to be painted black. I’m guessing that’s a one-way mirror and I‘ve got an entire legion of perverts gawking over at me.


  Just when I’ve got my girls out and ready for all to see. My girl parts are strictly for Everett’s eyes. And well, I’m not sure why, but it feels right to include Noah in that equation, but his eyes can take a peek at me, too. Maybe because he just so happens to be packing heat, and I never seem to bring Ethel with me anywhere these days. She’s the Glock handgun Noah and Everett bought for me to use for my protection. Of course, Everett is packing heat, too—in a rather creative location.

  “I’ll be watching!” Sammy trills as she takes off. “Try to have fun.”

  The sound of thunder rumbles from above and a bolt of lightning fills these haunted woods as an owl coos somewhere behind me. The sound of evil laughter comes from the speakers, and the wind picks up, or at least it feels like the wind, and I can hear the sound of footsteps quickening in this direction.

  Then as if we’ve been transported into a rock concert, loud music erupts over the speakers, something head pounding and obnoxious to a fault.

  Two shadowed figures appear—I’d recognize Noah and Everett’s bodies just about anywhere, even if they are engulfed in darkness. I manage to make out the fact both are shirtless. It looks as if one has his suit jacket on. I’m guessing it’s Noah so he can hide his gun. And as they step in closer, I can see they both have dark hoods over their faces, giving them that mysterious executioner vibe.

  Is it wrong to admit that I’m slightly intrigued by this less than savory scenario?

  The music growls and roars as do the faux lightning and thunderstorm. Everett and Noah stalk my way and break out into what looks to be a genuine fistfight right in front of me. The one in the blazer dives my way and tries to untether my hands and the other quickly pushes him aside and holds out what looks like a bandana that he’s quickly twisting. Before I know it, he’s tied it over my eyes and I’m missing out on the bare-chested show.

  A warm kiss lands over my lips and it feels naughty and delicious, but in a moment that kiss is disrupted as the man with the kissable lips is snatched away from me.

  Someone caresses my cheek and dots warm kisses up my cheek to my temple. The music picks up in crescendo as a body warms my chest and those familiar lips work their way to my neck.

  And if that wasn’t titillating enough, another warm body warms me from the side as a string of soft kisses glide down my right side.

  This is far too much. This is way too far out of my comfort zone.

  I moan without ceasing as Collette Jenner chortles next to me.

  “Oh, Lottie, this is fabulous!” Her voice echoes in a way that only the supernatural can pull off.

  This is far too much like a dicey dream I’ve had on more than one occasion, and in a strange way it feels as if I’m doing just that, dreaming.

  This is impulsive, unreal, and something just this side of ecstasy.

  And it just so happens to be one dream I don’t want to wake from.

  The music stops and is quickly replaced with the low rumbling of thunder as a cool breeze emanates from my right.

  Both men have abandoned their efforts, and I can hear the distinct whispering of voices, both men and women. And if I’m not mistaken, it sounds as if a crowd just wandered in.

  Someone takes off my blindfold and I not only see Sammy wielding it like a flag, but I see about twelve people in the shadows breaking into a spontaneous applause.

  Sammy lifts a hand my way. “Let’s hear it for our damsel in distress!”

  The applause increases tenfold, and I think I just heard my name.

  “Lottie!” my mother’s voice trills as she steps out of the
shadows and into my worst nightmare. “That was fantastic. You were just brilliant.”

  “Mother?” A sense of panic rises in me as I take in her odd sense of style. “Why are you dressed like a cat?”

  An elf-like creature materializes next to her. “You knocked it out of the park, Lot Lot.”

  “Oh dear God.” I moan at the elf from the biological shelf. I squint at the men nearby and the realization of who they are hits me—Wiley Fox and Mayor Nash—aka my father.

  Sammy lifts her hand to my right. “And let’s hear it for the boys!”

  The room goes wild once again in honor of Noah and Everett, twice as wild as it ever went for me.

  “Okay,” I say to the pink Pop Tart. “You can unleash me now.”

  Sammy makes a face. “I think your hero should reveal himself.”

  Both Noah and Everett dash over, and before I can demand to be set free, my hands are unbound and I’m rubbing my wrists.

