MC: Pres: Book Four
Page 19
We get the kids to bed and finally relax on the couch. I'm lying with my head on Danny's lap and my feet on Ben's legs. Ben tells us what Tess did today and how she saved Jess a ton of work. "She's an angel." I tell them. Danny is rubbing my belly and Ben is rubbing my feet. I smile; I have my own angels right now. I move Danny's hand from by growing stomach to my growing tits.
He smiles. "Already starting?" He asks.
"I don't know about that but I know that I need some attention that's not belly or foot related."
"I love you Beautiful K. But I fuckin love when you’re pregnant." He pulls me up and looks at Ben. "I told you about pregnant hormones. It's starting. Let's go give Beautiful Kate what she needs to keep our baby happy." He stands lifting me up and carries me upstairs. Ben checks doors and windows and follows us up.
Danny kisses me until Ben comes in. I'm already breathing heavy. "Anything we need to know?" He asks.
I smile, "I'm ready."
They laugh. "We can help you with that little mamma." Ben says. I love when he calls me that. He lifts my shirt off and unclasps my bra. Danny works on stripping my bottom half.
"I made something for you baby." Danny says going to a chest against the wall. It looks like an old steamer trunk. He uses a key to open it and pulls out a swing. He made me a trunk and a swing?
"Brother." Ben says watching. Danny moves the chair and hooks the swing to a ring in the ceiling. He hangs on it then puts the chair back. Ben strips watching. He hasn't seen it. Freakin Danny and his surprises. I'm freakin wet watching him. He moves me to the swing. I see it's really a harness with sheepskin on one side and leather on the other. If it was canvas it would look like wide climbing gear. He straps me up being careful of my belly and winches me up. I laugh. Ben gives me a push and I swing forward. "Is it comfortable Kate?" He asks.
"Yes. It's really kind of cool. I like this better than the chain in the garage."
"That was fuckin hot." Ben says making me laugh. They're always fuckin hot.
Danny comes over and stops the swing to kiss me. "Anything we do with you is fuckin hot." He smiles when I moan and looks at Ben.
"Already got it." I look back and see the lube and condom in Ben's hand. He gets on his knees and Danny spins me toward him.
"I told you I'm ready right?" Ben's tongue makes a slow stroke up making me moan.
Danny laughs. "Always take care of you, even with impatient pregnant hormones; we have to do it right baby." His arms slide around me from the back. I feel his dick on my back and moan. His fingers go right to my nipples I lean back to enjoy it trying to calm my pregnant hormones. I can do this. Fuck they're good at this. "Love to see your tits growing Beautiful K." One hand rubs my belly. "You have our baby growing in there. It gets me hard just seeing your stomach, knowing we did that." He's moving his mouth down my neck to that spot where my neck and shoulder meet. I'm so freakin ready. I hold Ben's head with one hand. He moans and my pussy vibrates. I beg him to hurry. Danny laughs. "Beautiful K needs relief quick Ben." He puts his hands back on my tits rolling the nipples and jewel. Ben's tongue feathers across my clit and I'm freaking off. Danny holds my chin and swallows my scream. Holy Crap!
Ben kisses up my stomach and sucks on my nipple before kissing me. Danny's still holding my neck I'm freakin sucking air and getting hotter by the second. I pull Ben closer. He lifts his head and I whimper. He spins me toward Danny. Holy fuck he's freakin built. I grab onto him and try to rub against him. He smiles. I hear the condom package and moan. There're not moving fast enough. Danny looks at Ben then moves closer. He lifts me and slides in. I hold onto him like a koala bear. I'm not moving now that he's in me. It feels so freakin good. Ben's fingers move in my ass, I wiggle my ass without losing any of Danny and they chuckle.
"Hurry." I tell them.
"We'll get there Beautiful. You need to be ready or we'll hurt you." Danny says with that freakin calm voice.
"I started ready. You're freaking killing me with slow and steady. I need hard and fast." Danny looks at Ben and nods. Ben slides in and doesn't stop until he's against me. Fuck. "Yes. Please more." They start to move and I cry out. Just like that, is what I need. They're not slow anymore but they're steady. "Harder." I cry. They give it to me. I lose my freaking brain asking for more until I'm barely pulling breath. Holy crap, I come hard. Someone's talking but the whoosh sound is in my ears and my body is tingling all over the freaking place. They slam into me and stop together. Both breathing heavy and leaning on me. Holy Crap! Ben moves back sliding out. He kisses my shoulder telling me he loves me. I can't do anything but mumble. Danny chuckles. He slides out and holds me upright. They get me on the bed and Danny washes me. Ben gets a shirt on me and I fall against the pillow.
