MC: Pres: Book Four
Page 9
Danny goes to her and puts his arms around her. "I'm so fuckin proud of you K. You were right before; no one was going to help her. This is going to get ugly but it's worth it if the girl can live free."
"I'm sorry for all that this will cause but I'm not sorry she'll be with us, she deserves a life. She has dreams, she told me about Ally, Rich and Patches. There's something between them, she trusts them. That goes against everything that I've ever learned about oppression and abuse. She'll be ok because if it."
"Dreams?" What the fuck does that mean.
They look at me. Kate smiles, "she told me Ally's grandmother said Ally, Patches and Rich can help her with their strong. The wording isn't something anyone else would use. When we first got the twins Ally cried when her grandmother died. She knew she died without anyone ever uttering the words. She said her grandmother told her we'd take care of them and love them. She told her in a dream."
"Fuck." Every bit of my fuckin skin gets tight. I run my hand down my arm feeling the goose bumps.
"Yeah." Danny says.
Kate goes to get ready for dinner. I can't wait to see what she's wearing, every day she's been in new clothes. They cover her but they're sexy as hell.
I'm glad Rich is getting Tess away from here. I know they'll keep her safe. She dreamt about them. I smile. Good for them. Maybe Ben will be more open because of them. Danny explained about the President position. With it comes the danger of me being used as a bargaining chip but also the scrutiny from the Club. He can't appear unsure about his decision.
After what Tracy did, I understand about his hesitance in openly claiming me, but it leaves me open for the gossip that goes around. With having to raise money for my programs I'm a little nervous about my reputation being trashed and what that would do to funding. I wish he was confident in my love for him. I sometimes wonder if he just doesn't trust that what I feel is real. I don't know how to fix that. Danny thinks it's just a matter of time. I hope it doesn't take too long. I don't talk about it but I feel like I'm letting him treat me like an option. I'm good enough to fuck but not claim. I already went through that. I'm not liking how it leaves me feeling. I need to talk to Jess.
I'm so glad Rich and Patches are on their way. I watched them from the balcony. Watching the crowd I let my mind wander. Something is brewing with Kate but she's not talking. I need some time with her but I don't want to alienate Ben. He's just starting to relax with her when we're out. I don't want to fuck it up. Maybe I can get Steve to keep him busy for a couple of hours. It dawns on me I can just ask Jess. My sister will be straight with me, she's been supportive this whole time. My mind settles so I head back into the room just as Kate comes out of the bathroom. "Fuck that's a sexy fuckin look baby." She smiles over at me. She has a button down shirt that's almost see through, a tank that's tight under it and a skirt that's low and tight on her hips, it falls just above her knees. Her shoes are like biker boots but they have heels. "Love the shoes. Are you wearing stockings under that skirt?"
She gives me a sexy little smile. "Maybe, I think you should keep wondering; it will make for an interesting night."
"I'll play. I've got to tell you I'm hard just looking at you."
She laughs. "Good, that means it will definitely be an interesting night. Did Jess call?"
Ben walks in, gets a look at her and stops. I laugh, "No baby your phone hasn't rung."
She nods and smiles at him. "I'm never going to fuckin make it." He says low. I can't help but laugh.
"No peeking tonight. You have to wonder what's under the clothes until we get back." I tell him.
"Fuck, you had to mention what's under it? I'm still taking in the fuckin outfit." He looks like someone punched him in the gut. Kate cracks up. "Steve and Jess are ready. We're supposed to meet them downstairs."
Kate gets her purse and comes to me. I put my hand on her back and walk her to the door. "I can't wait for you to be wrapped around me in this, Beautiful K." She laughs hearing Ben's moan as we walk past him.
