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Spanish Eyes_Texas Heat

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by Sable Hunter

  Texas Heat





  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.


  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2017 © Sable Hunter

  Cover by JRA Stevens

  Down Write Nuts

  ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This book contains material protected under International and Federal Copyright Laws and Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from the author / publisher.

  When a gorgeous woman asks an unattached man for sex, he’d be a fool to tell her no.

  Dr. Drew Haley sees a fool in his mirror every morning.

  From the moment Drew gazes into the beautiful Spanish eyes of Angelina Alejandro, he is lost. Her intriguing blend of innocence and sensuality almost brings Drew to his knees.

  When she begs for something he can’t in good conscience give her, Drew hurts his beautiful angel. He wants nothing more than to help her heal from the torture she endured at the hands of a madman, but in order to do so, she must agree to give him a second chance.

  Angelina just wants to forget the humiliation her captors heaped upon her. Her work as a scientist put her in the crosshairs of a power-hungry Sheik who wanted to force her to use the knowledge she’d gathered to harm mankind. When she refused, his unique brand of torture stole Angelina’s self-control and her pride. Once she is rescued, Angelina only wants to hide away, to find healing on her own. But Dr. Drew has other ideas. He has a plan to tempt Angelina back into the land of the living and straight into his arms.
















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  “Are you joining us at the club tonight?” the pretty girl asked, applying pink lip gloss without the aid of a mirror. “Manolito is performing. I know you love his music.”

  Angelina hung her white lab coat on a hook behind her office door. She did enjoy the singer’s voice, what she didn’t care for was the club scene. “I don’t think so, Vicki. I just don’t fit in those types of places.” She tried to ignore her secretary, who was blocking the only exit from the room. Angelina busied herself by tugging an across-the-shoulder bag over her head and affixing it beneath a handy little snap on her serviceable black jacket. She couldn’t afford to be parted from it, Angelina was deathly allergic to bee stings and inside the ever-present bag was a system flush she used for anaphylaxis. “You all go on and have a good time. I might come back in to the lab a little later and log in a few more hours. I’m so close to a breakthrough in the zirconium metal organic framework, I can taste it.”

  Vicki shook her head, her curly, long blonde hair bouncing on her shoulders. “Oh, please, no more lab talk. I’m not going to let you back out this time. You promised me you’d come with us tonight and I’m holding you to it. Boss or no boss, you’re also my friend, and I worry about you. Honestly, Angelina, you have no life outside of this damn lab!”

  “All right, already!” Angelina threw up her hands. Turning to her secretary, she noted Vicki’s trendy dress and high heels. Looking down at her sensible black shoes and tasteful black pantsuit, she shook her head. “I’m not dressed for an outing.”

  “Well, no, you’re dressed like a corporate vampire.”

  “Black is slimming,” Angelina defended her choice of attire.

  “Hold on, I can fix you right up.” Vicki came to Angelina, removed her glasses, loosened her hair from its tight little bun, then unfastened the top three buttons of her blouse. “You’ve got great cleavage, Ange, that’s all you need.”

  Angelina cringed, she wasn’t sure if her involuntary response was for the Ange or the cleavage reference. “I have about as much business going to this club as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.”

  “Oh, nonsense, you’ll love it.” Vicki grabbed her arm. “Come on, let’s go.”

  …A half hour later, Angelina was sitting alone in a corner booth nursing a margarita while the girls from the lab danced with every man who asked. She couldn’t fault them for abandoning her, they were beautiful women who knew how to have a good time. Angelina kept her eye on the stage, wishing the main act would appear and perform, so she would have a good excuse to leave. Angelina was perfectly willing to hire a cab if the rest of her crew wanted to stay. To occupy her time, she’d redone her bun and put her glasses back on. She didn’t really need them, but they were great to hide behind. She’d rebuttoned her blouse, too. There was no use trying to be something she was not, nor could ever be.

  Thankfully, the music was loud and the lights were low, so no one paid her too much attention. Several men walked by, checked her out, found her wanting and moved on. Their actions neither surprised nor disappointed Angelina, she was used to it. Rejection never felt good, but she had no desire to dance. She didn’t know how. One poor man came close and made eye contact with her. She could sense his consternation. So as not to be rude, he stopped and took a deep breath. “Would you like to dance?”

  “No, thank you.” Her decline of his invitation brought such a look of relief to his face, that Angelina couldn’t help but smile. “I appreciate you asking, though, that was very nice.” He nodded, then stumbled over his own feet trying to make a fast getaway.

  About that time, Debra, one of their interns came running up, giggling. Grabbing a glass of water, she drank it down greedily. “Oh, I was thirsty.” She fanned herself, her short red hair clung to her damp cheek. “Geez, it’s hot out there! Want to dance with us, Miss Montoya? We’re having a great time.” She held up her arms and wiggled her posterior in what Angelina presumed was a seductive motion.