"Holy fuck." I watch her close her eyes. "Definitely started. She'll wake us up in the middle of the night, then want to go again in the morning. I'll take night if you got morning." He just looks at me. "I thought she was going to kill me with Devan. My fuckin dick was sore."
"Fuck Brother. I'll do morning. Is this normal?" He asks.
I move the chair and unclip the harness. "Her doctor says it is, the book says it happens but it was fuckin Steve told me it happened with Elizabeth. Jess was doing better on the meds then. That's when I believed it. No fuckin way I could believe it without more fuckin kids than adults in the world. Thought fuckin men would always keep their women pregnant."
He fuckin laughs. "Birth control must keep the population balanced." He puts the towels away and throws me bed pants.
"Yeah, we need to get to sleep. We're going to fuckin need it." I tell him putting the harness away. I pull on the pants and shut the light.
Thirty Two
Two weeks
I'm riding through Newport heading home when Jessie comes on in my helmet. "Danny, Tess is having a vision she said you have to help Kate or she'll lose the baby." He's scared, my body freezes. I'm move to the side of the road and pull my phone calling Kate. Fuckin voicemail.
"Jessie, get the phone to Patches so I can talk to him and Tess. It's going to be ok Jessie." My fuckin heart is beating fast. I can hear Tess crying, loud. Holy fuck! She's hysterical.
“Danny, Tess is having a dream she says Kate is at a blue house and we have to help her.” Patches is yelling over her crying. Fuck she has three fuckin blue shelters.
“Put the phone closer to her. Tess what day is it? Can you see her book and tell me the day?” Fuck I need to be there.
“Help her, you have to help or she’ll lose the baby. Her book, her book is on the seat. HURRY!” She's screaming, I can barely understand her but my skin crawls.
“Tess, look at the book, what does it say, what day and where is she?” I'm trying so fuckin hard to be calm here.
“Middletown, Tuesday at three please help her, he’s coming you have to help.” She’s sobbing again. I start the bike and turn around. Thank fuck I just rode through from Newport. I'm doing eighty through the streets.
“Jessie, are you still there?” I ask. I wish another adult was around
“Yeah I’m here.” He answers he’s scared as fuck.
“Take Patches phone and call your dad. I need to stay on this one. I’m on my way. Kate's not there yet, please let her not be there.” My head is chanting 'please let her not be there. “Patches it’s not three yet I have ten minutes and I’m not far. Try to calm her down.”
“I’m sitting on the floor rocking her. I can’t get through.” Patches yells over the crying, she's lost it. Fuckin visions. “Did you call her Danny?” Patches is fuckin scared. Fuck I could use help.
I don't really want to say it out loud. “No answer.”
Tess is chanting, 'please help her.' Then she stops. There's silence. Holy fuck!
“Patches what the fuck is happening? I’m two streets away.” Don't let me be too late. I lay it out flying down the fuckin street.
“Max put his head on her lap.” He says sounding shocked. I ho
pe to fuck it's Max and not that Kate's already hurt.
“Tess, are you with us?” She doesn’t answer. I make the corner and see the shelter. Kate is on the step. “I’m here Kate is on the porch.” I ride up the front yard, drop the bike and tackle Kate as I hear the gun go off. My fuckin shoulder explodes, Kate screams and I flip to land on my back. Holy Fuck! That was too fuckin close.
I hear bikes and Steve yelling, more gunshots. Bob and Steve come over to us. Bob lifts Kate seeing the blood on her he asks if she's ok. She looks down then tells him it's my blood. He visibly relaxes. Steve pulls me up. I see Ben frozen on the driveway by Kate's car. "Kate get my helmet and tell Patches we're all fine." She goes to Ben and hugs him. His body melts around her. His hands go to her stomach.
