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His Ward

Page 4

by Sam Crescent

  “What?” she asked.

  “You shouldn’t have seen that.”

  “Why not? It’s not uncommon for a man to get his rocks off to porn.” Her cheeks were red.

  “Did you like it?”

  “Did I like what?”

  “Seeing it. I know you watched a little.” He didn’t have a clue if she had, but something in her eyes told him she did. “Did you touch yourself, Mavis? Are you wet?”

  She didn’t tell him to stop as he took a step toward her.

  She stayed perfectly still as he moved that final step that put him directly in front of her. Neither of them was touching. She looked up at him, and he wanted to know what she was thinking.

  “Answer my questions.”

  “Didn’t you hear me?” she asked.


  “I was watching you for a lot longer than the final scene, Luca.” She took his hand, and before he could stop her, she pressed his hand between her thighs. The shorts she wore were so big that it was easy for him to slide his fingers beneath the fabric and feel how wet she was.

  Fine hair coated the lips of her pussy, and as he slid a finger between those wet lips, he found the evidence of her orgasm.

  “You came?”


  He grazed her clit, and she gasped, grabbing his arms to hold herself up. He stared into her eyes as he pinched her swollen nub. She cried out and held onto him a little tighter. Pulling his hand away, he fingered the bottom of the wet vest. Rain was still coming down thick and fast, but he wasn’t going to move.

  Not yet.

  Not for a long time.

  “Take it off.”

  Her hand shook a little, but she grabbed her shirt, lifting it over her head and throwing it to the ground. Her tits were large, more than a handful, with tight, red nipples, and his mouth watered for a taste.

  “Your turn,” she said.

  Every single piece of sensible, responsible advice fled him as he removed his shirt. He’d been pulling it on as he heard the door and gasp before she decided to make a run for it. He hated her running away from him, hated it more than anything else he could ever remember. She could have seriously hurt herself, and to him, that wasn’t funny. It would never be funny.

  If she hurt herself on his watch, he’d never forgive himself.

  This time, he took his pants down. His cock lay flaccid between his thighs as he stared at her. Without saying a word, he waited for her.

  It was cold out, but he couldn’t really feel it. His blood was boiling, and as she shimmied out of her pajama shorts and they stood staring at each other naked, something snapped inside him.

  This was every bit wrong.

  Yet, seeing her like this felt so right.

  It was dirty.




  But he couldn’t say no to himself anymore.

  Grabbing her hand, he dragged her toward the step that led to the summer house. The rain had let up, and as he pushed her over his knee, he gripped the back of her neck.

  She let out a scream, and he slapped her ass twice, once on each cheek.

  Lifting her up so that she was once again on her knees, he saw there were still no tears in her eyes, just outrage and shock.

  “Don’t you ever fucking run away from me again. Do you understand me?”


  “You could have been hurt, or killed. One trip. One fall, and if you hit your head, you could have been dead. Don’t you ever put yourself in harm’s way. You stay and you talk to me.”

  “I watched you,” she said.


  “I watched you and I watched that woman, and I came. I fingered my pussy until I came, and I wanted it to be you.” She licked her lips.

  Again, his brain wasn’t working.

  Slamming his lips down on hers, he sank his fingers into her hair and relished her moan as it flooded his mouth. He swallowed her cries of pleasure, basking in them, knowing they belonged to him and only to him.

  He couldn’t get enough of the taste of her.

  Biting her lip, he pulled away.

  Her eyes were closed, her lips swollen, and he wasn’t sated.

  In fact, he was hungry for more. So much more.

  Mavis was so different. She wasn’t repulsed by his scar.

  Her hands rested on his thighs, gripping him tightly. He held her between his spread thighs, and his cock began to pulse.

  It didn’t matter that he’d come minutes before.

  All that mattered was that he wanted her.

  Picking her up in his arms, he heard her little yelp but ignored it. Opening his pool house door, he carried her to the carpeted floor, their footprints dirtying the white rug.

  He didn’t care.

  Everything could be replaced or cleaned.

  She put her hand against his cheek, the one that was scarred, and he stared down at her. She stroked her fingers across the mark.

  “They shouldn’t have gotten away with what they did to you.”

  “What have I told you about reading stories about me?”

  “They’re not just stories. They’re part of you. It’s why you live here and you don’t venture out. They think they ruined you, but they didn’t.”

  He snorted. “Mavis, you’re eighteen years old. You don’t know the way the world works.”

  “I know my parents couldn’t stand to be around me. I’ve seen an ugliness in the world, and it’s been from people who were supposed to love me no matter what. Big or small, fat or thin, ugly or pretty. Only I wasn’t what they wanted.”

  “You are beautiful,” he said, gripping her chin.

  “And you’re handsome.” She lifted up and pressed her lips against his scarred cheek. “I think you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. I think about you all the time.”


  “Don’t.” She took his hand, placing it on her breast. The hard nipple pressed against his palm, and he groaned. “I think of you like this. Touching me, fucking me, making me yours. I want you to take what you need, Luca.”