  Angelina grimaced and quickly shook her head. She could just imagine herself out on the dance floor, gyrating around. “Oh, no, you all go ahead, Debra. I’m fine right here.” She held up her drink. “This is delicious.” Pointing to the stage, she added, “The show is about to start too, I think.”

  “Ah, okay,” Debra gave her a wave, “we’ll be back soon!”

  After her coworker was gone, Angelina tried to shrink into the shadows. The music was so loud she could feel the bass guitar vibrating in her head. Oh, for a nice microscope or a Bunsen burner to occupy her time. Two drinks and a bowl of pretzels later, Angelina still sat alone while her table remained empty. “When am I ever going to learn how to say no?”

  After another half hour, Angelina began to wonder if the main show would ever begin. A live band had taken the stage, but there appeared to be some confusion. Several people were flagging down waitresses and asking when Manolito would appear. The answer they received didn’t seem to satisfy them. Squirming in her seat, Angelina tried to ignore the urge to go to the bathroom. The bar was so packed, she’d ha
ve to pole vault over the crowd or tunnel beneath the dance floor. “I can hold it, I can hold it,” she told herself. Unfortunately, her bladder paid no attention. “Dang, I’ve waited so long, I probably won’t make it.” Rising, she located the restroom sign before heading toward it.

  Turning this way and that, Angelina finally made it across the dance floor. A couple of times, she even had to take a few sidesteps, her arms lifted in the air to squeeze through the tight spots. One man thought she was making a move on him. “Sorry, lady, I have a partner.”

  “Good for you,” she assured him, promising herself that if she lived to be a hundred, she’d never get herself into another situation like this again. By the time she made it to the hall, Angelina was sweating and completely put out. And when she saw the line of women waiting in the hall, she groaned, “Great, my eyeballs are swimming.”

  Leaning against the wall, she crossed one ankle over the other and tried to think dry thoughts. “Sahara Desert, Sahara Desert,” she muttered.

  “They ought to have more bathrooms in this joint,” the girl ahead of her grumbled.

  Angelina agreed with a smile, “Yes, you’d think places that serve drinks would want to keep the momentum going, it’s not like we can cut out the middle man.”

  “The middle man?” The woman frowned at Angelina.

  “The toilet is the middle man, we drink it, then make a deposit when we can’t hold anymore.” Seeing her joke had fallen flat, Angelina held out her hand. “Never mind, I’m Angelina.”

  “Celeste.” She smiled and took Angelina’s hand. “Do you come here often?”

  “Not if I can help it.” Angelina was saved from explaining her predicament when a tall dark-skinned man snapped his finger at the end of the hall.

  “Ladies, come with me, there’s another bathroom this way.”

  “Oh, thank God,” Celeste exclaimed. “That man deserves a kiss!”

  Angelina followed eight other women down the hall toward the back of the club. “Must be an employee’s lounge or something.” She really didn’t care at this point, anything was better than the discomfort she was enduring now.

  Ahead of her she heard giggling and murmuring as they all filed into a darkened room. “Somebody turn on a light,” one female voice requested.

  “Is this even a bathroom?” another one asked.

  Someone pushed Angelina further into the room. “Hey!” She felt along one wall, searching in vain for the door or a light switch. Suddenly, this didn’t feel right. “Let me out of here!” she cried, right before a big hand clamped a smelly cloth right over her mouth. Angelina struggled, realizing she was breathing in noxious fumes of some kind. Panic flared within her and she kicked, twisting and turning in a pair of strong arms.

  “Be still, fat bitch!” A harsh voice growled in her ear as blackness stole her vision.

  Angelina knew no more.

  * * *

  “Say ah for me, son.” Dr. Drew Philips Haley held the tongue depressor at the ready, while little Cory Tubbins crossed his arms and bowed up like a small toad frog, shaking his head fiercely. “I can’t be certain of what’s wrong with you, Cory, if you won’t let me look in your mouth.”

  Again, the little boy turned his whole body from side to side, refusing to give the doctor an opportunity to peer down his throat. “Um-um,” he grunted.

  “I’ll give you a cherry lollipop.” Drew did his best to bribe the little rascal.

  Cory gave another vigorous refusal, slinging himself from right to left in a whole body negative response.

  Looking up at his distraught mother, Drew gave her a half-hearted smile. “Since he was exposed to the strep, I’m going to go ahead and administer an injection.”

  Apparently, the tyke’s vocabulary was quite large.

  “No! No! Don’t shoot me in the butt! Don’t shoot me in the butt!”

  Drew spied the wide-open mouth of the young man and took full advantage. Clamping one hand on his small shoulder, he placed the wooden stick on the little boy’s tongue and pressed, taking a quick look. “Ha! See, Cory! No sign of infection.”

  With a couple of sniffles, Cory calmed. “So, no shot?”

  “No shot.” Drew rose, stepping on the lever of a small stainless steel waste can, before tossing the used depressor inside. “You need to learn to trust me.”

  “Do I get a sucker?”

