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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

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by Sy Walker

  Luke raised his eyebrow, a wizened, whimsical look on his face.

  “I don’t know. My life is kinda upside down right now,” Greg sighed. Jake grinned.

  “Can’t be that bad, you ain’t dead yet.”

  “No…I’m still here,” Greg agreed. Still, it felt miserable, and he was sure that the older man was probably making fun of him. He probably had a husband out there somewhere waiting for him to get back.

  Suddenly, Greg’s phone buzzed and tore him away from the thought. He checked it and cried out in alarm. It was a message on his ShiftMe app from the terrifying shifter he had contacted, and had finally gotten out of his thoughts. With Luke there it was easier to be able to forget what had just happened. Now it was right in front of him all over again.

  “What is it?” Luke asked, prickling and coming close to Greg to see over his shoulder at the screen.

  I’m hunting you down after sunset, baby twink.

  “That jackass,” Luke said with a sigh. “Let me go get my jacket.”

  “What for?” Greg asked, bewildered.

  “I’m going to have to take you home with me tonight to protect you from that idiot.”

  Greg’s heart leapt to his throat and Luke disappeared into the club for a moment. He returned soon after with a leather jacket draped over his firm body and a smile playing at his lips.

  “Follow me,” he said.

  Greg obeyed, not knowing what else to do. It wasn’t every day he found himself in a ridiculous situation like this, but somehow he had managed to secure the protection of a man like Luke. What would he expect in return, he wondered? Maybe he could cook dinner for him, or clean…

  “Wear this,” Luke said, stopping in front of a beautiful motorcycle. It was the nicest in the parking lot, although most people had taken bikes to the club that night. It was dazzling, even in the moonlight, and looked down at the black helmet that Luke had just shoved into his hands. He fastened it to his head.

  “Are you sure this is necessary?” Greg stammered as Luke mounted the bike. “I could just go home. He doesn’t know where I live.”

  “Silly boy,” Luke said, shaking his head. “That man can smell you and your fear. He’ll be on you like white on rice, no matter where you are in the city. But he knows better than to encroach on my turf. I’m respected here. Now shut your pretty lips and brace yourself. She goes fast.”

  Luke patted the bike fondly before revving the engine. Greg gasped in surprise when the bike bolted forward.

  “Hang on, Greg,” Luke hollered with a pleased whoop into the night. Greg gripped the older man’s chest for dear life as they sped down the highway, the bright beam of the bike’s headlight guiding the way to the safety of Luke’s house.

  Chapter 4

  On the road, Greg felt like he was flying. He had never been on a motorcycle before. The closest thing he had was an electric scooter that he had used in college to save money. It was fun, but nothing like the speed and power of Luke’s motorcycle speeding boldly down the highway.

  “This is amazing!” Greg exclaimed.

  “That’s nothing,” Luke called back to him. “Look at the stars!”

  Greg wasn’t sure when it had happened, but somehow they had traveled outside the city. He was only used to seeing a couple of stars twinkling sadly in the sky as the rest were concealed by light pollution. But out on the open road, the sky had opened up into a whole new world of bright, twinkling lights, constellations, and even planets.

  “A shooting star!” Greg cried, taking one of his hands from around Luke’s waist and pointing up at the sky. Luke chuckled, pleased by Greg’s delight.

  “Make a wish, boy!”

  It was a strange and impulsive thing to wish, but Greg squeezed his eyes tightly closed, and wished with all he had that he would never forget the feeling of freedom he had been blessed with by climbing onto Luke’s bike that night. At first he had been nervous, but somehow, he had been able to trust the man almost instantly. Whether it was because he had proven his initiative by protecting him from the terrifying shifter he had hoped to hook up with, or because he was just a comforting sort of man, Greg had never felt safer.

  Finally, the bike slowed and pulled into a dirt driveway that Greg otherwise would have missed if he were driving or didn’t know exactly what he was looking for. They rode through thick forest and finally rolled to a stop outside a modest sized house. It was sturdy and well-built, but lacked the refining qualities of many of the modern conventional houses people in the city had custom made.

  “Is this your house?” Greg asked dumbly as Luke climbed off the motorcycle. The man’s blue eyes twinkled.