Two days
I wake up on Ben's chest. My hand snakes out, Danny is already up. I move slowly so I don't wake him up and go look for my handsome badass pirate. He's always made sure I'm happy but I feel he's really attentive over the last few days. I love it. I grab some coffee and walk to the sliding door. We're right on the water and have a beautiful view. As I walk through the door I see the view is better than I remembered. Danny is on the sand doing whatever he's doing with his arms up and leg bent at the knee in front of him, his eye is closed. He moves slow putting the leg out to the side bending from the waist to the other side. After a while he moves again. It's like he's putting on a slide show, posing, holding it and moving to the next position. He's beautiful, I watch his muscles bunch and ripple as he moves. The freaking guy is built. I lean against the house happy to watch. When I'm just about done with my coffee he smiles, his eye is still closed so I wonder what the smile is for.
"It's a beautiful morning my Beautiful K. You're up early." He opens his eye looking right at me.
"That was freaky my beautiful badass pirate. I love watching you move, controlling all those muscles that I love so much." I tell him walking over to him. He kisses me in his Danny way making my panties wet. "Thank you for last night honey. I love dancing even though you're better than me."
He cracks up. "Anything for you beautiful. It feels good to relax for a few days. Do you want to do anything special today?"
"Nope. I'm happy to lounge and do nothing but enjoy the company of my men." I smile up at him. He kisses my forehead and walks me to the table. Taking my cup he tells me he'll be right back.
He brings out two cups and puts them on the table then lifts me sitting me on his lap. I love how he moves me around so effortlessly. "Is everything ok baby?"
I nod and kiss his chin. "Yes. It's beautiful here." Crap! He's been more attentive because he knows. Freakin men!
"Something's been on your mind K. I'd like to help if I can." He's too freakin smart. Damn the man.
I'm trying to think of how to put this so it doesn't come out wrong. "Sometimes I get hit with feelings that aren't pleasant. I just need to work it out in my head."
He puts his hands on my face and looks into my eyes. "Baby what's bothering you? I need you to be honest about what you’re feeling so we can fix it."
I blow out a breath. "Sometimes I feel like I'm an option again. It bothers me but I understand too. I don't know what to do to fix it." Damn! My eyes are burning, I don't want to cry.
"I'm sorry Beautiful. I never wanted to put that on you again." He crushes me to his chest.
I hit his arm. "Jeesh, loosen up I can't breathe."
He does. "I didn't think about how this would affect you Kate. I'm sorry. I'll think of a way to fix it baby. Is this still what you want or does it hurt too much to keep going?"
"I love you so much for always thinking of what I want. I love Ben and I know it's only been a short time but I don't want to get lost in feeling like I'm not good enough to be acknowledged. With love should come a trust that I'm not feeling. Jess thinks I just need time. She told me couples don't jump right in, they spend time getting to know each other and build that trust. Maybe I just need time to do that." I say it but don't really believe it. Jess had Steve move in the on first date they had.
"Is it that you're not feeling the trust for him or you feel that he isn't trusting you?" He is so fuckin smart.
"I trust him with my heart and my family. That's everything to me. I don't feel it back though." I put my head on his chest and relax knowing he will find a way to fix it.
"You said it's been a short time and I think you're right. How about we put a goal out there. If it's not working by then we know it's time to stop and look at where we are and where we want to be and the best way to get there. I don't want your confidence to take a hit and I certainly don't want you feel like you're not good e
nough baby. You're everything and deserve to feel that." He kisses my head and I feel the tears on my face.
"That sounds perfect. Does the end of the year sound reasonable?" I kiss his chest. "I love you Danny and I love how you love me."
I feel his chest rumble, "I know baby. I feel your love in everything you do. I think the end of the year is a good timeframe. If it is too much or I see this is hurting you, I'm going to step in and end it baby. I don't want you to be hurt."
"I understand, thank you honey."
Fuck. I take a step back and turn around, I need to think here. I grab some clothes and take a shower. She feels like a fuckin option, what the fuck am I doing to her? Danny's right, she's fuckin everything and I'm not giving her what she needs or deserves. I'm so fuckin glad they're willing to give me some time to fix this. I need to talk to Steve. I can't do it here; I'm going to have to wait until we're home.