  “You deserve better.”

  “I don’t want anyone else but you.” She reached between them, wrapping her fingers around his length. “You can’t deny that you want me. I can feel it. You do. You’re just fighting it.” She slammed her lips against his as her hand worked his dick. He shouldn’t be so hard so soon, but with her in his arms, all of her curvy goodness, he couldn’t say no. He had to have her. “Stop fighting it.”

  He pushed her to the floor, taking control of the kiss.

  If she really thought she could handle him, he’d see just how far she could go.

  Grabbing her hands, he pressed them above her head and trailed his lips down to her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  When she was gasping and his name a constant echo in the room, he trailed down until he got to her tits.

  There was no turning back.

  He would have her, and God help him, he didn’t care how wrong this was.


  When Luca bit down on her tits, Mavis truly believed that she’d finally gone to heaven with how rough he was. Luca didn’t hold anything back. He gave her everything she wanted and refused to back down.

  His teeth created a delicious kind of pain that was almost too good but yet not enough. When she couldn’t take anymore, he released her nipple only to do the same to the other.

  Closing her eyes, she tried to control her body. But his rough touch kept setting off a fire she couldn’t help but crave.

  His hands held her arms down, the tightness of his grip making her ache.

  She loved when he got a little harder, a little rougher.

  He released his hold and she mourned the loss of that touch, but she didn’t have to wait too long before his hands were on her again. He pushed her tits together, and she opened her eyes to watch as his tongue danced across each breast. He nipped at each tit, and she cried out wi
th each bite of pain.

  There was no doubt in her mind that he was going to leave a mark, and she wanted that. Her ass still stung from the punishment he’d given her outside.

  What is wrong with you?

  She shouldn’t be craving his smacks or the pain he could give her, but she wanted it more than she did her next breath.

  “Fuck, baby, you drive me so crazy. I can’t seem to stop when it comes to you.”

  She was glad. She didn’t want him to stop, not ever.

  He moved down her body, kissing her stomach, and she watched him. He spread her thighs wide, and his fingers danced across the fine hair of her pussy.

  “So pretty.”

  She licked her dry lips as he opened her pussy and she heard him groan.

  “I knew you were going to be so fucking sexy. Every single part of you.” His finger moved between her slit, and she gasped at the instant shot of pleasure. Seconds later, he pinched the nub and she screamed his name.

  The pain was so intense and strong but quickly changed as he soothed it with his thumb.

  “It’s no good. I need to know what you taste like.”

  He gripped her hips, and she put her palms flat to the floor as his face pressed against her cunt. The moment his tongue danced across her clit, she felt like she’d gone to heaven.

  There was no other way to describe it. She’d never known pleasure like this. It went to the next level and took her by surprise, making her hungry, desperate, in need of more.

  He sucked her bud, sawing his teeth around her clit before drawing it into his mouth.

  She’d already come minutes before the chase and she didn’t think it was even possible to achieve orgasm again so soon, but Luca knew what he was doing and how to play with her body.

  She was at his mercy, and she loved it.

  Luca sent her into an orgasm so intense it took her to a whole other level of pleasure, and she couldn’t think straight.

  Everything tilted on its axis.

  She cried his name, gripping the carpet beneath her, wanting more from him.

  He let her go, and she opened her eyes once again. She didn’t even realize that she’d closed them. He moved above her. His face was inches from hers, and then she felt him.

  The hard press of his naked cock.

  Glancing down her body, her legs spread, she saw his erect length, waiting. The tip was so close. All it would take was for him to thrust forward and he’d claim her. She’d belong to him.

  Returning her gaze to his face, she waited.

  “Tell me to fucking stop, Mavis. Tell me not to do this. That you’re nothing more than a little girl. I’m a bastard pervert and dirty. Tell me to stop!”

  Why would she tell him to stop?

  He looked ready to lose his mind.

  Wrapping her arms around his neck, she stared into his eyes.

  “Fuck me, Luca. Make me yours.”

  She cried out as he slammed to the hilt within her. He tore through the thin hymen of her virginity, popping her cherry, taking what no other man could have.

  The burn was so intense, the pain like a blow to her core.

  She wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Mavis wanted his brand on her.

  To know that there was someone in this world that she’d left her mark on. There’s no way he’d ever forget about her.

  She didn’t look away from him as he panted. His cock pulsed within her, and she wasn’t afraid or upset. He’d taken her, just like she wanted him to.

  His lips crashed down on hers as he pulled out of her. She wasn’t used to the feel of him, but she didn’t mind as he slammed back inside her.

  In and out, he took her hard.

  The pain started to fade, her arousal making it easier for him to slide in and out.

  Sinking her fingers into his hair, she kissed him back and ignored the pain, focusing instead on the feel of his body as he rocked against her clit, each bump arousing her even more.

  Making her ache. Hungry for more of him.

  He took her hands, pressing them to the floor so that she was pinned beneath him. He lifted up, and she waited.

  “Lift up. Fuck my cock, baby. Show me that you want this. Watch us.”

