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Fairground Attraction

Page 4

by Raven McAllan

  “Gonna take me, Rake? Mmmm. I s’wanna feel yo’ nated body ‘n you nin’me.”

  Er, what?

  Well, if she’d said what he thought she’d said, he’d promise that all right. But not now, when he could be anyone to her, not when she was so vulnerable. There would be no ‘I didn’t know what I was doing’ the first time they made love. Or any other time.

  “Come on, Vairi My Queen.” He lifted her up from the sofa and she snuggled into him.

  “S’nice, Rake. You nice. Le’s go ta bed.”

  He kissed her cheek and winced as one flailing arm slipped between them and caught him a glancing blow, just missing his balls. Almost ouch. “Vairi, be bringing your hand up and hold on to me now, there’s a love. Yeah, just like that.” She pulled herself up and put her arms around his neck. “Not too tight now, or I’ll be throttled, and we’ll be on the floor. We’ll be so much better on the bed. Loosen it now. There, that’s my love. So which way?”

  There was no answer. He looked down at the limp woman he was holding. She was out of it. No help there then. He carried her up the stairs and started to explore. On the third try, after a cupboard and a room that seemed to be used as a study, he found what he was looking for.

  He glanced around with appreciation, taking in the downright sexy decor. He managed to pull back the cream silk cover on the bed and put Vairi down on the deep red sheet. Nice.

  One eye opened. “Whaa?”

  He waited, wondering if that was it. Would she lie there unmoving for the next umpteen hours? A twitch of his cock showed that part of him hoped not. Behave. Taking advantage of women under the influence is not allowed. When they made love, Raig intended they both knew exactly what happened and when. He said nothing as she closed her eye again briefly, as if in pain, before suddenly opening them both wide.

  “Loo. Sheesh. Ah, please?” Vairi was trying to sit up.

  “Ah, love, are you feeling sick?”

  She put her hand over her mouth and moaned.

  Raig gently helped her to her feet. “Where?” He had no bloody idea where the bathroom was. He’d not discovered it on his short hunt for the bedroom. Luckily, Vairi pointed to a door across the room.

  “That way. Thanks.”

  He put his arm around her waist to guide her. “Am I needing to get a bucket?”

  Vairi stopped dead and looked up at him. With, he noted, remarkably clear eyes for one who had, he presumed, downed the better part of a bottle of wine so quickly. At least he imagined she had. He had no idea if the bottle has been full or not before she started drinking.

  “Why would I need a bucket?” she asked in a puzzled voice. “I need a pee.”

  Oops. That was a close shave. “Then let’s be getting you into the bathroom then.” He opened the door and maneuvered her inside. “Can you, er…?” How the hell did he ask what he needed to know without sounding like a pervert?

  To his amazement, Vairi laughed at him. “Yes, Rake, I can ‘er’. I’ve been doing it by myself for a long while now. Thank you.” She touched his cheek tenderly, then winced. “Shit, I’ve got a headache.”

  He bet she had. How come she’d been incoherent not five minutes before and now almost looked fresh as a daisy? Almost. He smiled his acknowledgment and went back into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. “Just shout if you need me.”

  Was that answer something along the lines of ‘oh, I do’? Or was that wishful thinking? Whatever, he’d be practicing the limpet act for as long as he could. Well, until the real world intruded. Unfortunately, that time was drawing ever nearer. He heard the cistern flush and the noise of a tap being run. As the door opened, he turned, ready to take Vairi’s arm and help her back to the bed. To sleep. Or so he told himself.

  For someone seeming so inebriated a few minutes earlier, she was now looking fresh-faced and alert. Definitely as fresh as a daisy. Her face had a just-washed appearance, the tendrils of hair falling over her cheeks damp where they had been caught in the water. Without a scrap of makeup on, she seemed young and innocent. Raig would have sworn she was the one in her early thirties if he hadn’t known better.

  “How’s the head?” he asked with caution.

  “What?” She looked at him, curiosity in her eyes and tone of voice. “Oh, my head. Fine. Well, I’ve a bit of a headache, but all I’ve had to eat today is a slice of toast, two apples and a bag of crisps. No wonder I felt like shit.” Her voice was upbeat. “Memo to self. Eat before you drink.”