I am not losing Kate because I'm a fuckin pussy afraid to trust her. I need to give more attention to what she needs. Fuckin Danny is so good at loving her; everything he does is about her. Fuck he's sharing his wife because he saw us growing closer. I need to show him too. They opened their fuckin lives to me. Losing what I'm just coming to appreciate is not a fuckin option. I need a fuckin plan to make this work and work right. Now my head is straight I get out feeling a hell of a lot more confident than I have been in a while. I smile. Fighting for something brings out a fierce passion in people. I'm going to make sure they feel it.
Two days
Riding home my mind wanders. I’ve had another great week. Getting away from the yard has been good for all of us. I feel a closeness that we didn’t share before. Danny even mentioned how relaxed I am without the pressure of work. I’m glad he noticed but I’m not changing now that we’ll be home. I started working out a plan to keep building a trust between us. Danny talked to Rich and Patches about working together and apart for their partners love. My plan is to work on all those things he told the boys. I also have a meeting set up with Ben from Baxters to see how he fit into the Baxters lives after they were established.
Steve and Jess are on the side of me, Danny and Kate are in the center of the lane behind me. Steve’s words hit me as we’re riding home. Living with me can’t be easy for Danny; his place in formation is three seats behind me when all the officers are riding. Steve is always to my right. I haven’t figured out a way to address that. Our bible is pretty clear on formation.
Steve pulls away causing me to look over. He’s stopping. I pull over a little ahead of him. He caught me by surprise. Looking back I see Danny pulling in behind him. They’re looking up. I follow their line of vision and crack up. Fuckin Geek has the picture of Steve up on the billboard with a green bike behind him. He’s got the biggest fuckin smile on his face. I hear the shots and duck. What the fuck? I look for Kate; she’s by Jess doubled over laughing. I walk up to them as Steve is shooting the sign. He tells Danny to give him his gun. Danny laughs and shoots continuing the circle Steve started. They reload and finish shooting the smile off Steve’s face. I can’t do anything but laugh. Steve is fuckin pissed. I forgot all about the sign. “It’s a nice bike, is that new Brother?” He fuckin growls at me making me laugh again. “Did you do the pictures for Kelly? I thought we were supposed to be together?”
“Going to fuckin kill em. Didn’t take fuckin pictures. NOT takin fuckin pictures. Going to kill the son of a bitch put my picture on a fuckin road sign.
Jess and Kate are hysterical. “It was a good picture until you made the gaping hole where your mouth goes.” Jess tells him. He looks at the sign then back at Danny. He points his gun and starts shooting again, he goes to my bike to get more ammo. I lean against his bike and wait for him and Danny to finish shooting out the whole fuckin face off the sign.
Peter pulls in and smiles as he’s walking toward us. “I was wondering about that. Just a guess here, you didn’t put that up because you’re proud of your new bike? That’s the story going around.” He looks at Kate and smiles at her. She smiles nodding her head. What the fuck? I wonder if he's another that tried out for partner.
Steve growls at him and he raises his hands in surrender. “Guessing you didn’t see the other one either? Or the ad in the paper? Petey says the ad is bringing people in.” Peter is trying hard not to laugh. I stand back laughing.
Steve looks at me. “Take Jess home. Got another sign to take care of.”
“I can take them. It will keep me from witnessing a crime.” Peter tells him. Danny talks to Kate; she kisses him and walks toward Peter’s car still laughing. When she turns back I lift my chin to her. She blows me a kiss. Danny laughs.
I follow Danny and Steve to Security. I just wait with my bike while Steve goes in. He comes out with a duffle bag, climbs on his bike and pulls out. I follow again to the exit ramp. I don’t ever follow anyone. It’s a nice change. He crosses the median and stops under another picture with another bike. “It’s a nice bike Brother but not your color.” I say with a big smile as he drops the bag. Danny is holding his face. I haven’t seen him do that in a while.
“Ain’t fuckin playin with these fuckers. Goin to kill em.” He pulls out some wrapped bricks. Danny laughs still holding his face.
“Brother isn’t that a little overkill it's just a fuckin picture?” Holy fuck he’s going to blow the fuckin thing up.
