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Fairground Attraction

Page 7

by Raven McAllan

  He got the shock first. Waiting until he was settled beside her, Vairi used the cloth to lovingly, or so it seemed to him, wipe his semi-erect penis. It responded as best it could, better than he could have predicted. While the spirit was very definitely willing, the flesh might need a bit longer. Not that much longer though, he’d bet. Raig rolled to his side, firmly removing her hand and the rag.

  “No more. I’m preserving all my energy to show you just what we youngsters are capable of. I hope you’re not one of these people who need their eight hours, love, because I’ll need to be up in less than six hours, and I’m not talking about my cock here, that’s going to be up much sooner. I’m saying you’ll not even be getting those six hours to sleep. Count on it.”

  “Oh, I will,” she said with a purr. “And you know? I’m looking forward to every minute of not sleeping.” She traced the tattoo of a bluebird on his left shoulder. “Why this?”

  Lord, now, how to answer that and not drop himself or his alter ego in the shit? With as much honesty as possible.

  “A friend’s sister who died loved them. My friend said it was the bird for hope. No, not a girlfriend, just a girl who needed a friend.” And he’d failed her sister. His first job as an undercover investigative reporter and Maya had been battered and bruised by her abuser before his team had unearthed enough evidence to take to the police. Rita, his friend, had gotten married, had a son, and now lived in Australia, but Raig still felt, deep down, he should have moved faster to help, even though he knew it had been impossible. It had taken a long while for him to accept he couldn’t necessarily do everything he wanted as he wanted, but even so… Raig wrenched his mind away from the past.

  “Ah well, I’ll be making it worth your while to be awake.” He moved suddenly and pinned her arms above her head, her robe still on her shoulders, bunched underneath her as she lay on her back and looked up at him. “You can hunt for the other tattoos later.” Raig could see both interest and desire in her eyes. Well, he vowed as he stared back at her, soon there will be passion showing there also. With his spare hand, he rummaged in his cabinet drawer. Finding what he wanted, he held it up and showed it to Vairi. “Will this be moving too fast for you, Vairi My Queen?”

  Vairi shook her head. “Oh, I don’t think so. I’ll have a safe word?”

  He nodded. “Of course. Although I can promise there will be no need to use it.” He watched the expression on her face as she considered his words.

  “Regardless, we’ll have one.”


  “Oh that’s me. Sometimes.” She paused. “Rum.” His face must have mirrored his thoughts regarding the vagaries of a woman’s mind, because she laughed. “I really do not like rum. Not even in a punch or Singapore Sling. Tastes like cough medicine. The only time I was almost properly not able to snap out of it drunk was on rum. Er, what are you going to do?” She didn’t sound scared, just curious.

  “Nothing you don’t want, I promise you. Are you okay with that?”

  “Well,” she said reasonably, “as I don’t know what is what, I don’t know if I’m happy with it or not. But I trust you. Denny and Lorna do.” She shut her eyes briefly, and when she opened them again he saw her determination and, he thought, excitement there. “I’m ready to take that leap into the dark with you.”

  Never were words more erotic.

  “Will you close your eyes for me?”

  “Literally in the dark then?” She smiled and closed them. He expelled the breath he hadn’t realized he was holding.

  “Trust, Rake. I trust.” He noticed she was using the nickname she’d bestowed on him. It made this moment more special, he decided. More intimate.

  “I won’t break your trust.” He moved off the bed, kissing her lips softly and sensually, a promise in them that he intended her to feel. He still held her hands in one of his above her head. “Okay?”

  “Yeah, all green.”

  “Good girl.”

  She kept her eyes closed, which made it easier to use the element of surprise to wrap the soft silk scarf he had showed her gently around her wrists. He didn’t anchor them to anything. This was going to be a lesson in self-control for both of them. He sensed her bewilderment as she tentatively moved her hands and found she could if she really wanted to.

  “Oh, my love, one day I hope I’ll have you spread out and tied down for me so you have to look and enjoy,” he said huskily, “but today, I need to let you realize you can trust. Okay?”

  She nodded.

  “Vocalize, please, love.”

  “Eh?” Vairi sounded startled. “Oh, er, yeah, sure. It’s all good.”