She lets him go and grabs my helmet from the ground. She's talking to Patches. I let out my breath. Holy fuck that was too fuckin close for comfort. I move my legs and feel like I'm going to fall so I sit on the steps. Cops are here, I hear an ambulance. Steve is talking to a cop pointing to the side of the house.
Kate is crying against Ben. I'm still feeling shaky so I just watch. Fuck she could have been shot. Bob comes to me. "You ok Danny?"
"Fuck no Brother. She could have been shot. I thought I was too late."
"But you weren't Brother. You weren't. She's fine. Understandably upset but fine." I nod, the ambulance pulls up and finally shuts off the siren. I deep breathe and stand. Bob sees my shoulder. It's fuckin burning like hell. "Let's get you checked out Brother." I sway toward him. He puts his shoulder under my good arm and walks us to the ambulance. My legs feel like rubber.
I throw chin to Ben, he's holding Kate. She's sobbing into his chest. "We'll meet you at the hospital Brother." Ben says. Kate yells no, she has to see Tess. I can't understand what the fuck she's saying but she's out of control.
"Get us in the truck and get us home." I tell Bob.
"You’re fuckin dripping blood Danny. Get checked out first." He says.
I look at Ben. "Have Doc meet us at the house, get her in the truck and get us home. She's too fuckin upset, she needs to see Tess. Let's go." Ben moves her to the truck talking to her the whole way. She calms as we get closer. The paramedics move toward me. "I don't need your help." I growl at them. They step back shaking their heads. Bob gets me in the truck and flies home. Kate calms down, thank fuck.
Doc is at the house. Little Ben and Jessie go up with Darren and keep the kids upstairs. Patches has Tess in his room, Rich is shaken but holding up. My family is all ok. Bob pulls a chair for me and I sit down taking a deep breath and finally breathe easy for the first time since Jessie called me. "Ben get Kate cleaned up so she can see Tess without blood on her." He takes her out of the kitchen and Doc lectures me. "She was fuckin hysterical. I've never seen her like that. All I could think is it can't be good for the baby. I needed to calm her the fuck down before the stress was too much." He doesn't say anymore.
We talk to Rich and it's the first time I realize how often Tess has had visions and how bad they are for her. We need fuckin help here. Rich and Doc agree. This time was bad. Doc says she's almost catatonic. Kate saw how bad this is from the beginning. I didn't get it then but I see it now, I need to talk to Ben. This can't go on like this. Rich says both Tess and Kate will be a wreck if we don't do something. I think he's right.
Doc's almost finished with the stitches. My fuckin arm is burning like a bitch. Steve comes in and I tell him what the fuck happened. When Rich comes in I ask how Tess is doing.
"She's holding onto Kate. She saw you get shot and saw the blood on Kate. She didn't understand what happened because of the blood." He says blowing out a breath.
Doc finishes bandaging my arm. "I think what Doc said might be right, she may not have loved anyone. Seeing Kate with blood on her stomach while she was standing must have shocked the fuck out of her. Ben was stunned when he got there. He saw the blood on her and he froze. Thank fuck Steve was there or Ben would be getting sewn up too." I get beers and pass them around then go check on Tess. She's pale, her eyes are swollen but she gives me a small smile. Fuckin amazing. "You’re our very own angel Tess. Thank you for saving Kate and the baby." I sit on the side of her and wait for her ok to hug her.
She nods and holds onto me. "I was so scared. You did it though. I didn't understand about the blood. You got there on time." She starts crying again.
"Sweet girl, you got me there in time. Everyone is fine. You even told me where she was Tess. You did good. No more crying for what isn't. You saved our Kate. That's call for celebration not tears."
She loosens her hold on me so I move my hands out. Sitting back she looks at me. "It's a happy day. I did it. I changed another one." She's playing the words in her head. I see her relaxing. Kate laughs. Then Tess does. Kate goes out to check on the kids. Rich comes in just as I'm standing to leave. Closing the door I go on the hunt for food.
We get through dinner relaxing with the normalcy of the routine. The kids thank Tess making her smile. She's able to joke around with them, fuckin amazing. Kate is quiet and watches her for any sign of stress. Thank fuck Tess bounced back so quickly.
The boys took Tess home and Jess and Kate are getting the kids in bed. Steve and Danny are on the patio. I'm fuckin relieved the day is almost over. Grabbing beers I join them handing each another beer. "We need to do something about the visions. After a while she's not going to be able to bounce back. Kate was a fuckin mess. She's too stressed over Tess' visions."
