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Fairground Attraction

Page 11

by Raven McAllan

  “Can’t leave you out of my kissing schedule. In fact, you get two.” She suited her actions to her words. “And maybe—”

  “Too much slush and info going on, Mum. We’re off before I blush.” With a wave, Lorna and Denny disappeared around the side of the house. Raig waited, holding Vairi’s hand before the sound of a car’s engine starting up and the change in tempo as it drove off filtered back to them.

  “Now then. Where were we before we were so rudely interrupted? Ah yes, I remember.” He grabbed hold of a giggling Vairi and put her back into a fireman’s lift. “Table or bed?” He was walking toward the door as he spoke.

  “The mugs and stuff.” She gasped as he ducked her through the low doorway.

  Raig glanced down the garden. The speculative blackbird was busy under the table, enjoying its mid-morning snack. Who was he to interrupt him?

  “Don’t need them. Table or bed?” They were in the kitchen, and he waited to hear her say ‘bed’. He was almost at the door to the hallway when she spoke.

  “Table. This time.”

  He spun around. “Table it is. Any ideas how?” He glanced at her face, as she peered up at him with a speculative expression.

  “Lots.” She was purring. “Oh yes, more than a few. However, this time I’m looking forward to experiencing yours. You know how much time we’ve got. I’m in your hands.”

  He swatted her easily reached butt and checked his watch.

  “Enough time for starters anyway.” Unfortunately, not long enough for everything he’d like to do. Nevertheless, plenty to be going on with.

  “So, I’m in charge?” Raig raised one eyebrow. “You’ll do as I say?”

  She ran her tongue over her lips, an expectant expression on her face and her eyes sparkling with mischief. “As long as it’s not illegal, immoral or it makes me fat. Oh, and I can do the ‘stop now, it’s rotten, I’m calling red thing’. Yeah, I’m in your hands.”

  He liked the way she described the universal BDSM ‘no more, stop immediately’ word.

  “I promise. I’ll do nothing to hurt you or anything you really don’t want.” He sat her on the edge of the table, so her toes just touched the floor. “And I’ll honor the ‘stop now, it’s rotten, I’m calling red thing’.”

  She giggled. Raig kissed her nose, purely because he loved the way she wriggled it when he stopped.

  “Do…not…move. I need to get condoms.”

  “Third drawer along,” Vairi gasped. “In with the serviettes.”

  Raig looked down at her flushed and sensually charged face. The secret smile playing around her mouth, the way she slipped her tongue between her lips to lick them. He was suddenly parched, needed to drink in her essence, kiss and be kissed.

  “My clever Vairi.” His voice was husky, as if he was a fifty a day man. “Why the serviette drawer?”

  “No one ever uses them. They use paper ones instead.”

  He could think of a use for them. Several uses. When they had more time. For now, he needed to be inside her. Raig tapped her butt and she lifted up from the table. Within a second he’d moved his hands and lifted her skirt. He gulped, blinked, swallowed and shook his head in pleasure. His cock endeavored to break his jeans zip and the teeth threatened to nip its length if he tried to pull the fastening open.


  “Hell, love. What a view. What a fucking amazing sight for me to see. Just me, all for me.” Again the knickers had been relegated to he knew not, and cared not, where. Her pussy, its nest of curls trimmed oh-so short as to be barely visible, was damp, inviting and ready for him to feast his eyes on.

  Soon, I’ll get you to dare to go bare, my love.

  His body trembled in a delirium of sensations that threatened to swamp him. Raig could truly say he had never felt this depth of emotion before. With utmost tenderness, he stroked his hands up her thighs until he reached the apex and slipped one finger inside her before he flexed his other digits and used them to tease and comb her curls before unerringly finding her clit and massaging it.

  Vairi gasped as he varied the strength of his touches. “Argh, Raig, for fuck’s sake, do you know what that does to me? Can you not tell how wet you’re making me?”

  “Oh yes, and before you come, you’ll feel a lot more, I promise.” Her pussy clenched his finger as she pulled it in deeper inside her and demanded he show her. Raig obliged with another finger, dancing and playing, scissoring them inside her. His nails gently traced lines on the soft, wet flesh and she groaned deep in her throat.