  “Yes sir. Do you approve?”

  “Of course,” Greg said, scrambling off the bike to face Luke. “I didn’t mean…”

  “No, it’s fine,” Luke chuckled. “Of course it’s fine. Come on in.”

  They sauntered toward the doorway and Greg hung back, feeling a little bit apprehensive. The image of Luke having a husband waiting for him at home hadn’t left his head. They would undoubtedly have the perfect relationship; a couple of aged wolf shifters who were just old enough to know how the world worked, and still young enough to take it for all it was worth.

  “What’s the matter, kid?” Luke asked, raising an eyebrow at him. He hadn’t realized it, but he had come to a full stop outside the front door.

  “Do you live with anyone else? Are you sure they wouldn’t mind me being here?”

  “Someone else?” Luke asked, as if confused by the concept. “Hell no. I’m a lone wolf.”

  A surge of excitement swelled in Greg’s chest. The man was ridiculously attractive. And he was single.

  “You coming or what?” Luke asked, opening the door. “Don’t have all night. I’m ready for supper.”

  “You haven’t eaten yet?” Greg asked. “Let me make you dinner. As a thank you.”

  “I don’t do thank-yous,” Luke said, his boots thudding heavily on the wooden floor as he crossed into the kitchen. “I only do what I want. You don’t have much to do with that.”

  Greg stammered when Luke disappeared into the kitchen and took the opportunity to look around the room. They had come into a wide, spacious living room, heated by an old fashioned wood stove. The whole place was perfumed by the sweet scent of burning wood, and the whole place had a natural, earthy feel that made Luke feel instantly at home.

  “Sit down,” Luke ordered from the kitchen. He couldn’t see Greg and Greg couldn’t see him, but he instantly obeyed. There was a handmade coffee table full of books and pens. Greg opened one of them, surprised to find that it was a sketchbook. Inside were beautiful, intricate drawings of wolves of all kinds; most of them at home in the deep wiles of nature.

  “Don’t recall saying you could look at those,” Luke said with an edge to his voice when he came back from the kitchen. He was holding two mugs of coffee and handed one to Greg. Greg took it, lowering his eyes apologetically.

  “I’m sorry, I thought it was just…”

  Luke lowered himself beside Greg and chuckled.

  “Don’t be sorry, boy. I should be sorry for being such a bad host. I guess I spend so much time alone out here that anyone messing with my things gets me a little bit territorial.”

  Greg laughed quietly and sipped his coffee. For some reason he had expected it to be strong, but it had a perfect blend of sweetness. In fact, he had never had coffee so good.

  “So what’s it like to be a wolf shifter?” Greg asked, unable to restrain his curiosity. This lifestyle seemed so exotic and interesting. It was nothing like the vapid, shallow life he had built around himself and his ungrateful ex Jorge.

  “It’s exhausting,” Luke replied, leaning back into the couch cushions. “I’m an old man. You would think you humans would learn a thing or two about respecting your elders.”

  “What do you mean?” Greg asked, immediately feeling as if he had done something terribly wrong.

  “It gets tiring fighting
off all the stories of persecution, having to avoid people who come out to the forest with guns and shoot on sight without ever stopping to wonder if we pose a threat or not. We’ve lost a lot of our kind over the years. A lot. We’re close to extinction. But I bet you didn’t even know that. News stations keep it all under wraps. Everyone’s afraid of us and think the less the better. But they sure as hell won’t advertise it.”

  Greg was horrified. Luke must have seen the startled, sorrowful look on his face, because he smiled and patted Greg’s leg.

  “It’s not your fault, kid. Just the way it is. Way of the world. Humans do the same thing with each other all the time over this difference or that. Hard to trust you sneaky buggers.”

  “So why did you save me?” Greg asked. He felt like he definitely didn’t deserve to be saved. Not after putting himself into such a stupid and reckless situation. And especially not after hearing about the injustices that humans were doing to the wolf shifters. That had to be a lot to endure, and Greg was ashamed of the humans for their intolerance and embarrassed to be among them as a species.