  “Thank the gods,” Raig said, his words heartfelt. “For I tell you this, if those magic fingers of yours touch me again, I’ll come before I start. This is experience, not touch, for you. Lie there for me, let me feast my eyes on your amazing body while you discover all those sensations running through you. Tell me what you feel, how you feel, what you like. Let me know how you would like me to touch you, let me learn all I can about you.”

  “Can I watch?” Her voice was thin and reedy.

  “Soon,” he promised as he got back on the bed, the mattress dipping as he straddled her, took one hard nipple into his mouth and sucked.

  She moaned in enjoyment.

  “You like that?” He treated the other nipple to the same attention as she nodded.

  “It’s like you’re sending awareness straight to my clit,” she replied frankly. “I want more. Touch and taste, Rake, let me show you how you make me feel. Fill me, so I can discover what it is like to feel you deep inside me.”

  Raig trailed a series of tiny kisses down her body before he blew softly on her overheated pussy.

  “Sheesh, that is…” She stopped speaking as her body clenched and relaxed. “Hmm, mmm…mmmmm.” Her voice trailed off into a sound like a happy puppy would make.

  “Oh, I’ll do more than that, my Vairi,” he vowed. “Open your eyes if you want and watch.”

  Obviously she wanted—she opened them. He knew all the passion he felt showed in his expression and hoped she could recognize it for what it was. He moved back onto his haunches to reach her clit and suck. She arched off the bed and into him.

  “I’m going to come,” Vairi said in a staccato burst of words. “Got to. Now…”

  He agreed. “Eventually, but not yet. Listen well. You will not come until I say so, now will you?”

  “Eh? Oh shit, I—”

  “Won’t come until I say so.” He made sure there was no room for doubt in his voice. “Understand, love.” He nipped and nibbled around her belly button as he slid a finger into her. “You’ll be screaming my name before long, love. Loud, very loud. I’m going to fill you over and over. Spill my seed into you, come so hard, and make you do the same. But not until I say so. Are you hot and ready for me?”

  “For fuck’s sake, I’m so ready I’m buzzing. Without anything electrical to sound the buzz,” she said bluntly and vehemently.

  Huh? Oh, he got it. “No need for a vibrator, I’ll vibrate you.”

  “Good. Well, please do it then. I’ve held back as well as I can, but shit, Raig, I’m wet with wanting. Come into me and in me. Now.” Her legs moved restlessly, opening wide, her body lifting to him in welcome, as if desperate to touch him and to feel his touch in return. She arched her tied hands in supplication in his direction. Only the knowledge that he needed to be deep inside her before he came and when she fell kept him at arm’s length.

  “Please, Raig.”

  “Oh, I please. Hell, do I.” He quickly smoothed a condom on, then allowed the tip of his cock to nudge her clit before he edged slowly into her. “Ah, my Vairi, so warm and welcoming.” He gave a sudden push and she opened to him, and welcomed his pulsing cock deep inside her.

  “Jeez, Raig, that is so good.” She was panting as he moved in and out, setting up a tempo that they both danced to. Raig used his fingers, to nip and tease her nipples as she writhed and moane
d at the feelings he created for her. She joined him in his rhythm and helped him to move deeper, more surely into her pussy. Even though her wrists were tied together, she could still move forward, the loop of material linking her hands giving her a chance to hook it around his neck and pull him down toward her. Raig moved willingly as they danced in unison, their cadence as old as time, his movements confident and true, definite and positive as he filled her, and used his dexterous fingers to touch and caress either her nipples or her clit.

  This was more than fucking, was so much more than mere sex. He hoped she realized that.

  “Shit, Raig, now. Please, please, now.” Vairi screamed when her climax overtook her, and Raig could only join her as they were flung into a vortex so powerful he had no idea how or where it would end. Dimly, he heard his shout echo hers as he met her in that state of satiation. His own groan of ecstasy and completion mimicked hers and he knew he had experienced what she had. Knew things would never be the same again.

  Chapter Five

  Gingerly, Raig levered himself upward and lifted his body from where he had collapsed on her after his climax.

