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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 4

by Sy Walker

  “Yeah, I know exactly what you mean,” Greg said. “I have a good feeling about you too.”

  “Well good. Now I have a crazy thought. What if we tried doing this together? It doesn’t work out, it doesn’t work out and we can do with it like adults. We’ll figure out a way to deal with the kid, and it will be all right. But if it does work out, maybe it will be the best choice either of us has ever made. What do you think?”

  “I think I like the sound of it,” Greg said. “I know this is crazy, but I never expected anything like this happen to me. And I really do like you. I wasn’t even thinking about my acts when we were together. Which is weird. Because the whole reason I was looking for a shifter tonight was because of revenge. I wanted him to feel like shit knowing what he had done for me and I thought this was the only way to make you feel anything at all. He was the last thing from my mind today and yesterday and I have you to thank for that.”

  Luke laughed. “Well you certainly changed my plans for the week. But that’s not something that I’m upset about.”

  “What kind of plans did you have for this week?” Greg asked.

  “Shifter stuff, nothing special,” Luke said.

  “Like what?”

  “I was going to go out into the forest and do some communing with nature. Maybe a little bit of hunting? I really enjoy being outdoors you know? Maybe you would like it too.”

  “I don’t know; I was raised in the city so I haven’t had a whole lot of opportunity to be out in the world like that.”

  “Seriously? You’ve never slept under the stars? This would be a great way to get out of the house and get to know each other a little bit better. We can see if this thing we’re thinking about is feasible or not. What do you say? How about a camping trip?!”

  Luke’s face lit up and Greg laughed. He looks like an excited puppy, and he could see the wolf shifter in him more clearly than he had yet. It was actually really endearing, and Greg knew it would be impossible to say no to that excited face. For an older man, he sure could look quite youthful at times. It must have been the spirit of the wolf within him.

  “That sounds perfect,” Greg said, and Luke let out a whoop.

  “It’s settled then; I’m going to start packing right now.”

  Luke stood quickly from the table and rushed out of the kitchen.

  “What about your breakfast?” Greg called after him, smiling and shaking his head from all the excitement.

  “I’m fine, I’ll eat when I’m done. You just help yourself and don’t worry about leaving me anything, I ate while I was cooking,” Luke’s voice said, sounding far away as he bustled throughout the house gathering supplies.

  Greg grinned as he finished his breakfast. This man was really something else, and he was really starting to like that.

  Chapter 8

  By the mid-afternoon, Luke had finished packing up all of the supplies that they needed for their camping trip. It was all put together in a rather large backpack that Luke strapped around his broad torso before offering his hand to Greg.

  “Get ready for the time of your life boy,” Luke said, his face alight with the prospect of adventure. Greg took his hand and Luke led him out of the house, locking it behind him.

  “Are we taking the motorcycle?” Greg asked.

  “No way, were taking our feet. The hike down to one of the best spots I know. It will take a few hours, but a little exercise is really good for you and the pup. Studies have shown that pups with parents who exercise while they were in utero grow up smarter and healthier.”

  Instead of asking what kinds of studies have been done and when, Greg simply nodded. It sounded legitimate. Similar things had probably been discovered about human babies as well. He couldn’t be sure. It wasn’t as if he read “Pregnancy Weekly” magazine or something. He had never been pregnant before and had never thought it was possible. Not even when he found out that the wolf shifters had the magic touch.

  Soon, Luke led Greg to a trail deep in the woods behind his house. They began walking and Luke inhaled deeply, turning to Greg with a broad smile that made Greg’s heart flutter. “Smell that fresh air?”

  Greg nodded and mimicked the deep breath that Luke had taken. “Smells a lot different than the city air.”

  “Hell yeah it does!” Luke exclaimed. “There is how to take care of its own. So many people forget that.”

  After a few hours of walking, Greg was exhausted. His stomach rumbled loudly and Luke paused.

  “Sounds about time for lunch,” he said.

  “That sounds good,” Greg agreed. He hadn’t felt so famished in years. “I can’t believe how hungry I am.”