  “Tell the nice lady out front I said to give you one on your way out.” While Cory’s mother corralled him, Drew wrote a few notes on the youngster’s chart. “Bring him back in next month, it’ll be time for his boosters.” As soon as he said the word, Drew glanced at the little boy. Seeing no reaction, he breathed a sigh of relief that Cory doesn’t realize a booster was an injection.

  “Yes, Dr. Haley, thank you. I will.” Cory’s mother herded him out and Drew stepped into the long hall, about to make his way to the next examining room.

  “Drew, could I speak to you a second?”

  Drew turned to find Frank Bell standing near the emergency exit. “Sure, Frank, come to my office.” Passing his receptionist in the hall, he handed her Cory’s chart. “Tell whoever is next that I’ll be with them shortly.”

  Patsy Dennison gave him an adoring glance. “Yes, Drew, anything you say.”

  Drew refrained from rolling his eyes. Patsy worked hard and good help was difficult to find. By the time he joined Frank, he wasn’t shocked to find the older man staring out the window.

  “How’s the weather look? Are we still in for a storm?”

  “We’re supposed to have thunderstorms all week, just look at those clouds.” He pointed to a huge, black thunderhead heading their way from the north.

  “Damn, I should’ve moved those heifers into the barn.”

  “When I leave, I’ll drop by and do it for you. This won’t take long.” Frank spread some papers out on Drew’s already cluttered desk. “Here are the projections for production for the next six months. If these figures are right, you’re going to be a very rich man. Our only problem is getting the right partners for distribution.”

  “What do you think, Frank? I’m a county doctor, not an oil man.” If Drew had been anyone else, the discovery of a huge reservoir of oil beneath his property would’ve changed his world. Not so with Dr. Drew Haley. He liked to keep things simple. “Give me your best recommendation.”

  Frank scratched his nearly bald head. “Well, I’m leaning toward Aswad Oil, Drew.”

  “Aswad? Isn’t it owned by foreign interests? You know I’d rather do business with an American oil conglomerate.” Drew picked up a colored pie chart, hiding a grin, Frank loved his graphics.

  “I know your druthers, Boss. I’ve got some feelers out for several here in the states, but I really want you to check this group out. They’re having a meet and greet type thing in a few weeks, I’d like for you go and feel them out. You’re an excellent judge of character and you’ve got great instincts, even if you don’t want to direct them toward your oil business.”

  Drew chewed on his lower lip. “Where is this meeting? Houston? Dallas? Maybe, I could go, if you think it’s important.”

  Frank grimaced. “Actually, the meeting is in Yemen.”

  “Good God, Frank! I don’t have time to fly off to Yemen!”

  Drew was about to protest further when a commotion was heard in his front waiting room.

  “Don’t shoot me in the butt! Don’t shoot me in the butt!”

  “What the heck?” Drew started toward the noise, meeting Patsy head on. “Who’s having a fit now?”

  Patsy covered her mouth, stifling a giggle. “Little Lester Holt, he heard Cory Tubbins’ protestations and has taken up his rallying cry. I don’t think he wants to see you very much.”

  “I share his reluctance, I’m not sure I want to see Lester either,” Drew sighed, catching Frank’s eye. “Yemen is sounding like a better idea every minute, Frank. Draw up a flight plan and get me one of those fancy robes, something that will match my shit-kicker boots.”

  * * *

  When Angelina tried to open her eyes, she discovered she was blindfolded. “Help!” she screamed, feeling sick at her stomach. Trying to rise, she was disoriented. Only when she tried to roll over did she realize she was tied, hand and foot. “Help!” she cried again. Her voice was weak, there was no doubt in her mind that she’d been drugged.


  Hearing her name called by the woman she’d just met, Angelina understood she wasn’t alone. “Celeste?”

  “Shut those sluts up!” A gruff voice yelled in heavily-accented English.

  A hard blow to the head almost knocked Angelina unconscious. Unable to move, she laid still and could tell they were in some type of a vehicle. Where she was being transported, she had no clue. Trying to listen, Angelina could hear voices, but they were indistinct. Spanish, maybe, but she could make out no specific words or phrases.

  Long minutes passed, time became indeterminate. All around her she could hear grunts and moans. There were more women present than just her and the woman she’d met in the bathroom line. Did they take everyone who’d gone into that room? The possibilities of what this could be flashed through Angelina’s mind. They were being taken somewhere, but for what purpose? When she sensed brakes being applied, a helpless feeling almost overwhelmed her. She hadn’t talked to Rafe in days. He had no idea she’d even gone to that dang club. She wasn’t even sure he was in the country. Her stepbrother had always taken care of her and if she got a chance, he’d be the one she’d call for help.

  When the vehicle came to a stop, she could hear doors being unlatched behind her. In a few short seconds, cruel hands grabbed her arm and jerked Angelina to her feet. If she wasn’t mistaken, they were at an airport. She could hear planes taking off and landing. “Where are you taking us?” she asked angrily.

  “Shut up, bitch!”

  Angelina almost went to her knees when a broad hand slapped her across the face.


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