"Never saw Kate like that. Stress like that affects the baby." Steve says.
Danny nods. "That's why I didn't go to the hospital. I've never seen her like that either. Fuckin Tess was just as bad. I don't know how she fuckin smiles after seeing that shit."
"I told Rich we'd get help. We'll do whatever it takes to get that for her. She's saved our fuckin family over and over seeing each one of them hurt. She can't keep suffering because of love. Fuck how the fuck is she going to make it?" I run my hand through my hair. Jess and Kate come in and sit watching us.
"Geek's looking for help. Doc and Sally will look. We'll get it. Needs to be quick." Steve says pulling Jess to his lap.
Kate lays her head on Danny's shoulder. I smile at her. We could have lost her and the baby. Fuckin Christ, I'm glad she's ok. "She's getting hit with them more often. The family visions are the worst for her." I’m thinking, thank fuck she has them, but at what cost?
"Doc agrees, we don't think she's ever loved people before. Like as a family. The more people she's exposed to, opens her up to visions of them. The stronger the bond the worse her reaction. That ain't a way to fuckin live." Danny says. The girls agree.
I'm pacing back and forth. "This will take all of us. We need to keep her under a shield until we get the help. I don't want her too far from anyone. If she had that vision out in the fuckin yard somewhere they would have carted her to the hospital before we could get to her. She's so fuckin strong but that could break her. She wouldn't understand that shit."
"I'll get a shadow on her." Steve says.
"You have to be careful who it is. She's beautiful and has an innocence that draws people to her." Kate tells him.
"Bob can do it. Sees her like a sister. Max's always with her." Steve says nodding like it's done.
"Keep him back so she still feels independent. She just got there; taking it away is like a punishment. She's punished enough with the visions; she needs something good in her life." Jess says quietly. Fuck. She lived like a slave with her ex.
"Jess, are you doing ok with this?" I ask. Steve watches her.
"At first I tried to keep my distance so I didn't think about it. She's so friggin smart and happy. Kate's right she draws people in. Now I enjoy spending time with her and never think about it unless something like this happens. I want to help her. It helps me too." She says with a smile, Steve's shoulders relax.
Fuckin women, so strong and so fuckin smart. We'll need them for this. I just nod.
"I'm exhausted. I'll look for help with the visions too but it has to be tomorrow." Kate says standing up. Danny looks at me, he needs some time. Kate hugs Jess and goes into the house. Danny throws chin and I follow her.
Thirty Three
Kate calls me as I'm meeting with Geek. She sends me the same information Geek just handed me. She's checked references and thinks this is our best bet. Geek smiles. "Mamma bear protecting her young."
"Fuck, that's why she gets so upset, she sees her as her daughter. Fuckin Kate has more love in her than anyone I've ever met. Well maybe not Ally." I say and he smiles.
I call the number and talk to the Dr. I set the payment up and get her here next week. She took Doc and Sally's number so she can get the background. I warn her of mentioning Tess being a slave. She doesn't need that reminder for the rest of her life. The Dr agrees to the terms and hangs up to call Doc. I have Geek text Doc, Sally, Kate, Danny, Steve, Jess, Rich, Tess and Patches with the information. I hope to fuck she can help.
Thirty Four
One week
We meet in the first floor meeting room. I'm nervous sitting between my men they each hold my hand under the table. I pulled everything I could about the Dr and made sure everyone knew more about her and what she does before she got here. For everyday people it's hard to grasp visions and shit. I don't want any surprises. Rich comes in with Tess. She's nervous. I give her a hug and she sits. I notice Max on her feet. I'm so impressed with him and his ability to soothe her when she needs it. I pat his head and take my seat.
The Dr calls Tess a seer and I wonder about Ally. Focusing on Tess I ask about her wellbeing mentally and physically. Rich asks the same thing but he's more direct. She seems to have a conversation with him. I watch fascinated. She tells us she picks up our thoughts and proves it. She looks at Steve and Rich funny giving me chills. We all ask questions and she answers most of them. It sounds right to me so I stay quiet and watch Tess. She's relaxed; nothing being said has an adverse reaction. I take it as a good sign since she's the one with the visions.