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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

Page 11

by Anthology

  Cool air surrounded her when the door opened, making her body tense with fear of the unknown. He was right on time, precise as a fine Swiss watch. She’d landed in unfamiliar territory. Instead of her pushing limits and dictating the course of a relationship, she found herself in a situation where her limits were being tested. For some reason, she was content to let it happen. He wanted equal say, and if he bent, he expected the same of her in return. Today, it was her turn. At first, she refused, but Lars calmly and patiently coaxed her into the position she now found herself in, on her knees waiting for him. He had arrived, because she heard the door softly close. He could move silently and as carefully as she tried to listen, she couldn’t tell if he’d moved.

  The waiting was excruciating and a few seconds seemed like tortuous, slow moving hours. She couldn’t take it anymore, but before she could turn her head to take a peek, a black sash was gently placed over her eyes and tied as a blindfold. In a panic, she raised her hands to the cloth.

  “Shhh…shush…relax sweetheart. You’re okay.” His deep voice vibrated on her skin, making gooseflesh rise and caused an involuntary shiver. When he finished tying the sash, he gently brushed her hair back and ran his hands softly over her shoulders.

  “You didn’t say anything about a blindfold,” she said nervously.

  He chuckled and murmured in her ear, “Surprise.”


  For the moment, she held her tongue. Lars moved his touch down her back, snaked his arms around her waist, and laid his head against her shoulder. As usual, he seemed to instinctively know what to do to ease her tension, and the warmth of his body wrapped around hers lowered her anxiety.

  “Relax, Marie, you’re so tense.” The sound of the familial nickname was comforting. She placed her hand on his and he laced his fingers into hers.

  “I’m trying to. I really am.”

  “I’d never hurt you. No matter what happens, always remember I would never hurt you.” She eased and rested her head against his shoulder, “If this is stressing you out, let’s stop.”

  “No. I’ll be okay.” Being in his arms always seemed to relax her like nothing else could. He had a way of holding her that made her feel secure and safe. “Just hold me for a minute then we can get started,”

  “Trust me.”

  She smiled and said, “I’m giving you every ounce of trust I have.”

  “Then don’t be afraid. I think you’ll like this.”

  She took a deep resolved, breath. “Okay, let’s do this.”

  Her nipples beaded to hard points, and his touch usually led to them ending up in bed and fucking like bunnies. Sex with Lars was different than the tumultuous passion she had with Luc. Lars took his time, explored her body, played with her senses. Then she remembered she had controlled sex with Luc and he did only what she’d allow him to do. Her shoulders slumped, and she felt herself finally relax. A cool rush of air swished behind her, and she knew Lars was gone. The blindfold keeping her sightless amplified all of her senses. She heard a muffled thud behind her.


  * * *

  Lars tossed a bundle of rope to the floor next to Marianna and watched as she jerked her head toward the sound. He almost called out to reassure her but decided to wait for a moment. As this day drew closer, she’d started working at controlling everything he did. He’d come to know her well enough to recognize controlling people like chess pieces wasn’t even a conscious thought for her, she just did it and it was comfortable. Taking an outright stand and telling her how things would be wouldn’t work, so he took another approach, one he was familiar with. He’d become one of the best snipers in the world, and he’d achieved that by being patient and persistent. A good sniper also understood his target and their habits. By gradually testing how far he could go, he’d figured out how to judge her moods by her reactions. His steady, patient but unyielding determination had started working on her, and his efforts in teaching her how to trust him and not have it all on her terms was finally bearing fruit here in the club’s Shibari Room.

  This room had been Lars’ baby; he’d designed it, helped build it, and promoted it to people who used the club so it would eventually pay for itself. After his talk with Marianna on their way home from Miami, he’d located a Shibari Master in Tampa to teach him the craft. Mac had been encouraged that Lars actually had found an interest in the lifestyle, so when Lars suggested the private Shibari room, Mac heartily agreed. Lars was an eager student, eagerly absorbing every lesson and perfecting his technique.