  “Oh, I don’t know. Hero complex. Or maybe I just think you’re cute.”

  Greg looked into Luke’s bright blue eyes in surprise. They sparkled mischievously. “But you wouldn’t like an old fart like me anyway. Has nothing to do with that. I guess I think it’s worth looking past differences sometimes. Not everyone is a fool. You gave me good vibes.”

  “Good vibes isn’t much to go on,” Greg said, laughing nervously. However, his heart was drumming wildly in his chest. The idea that this incredibly alluring man had somehow been attracted to him changed everything. He was single. He was comforting. And he was sexy.

  “To a wolf shifter, good vibes are everything,” Luke said seriously. “We sense things that you guys are oblivious to. I could tell you were afraid. I could even tell that you were a kind person with a high sperm count.”

  Greg grew red and a burst of laughter escaped his lips.

  “Are you being serious?” he asked, turning his wide green eyes onto Luke.

  “A wolf never lies.”

  “Is that true?”

  Greg had heard similar things before, but he had always taken it with a grain of salt. What kind of person never really lied? It seemed impossible. Then again, he supposed the whole idea of wolf shifters was kind of impossible. They had only been forced out of hiding a few decades ago, when humans were encroaching on their territory to build condos. In fact, the one Jorge had insisted they rent had once been a sacred ground to the wolf shifters. The whole thing had left Greg feeling uncomfortable, but Jorge loved it.

  “Stick around and find out for yourself,” Luke said.

  The man’s handsome face creased into a magnetic smile and Greg found himself drawn in. He seemed to have no will of his own anymore; just the simple longing to bask in the glow of this beautiful man. As if he could sense Greg’s feeling (indeed, he probably was able to do just that, Greg realized) Luke leaned in close, his eyes dancing with pleasure and mystery. Greg’s heart pounded when Luke’s lips finally touched his own and they were swept away by a tidal wave of desire.

  “You all right with this?” Luke asked, apparently just in case he had read Greg wrong.

  “Yes,” Greg whispered. Luke grinned and Greg moaned abruptly in pleasure as his hand plunged deep into Greg’s jeans. The fun was about to begin.

  Chapter 5

  Luke led Greg into his bedroom; a simple space with a handmade dresser and a comfortable bed with a blue blanket draped over it. The end table had an oil lamp and more books and pens, but before Greg could comment on that, Luke’s lips were pressed hard against his. The man was certainly assertive, and Greg found himself loving every second of it.

  Soon, Luke’s calloused hands were deeply submerged into Greg’s jeans again, gripping his hard cock and stroking expertly. He clearly had experience with pleasuring a man before, but Greg wasn’t about to complain. The old dog knew a lot of tricks that were new to him, and before Greg could register what was happening, Luke’s tongue was spiraling around the sensitive head of his penis, sending a blast of fire shooting through Greg’s loins.

  They moaned in unison as Greg grew harder under Luke’s touch and they both began to strip. Luke’s eyes widened as Greg’s muscular torso was revealed, and he tugged Greg’s jeans off for him. Greg’s erection was firm and tall, curving to his bellybutton. Luke gripped it with his lips as he tugged off his own pants and shirt, revealing his body to Greg.

  Greg had never seen a more beautiful specimen in all his life. Even Jorge, who had been the talk of the town for so long couldn’t compare. All of his friends couldn’t shut up about what a catch Jorge was. But it was only to Greg’s detriment for being swayed by Jorge’s charisma and self-importance. Luke was nothing like the modest, sexy wolf shifter who was giving him untold pleasures right that moment. Luke’s body seemed to know exactly how to move against his to bring him the most pleasure, and it was the single most erotic experience of his life.

  “I want you to go inside me,” Greg panted when Luke surfaced for air and grinned at the boy.

  “No you don’t,” Luke laughed, flipping Greg over and running the length of his massive, swollen shaft along Greg’s ass crack. They both moaned.

  “I do!” Greg exclaimed.

  “I guess I should have a condom floating around here somewhere,” Luke sighed, reaching to the drawer in his end table and retrieving protection.