  Noah and Everett take off their masks.

  “Lemon.” A dark smile twitches on Everett’s lips as he bows in to kiss me. “We’ll finish our game later. The hero and the damsel deserve to have a hot night.”

  Collette Jenner fans herself with her ghostly fingers. “I’ll be there, too. There’s no way I’m missing out on the sequel—the Ritual Part Two.”

  Noah scowls as he pulls me into a quick embrace. “Don’t listen to him, Lottie. I was the hero.”

  “Yes, well, you’ll both be my hero if you get me out of here asap,” I say as my mother and Carlotta and their disastrously dressed plus ones crowd around me.

  Wiley has on a black leather strappy number that honest to God frightens me. And Mayor Nash is dressed like one of Santa’s helpers.

  I’m not even going to ask.

  Carlotta pokes at my dress. “Great job, Lot. You look like a movie star in that getup. I wouldn’t be surprised if you were discovered.”

  “In here?” I give a quick look around at the crowd milling around. “For what? An adult movie?”

  My mother chortles. “If the blindfold fits.”

  “Mother,” I hiss. “What are the four of you doing here, anyway?”

  Mayor Nash pats his belly. “It’s my birthday.”

  Dear Lord. Of course, it is.

  “Yuppers.” Carlotta gives him a slap on the bottom and it sounded awfully fleshy, if you know what I mean.

  I make a quick oath to myself not to look south.

  “Well, Happy Birthday, Harry,” I say. “Maybe next year we can all go out for dinner. But for now, I think it’s time I leave.”

  Mom nods as she steps in close. “That was a very hot routine. Does this mean you’ve changed your mind about including Noah in on the relationship?”

  “No,” I whisper. “This is all a part of an investigation.”

  A throaty laugh evicts from her. “These little shenanigans of yours really get the men going. You should consider penning a how-to book on catching a man—or two. You’re a pro, Lottie. Oh, and Wiley can publish it for you.”

  I scowl over at the leathered and weathered version of Noah. Wiley is acting as my mother’s publisher for her romance novel and stealing just about all of her profits.

  “No thanks. I think I’ll keep my secrets to myself for now.”

  “Before I forget.” Mom pulls me close. “Ridge Porter’s production company finally reached out and they’re coming next weekend to shoot a few scenes for their finale. I can’t thank you enough for suggesting it. The B&B is finally going to land on the map.”

  Carlotta elbows her way over. “I suggested it, Toots. And don’t worry, Lot Lot. I took pictures of your little tied-to-a-tree love routine so you can relive the whole thing later. And Harry’s got a video.”

  “Lovely. Don’t you dare show those to anyone.”

  Mayor Nash steps up and chuckles. “Don’t be embarrassed. Your mothers and I were proud of your performance. Carlotta and I missed all of your school plays and talent shows and this more than made up for it.”

  Something tells me being raised by Carlotta and Harry would have led in this tawdry direction far sooner than it should have.

  I glance to the right as Wiley, Noah, and Everett break from their private conversation and make their way into our small circle.

  Wiley pats both Noah and Everett on the shoulder. “I was just telling these boys the same things. We’ve got a trio of talent before us. I bet a lot of rehearsal went into that routine, if you know what I mean.” He gives a cheesy wink my way.

  Carlotta chuckles. “I bet they practice at least once a night.”

  Everett frowns. “That was a never to be repeated performance. Nor has it ever been done before.”

  Mom waves him off. “The three of you have been gearing up for your big debut for the last two years. I’m just glad I was here to witness opening night.”

  Carlotta snickers. “And Harry and I will be around the house later to witness the wild cast party.”

  “I’m leaving now,” I say as I look to Noah and Everett. “I’ll go change my clothes.” I tick my head hard toward Sammy and they nod appreciatively as they take the hint. “Mother”—I turn back her way—“Lainey and Keelie are upstairs overdosing on nachos. Could you give them a ride home?”

  Mom nabs Wiley and whisks him to the exit without so much as a goodbye.

  Carlotta leans in. “Harry and I will head back to the ranch and leave a few mints on your pillow. I’d better find someone to open the bakery. It looks as if you’re about to have a late night.”

