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Spanish Eyes_Texas Heat

Page 25

by Sable Hunter

  “Wait.” She pulled back, breathing in ragged breaths. “Not here, not like this. Cooper and Ky could come back anytime.”

  Drew looked down at her with a crooked grin. “God, no. Incurring the wrath of Cooper is not a good idea. Let’s get you moved into Palo Gaucho. Newton will be glad you’re home.”

  But not as glad as Drew.

  * * *

  Touring Drew’s lab was almost as thrilling as moving back into his home. “This will be a first-class facility. No expense was spared.” She gave him a big smile. “I can’t wait to dive in and get started.”

  “Great.” Drew folded his arms over his chest and watched her walk around the area, checking the layout, reading the list of materials and equipment he had ordered. Pride in her ability mingled pleasantly with the attraction he felt for her. She was elegant, completely feminine, and inherently desirable. “If you can think of anything you want to add, just jot it down. Everything else from this point forward will be to your discretion.”

  Angelina loved it. She loved every minute they spent together. Truthfully, when they weren’t being serious about the research, they acted like children. He showed her around town, especially the places he’d haunted since childhood. The old railroad depot. The city lake where he’d swam. The restored Spanish mission where he’d found arrowheads as a small boy. When they grew tired of sightseeing, Drew took her shopping, watching while she modeled clothes for his approval. “Red, buy lots of red. I love you in red.”

  On the way home, they stopped by the clinic and she finally met the infamous Dr. Virginia Conway. “Make an appointment soon, I’ve been saving you a spot.” Angelina had agreed.

  The rehab center also proved eye-opening, the name said it all. THE MATTHEW HALEY RECOVERY CENTER. “From what you’ve told me, your father would have loved this.”

  “Yea, he would have.” From all he’d learned since the hammer of GSS had landed on his head, Drew would bet his fortune that his father hadn’t been an alcoholic or an addict. With shame, he remembered the arguments they’d had, Drew accusing his father of drinking too much or taking drugs. “I only had a beer, Drew. I’m not drunk. I’m just…dizzy.” Or. “I promise, Son,” his speech slurred, his feet stumbling. “I didn’t take anything. I’m stone-cold sober.” The very thought that his father hadn’t been lying or making excuses filled Drew with regret. Their last days had been tainted by the arguments. If only he could go back, do it over. But if his father had been sick with GSS, as Drew suspected, perhaps his death on the bridge was merciful.

  At noon, Drew took her to lunch at the local diner. Angelina couldn’t help but see the curious eyes following their every move. “Why are they watching us so closely?” She felt like a fish in a fishbowl.

  With a grin, Drew led her to a corner booth, scooting in on the same bench next to her. “They’re not used to seeing me with a woman. Every one of these folks think they know me well, I’ve delivered their children, set their broken bones, and stood by their side when they’ve lost loved ones. They feel like I’m part of their family. Do they make you feel uncomfortable? We can leave if you want.”

  “No. No,” she assured him, giving one woman who waved at her enthusiastically, a friendly nod. “I’m just not used to being noticed.”

  “Oh, baby.” He covered her hand with his own. “No one could help but notice you. You’re like an exotic goddess, those lapis blue eyes framed by ebony lashes, your waterfall of black hair, your body that just won’t quit…”

  “Stop!” She leaned over and placed two fingers over his lips. When he began to kiss and lick those same fingers, she felt her nipples peak and her panties wet. “Now, look what you’ve done.”

  Drew whistled low. “God, those hard, little nipples could make a man conceited.”

  Angelina blushed. “One of the first things I’m going to do in the lab is test my blood work again. I want to know if the Extase is all gone or not.”

  “Good. Check your tests, I’m sure the drugs are gone. What you feel is just you and me.”

  The meal they shared was filling, but neither could have related to anyone else what they’d eaten – their attention was completely on each other.

  After lunch, they made their way to Palo Gaucho. “You go on in and surprise Hattie. I’ll bring your stuff in.” He began to gather the many bags of clothing they’d purchased in town.

  “Is she angry with me?” Angelina asked, hesitantly, knowing how protective Hattie had always been of Drew.