  “Oh, that must be the pup,” Luke said proudly. “We have voracious appetites. I’ll build a fire and cook the steaks I brought.”

  “You brought steak?!” Greg asked.

  “Of course,” Luke said, raising his eyebrow at Greg as if he were stupid. “It’s what pregnant men always want. Isn’t it?”

  Greg frowned as he realized it was right. Nothing else sounded better to him than a steak lunch.

  “That’s because the pups always need a lot of protein. They grow up big carnivores, though not generally the kind that eat humans, despite popular belief.”

  “I guess I hadn’t thought much about that.”

  Luke took his bag off and stretched. Greg’s eyes secretly roamed the man’s perfect body as he set to work getting the fire going. “We’re going to get you fed and then move on to the place where we’ll be sleeping tonight. How’s that sound?”

  “Sounds good to me,” Greg replied, grinning.


  They fell into easy conversation as Luke worked to cook the steaks, which he had packed in a small cooler filled with ice. He even brought more of the herbal drink for Greg in a huge thermos, and pulled him out a glass and filled it for him to sip on as Luke finished up the steak.

  Finally, the food was done being prepared and Greg’s hunger was satiated. They sat for a few moments beside the fire as Greg digested his meal. The silence was comfortable, unlike the excruciating silences that Greg had shared with Jorge and many of his other ex-boyfriends. Luke seemed comfortable at all times, at ease both with himself and with others. And it was no wonder. He was masterful and skilled in everything Greg saw him attempt. There was nothing about him that was incompetent or unlikeable.

  “How you feeling?” Luke asked after a few moments of silence. He took Greg’s plate and set to work cleaning it for him.

  “Great,” Greg said, surprised by how deeply he meant what he said. It had been a long time since he had been able to feel so deeply relaxed. There seemed to be nothing in the world to worry about. Even the fact that he was pregnant was far from his mind and didn’t feel like a worry. He was enjoying the moment for the first time in years. Nothing seemed like it could be wrong. Everything was in its place.

  “Good,” Luke said, casting a handsome smile to Greg. “I thought some fresh air might do you some good. The pups love it too. Believe it or not, they can tell the difference even before they’re born. We’re really in tune with nature. You might notice yourself feeling a little more sensitive than usual to strange things. Sights, smells, your own natural rhythms. That kind of thing. But most people don’t find it a bad thing. It just is what it is. I’m sure you’re going to love it. Most men, after they’ve been pregnant, miss the feelings of it. A few rare others get to keep the heightened senses. At least, if they take good care of themselves. The ones who go back to the same old terrible routines often just revert back to their old selves. But if you want to be part of the pack, really part of the pack, nature makes a way for you. You might not be a shifter but you’d still be one of us.”

  Greg listened, enrapt by the idea of truly being able to become part of nature. Now that Luke mentioned it, he had been having really strong responses to food and smells. But that was something normal of most pregnant people he had heard. He had never heard that pregnant males could acquire s
hifter like abilities and senses. Would he like them? Would he be able to keep them over the long term? If he gave birth to his healthy shifter pup, would he be able to raise it or would he have to surrender its care over to Luke?

  “I see that worried look on your face,” Luke said from across the crackling fire. “I want you to stop and relax. Nothing bad is going to happen to you or your pups. One way or another, we’re going to work together to make sure they have the best for them. If you want to raise them alone, that’s fine. But all I ask is you let me guide them when it comes to their shifter natures. No shifter to date has been able to fully blend into society. We’re looked down on you know. It’s not fair but it’s the way it is.”

  Greg nodded.

  “Of course. I don’t know the first thing about shifter culture…it would be best if you were involved in their lives. We will figure it out.”

  “Good,” Luke said, his face relaxing into a smile. “You just keep that in mind. We’re going to be all right.”

  Greg’s heart fluttered. He liked the way Luke said “we.” He liked being involved in Luke’s protective sphere. His pack. Nothing sounded more romantic or appealing to Greg than being able to enjoy the rest of his life in this same comfortable sort of life. It was exactly what he hadn’t known was missing from his life until he found it. But did Luke feel the same?