  Vairi began to fumble with his zip and a sudden feeling of déjà vu made Raig use one hand to remove hers.

  “No. Not this time,” he said in a soft tone. “This is for us, in that you come. I stay and watch. Lie down.”

  “Huh?” Vairi’s eyes were cloudy with arousal and she sounded drunk. Gently Raig pushed on her shoulders until her back was flat against the tabletop.

  “Lie back, love. Do not move. Please.” He opened the ties on the front of her dress that had been beckoning him all morning and revealed her breasts. “Let me show you.” Just as he’d thought, she wore no bra, and his eyes were drawn to her tight, hard nipples and the dusky areolae around them. Her breasts were lush and called for his attention, each nub perked and primed for his touch. Raig leaned forward to take both of those tender buds into his mouth in turn. His aim was to increase her arousal to that precious state of pleasure-pain that surrounds the senses. He slipped his spare hand between their bodies again to aid and encourage the one already busy in her pussy and on her clit.

  Her juices coated his digits and he knew she was ready to move forward. “Splinter for me, my love. Shatter and come. Show me how I can push you over the edge.”

  Vairi moaned. Raig increased the tempo, the way his fingers moved and swirled and how his hands touched and caressed. She pulsed hard around him, a gush of liquid covered his hand and she tensed, hard and tight.

  She splintered, just as he demanded. Shattered and came as he requested. Hard and fast. Raig was humbled by such a feeling of love and tenderness and he was hard pressed not to demand if she didn’t feel the same.

  Not the time.

  Vairi shivered and sobbed his name. Shuddered into him, on him and around him. Held on as if he were her only anchor to life and reality. He loved it.

  “Ah, love. It’s good. Let yourself feel it all. All my love, all for you. That’s it. Oh, Vairi My Queen. You are my love.”

  Chapter Eight

  The room was silent except for their harsh breathing. Raig stood in front of Vairi, his hands, unmoving, still on her, his fingers tucked neatly inside her, now at rest. He wondered what she was thinking but didn’t choose to break the quietness they were cocooned in. It was a magic moment and he had no intention of breaking the spell before he had to.

  Outside a blackbird—the blackbird?—twittered at an unseen annoyance, and Vairi huffed softly. Raig bent his head and kissed her, just above her mons. She stirred and lifted her head. He looked up, his lips hovering just above her skin, taking in the special essence that was Vairi. Strangely, it wasn’t the smell of her climax, but the scent of her skin, her hair, her being. He knew, though, that her climax would linger on him long after he had showered. It was part of him.

  “What, love?” His tone was tender. “Are you all right? Did I hurt you?”

  “No.” Her voice was exhausted, as was her face. “No, you never would do that.” She fell silent again.

  “What then?” Something was wrong, and intuitively he knew she was loath to tell him about it. “Surely it’s not so bad that you can’t tell me?” He rolled his eyes. “Did you fake it? Is that it? Am I so crap at fingering you, you faked it to get it over and done with?”

  That got a response. “Don’t be so fucking stupid. You finger fuck like you cock fuck. Exquisitely, erotically and marvelously.” She struggled to sit up, clasping him tighter inside as she did. She closed her eyes, but not before he saw what l
ooked like agony in them.

  Agony? Shit, what was wrong?

  “Vairi. Please, love, tell me.” Gently he withdrew his fingers, drew her close and hugged her tightly. “Nothing can be so bad we can’t share it. I love you.”

  “I know.” She spoke so quietly he had to strain to hear.


  “So, that’s just it.” She leaned her head on his shoulder.

  Tenderly Raig pulled her dress together, knowing this was not the time for nudity. He waited patiently for her to continue.

  She took a deep, shuddering breath, and didn’t look him in the eye. “Raig, you can’t. Love me, I mean. Lust for me? Okay, yeah, I’ll go with that. Even so, love? You don’t know me. I’ll accept we are good together sex-wise. More than that? I’ve no idea. Neither have you, whatever you think. I’m not even sure I believe in love for me. I haven’t exactly had much success in that department up to now.”