  “Not at all. She placed the blame square on me, right where it belonged.”

  Taking a fortifying breath, Angelina stepped through the door and quietly walked to the kitchen. Hattie was cutting up a chicken. Angelina waited until she placed the knife down to say anything. “Hattie?”

  The older woman’s head jerked up and a smile broke out all over her face. “Angelina! What a sight for sore eyes!” Taking time only to rinse off her hands, she grabbed a dish towel and ran across the room. “You’re home! Thank God!”

  Angelina accepted the hug and returned it with full measure. “It’s good to see you. How are you?”

  “Better now.” She lowered her voice and spoke urgently, “Drew has been a mess. For a while, he just fell apart.”

  “I don’t understand, we were talking and texting. He just stopped.”

  “Oh, honey, as much as he missed you. I don’t think you caused his turmoil. No, it was something else. I can’t say I understand it all, he certainly hasn’t confided in me. All I know, like his daddy always said, Drew pulled himself up by his bootstraps and gradually started functioning again. He quit binge drinking and started binge building. But, now that you’re home…I hope you can put everything aright.”

  Concerned, Angelina considered Drew’s actions since they’d been reunited. He seemed happy, excited. Yet, now that Hattie mentioned it, there’d been times when she could see a cloud in his eyes, as if he were struggling with some inner demon. “Hattie, I want only the best for Drew. If there’s something wrong, I would move heaven and earth to right it. I’m just not sure my presence will be enough to make him happy.”

  “Oh, I think you’re wrong. I think you being here will make all the difference in the world.”

  Drew walked in about that time, he knew exactly what Hattie was up to. “Whatcha doin’ Hattie? Has Angelina told you the good news?”

  Hattie had the good grace to look embarrassed. “Well, no, I didn’t really give her a chance to do much talking.”

  Giving Angelina a kiss on the cheek, he announced, “She’s agreed to head up the lab research. I’ve also convinced her to stay here with us while she does.” He picked Angelina up and squeezed her. “Which means, Queen Hattie, that you should move back in where you belong.”

  Hattie smiled, seeming to consider his suggestion for a moment. “I don’t think so, Drew. “You both need your privacy and I need mine.” Hattie paused and folded her hands beneath her ample bosom.

  “This is a big house and I have never once infringed on your privacy,” Drew huffed, then paused to consider the times he’d woken her from a deep sleep to tell her his problems. “Okay. Maybe a few times.”

  Hattie gave them a smug smile. “I have a boyfriend.”

  Her brief, but totally unexpected bombshell brought an appropriate response from Angelina and Drew.

  “Congratulations!” Angelina clapped her hands, beaming.

  “Who is he?” Drew asked with suspicion. “I want to talk to him. I need to know his intentions.”

  “Oh, no you don’t.” Hattie waved her dishrag at Drew. “Keep your interfering mitts out of my love life.” She indicated Angelina with a nod. “I’d say you have your hands full with your own affairs.”

  Her summation was correct. Drew clasped Angelina’s hand. “True. Come on, Angelina, let’s give Miss I’ve-got-a-boyfriend her privacy. I want to introduce you to some new tenants of mine.”

  Angelina let him lead her out the back and toward the barn. “How many horse
s do you have now?”

  “Eight, I think.” He grinned at her. “I’ve been so busy, I’ve hired Phil Sublett on full time. Your old friends are still here - Snow and Sarge, Luna and Newton, and Onyx, of course.”

  Angelina let out a relieved breath. “I’m so glad you kept him. I was afraid after our accident, you might have…”

  “No, he was afraid. He wasn’t being vicious. I wouldn’t have you hurt for the world, but I wouldn’t condemn an animal for acting on instinct.”

  A welcoming whinny greeted them. “Oh, Onyx looks much better.” He was calmer, able to stand still while they approached.

  “Yea, we’ve made some headway with him. He’s learning to trust again.” They walked up to the big, black stallion and Angelina was able to run a soothing palm over his neck. “See, he’s accepting our touch.”

  The sound of horse hooves pounding the ground, alerted them to the arrival of three mares, a paint, an Appaloosa, and a roan. Angelina was surprised to see the paint was so thin that her ribs showed. “Who are these girls?”