  Shibari had become an obsession, but one that had unexpected results. Working with the rope eased him, relaxed him and took his mind off of the nightmares that plagued him. Whenever he had a bad dream or had a bout of his PTSD, he took out a length of rope and focused on his knot tying technique. He practiced it, honed his technique, and refined his style. While Marianna was busy working in her study, leaving Lars with nothing to do but watch TV and think, he’d get out the rope and work intricate, unique designs.

  The room was large with different sized rings hanging from a ceiling that looked down on a golden Bamboo floor. The simple Zen design he envisioned had driven the designer crazy with Lars’ constant changes, but in the end, it was perfect and gave the room a serene ambiance. When it wasn’t in use, a black silk curtain with the word Shibari written in a bold Japanese script was drawn and the door was locked. Tonight, the curtain was drawn; Lars didn’t know if he could ever be comfortable with a public performance. He focused as he held the rope.

  “Lars?” Marianna called again. This time her voice took on a more demanding tone.

  He didn’t answer and tossed another bundle of braided rope next to her and saw her jump then shiver ever so slightly. Lars bit his tongue and looked away. Damn it! Every inch of her five-four frame was his fucking kryptonite. When she batted those big brown eyes and crooked her finger at him, he was rendered helpless. His heart tugged at him and he relented. Watching her quake spoke volumes to him; she was scared.

  Okay, quit being an evil asshole…

  Instead of speaking, he knelt close behind her and waited. When she turned her head, he knew she felt his presence. She bowed her head and waited, he wasn’t sure, but she’d either accepted her fate or was feeling her way, thinking about her next move. As close as he was to her, he could breathe in her scent, a light, sweet, flowery fragrance that made him a little weak in the knees whenever he was close enough to get a whiff. He closed his eyes, treating himself for a moment. He took a deeper breath and caught the scent of something else, her arousal. His dick stood and saluted. The images going through his head of how this night could play out made him hornier than he believed was possible. He leaned back on his heels and checked himself.

  Buck fever, breathe and get control. Relax, feel the target, breathe, control…

  As a sniper, he had to learn how to control the adrenaline rush that came with taking a shot and someone’s life. The feelings that rushed over him as he sat behind Marianna were almost the same as when he was staring through a scope and caught a glimpse of his target for the first time. He had the upper hand. She’d agreed to submit for one night, and he planned to take full advantage of this moment. He leaned forward again and placed his hands on her shoulders and gently gathered her hair in his hand, exposing her neck. Her skin was flushed, and as she inhaled sharply, for a brief moment, he saw her pulse beat as he let her hair down. He ran his hand over her chest then gently pulled her head back against his shoulder. Her robe opened a little more and exposed the upper curve of her breasts.

  “You look amazing,” he murmured against her ear as he tightened his grip on her throat. “Are you ready?”

  Tracing a finger down the center of her throat to her breastbone, he noticed her breathing became shallow. When she exhaled it was a sound he’d never heard before, a sensuous part sigh, part whimper. She moved her arms, and he tightened his grip around her waist, pressing her close and trapping her.

h, not until I tell you,” he growled into her ear making her whimper in response.

  He brushed away the sash around her waist that held her robe in place and moved his hands over her shoulders sliding the robe off of her. He traced his finger lightly down her spine causing her to shake and moan. He knew from his training that when one of the five senses was taken away, the others would become amplified to make up for the one lost. Her sensitivity to touch, taste, smell, and hearing were now in a heightened state. He took the robe and put it behind him,

  “All right, sweetheart, here we go.”