  His face felt as if it were carved out of stone. He held himself so rigid every muscle ached. Dammit, he had to try to make her understand his reasoning, his feelings and his determination. There were no two ways about it, no contest, no other ending allowed—they were meant for each other. She had to see that. Melodramatic or what? His whole life depended on her doing so, he knew it. Not normally a patient man, for once Raig knew he had to change his reasoning and curb his impatience.

  “Oh, my love, and I will not stop calling you that so don’t ask. Why not start your success in love by taking a chance on me?” he asked earnestly. “I’ll try to be patient. Yes, well”—she was laughing at his words—“I didn’t say I’d manage, but I will try. Please, please, please, don’t give up on us. At least give us a chance. Spend time together, get to know me, learn to love me?” He deliberately put on a hopeful, woeful, puppy dog look. “I’m not a bad guy.”

  It worked. Sort of.

  With a deep sigh, Vairi slowly nodded. “I’ll try. At least I won’t bum you off, well, not without due warning. I’m not promising anything though, Raig. You’re only here for another week anyway, what then? Text sex? Meetings in a convenient hotel?”

  “Now, my Vairi.” His heart had lifted somewhat. “There’s a thought or two. However, we will sort something positive for us both if that’s what we want. We have this week to begin to get to know each other better.” He decided not to mention that when the fair left the town, he left the fair to return to…what? Normal life? How the hell did you define ‘normal’? His other life?

  “So, in the interest of knowing me better, do you want to have your wicked way with me? I’m game if you are?” He raised his eyebrows and did his best to do a sexual leer.

  Whether it worked or not, he didn’t know. However, Vairi almost giggled and kissed his neck.

  “Oh yes. I definitely want to be wicked with you. And some. How much time have we got?”

  Raig looked at his watch and turned his wrist to show her. “Probably not enough. Unless you fancy being rapidly wicked?”

  Her eyes twinkled at him. “Oh, I can be that.” His zip was down and his cock out before he could say a word.

  Then he drew a breath, a deep one. Vairi took advantage of it to unbutton his jeans and play with the coarse hair she could now reach and touch with ease.

  “Your turn.”

  “Eh?” Raig had no idea what she meant. His brains were scrambled. “My turn what?”

  She moved him so they swapped positions. Took hold of the waistband of his jeans and tugged until they were pooled around his ankles.

  “To be on the table.” She pinched one butt cheek, making him jump. “Up you go.”

  It was a no brainer, even if he still had brains to use. Up he went, intrigued to see what she chose to do next.

  As he sat on the edge of the tabletop, the wood smooth and cool against his skin, he thought briefly about splinters and mentally shrugged. If he got any, he hoped she’d be gentle with the tweezers. Raig felt her eyes on him and speculated about what she would do next. Whereas Vairi’s feet had dangled, his were flat on the floor. Briefly he imagined how stupid he must look with his jeans around his ankles.

  Vairi seemed not to agree as she licked her lips and moved her gaze over him. His mouth suddenly became dry and he unconsciously mimicked her actions and let his tongue run a circle over his increasingly dry lips as she moved toward him and pressed her body close to his. His cock, predictable as ever, rose to the occasion and demanded attention. With a snigger, Vairi obliged and wriggled even closer, until it was held tightly between their bodies. The soft material of her dress cloaked his dick at the same time as questing hands danced over his chest and seconds later his T-shirt was lifted. Eager to accommodate his lover, Raig lifted his arms to assist her and found himself trapped in cloth, arms over his head, face covered.

  “Are you claustrophobic?”

  Her voice was muffled by the material. Raig shook his head and blew cotton out of his mouth.

  “Oh good. Don’t move.”

  The darkness wasn’t absolute. He could see outlines and darker areas against the brightness of the day and was able to notice movements and feel her body where it touched him. He stifled a groan as the soft hairs on her arms brushed him and goosebumps broke out to dot his sweat-slicked skin. All his senses were working in overdrive. The ticking of his watch, the beat of his heart, the erotic sighs and catches of her breath, all magnified.