  “Not feeling sick, or…?” He wasn’t sure what to say. She appeared fine, didn’t look drunk, however, not five minutes earlier she hadn’t been able to stand upright, let alone speak coherently. He peered at her, saw how clear her eyes were, and swore. “Bloody hell, are you stone-cold sober already? After a bottle of wine in about an hour?”

  She nodded sheepishly. “I don’t get drunk drunk, only sort of drunk. Either I can’t be bothered to drink, or I slur my words, feel awful, fall asleep for a few minutes and wake up with a headache. After an hour or so my headache goes, and that’s it, over and done with. Tonight I’d decided I was going to try ever so hard to get rat-arsed, because I was so pissed off with you. You saw how far I’d got.” She shrugged. “Although, to be honest, I don’t think I want any more wine at the moment.”

  Raig stared at her until he saw her move uneasily. Her hands twitched and her face became rosy and flushed. Good. Let her squirm.

  He lasted for all of five seconds before his anger got the better of him. For once he let rage overcome him and spill out. “You stupid bloody woman,” he growled. “You didn’t even lock the door. What if I was a rapist, or, or…?”

  “An ax murderer?” she suggested helpfully. “The Phantom of the Opera? What’s-his-name from Psycho? Good grief, men. And they say females overreact.”

  He could see her lips twitch. What was it with stroppy females? Didn’t she know what a fright he’d had, finding the door unlocked and hearing voices? “Yes, or that. Anyone intent on something awful. Shit, Vairi, I was beside myself. Worried doesn’t even begin to cover it.” The humor of the situation began to sink in as he realized he was giving her hell, and she didn’t have a clue why and found it funny. Ha, I’ll give her funny. “So, you’re fine now? Not feeling sick, waving your wineglass, or wanting another bottle? In full possession of your wits, no memory lapse? Only a wee bit of a headache, is that it?”

  Her expression wary, she nodded. “That’s about it. Why?”

  His smile was wicked, sinful. Slowly, his brogue strong, he spoke to her. “Oh, Vairi My Queen, I’ll be showing you why. Take your blouse off.”


  “Take…your…blouse…off. Nice and slow. Let me be savoring the view.”

  Vairi backed toward the door. He was there before her, enjoying himself now. She’d said she wanted him. Fine, she could have him. On his new terms. Try before you buy? No problem. She could try as many times as she liked, but on his conditions. Eventually she’d buy—he’d make sure of that.

  “You wanted to ‘try before you buy’, my love.” His tone was deceptively mild. Anyone who worked with him would know to be very wary. “It works both ways. Take your blouse off and let me see what I might be buying.”

  Head to one side, she considered his words. He could tell by the glint in her eyes, her rapid breathing as each exhale pushed her breasts out, that they excited her. By all that was holy, they excited him too. She excited him.

  “Tit for tat, Rake. If I do, you do.”

  He’d won the battle, if not the war yet. “Why, of course, my love. I thought you’d never ask. See, I’m a gentleman, so I’ll be following the old adage ‘ladies before gentlemen’.” He moved his hands to his shirt, opened it wide, attacked the clasp on his jeans and unsnapped it. Then he waited.

  The determination he saw on her face as she mimicked his actions and went to open the top button of her blouse, while worrying her bottom lip with her pearly white teeth, would have normally stopped him in his tra
cks. But dammit, she’d hurt him, rejected everything he believed in—love at first sight, soul mates, the one. She’d rejected it all. He was human enough to crave revenge.

  His stare followed her every move. Gradually first one then another button became separated from its fastening. Until she got to the fourth one, and her fingers slowed. Beneath them he could see the golden tan of her upper breast and the line where her skin paled. The beautiful, soft flesh that just showed. Raig’s breath hitched. Ah, be brave. Let me see all of you. Unless we make love in the dark, I’ll be seeing you naked and next to me when humanly possible anyway. He smiled. Encouraged her, willed her to continue.

  Vairi inhaled. That essential button nearly popped as her breasts swelled. “Ready for this, Rake? To see me nude as I take my blouse off and let you see my breasts, my nipples puckered, waiting for you to touch them?”

  Ah, sweet Lord, the words she spoke were so arousing. He moved uncomfortably, quelling the urge to rearrange the set of his cock. She noticed.

