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Dominant Persuasions Anthology: 12 Tales of D/s, Where Mastery Meets Passion

Page 42

by Anthology

  “It's just his eye,” Drew explained, “…which might have to be removed…”

  “A sick kitten with one eye! You really are going for Fiancé of the Year here…”

  “No, actually,” Drew said, eyeing up that second open beer on the vanity. But he couldn’t. He had to maintain his control to play with his darling Maxine that afternoon. It was New York’s roughest winter in years with yet another blizzard coating the city in mounds of snow. In a rare move, Broadway shows were shuttered. Drew had the entire Saturday off. “More like Husband of the Year, Cheese Puff.”

  “Oh, God,” Adam said, patting his hand over his heart, “don't say that, bro. I'm in denial…”

  “April’s not so far away, buddy!”

  “And I’m hoping your wedding is just one big fat Fool’s Day joke…” he said and returned to the task at hand. “You know…I could so easily screw this up for you so that when your new little baby kittens poop in this contraption, the water pipes will just explode!”

  Drew's face suddenly turned dark—almost mean—and he pointed his finger at Adam. “Don't fuck with my self-cleaning litter box, you asshole…”

  “Okay…I'm just gonna ask.” Adam fiddled with the wrench, attaching the hose from the kitty potty to the pipes on the wall. “How much did you spend on this thing?”

  “I dunno,” Drew shrugged. “Four hundred, maybe…with the extras…probably closer to five.”

  “You spent five hundred dollars on a fucking litterbox for Maxine’s Valentine’s kittens—and one can't even see?” Adam shouted. “Are you fucking dying? Like high fever…the plague…Ebola?”

  “No, Adam, I just want them to have the best of everything,” he explained. “And I did exactly what Maxine would have done herself and chose the least desirable kittens who truly needed a good home.”

  “No, Drew,” he mocked his brother, “you sent me on a wild goose chase to the backwoods of Pennsylvania to pick them up. And now you have me hooking up a litter box to your toilet.”

  With the roll of his eyes, Drew chose to ignore his brother again. But that beer was looking ever more enticing by the second. “And I bought two of those five hundred dollar litter boxes—the other one is for the bath downstairs,” Drew explained. “They eliminate the waste with every use.”

  “You’re too damn lazy to scoop a cat shitter?” Adam winced as he maneuvered around, his fingers toying with the tubes. “What about the poop? Where the hell does that go?”

  “It, um, liquefies it…somehow…”

  “I would find another fiancé if I were Miss M. Some Valentine’s gifts! Maimed kittens…liquid poop…” Then, in Drew-fashion, Adam smacked his head against the toilet as he returned to tighten up his handiwork. “Shit!”

  Temptation on overload, Drew had already lifted the beer bottle to his lips and muttered out the corner of his mouth, “Asshole…”

  “You can install the other pooper scooper yourself, you Tony-winning, dick-headed, lazy excuse for a cat dad—”

  Raising his hand, Drew cut Adam off. “I did not win the Tony yet,” he said. “Don’t jinx me.”

  “But you’re fully admitting that you’re a dickhead.”


  “Yes, big brother?”

  “Go to hell,” Drew snapped. “But not before you’re finished there…”

  * * *

  Onward, Maxine trudged into the building. With his back to the revolving door, Adam didn’t notice when she dragged herself into the lobby, kicking the snow from her boots.

  Adam had to talk to everyone, and he was far too busy yapping away with that lobby attendant who just made her skin crawl. There was just something about him that was a little too curious for Maxine’s liking from the beginning. Now, he hit on her all the time even when she and Drew were together. Drew promised he’d speak to the board about him. He just hadn’t had the time to make his case with eight shows a week, a wedding to plan and one day off.

  With a she-devilish grin, Maxine had to stand on her toes to reach out to tap Adam’s shoulder. “Whatcha doing here?”

  Startled, Adam nearly tripped over himself as he turned around. Flustered didn’t begin to define his demeanor.