  Taking the first bundle, he loosened it and let the rope fall. He’d tied these knots a thousand times before and relaxed as the rope passed through his hands. He found the center, concentrating on two loops then knotted them to make what look like a large bow. He widened the bow then guided her hands into the loops. Taking his time, he slowly moved the rope up her arms and over her shoulders, making sure she felt it pass over every inch of her skin. He fixed the knot so it sat in the middle of her shoulder blades. Taking the doubled rope, he wrapped it around her above her breasts. When he returned to the original knot, he made another one that lined up with the first, made a second bow and placed her arms through, this time running the rope under her breasts. She slumped. He ran his thumbs under the rope and pulled up. Marianna’s breath caught, and she hissed. He placed his hands on the rope under her breasts and held her close for a moment. He kissed her shoulder, and she backed up against him. Her arms being tied behind her back made her breasts jut out. He couldn’t resist; he opened his hands and cupped her breasts.

  “Lars,” she moaned his name making the single syllable sound almost like a plea.

  “Pay attention,” he said as he kissed her shoulder and stroked her nipples with his thumbs. She nodded. “Did you hear me?”

  “Yes,” she moaned.

  God! How he’d fallen in love with her. She’d captured his heart the minute he’d seen her. This moment was surreal. Letting instinct guide him, he moved one of his hands up her chest to her throat and held her against him as he nibbled and kissed her shoulder. “Is it too tight?”

  “No,” she responded in a breathy whisper.

  Lars noticed she was wiggling her hips. He backed away and watched her. Then it hit him…she was trying her rub her pussy. He gently pushed her forward. “Stand up, Marie.”

  For a moment, he thought he’d heard small protests of sighs and whimpers. He helped her to stand and adjusted her feet so she couldn’t rub herself. He would reserve that pleasure for himself. As he continued working on tying her arms behind her, his dick was painfully reminding him that a beautiful woman was very sexually aroused, and it was all because of what he was doing to her.

  His cock was talking to him and it wanted this woman in a bad way. He glanced up at the rings hanging from the ceiling. With mathematical precision he worked out how much rope he’d need to make her pussy level with his cock. He could suspend her and fuck her into a coma. Then he realized with disappointment that he didn’t have enough rope. But you could go to the supply room… No, he had a plan, and he was sticking to it. He forced himself to keep his focus on the ropes as he tied knots and wrapped the extension of himself around her.

  * * *

  Marianna had consented to place herself in a risky position in a way she’d never done before. Kneeling and standing before him helpless to do anything but feel caused an adrenalin rush that made her shiver uncontrollably. She was vulnerable, dangerously so, but it wasn’t fear that made her body quiver and react every time he ran the rope over her skin or she felt his touch. It was aching, agonizing, anticipation. She wanted to feel his hands on her. His touch stilled the hatred and calmed her grief. Lars could touch her and awaken something primal inside of her. Lars’ arms conveyed a sense of security and shelter in a world filled with violence that had taken almost everything from her.

  Each shiver coursing through her body reminded her that his ropes held her secure. The sense of being squeezed had always aroused her, but the sense of the ropes made it seem as if he was hugging her all over. With each brush of the rope or his hand she fought the urge to panic at not being in control, but she gave into the surge of need he drew from her. He ran the ropes between her legs and the gentle rub at the juncture of her thighs sent white-hot sparks through her.

  Not being able to see made her imagination go wild. Vivid pictures of being stretched out while he suspended her on the rings fed the wicked thoughts of him fucking her while she was helpless. She rocked her hips at the thought of getting thoroughly fucked while suspended from his ropes, and the rope he’d put between her legs brushed against her swollen clit giving her a small orgasm. The whimper that escaped her lips sounded pleading and foreign; she never remembered making sounds like this before. In her heightened state, the air in the room went still. Lars had stopped moving, and the uneven, jagged breaths filling her space sounded needy.

  “More,” the word sounded desperate and not at all like the command she wanted to give him.

  The coarse hair of his beard tickled her neck as he kissed her shoulder. “Be patient, sweetheart. I promise it’ll be worth it.”