“Ain’t fuckin playin.” He walks to the fence hops over and starts putting the C4 on the billboards frame. Fuck, he’s going to get us fuckin arrested. Danny hops the fence and helps him. Holy fuck! I smile while I call in to Security. Digs answers, I tell him to record. He’s laughing. He tells me he watched them shoot the other billboard. He sent it to everyone but Steve. Fuckin Brothers. This is better than I expected.
Casper pulls up. “Peter said I needed to see this.” He’s fuckin laughing. At least we won’t get arrested. “Good time in Laconia?” He asks as we watch Steve dole out wire.
“It was good. Danny won the Shoot Out. Steve came in second, Rich third. It was good for us. Milt placed fifth.” I tell him, I can’t fuckin believe we’re standing here talking about Laconia while they’re going to blow the fuckin billboard up. He’s the fuckin Chief of police.
They hop back over the fence and roll out wire as they walk back to us. Casper throws chin to Steve and Danny and steps back so Steve can get the blasting cap. I just watch. Fuckin guy is really blowing it up. Once he’s connected he hits it and the whole fuckin road shakes. The board goes up in the air and falls flat backward. He pulls the wire rolling it back up and packs it in the bag. My ears are still fuckin ringing. Danny is saying something holding his face but fuck if I can hear it. Casper smiles and throws chin. He walks back to his car and drives off. Steve lifts the bag and walks to his bike.
I look at Danny, he’s fuckin smiling. “Guess we’re done.” He yells. I go to my bike and follow Steve back to Security. Everyone is in the hall clapping as we walk in. I crack up. Fuckin Brothers. Steve goes in his office growling. I look at Digs. “Fuckin awesome! Thanks for the heads up Pres.” I throw him chin and open Steve’s door.
The safe room door is just closing. Steve walks out. “Goin home.” He keeps going and I crack up.
“Later Brother.” I yell down the hall. I stick my finger in my ear wiggling it around trying to get rid of the ringing, Danny is laughing on the side of me.
“He didn't like the picture.” He says when he straightens up.
“Was a good fuckin picture but blue just isn't his color.” I tell him making him laugh more. “I’m going home.” I turn and walk out.
It’s good to be home. Rich, Patches and Tess have been watching the kids. Nancy and Tiny kept the toddlers overnight. I missed them but I’m so fuckin glad we took the week and spent some time alone. Both Kate and Ben are more relaxed. I know Ben heard what me and Kate talked about. He’s been more focused on her and her needs. I hope he keeps
it up. I don’t want her to feel like an option ever again. The kids keep our attention until bed time. Ben surprises the fuck out of me telling the boys they can move into his house. He calls Tiny for some Prospects to move his stuff to our house and storage. My Beautiful Kate has the biggest fuckin smile on her face. I throw chin to Ben. He fuckin took away her feeling like an option.
Tess’ dreams are worrisome. My boy is going to have his hands full. Her dream about Jonesy is going to drive Patches crazy but without any more to go on there’s nothing we can do but be prepared. Since Jonesy hasn't shown for work and has it out for Rich we have to take it seriously.
Steve is a little distracted trying to find out about the pictures but I know Ben talked to him and Geek.
Once we get the kids in bed I ask Ben about Casper. He laughs. “He asked about Laconia, I told him about the Shoot Out. He watched the billboard blow up and left.”
Kate looks at us. “The huge boom was the billboard blowing up?” Danny smiles at her nodding.
“My fuckin ears were ringing for an hour. It was a good picture but the bike was blue. Everyone knows kelly green is his color.” Ben tells her. She laughs hysterically with me holding my face. He just watches us. “I haven’t seen you hold your face in a while.”
“The long ride, vibration from the gun and the billboard blowing up aggravated the plate. It happens. In a couple of days I won’t feel it.”
I get up and check on Devan; he's still asleep. I take the monitor out of the charger and set it on the table while I make coffee. I unlock the front door, change into shorts and pull on my running shoes. I walk out the patio door and stretch. Tiny comes to the door and knocks on the glass so I know he's here. I throw him chin and jog to the beach. I run to the bluffs turn around, sprint to the boat dock then slow down to double time it back to the house. I shower outside and switch back into my bed pants. I'm cooled down by the time I walk back in. I grab some water then a cup of coffee.