  “Yes,” Greg hissed, watching Luke slip the rubber over his pulsing groin. He could still see the red tint of his member through the cloudy latex and soon Luke was behind him again, pressing gently against Greg’s opening and reaching around to fondle his balls.

  “Are you sure?” Luke asked. “You’ve never been with a shifter before. I’m kind of the big leagues. If you want someone to sweet talk you, you might as well get back on that fancy dating app you have and find someone your own age.”

  “Just do it,” Greg begged.

  “All right,” Luke said. Greg could hear his grin in his voice and the older man trailed his fingers along Greg’s sensitive back. “Anything you’d like.”

  Suddenly, Greg was crying out in a combination of pain and pleasure as Luke rammed himself completely inside of him. The suddenness of the gesture almost made him come right away, but Luke was experienced. He slowed his hips and dragged himself out slowly before entering again. It was enough to quell the climax but sent a hot fire through Greg.

  “Don’t stop,” he pleaded.

  “I have no intention to,” Luke said with a chuckle.

  The couple moaned as Luke began to speed his thrusts, prying himself into Greg’s most intimate of areas and bringing them both untold pleasure. Luke stopped for a moment, leaving Greg to feel his shaft pulsing in the heat of his hole as Luke fondled him, rubbing the head of his cock in small circles with his thick fingers.

  Finally, Greg gasped as Luke gripped him by the neck and held him firmly in place so that he could unleash all of his strength on the boy. Luke grunted with pleasure as he pushed inside Greg again and again, their bodies merging. He unleashed an animalistic roar as a superhuman surge of strength urged him onward. Greg was frozen at Luke’s mercy as the man used his body for all it was worth, pleasuring himself first and foremost, while at the same time making sure that Greg wasn’t left behind in the fun.

  Greg’s eyes widened and his entire body began to shudder as Luke let out an ear-piercing howl. He was coming, and coming hard. Greg’s eyes widened as he felt the liquid explosion, bursting through the confines of the condom that had broken with Luke’s intense passion. They both began to climax together, Greg into Luke’s open palm and Luke, still releasing stream after hot stream into Greg’s body.

  When he was finally done, Luke pulled away and they grinned at each other. Luke was panting but otherwise he looked as fit as a fiddle.

  “Oops,” he said, looking down at Greg’s abdomen. “You know, I asked if you were sure for
a reason. Did you do your homework kid?”


  “Do you know anything about the ultra-fertility of my kind? The fact that men can get other men pregnant? The risks involved in intimacy with a wolf shifter?”

  Jorge had spoken time and again about how dangerous shifters were, but his ranting never had anything to do with unplanned pregnancy. Greg shook his head in bewilderment and Luke pointed down at Greg’s belly.

  “Look for yourself, kiddo.”

  “Stop calling me a kid!” Greg exclaimed, looking down at his abdomen. He cried out in surprise when he saw that it was already swollen and purple.

  “Yeah, looks like my seed likes you. Gestation is moving along quickly, even for shifter babies. That’s a good sign.”

  “I can’t be a father!” Greg exclaimed, scrambling to his feet.

  “Too late for that,” Luke laughed. He continued belly laughing as Greg ran from the room and into the bathroom, where he immediately began retching from the hard toll of pregnancy.

  Chapter 6

  Greg immediately wanted to go home. What had he been thinking, hooking up with a wolf shifter? It was the most reckless thing he had ever done in his life. But the strange thing was, when he was with Luke, Jorge was the furthest thing from his mind. Although he had originally wanted to hook up with a wolf shifter for revenge’s sake, somehow all of that went out the window when Luke was around. It didn’t feel forced or rebellious or dangerous. It just felt natural.

  A knock sounded suddenly at the bathroom door.

  “Go away!” Greg exclaimed, embarrassed that he had run from the room to be sick. He wished he was back in the safety of Marty’s apartment right now, where none of this would be happening. He looked down at his swollen purple abdomen and groaned. How could he show his face to anybody in this state?

  “Are you all right?” Luke’s textured voice asked. He sounded gentle compared to the other wolf shifters he had spoken to. He thought that bikers were supposed to be all hardass. Somehow he had found himself with one who was compassionate enough to save a total stranger and check up on him while he was puking in the bathroom.


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