  “Hmmph?” Vairi mumbled and flapped one hand in the air before she dropped it back onto the mattress with a thump. “I’m dead.”

  “Not quite.” Squashing her was not part of Raig’s plans. Romancing her, loving her and becoming a couple was. Anything more than that he dared not hope for. He pressed a swift kiss on each closed eyelid, undid the silk scarf still wrapped around her wrists and got off the bed to dispose of the condom. Vairi opened one eye to look at him in query.


  “Bathroom. I’ll not be long.”

  She nodded, and the eye closed again. “’Kay.”

  Amused, he made certain she couldn’t fail to hear the laughter in his voice. “Ah, love. Have I worn you out?”

  She gave a small smile without opening her eyes. “We old women, I don’t know, we just don’t have the endurance to keep up with you youngsters. I need sleep. Chocolate and coffee. In any order.”

  “Oh now then, Vairi My Queen, I’ll not be agreeing with all that there. You more than kept up with me, more than. But don’t worry, we can keep practicing until I get it right. I love you.” Raig was heartened to hear her make fun of something he knew bothered her. “I’ll find the chocolate and coffee in a sec.”

  Both eyes opened. “Get what right? I thought we did pretty well.”

  Haha. Got you. Even if you didn’t mention the ‘L’ word this time. Raig remembered her words spoken in the heat of the moment. He hoped with all his heart she’d meant them in the way he did.

  “Oh, we did. We did supremely well. Love makes all the difference, wouldn’t you say?”

  “Of course it does,” she replied honestly. “It adds a further dimension, because of that extra depth of feeling.”

  “And we felt that, did we not?” He held his breath, uncaring of how he must look, condom in one hand.

  “Of cour—” She stopped mid-word and sighed. “I don’t know. Oh, go and dump that in the bin, and we can analyze after if you want. Sod coffee, I can’t be bothered to wait for the percolator to perk. I’m going to be very British and make tea. Do you want a cup?”

  He laughed. “Yes, please, but hold on a sec.” He disappeared into the bathroom, where he disposed of the condom, and after washing himself, dampened another cloth before going back into the bedroom. Vairi hadn’t moved, and he tenderly ran it over her still-swollen pussy, eliciting a sharp gasp—not one of pain, he hoped.

  “There now.” With a swift kiss, he saluted her before he pulled her up and tapped her ass. “Chocolate in the fridge.”

  Vairi moaned and went limp, presumably in protest of his tap. “Heartless creature. Here I am, knackered due to you, and you’re hauling me up from my bed. Cruel.”

  “You said you were going to make tea,” he pointed out. “I’m only helping you. Still, if you’re not wanting any help…” He began to let her fall back toward the bed. She shrieked.

  “Don’t you dare, you rotten sod.” Vairi chuckled so much there was nothing she could do to stop herself bouncing as he dropped her gently back onto the mattress. “Bugger.”

  Looking down at her as she laughed up at him, all flushed and happy, Raig knew his heart was in his eyes, showing exactly what she meant to him. He felt himself falling as she sneaked out a hand to touch his bum and set him off balance by hooking her ankle around his leg. He landed on his stomach next to her.

  “Ha! Gotcha.” Vairi sounded triumphant.

  He grinned. “Not totally knackered then, my love?” He went to get up. A hand in the small of his back kept him firmly where he was. The mattress moved, then—sweet Lord—she moved so her soft legs brushed either side of his body and her hands gently massaged his back. His breath caught as he Vairi sat on his ass with care. She moved up and down and her pubic hair brushed him as to reach his shoulders and neck. The sensations were amazing. Her long hair swept over him and her hands alternated the pressure of the strokes on his body.

  Vairi gave a sensuous sigh, as her pussy rubbed against him and elicited enticing and promising responses. Raig let himself be caught up in the maelstrom.

  Totally relaxed as he was, the sharp slap to his ass caught him by surprise. What the fuck? Vairi had swung to one side and moved off him enough to be able to administer it.

  “Tea.” There was happiness in her voice, he was sure of it. “Just thought I’d make sure you weren’t stiff in all the wrong places.”