  She lifted up to each of his thrusts, driving her pussy onto his dick.

  “Oh, fuck, that’s right, baby. Take it all.” He drove into her harder, the sounds of flesh hitting flesh echoing around the room.

  She watched his cock disappearing inside her, each slam of his cock seeming to hit her deeper. She was sure he was deep in her stomach, but she didn’t complain. She loved that burn, the pain, and the intense pleasure of being so full.

  He was a big man, just as she knew he would be.

  She couldn’t believe she was in his pool house getting fucked by him when only minutes before, she’d watched him getting off to porn. It felt like another lifetime already.

  He’s mine.

  She whimpered as he started a pace, and she felt his length swelling harder and knew he was getting close to coming.

  His hold on her hands tightened to the point of pain, and she watched as he slammed in deep and threw his head back.

  Veins in his neck seemed to pop out, and he looked completely taken away.

  She loved watching him, and the way he let go during orgasm was highly addictive.

  As he came down, his body relaxing, letting her go, she missed that bite of pain at his touch.

  His lips were close to her ear, and when she heard what he said, her world shattered apart. “What the fuck have I done?”

  He sounded so tortured.

  So broken and lost.

  Tears sprang to her eyes as he pulled out of her.

  He didn’t even look at her as he quickly left the pool house.

  Luca had taken her virginity and left her alone. Staring around the pool house, she sat up, crossing her arms over her breasts.

  Had she completely messed up?

  He’d loved every second of that, she knew he did.

  Maybe he didn’t?

  What if he hated her?

  She didn’t want to go back to boarding school.

  Against her better judgment, she’d given herself to a man who couldn’t even hold her. Tears fell down her cheeks, and she hated them as well. She hadn’t cried in so long. Not even when her parents died.

  Yet she cried at the rejection on the night she lost her virginity.

  Getting to her feet was hard. Her legs shook, but somehow, she managed it. Staring down at the carpet, she saw the mud from the wet grass along with the spots of blood. The evidence of her lost virginity on the carpet.

  Biting her lip, she couldn’t believe it had come to this.

  She couldn’t move the carpet, so she padded back outside. Her clothes were still on the ground. She picked them up and carried them all the way back to the house. She didn’t see him, nor did she seek him out.

  Ignoring the pain that had erupted within her chest, she went to her room.

  The en-suite bathroom didn’t have a mirror. She was glad.

  The last thing she wanted to ever see was her shame.

  This wasn’t a memory she wanted to savor, but one she hoped to forget.

  Turning on the shower, she waited for the water to be scalding before climbing inside. Each drip of hot water helped her feel better.

  She didn’t know what she was going to do. Every single part of her was screaming to run. To not be home when he woke up.

  There was nowhere else for her to go. She had no money. Her funds wouldn’t come to her for three years.

  She was at his mercy.

  Staring straight ahead at the tiled shower, she wondered what he hated most about their encounter. She had loved it. His arms, his brand of ownership. The cruel element of his touch. What was more, even though he’d broken her heart, she wanted him again.

  Chapter Five

  You’re a fucking idiot.

  Piece of shit pervert.

at the fuck were you thinking?

  Luca stormed around his office, trying to think of anything to do other than go to breakfast. In the end, he decided against sticking around and went back toward the pool house. He needed to make sure she was okay. He’d not heard her come in last night.

  After taking a really long shower, he’d sat on the edge of his bed for a short time debating phoning the cops, but she was eighteen and he hadn’t done anything illegal. He’d asked her.


  This was why he shouldn’t be around her.

  Maybe he really should send her back to boarding school, away from him. Far away from him and all the things he wanted to do to her.

  Everything about her was addictive. Her smile. The way she looked at him without flinching.

  She’d touched his scarred face last night, and she didn’t look to him like she intended to vomit any moment. He’d soaked that shit up while also pounding away inside her virgin pussy.

  He’d felt the moment her cherry had split, and that feeling had been so fucking amazing. No other man or boy had known the kind of pleasure with her body. Mavis was a special woman.

  He didn’t deserve her.

  No one else deserved her.

  It pissed him off to think of anyone with her.

  Running fingers through his hair, he padded through the lawn, once again wearing nothing on his feet.

  He happened to love his garden, and over the past few years he’d spent a lot of time in it from caring for each of the plants, to just mowing the small lawn.

  Once he got to the bottom of his yard to the pool area, he sighed. He shouldn’t have asked her to take her clothes off.

  There were a lot of things he shouldn’t have asked her to do.

  Heading to the pool house, he saw the door was closed. Without knocking, he opened it up and saw no one was there. There hadn’t been any of her clothes from last night either. Glancing down at the white carpet he paused.

  There were drops of blood, showcasing her virginity.

  He’d taken that last night. Torn through her body and made her his.

  Moving toward the small kitchen, he grabbed a cloth and quickly added some water. He made his way toward the spot and started to attempt to clean it.

  No matter what he did, the blood wouldn’t come out, and it looked like he was only making the small droplets worse. The entire carpet would have to be replaced.


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