  Ropes continued to snake around her body, and she felt the air change has he moved around her. She inhaled deeply, and his scent wrapped around her. He always smelled good, but specific scent notes hit her for the first time, lemony citrus, leather and an undercurrent of something earthy she couldn’t place. He brushed past her arm, and she felt him in front of her. His scent was like a beacon, calling her closer. She leaned forward and rested her head on his chest. He wrapped his arms around her, stroked the ropes, and what skin he could touch. Unconsciously, she tugged at her arms, and for a moment, it annoyed her that she couldn’t touch him at will. He gently pushed her back.

  “Let me finish.” The sound of his voice and his breath against her cheek made her keenly aware of how close he was. She didn’t want to move away, she wanted to be close to him. Instead of doing as he’d asked, she pressed her encased body against his. As she strained, the ropes between her legs rubbed against her pussy, and the sensual contact made her moan. He moved away for a moment then behind her and gently pulled up on the rope, making her gasp in surprise. The rope between her legs shifted and was now seated against her clit. Bending close, he brushed his lips against her cheek and ear, sending hot sparks of electricity to her exposed nipples and swollen clit.

  Lars’ fingers splayed against the neat rows of rope that lined up her rib cage and gently ran his hands up and down his handiwork. She could feel the delicate caresses over the rope, which made every nerve ending tingle as if he was touching her bare skin.

  “You look beautiful, sweetheart.”

  The subtle growling undertones in voice made her tremble with overwhelming need. Making her want to melt against him and stay within the heat he offered. He moved his hand lower and moved the rope between her legs. The soft brush against her clit sent a shiver through her and another rush of moisture coated her inner thighs. Her needy, breathy, moans and sighs filled her ears as he rubbed the rope back and forth over her swollen sex, stoking the slow burning bloom of a climax.

  Lars gently slid his foot against hers and opened her stance wider. She felt him move down her back, and once he was in position, he slid his fingers over her slick folds. Marianna gasped at the sudden sensation of something pushing deep inside her pussy. She clamped down and knew he’d just inserted a dildo deep inside her. The light click made her jolt, and her knees buckled as the vibrator inside her hummed to life. He fixed the rope so the cock stayed in place. He stood behind her and held on to her as she bucked against her bonds. She cried out at having her pussy finally filled. Everything was sharper and more intense as little pinpricks of pleasure danced over her covered skin. She almost buckled in half when he cupped her breasts and rolled her nipples between his fingers.

  “Oh – my – God!” she stammered as she fought for her breath.

  “Give in, Marie.” She shook violently as hot warning tingles swept her up in a flood of ecstasy. “That’s it… come for me,” he urged as she screamed his name.

  Marianna’s jerking body fought his ropes with frantic, uncontrolled movements. When the second wave hit, it hit harder than the first. Her nipples beaded and tingled, now impossibly tight and so tender that the sensation caused her to jolt and lurch when his fingers stroked them again. Her pussy milked the cock inside her clenching it over and over until she was spent. Every muscle in her body quivered and rippled as she fought for air. Her body shook as the sensations layered over one another, pleasure, bondage, pain. It was too much and too fast to process. The humming inside her pussy slowed then stopped.

  Marianna had no idea how long they’d been playing, but she knew she’d been thoroughly fucked and spent as he pulled the cock out of her pussy. He pushed the blindfold away and she blinked even in the dim light before she fell forward.

  “Easy, sweetheart,” he coaxed as he kissed her temple then eased her down as he quickly undid all of his ropes.

  The feel of his lips on her forehead, neck, and cheek as he untied her made her shiver and moan in feeble pleasure. The weakness in her limbs startled her. For as long as she’d been in the lifestyle, nothing compared to what she’d just experienced. Was this what a submissive felt at the end of a play session? Dear lord… I see why it’s so addicting… She never realized that pleasure could be so intense or could drain someone so thoroughly. Lars seated himself on the floor and pulled her onto his lap as he held her close.


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