  “I’ll be fine.” I glance to Noah’s bare six-pack, then Everett’s slicked with sweat eight-pack. “You don’t have to get dressed if you don’t want to.”

  Collette sniffs as she points to Sammy. “There she is, Lottie. Let’s go get her.”

  I catch up with Sammy just as she’s leaving the room and navigate her back to the dressing room with me.

  I’ve never been so annoyed with a suspect as I am with this one.

  “How could you lace my cobbler with laxatives? Were you trying to kill Dane Gannon?”

  “What?” She wrangles herself free.

  Collette groans only the way the dead can. “Is it wrong for me to hope she didn’t do it? I’ve never eaten so many desserts in all my afterlife. Lottie, your cobbler truly is to die for.”

  Thank you, I mouth her way.

  Sammy grunts, “No, I didn’t kill Dane.” Her lips twitch with a smile. “But I’m not sorry things took a turn for the disastrous. There. I said it. Dane was a louse. He told me he loved me, and when push came to relationship shove, he wouldn’t be seen with me in public. He had a hand in that show Unsolved Mysteries Tonight and wouldn’t even introduce me to Ridge Porter. He said it wasn’t the right environment for me. I was an embarrassment to him because of what I do to keep my lights on.”

  Collette clucks her tongue. “My heart breaks for her. I hate that women are disregarded just because of their positions in life.”

  I feel the same.

  “Sammy, who do you think was angry enough to kill Dane?”

  “He did have a girlfriend.” She gives a long blink. “At the same time he was seeing me. She was at the awards ceremony that night. She confronted him and he denied knowing me. He actually had the nerve of accusing her of cheating on him. Or at least that was his version. And when he asked me to use the same cover, I slapped him good.”

  So that’s what I saw.

  Collette leans in. “How I miss giving a man a good swat across the cheeks. And I’m not talking about the face.”

  I choose to ignore the dead among us as I lean toward Sammy.

  “And you think Jade was angry enough to kill?” The moment that night when the contents of Jade’s purse spilled out comes back to me. I distinctly saw the butt of a gun sticking out of her handbag.

  Sammy nods. “Oh yeah. She confronted me after they had it out. She said she was so upset she could kill him.”

  “She said that?”

metallic lashes lift a notch. “Yup. And you know what? I think she just may have.” She hands me a bag full of my clothes and leaves the room.

  Collette gives a deep sigh. “It’s always an angry ex, isn’t it, Lottie?

  “I don’t know. But Jade Archibald threatened to kill Dane Gannon. She had a gun with her that night. And she had a motive.”

  Jade Archibald is looking guilty as sin.

  But is she the killer?

  Chapter 11

  Evie had a slumber party well underway at Everett’s place when we got home last night, so Everett and I found creative ways to entertain ourselves for the rest of the evening. There was a hero, a damsel in distress, and a very steamy bath involved. Suffice it to say, I’ve never felt so clean and loved in all my life.

  That little splish-splash carnal extravaganza is the precise reason I’ve been slogging my way through the morning. It was all I could do to bake hundreds of mini peach cobblers once I arrived. And just as the lunch rush begins to die down, two far too handsome demigods enter the bakery.

  “Well, well, Lottie,” Lily purrs. “If it isn’t your hero.”

  Meg came by this morning and filled Lily in on my not so private foray into adult interpretive art.

  Noah sheds a naughty grin. “That would be me.”

  Everett shakes his head. “It was me.” He winks my way and Lily sighs and swoons.

  “Okay, what gives?” I ask as I pull forth a chocolate chip cookie and hand it to Noah, and a rocky road brownie and feed it to Everett. “To what do I owe this double pleasure?”

  Lily chortles herself into a conniption. “I don’t know, but I have a feeling I’m closing the bakery tonight.”

  “Thank you.” Noah nods her way. “You’re quite intuitive, Lily.”

  “Ooh, let me guess where you’re going.” Lily holds up a finger. “Lottie says the next suspect on her list is Jade Archibald. Lottie spent all morning talking to herself, trying to figure out where Jade works. I bet the two of you are here with answers.”

  Both Noah and Everett frown my way.


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