  “My newest rescues.” He pointed to the roan. “Meet Rusty, she was found wandering down the highway, dodging eighteen wheelers. Someone dumped her.”

  “So, you took her in.”

  “Yea, and this girl is Spot.” He indicated the Appaloosa.

  “How original, Drew.” Angelina laughed, enjoying herself immensely.

  “Well, yea, I didn’t have a lot of time to come up with something more exotic. She needed me, I got a call to come pick her up from an elderly couple down in Sabine County. They were feeble and senile. Sometimes a week would go by and they’d forget to check her food and water. It wasn’t abuse, just a case of sad neglect.” He rubbed Spot between the ears. “You’re better now, though, aren’t you, girl?”

  “She looks contented. How about the paint? What’s her story?”

  Drew looked a little disturbed. “I call her Calliope, she’s a wonder. I didn’t rest until her previous owner was arrested. He was just cruel.” He shook his head, dispelling the ugly memories. “I have her now, though. She’s in good hands. I won’t let anyone else hurt her. Will I?” he crooned to the mare.

  Angelina loved how compassionate he was to the animals.

  After stopping in to check on Newton, they returned to the house to eat the lunch Hattie had prepared. “Are you going back to the clinic today?” she asked her boss.

  “No, I’m spending the day with Angelina. I’ll start up my routine tomorrow.” He gave Angelina a wink full of promise. “In fact, I’m feeling in dire need of a nap.”

  “A nap?” Hattie scoffed. “I used to have to bribe you with cookies to get you to take a nap.”

  “No bribe necessary this time,” Drew said, “although I wouldn’t turn down some snickerdoodles later.”

  Laughing, he led Angelina from the room. “Don’t wait supper on us, Hat. We’ll forage for food when we need sustenance.”

  Angelina felt like she was walking on air. It was only when they drew near the bedroom that her feet began to grow cold.

  Sensing her hesitation, he wove his fingers with her. “Don’t worry. I promise we’re going to take this slow. I rushed you last time.”

  “I just want to please you,” Angelina whispered as he wrapped his arms around her and walked her back toward the bed.

  “There’s not a chance in the world you won’t.” With something near reverence, Drew proceeded to undress her. “We’re going to discover together what pleases you. I want you to quit thinking about it and just enjoy my touch. There’s no room for shame between us.” When they were both naked, he pulled her close enough that they were pressed against one another from head to toe. Surprising her, Drew suddenly picked Angelina up in his powerful arms as if she was light as a feather.

  Angelina gasped at his strength, clutching at his neck. “I’m too heavy.” Self-conscious about her weight, she hated to be carried.

  “Shhh, I like it. I may carry you around just for fun.”

  Angelina felt shaky all over, being so close to him stimulated every nerve ending in her body. As muscles rippled in his chest, he placed her on the bed. The ache that threatened to consume her became almost painful and her mind filled with dread that the drugs were back.

  “Stop it, I can feel what you’re thinking. This is just us. Just us.”

  Moving next to her on the bed, he pulled her close to his warm strength and she pressed her face to his neck. To her surprise, he shuddered in her arms. “What’s wrong?” she whispered.

  “I just want you so much.”

  “Take me. Show me,” she urged him, positioning her mouth slowly against his, pressing their lips together in a light kiss.

  “Oh, God, what you do to me.” Drew opened his lips over hers and thrust his tongue deep into the soft, warm recesses of her mouth.

  Angelina gasped, ultra-aware of the heat washing over her. When he slid his arms beneath her, grinding her tender breasts up against his hard chest, Angelina thought she would swoon. The contact of her nipples tangling in his chest hair was electric. “This is so good,” she whispered.

  “We’ve only just begun.” Cradling her to him, Drew gave her time and opportunity to become comfortable with his body, to his touch, allowing her to feel his heat and desire. When she ran a hand between them to grasp his cock, he stopped her. “If you touch me, I’ll explode. Let me show you how good it can be first, Spanish Eyes.” As he ran his hands over her body, rubbing himself against her, he praised her, telling her how beautiful she was to him. “Your body is more glorious than any piece of art I’ve ever seen,” he whispered as he framed her breasts, then ran an appreciative hand over her hips. “You were created for my pleasure. You are my greatest temptation. You make me want to be strong, you make me want to live forever.” Drew said the words before he thought about them. He wanted to live forever, but he had no promise of tomorrow. Pushing aside the sad thought, he concentrated on her.