  “Well then, you’ve surely succeeded, my Vairi. You can do that at any time. Are you a masseuse?” He rolled over to look at her before sitting up and taking hold of one of her hands and sliding his fingers over the palm. “Magic hands, my love. Thank you.” He kissed the spot he’d touched and curled her fingers over it. “There now, to keep it safe.”

  “Thank you.” She spoke so softly Raig had to strain to hear her. Her voice increased in volume. “Okay, now it’s cup-of-tea time. And that chocolate if you’ve actually got any.”

  Moving to a tall cabinet, Raig then opened it and threw her a different dressing gown before dragging on a pair of joggers. He had to keep a hold on his sanity and that other enticing—on her—robe wouldn’t have helped. “I’m sure there’ll be something to keep your strength up.” He watched her thread her arms into the once again overlong sleeves, turning them up several times before tying the belt tight around her waist. Although it came just below the knee on him, it was ankle-length on Vairi. He thought it was very sexy and made her look vulnerable. That was something he was fairly sure didn’t apply to his Vairi. He was wise enough not to speak his thoughts out loud.

  “Come on then, woman, where’s that tea you keep promising me?” His eyes were bright as he took her hand and walked the few steps to the kitchen. “There’s one thing about a trailer—nowhere is very far from you,” he commented as he rummaged in the fridge and watched her unconsciously sensual movements as she filled the kettle and switched it on. He found what he had been looking for and held two large bars of chocolate up to show her. “Okay, plain or milk?

  “You like chocolate then?” Vairi asked mildly.

  “Just a bit. Do you not?”

  “Oh, I do. Unfortunately, so do my hips. They grab it and drag it straight to them. Then keep it there. So it’s an indulgence. One I’m going to indulge in. Milk, please. Do you have a teapot? I couldn’t find one earlier.”

  He shook his head. “I did, but now I don’t. It came to an unfortunate end a couple of days ago, and I’ve not got round to getting a new one.” Raig could see the question as it formed and preempted it. “I was sitting outside, enjoying some sunshine, and when I got called away I forgot about it and left it on the grass. Phil trod on it. It’s on my to-do list. When I get round to making one.”

  “Oh well, ‘yucky tea bag in a cup’ tea then.” Vairi suited her actions to her words and within a few minutes she handed him his mug then dropped down into the seat next to him
at the table.

  Raig took the drink with a few words of thanks and watched as she unwrapped the foil around her chunk of chocolate, her movements economical. Her delicate hands reminded him of earlier, and he remembered she hadn’t answered his question about her profession.

  “So, what do you do for a living?” he asked casually as he helped himself to a thin strip of plain chocolate.

  Vairi carried on eating. Finally, she looked at him. “Work. What about you?”

  Ah. A non-answer. Therefore, he gave the same answer back. “Work.”

  “That’s all right then.” Vairi finished her tea, stood and took her cup to the sink. He watched her from under hooded lids as she pushed the overlong sleeves of his dressing gown up her arms again. Even though she’d rolled them several times they had still slipped down. The excess material masked her body and damn if it didn’t tease all his senses. Raig’s cock show interest, and he cursed. Unfortunately, he had to get some sleep. Saturdays were busy, and he needed to be awake and alert.

  “Shall we be going to bed, my love, to cuddle each other to sleep?” he asked quietly. “The alarm is going to be ringing in our ears in a couple of hours, and I’ll need to be at least half with it.” He saw her glance down at his joggers. Loose as they were, his cock was still making its presence known.

  He grinned wryly. “Yeah, the flesh is very willing, but the spirit’s trying very hard to say no. We’re up and running by half ten, eleven tomorrow, and there’s a good three hours’ work to be done before then.” He stretched, bringing his muscles into play. Vairi moved close to him and put her arm around his neck before she kissed him, long and hard.

  His cock hardened and pulsed. Shit. It was no good, he needed her there and then. Sod sleep, it was overrated anyway. Raig stretched his arm out to take her wrist, but Vairi pulled away and walked into the tiny bedroom.

  “I call the bathroom first.” Vairi disappeared through the bathroom door, and he heard the tap being turned on. It was only a few minutes before she returned. “All yours. Any preference to which side I take?” She gestured to the bed. “And where’s the other tattoos then?’


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