  “Jeans a bit tight, are they, Rake?”

  She taunted him but he understood there was no malice in it. Fun, sexy, sensual, arousing play.

  “Ah, bless. It’s not a case of ‘do not adjust your set’, you know. You can adjust any set, at any time.” Vairi laughed and blushed. “I have never bantered sex talk in my life. God, have I been missing out.” She spun around in a circle, her hands high above her head, and ended up facing him again. Her arms dropped to her sides and she bit her lip. “I like it. Do you?” She looked anxious again.

  What a mass of contradictions, bless her. He loved it all. Really love every last thing. And if that is weird, so be it.

  “Oh, do I ever. Minx,” he said in an admiring tone. “My set is just fine, it’s ready and waiting for the next act.”

  “O-kay.” Vairi opened the next fastening. Raig held himself rigid as most of her luscious breasts appeared in his line of vision. She glanced at him, and what she saw in his still stance must have given her encouragement to continue. Her breasts spilled out, her nipples hard and, to his mind, begging for attention. He was hot, hard and aroused as she performed her—well, not a striptease, more a strip enjoy.

  “Why, Vairi My Queen, maybe I should have been givin’ you a hand.” He couldn’t help the brogue. It was always more pronounced when he was aroused, and boy was he that. “Beautiful. Will you be taking it right off now and letting me feast my eyes?” She colored, from embarrassment or arousal he couldn’t tell. He hoped it was the latter, and that he could show his blatant admiration on his face. Then that in turn would give her the courage to take her arms from the sleeves and throw it on a nearby wicker chair.

  “Your turn first. Take off your shirt.”

  Oh, so she is turning the tables, is she? No problem. With a smile that he was damn sure was all predatory male, Raig gripped the garment by each side and eased it over his shoulders. He dropped it onto the bed and watched her as she stared at him as his muscles rippled. Quickly, as if to do so before she lost her nerve, she shrugged out of her blouse. He could tell by the way she held each hand tight at her sides that she itched to cover her breasts but somehow refrained.

  “Jeans,” he said baldly. She didn’t move, just swallowed convulsively. He lifted an eyebrow in question.

  “I can’t,” she answered simply. “I’m scared.” Her hands moved, but to his pleasure, not over her naked body. She stuffed them into her pockets instead and scuffed the floor with her toes.

  He was incredulous, and a smile split his face. “Of me? Never. I would never harm a hair on the head of my future wife. Or anywhere else.” He pseudo-leered, then grinned at the stupefied look on her face. “It’s a determined man I am. It runs in the family.”

  She replied shakily. “Yes, well. As I can’t see your future wife around, only me, I’m determined not to be a fool. Not to rush in, et cetera, et cetera, like I did before until I decided to put a stop to it. I’m not scared you’ll hurt me physically, Raig.” She rolled her eyes. “Sheesh, Denny would have your nuts in a vise if you did. No, it’s more…oh, more me. I’m scared of me.” Then she did clasp her arms across her breasts in a defensive gesture as she tried to explain. The struggle to find the right words showed on her face and in her jerky movements.

  Raig went and lifted her blouse from where it had landed and draped it around her shoulders in an oddly protective way. “There now, put it back on if you want to. We’ll not do anything you aren’t happy with.” He felt like the biggest shit on earth. “Hell, Vairi, I want to keep you in my life, not scare you out of it. Now then, let’s go and sit comfy. I’ll make tea.”

  She gave him a watery smile but didn’t put her blouse back on, leaving it as he had placed it. “No tea, Raig. Just sit and hold me and let me see if I can help you understand.” He followed her to the bed and sat down on the edge beside her. She turned to him, and he watched as she tucked his hair behind his ears, tracing his diamond stud as she did. He took her hand, kissed the palm and curled her fingers over the spot.

  “To keep my kiss safe,” he told her.

  Chapter Three

  “Take a deep breath, and don’t tell me anything you don’t want to,” he advised her as he held her hand and played with her fingers. “I’ll wait for you as long as you want. Mind you, I’ll be permanently horny and not be able to walk because of my hard-on, but hey.” He shrugged dramatically, making her laugh.