  Cupping one of her breasts, he lowered his mouth to the silky warm skin to explore and savor. Curling his tongue around the nipple, he smiled when he felt it grow hard. “You’re so sensitive.”

  Arching up for more, she gasped. He gave an answering groan and opened his mouth wider, almost swallowing her whole. Drawing her aching flesh into the sensual warmth of his mouth, he began a slow, powerful suction that caused her toes to curl and her eyes to roll back in her head. “Oh, God, Drew.”

  Hearing her joy, he kept up the sensual onslaught – sucking, milking her nipples, pushing his knee between her legs so she could press down on it to find relief. “Don’t hold back, let it come, let it flow. Just feel.” This time he wouldn’t stop. Knowing how sensitive her breasts were, he kept worshiping them, sucking on her nipples until she was mindless with pleasure. Feeling the tension build, he moved down her body, keeping his hands on her breasts, he placed his mouth between her legs and gave her clitoris the same attention as he’d given her nipples – swirling his tongue, using his teeth, applying exquisite suction until she was trembling and weeping.

  The explosion shouldn’t have taken her by surprise, but it did. A huge, overpowering, wave of mindless rapture crashed over her. Screaming, she clutched his shoulders, trying not to be swept away.

  Her nails scored his shoulders and she keened, a high-pitched sound that almost sent Drew over the edge. When her body grew stiff with erotic tension and began to shake, he moved back up her body and gave into his own desire, suckling her sweet tits hard enough to leave a crimson mark, his mark.

  When he lifted his head, she looked stunned. Tears were running down her cheeks. Shivering with lingering delight, her whole body was flushed with the glow of satisfying sex. “I’ve never felt anything like that in my entire life. Everything’s changed.”

  Drew kissed away her tears, his lips were gentle, moving slowly like he had all the time in the world. As she came down from the pinnacle, it dawned on Angelina that again he hadn’t taken his pleasure. “Drew?” Her voice was worried, a
little frightened. “What about you?”

  “Soon. I just wanted to show you what you were capable of.” When he read the doubt on her face, he sought to reassure her. “Don’t worry, I’m going to be inside of you, hard and deep.”

  “Are you sure you want to be with me?”

  Drew moved against her, allowing her to feel for the first time the size of his erection. “Touch me, see for yourself.” When her small hand closed around his sizable girth, he bit back a curse. His powerful body vibrating with desire for her.

  Spreading her legs to make room for him, she ran her hand up and down the muscles of his back as he caught her thighs and adjusted her body so there was even greater intimate contact.

  “I want to look at you.”

  Her simple request caused him to pause, shaking with the level of his need. Closing his eyes, he let her small, soft hands explore.

  “You’re so big.” She met his gaze, licking her lips. “This is going to feel good, isn’t it?”

  “Oh, yea, this is going to be amazing.” Easing down on top of her, Drew restrained his desire long enough to smooth the hair back from her flushed face. Bending his head, he kissed her mouth with aching tenderness. “Are you ready?”

  Her eyes wide with awe, she nodded, her level of anticipation rising to a higher plateau than ever before. There, on the edge of ecstasy, she trembled as he slowly joined his body to hers. When he began to work his way in, Angelina stiffened. “It’s been awhile,” her breath hitched in her throat, “this is like the first time.”

  “It’s been awhile for me too. I’ve got you, beautiful, this won’t hurt. I promise.” Taking the time to kiss her blue eyes closed, he fought to maintain control. This was what he’d anticipated, being inside of her was so good, Drew was afraid he wouldn’t last very long.

  Feeling the tension in his body, Angelina didn’t leave her eyes closed. When she opened them, she could read the emotions crossing his face. Determined not to repeat the same mistake, she cupped his face. “Listen to me, Drew. You gave me pleasure, now take yours. I don’t care if I come this time or not. We can always do it again. Right?”


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