  “Why, Maxine!” was all he could manage as he swept his arms through the air then pulled her close for one of his bear hugs. “Where did you come from?”

  “I live here. With your brother. My fiancé. Dr. Drew. Remember him?”

  Jumping up and down, Adam nearly shouted, “I sure do!”

  From behind Adam’s broad shoulders, she felt the eyes of that damn lobby attendant scoping them while he eavesdropped on every second of their conversation. “And what brings you to the neighborhood?”

  “Well, I just had to wish my brother a Happy V.D.!”

  “In person?” she challenged. “A text doesn’t work for you?”

  Scrambling, he shuffled his boots against the marble floor. She was the tiniest person ever to make the giant that was Adam McKenzie nervous. “Not when you love a brother as much as I love Drew.”

  Somehow, Maxine had to make her way to the public elevator—not the private car that carried her directly to the penthouse. Her bags were getting heavy. While her curiosities ran wild, she had to cut Adam short, regardless of his bullshit excuses for being in their lobby on one of the worst winter days to be seen that season.

  “Guess you’re leaving now to head back to Jillian?”

  “Yes!” he said, relief pouring forth from his voice. “And I need to go right now before this storm gets worse…”

  “Of course, you do!” Maxine agreed as Adam rushed past her to get to the door. “And Happy Valentine’s Day, Future Brother-in-Law!”

  “Back atcha, Max. And keep my brother in line. Give him a good Valentine’s spanking or something….”

  Sometimes, as she’d learned from Drew, ignoring Adam was the easiest thing to do. However, she just had to know how the hell he figured into whatever surprise Drew had in store. The fight with herself to curtail her laughter continued as she headed upstairs. Down that familiar hallway on the twenty-fifth floor, she hauled her goodies.

  Once she hurried inside and locked the door, though, Maxine began to panic.

  Plopping the two shopping bags to the polished hardwoods with a thud, Maxine stood between the purple velvet sofa and the four poster bed and willed herself to calm down.

  Ticking off her mental list, she needed to put the damn caviar in the fridge and start the chocolate sauce. And then she had to figure out how the hell to wiggle her way into that lingerie she carefully selected for their very first Valentine’s Day together.

  First, though, she had to text Drew.

  Kind Sir,

  Will you please meet me in the Dungeon

  at noon for a little surprise?

  xx M

  As she poured a generous amount of gel fuel over the grill to begin warming the fondue pot, she unbuttoned her little red blouse with her free hand.

  Multi-tasking was crucial to pulling everything off before Drew’s arrival. As she struck the flame, she struggled with her jeans, shoving them down her hips and kicking them to the floor. Panties…bra…socks! She had so much to remove, and so little time. And there was no stalling Drew now that she’d sent her invitation. He was never late. Not even a blizzard could keep him away.

  Pulling out her skimpy, silky attire from the layers of tissue paper in which the pieces were wrapped, she held up the red satiny ribbons between her thumb and forefinger, still pondering what part went where.

  The small photo on her iPhone didn't help to guide her at all. This little get-up—the birthday suit playset from Agent Provocateur—should have clearly been sold with its own set of instructions.

  However, she took one quick break to read Drew’s response.

  I shall be there precisely at noon, little one.

  Kisses, KS

  Maxine found herself running out of time. Oh, what an interesting afternoon it was going to be…if she could
only figure out her own fucking lingerie!

  “Easy stuff first,” Maxine coached herself as she slipped her toes into the foot of the red fishnet thigh-highs. “Just don't fall on your ass, Captain!”

  The sparkly heart-shaped pasties, complete with tassels, were quite simple to adhere. Capping her tiny but taut nipples, she knew she was only arousing herself with her costume. However, it never took much. In fact, there were times when she could will herself to orgasm just thinking of Drew—without touching herself.

  Oh, if he only knew about her little secret, he'd punish her. Perhaps she needed to confess. She wondered what his trusted Naughty Sassy Maxine App would have to say about that little indiscretion.