  It was his turn to moan, as she took one of his aching nipples into her mouth and nipped and soothed until it was rigid with tension and need. Almost as demanding as his rock-hard cock, which was still trapped between them.

  The other nipple received the same attention. Shit, not only did he want to see her with her mouth playing his body so splendidly, he wanted to reciprocate. Raig wasn’t used to being passive. Or non-vocal. Well, Raig, my boy, the times are changing, so change with them. Go with the flow and get the vibes. He was certainly doing that. Vairi was playing his body, creating new music that sang inside him.

  Her naked body—when had she managed that?—rubbed against his heated skin. Cold breath feathered across him, not too cool but to burn. Desperate to hold her against him, he went to move his legs to either side of her and was brought up sharp by strong denim, clamping his legs in one position.

  Vairi laughed softly as she tickled his skin. “My show, remember? Stay still, lean back and enjoy.”

  “Your show, and I can’t see the showing,” he grumbled, although he knew his voice did not echo the gripe.

  “Use your imagination,” Vairi advised him. She—well, he hoped to hell it was her and not some random person—lifted his cock and—what?—nestled it between her breasts, her nipples rubbing the skin on either side. Jeez, imagination running in overdrive.

  “Fuck, Vairi, yet again you’ve got me so bloody revved up. I’m gonna come through my imagination again at this rate.”

  “Ooh, good.” She was purring. “Although this is nothing imaginary. Can you feel me?” Someone’s mouth—Shit, better pray its hers—drew his cock in and hot, wet strokes encased its length.

  His body arched as if it were on a string, as it strained for more. A press to his chest flattened him back on the tabletop and held him there.

  “My show,” she reminded him.

  Fine. He relaxed as much as it was possible when his cock was being treated to erotic, velvet-smooth strokes inside a wet and tight tunnel, with teeth grazing and teasing its length. He felt nimble fingers on his nipples, holding him down and bringing that overwhelming pleasure-pain at the same time.

  All emotions were magnified in his semi-dark, enclosed cocoon, he savored and let himself be overwhelmed. His excitement grew as all he could sense was friction. On his nipples, his cock, his balls. The arousing perception of Vairi’s skin moving slightly and arousingly over his. His pre-cum well into her mouth and knew he had to warn her or shoot down her throat.

  He didn’t get the chance. As he began to spiral out of control, the pressure on his cock increased, the move
ments faster. Dimly he heard her voice, urging him to let go and come, before those delicious sensations picked up the tempo again. He did as she demanded. Splintered, shattered and came deep inside her.

  “Ah shit, Vairi. I’m coming now,” Raig shouted even though he understood the warning was too late. It was easy to sense by the way she milked him that she would have done nothing different anyway. Sensations so deep, so heavy, so unlike anything he had ever experienced before bombarded him. He was dizzy, disoriented and unable to form any coherent thought except yes. And he reckoned he didn’t even have the strength to form the word.

  His rapid heartbeat began to slow as his world straightened, even though his cock was still held tight inside Vairi’s mouth. No, not tight, just nestled in comfort and love. Or so he wanted to think.

  Oh lord, boyo, you have it bad.

  Raig had no idea how long they stayed in the same positions, like a tableau, until, his penis flaccid, after one last sensual kiss she slowly moved her mouth away.

  Now what? Her hands brushed gently across his chest, and he felt them on his still enveloping T-shirt. The sudden shot of light had him closing his eyes before cautiously opening them again. To the most gorgeous sight imaginable. Vairi naked, tucked between his hardly open legs, holding his jeans around his ankles and pressing her pussy against him. He looked down and laughed. She was standing on a low stool. She followed his gaze and chuckled, sounding self-conscious.

  “Well,” she said defensively. “It was that, find stilettos, or rub my breasts against your thigh. I preferred the stool and cock approach. The stilettos are upstairs and those balls of yours were calling out for my nipples to touch them. And who am I to ignore the call of the balls?”

  His shoulders shook and the laugh bubbling inside him just had to come out.

  “Or the call of the wild,” he gasped. “Wild and wicked. Bring it all on.”


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