  “I don’t think it’ll be that bad,” Vairi said softly. “I just got cold feet. I’m scared to trust anyone, especially a man. I worry that someone else is responsible for my happiness. I tried that once, and it damn near killed me when it all went wrong. If it hadn’t been for Lorna, I don’t know what I would have done.”

  “Lorna’s dad?” he asked quietly.

  She nodded. “I was twenty, a young twenty. He was thirty-five.”

  He winced inwardly. Ouch. No wonder she wasn’t happy with their age gap.

  She continued. “I fell hook, line and sinker. He was my lecturer at uni. Very charismatic, and he looked a bit like Don Johnson in Miami Vice. He knew all the strings to pull me in, and I let him. Then when I found out I was pregnant, he conveniently remembered the wife and two kids in his hometown. If it hadn’t been for my mum and dad, goodness knows what I’d have done. They were great. They made sure I went back to uni after Lorna was born. I only needed to take one year out, and they helped me all the way. Even after I graduated, when she was little and when she started school, they were always there. I owe them so much.” She sniffed. “Ah, it still makes me all teary when I think of it. They could have easily been pissy about it all. Gone on about my sense of right and wrong and bad choice of partner. But they didn’t. They just gave me and Lorna all the love and encouragement we needed.”

  Raig cuddled her close. Her breasts brushed against his naked chest and sent frissons of excitement through him. He felt a rush of love for his brave lady. “Are they still alive, your mum and dad?”

  Vairi laughed, her mood already lightening. “Are they ever. In their late sixties and touring Australia in a camper van. I keep getting e-mails saying ‘guess what we did yesterday’, complete with photos. Very unnerving, I can tell you. Yesterday’s offering showed Mum doing a skydive. Last week it was Dad doing a bungee jump.” She shuddered then giggled. “I certainly don’t get my motion sickness from either of them. Mum insists she’s going to learn to fly a microlight. Good on her, as long as she doesn’t involve me.”

  Raig gave her another hug and said nothing as he simply enjoyed their closeness. This was what he wanted, now and forever. Inwardly he laughed at his fancifulness. Outwardly, he just smiled. “They sound great. Loving and loved.”

  He wondered if she knew just how sensual she looked. Her head resting on his shoulder, those gorgeous curls spread over him, her soft, pale breasts contrasting with his deeply tanned chest. His hands were itching to touch. His cock was not far behind in the wanting stakes. It stirred as they sat there, not speaking, just enj
oying the moment.

  “Raig, you’re vibrating.”


  “Vibrating,” Vairi said again with a smirk. “And I don’t think it’s down to me.”

  “Ah, right.” He’d been so immersed in his enjoyment of them together he hadn’t noticed the sensations and vibrations coming from his pocket. “Shit.” He moved one hand into the pocket and brought out his mobile. He looked at the number on the screen. “Trouble,” he said briefly, before speaking into the phone. “Hello, Phil. What’s up?” He listened, focusing on the voice at the other end of the line, and knew he was going to have to leave and return to the fair. “Okay, give me ten. I’ll be with you as soon as poss. No, no, you had to. Fine, thanks.” He hung up and turned to Vairi, who had been sitting quietly, still cuddled in, while he took the call.

  “I’m sorry,” he began regretfully, hoping he didn’t sound as pissed off as he felt. “I need to go back. There’s been a bit of a fight, and some thug tried to bottle Jonny. Otherwise, I’d be begging you to let me stay.”

  “Can I come?” She stood and began to finger the sides of her blouse.

  “What?” He wasn’t sure he’d heard properly.

  “Can I come with you? I’ve decided it’s about time I stopped not taking a chance in case it all goes pear-shaped. I’m forty-four years old, and if I can’t cope with the vagaries of life by now, then too bad. If you’ll give me two minutes to put my bra and blouse back on and grab my toothbrush, I’d like to go. If you want, that is…” She sounded very hesitant and unsure.

  Raig was neither. “Bra, if you must, blouse, definitely. What it covers is for my eyes only. Toothbrush, I’ve got a new one you can have.” He put his shirt on and fastened it. “And, my Vairi, I would love you to come back with me.” He held his breath to hear her answer. As he was pulling his sweatshirt over his head, his voice was muffled, his face hidden, and it was impossible for him to see any clues in her expression regarding her reaction to his statement.


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