  Louboutin heels in one hand and the silky little garment in her other, she made her way to the full-length mirror to slink into her Valentine's Day outfit. Once she'd pulled the panties on, the straps that crossed over her tummy were relatively easy to maneuver around. With bows fastened at the neck and hips, she felt like a giant Valentine's Day gift, all wrapped in crimson just for her Kind Sir.

  Mustering her poise, she made her way back toward the tiny kitchen. However, just as she began to stir the chocolate sauce, the first of the three locks on the door turned.

  Maxine stopped suddenly, frozen in time. She hadn't even picked up her clothes yet! Oh, Drew was going to be one Cranky Sir in about a minute.

  Folding his hands together, he merely shook his head as he looked around.

  “You know I don't like to punish you on holidays, Almost Mrs. Mack…”

  Protest, and he'll do it! she thought to herself. “But the snow…and Zabar's was packed…and I wanted to…I just…” She noticed that her voice always seemed to rise an octave when they played.

  “What the hell is going on here? This isn’t your bedroom back at the old townhouse, Maxine!” He kicked her bra and sent it scudding across the floor. Through his gruff, though, Maxine could see that smile of approval as he appraised her new little outfit. In his mind, Drew was already unwrapping those bows. “Now, I come here…expecting a little Valentine’s Day release with my fiancé. There's a mess on the floor. And dammit…she's not in position yet.”

  Turning carefully in those damn shoes, Maxine rolled her shoulders back, the tassels swinging to and fro as she swiveled.

  “But I…you…we have…”

  “Uh-uh-uh!” Drew raised his hand as he crossed the room toward her. “Excuses are not accepted, and you should know that by now.”

  In one swift move, he'd clasped her hands in his and held them above her head as he pinned her body against the cold stainless steel refrigerator. “Should I deny you on this frigid, snowy afternoon?”

  Now was her chance to spill the beans and send her punishment into overdrive. “I can do that myself, Kind Sir,” she insisted. “Without touching myself.”

  Raising a brow, his pride swelled. Such a perfect submissive was she.

  “Oh, yeah, Sassypants?” he challenged as he pulled his hands away to pluck at her straps. “Show me…”

  Maxine took one very slow, deep breath into her lungs. Wrapping her fingers around the refrigerator door handle, she opened her green eyes wide and held his gaze as he watched her. Already, she could feel her clit twitching beneath that damp wisp of satin that covered her, and her nipples throbbed against those little pasties.

  “Uhhhhhhh…” she groaned.

  However, Drew couldn't resist closing just a bit of distance between them, fearing she'd collapse and hurt herself as orgasm took hold. Placing a hand on each side of her, he was ready to catch her, just in case.

  “Tell me what you're thinking right now, Maxine.”

  “I'm thinking…ohh, I'm on my knees, Sir…”

  “And what are you doing in your little fantasy?”

  “Sucking you…sucking you off, Sir…and I'm… oh, fuck…!”

  Without warning, she gripped his shoulder as she kicked her heel, scraping it against the hardwood floor. His face was so close, so intense, as she writhed before him but not against him. Drew hadn't laid a single finger on her, yet orgasm consumed her as her body just shook with the shocks of oblivion.

  Drew's thoughts were likewise awhirl. Her sexual appetite knew no boundaries. Maxine’s need to please him—and to please herself—astounded him. Seeing her shuddering and screaming when all he'd done was simply walk in the door and give her a mild scolding nearly reduced him to ashes.

  He fucking hated losing control with her, but he simply couldn't resist slipping his hands between them to rip away those two little hearts from her nipples. He dipped his head to bite down and pulled one swollen little bud between his teeth.

  “So help me, Maxine, if I come in my fucking jeans…you're getting spanked until next Valentine's D—”

  Reality, however, struck him suddenly like a lightning bolt to a tree.


  The power went out.

  The last time the city lost complete power was during Hurricane Sandy, sending him to camp out with his parents for a few days until electric was restored. However, with a foot of snow on the ground—and continuing to fall—there was no way he was about to leave this building.

  “Drew…” Maxine finally managed, her breathing ragged. “My first New York blackout?”

  The blinds were drawn, so they were left in near darkness but for the tiny flame flickering beneath the fondue pot. There was no way that he could walk Maxine up the emergency staircase to the penthouse at that given moment. Lou was still hunkering down at their place. Their body heat would have to keep them warm for a while.

  Thinking quickly, he murmured against her hair, “Little one? Listen to me, okay?” His mood shifted from Domination to tenderness in about two seconds.


  “We're breaking scene for a moment, alright?” he said, carefully sliding down her body to carefully remove each shoe. “Hold on to my waist, and I'm going to help you to the bondage bed. Got it?”

  “Still playing…?”

  “In a bit, little one, just let me—fuck!” Nearly tripping over her clothes on the floor as he led her through the darkness, he muttered under his breath, “This is why you need to pick up after yourself…”

  Somehow, he managed to ease her up on the soft leather mattress without incident, then turned to find the candle on the vanity behind him. Removing her from that little bit of lingerie she was wearing was going to be another task.

  The absolute silence brought an uncanny calm to the room. Curling up against Drew’s chest, she mused that with the blizzard shutting down the entire city, the lack of random street noises to which she'd grown so accustomed enhanced the atmosphere.

  “I hope that you still can find your way in this blackout.”

  “Maxine, I think I know my way around your body in the dark.”

  That was true. And now, he even knew his way around the Dungeon. In fact, he’d spent an entire day while she was at work, opening drawers and closets just to acquaint himself with their personal playspace. He memorized where she’d placed every last nipple clamp and where she stored their stash of diaper cream. This was indeed Maxine’s playroom.

  Drew’s first order of business, however, was to open the blinds. They needed any bit of light they could get in that dark dungeon before he gathered her toys.

  All the while, Maxine tried to guess what he was digging for in her toybox. Drew had clicked on the flashlight on his phone and hovered overhead. He looked like a miner searching for coal.

  However, as she continued to fantasize about Valentine's Day Blackout Sex, her nose caught the drift of something not so pleasant.


  “What, little one?” he whispered, exasperated.

  “I smell chocolate burning…”

  Of course, they'd both forgotten about the damn fondue pot between Maxine's magical orgasm and the fucking blackout. If nothing else, he reasoned as his boots pounded across the floor to attend to the flame, the drama settled his d
ick down for a few seconds.

  So much for feasting on fine chocolate from your fiancée’s nipples this afternoon, Drew thought.

  First, though, he had to forego his own rule about holidays and issue her punishment.

  After helping her to sit up, he scooted her along, just so that she was sitting on the very edge of the bed. Dutifully, she opened her legs for him. And those little red panties were dripping dangerously.

  “Quite adorable, Maxine,” he complimented, pulling at one of the straps, “but unfortunately, this has to go…” In truth, Drew simply needed to rid his filthy mind of the thoughts of her earlier orgasm in this little piece of lingerie.

  Maxine stretched her neck out so that he could unfasten the bow at the collar. “Lift,” he tapped her hip, and dragged her panties away, allowing them to fall to the floor.

  One hand on each thigh, he rolled her red stockings down her legs and allowed those to drop to the floor, too.

  “Now…” He folded his arms over his chest and just looked at her with her head hung in obedience. “Five cracks—and one clothespin—for everything on my list today. Got it, Sassypants?”

  No wonder the birthrate went up with blackouts. Maxine thought they were having just far too much fun!

  “Yes, Sir…”

  Taking her chin in his hands, he lifted her head. “Are you going to come again?”

  “No, Sir!”

  “Good,” he said shortly. “Now…confess…”

  “I wasn't ready for you this afternoon, Kind Sir…”


  “And I wasn't in position.”

  “Keep talking, Maxine,” he prompted.

  “I-I let myself come…without you, Sir…touching me…or permission…”

  “Yes, you did,” he said with appreciation…then stopped himself. “Then what?”

  “If the power hadn't gone out…you would have come…and spanked me…” Damn generator failure, she thought.

  “And I would have made you clean up the mess, too,” he added.


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