  “Well, looks like it’s about time for us to move on if we’re going to set up camp before sunset,” Luke said, standing and dousing the fire.

  “Okay,” Greg said. He tried getting to his feet and was surprised to feel a searing pain in his back. Luke stopped what he was doing and rushed immediately to his side, taking him by the hand and helping him to his feet.

  “Easy there, boy,” Luke said, his blue eyes worried. “Don’t want to hurt yourself. You’re carrying a heavy load. Not too great for the lower back. But don’t worry, I’ll help you through.”

  Luke held gently to Greg’s hand as Greg finally was able to regain his balance. Finally, when he was convinced that Greg was all right, Luke slung his bag over his shoulders. “Let’s get moving!”

  Chapter 9

  By early evening, Greg had followed Luke deep into the forest. They were well beyond anything Greg had ever explored before, and he found himself getting nervous butterflies in his stomach. What if Luke was only pretending to be the kind of guy every man would be crazy not to want? What if deep down, he was truly just as dangerous as other shifters could be? There was no way of knowing. Although Greg really wanted to trust him, what if he had taken him home and impregnated him on purpose? Maybe he was tired of being lonely and just wanted somebody to keep him company? A family he could take by force?

  But when they stopped and Luke turned his kindly face to Greg and offered him a reassuring smile, Greg felt silly and guilty for doubting Luke’s intentions. Although it was true that you never really knew the kind of person you were with, it still seemed ridiculous that he would be wondering such strange things about Luke. It was probably the hormones, he knew. He had been given no reason to doubt Luke’s intentions. But still, things that were too good to be true, like this amazing, rugged, sexy man, usually were. Or they came with a catch. Maybe the only catch here was that he got Greg pregnant and his life would never be the same again. That wasn’t something he would have to feel too horrible about.

  Luke had decided to settle down right beside a stream. From their vantage point, they could see a small trickling waterfall cascading into the stream. Across the water, the scenery was beautiful. You could see everything for miles, and Greg was blown away by how beautiful the site was.

  “Wow, how did you find this place?” He asked.

  “I was running around one day and decided that I wanted to live right near this area. But I figured if I built a house here, it would ruin the integrity of the place. So I built my house a few miles away right where you saw it.”

  “It must not take you very long to get here when you’re in your wolf form,” Greg said thoughtfully. It was strange to believe that Luke was more than just the typical man. And yet, nothing else could possibly be the truth. He was exceptional in every way, so it made perfect sense that he would also have something incredible and supernatural about his personality.

  “No, I can manage to make it across long distances when I am shape shifting. I’m pretty fast, if I do say so myself. Most people think that a silver wolf might have a problem with being able to keep up, but the fact is that I am able to use my experience and my wits to go even further than most people would believe is possible of me.”

  “Wow,” Greg said, wondering what Luke could possibly look like in his wolf form. He wanted to ask, but he was worried that it would sound rude. One of the things that the wolf shifters were always complaining about was how normal humans were so frequently badgering them to show off their power. It was something that made them feel like they were supposed to be exhibitionists rather than living beings with their own lives. It wasn’t a spectacle for normal humans. It was simply the thing that made them happy and the natural ability that they were able to use.

  Luke smiled over at Greg, and Greg could tell that the wheels in his head were turning. However, he had no idea what the man might be thinking about. Soon however, Luke was standing in front of Greg, the same sexy grin creasing his face.

  “I bet I know something that you’re afraid to ask me,” he said. Greg’s heart pounded. It seemed as if this man was not only gorgeous, but psychic. Or maybe it was his wolf senses being able to tell what kind of things that Greg might be thinking. Or maybe it was his age, giving him the wisdom to be able to understand exactly how other people’s minds could work. Either way, she was insightful and intuitive, and it made Greg both nervous and excited at the same time. What else is he capable of?

  “Oh yeah?” Greg asked, trying to play coy. “What would that be?”

  “I bet you want to see what I look like as a wolf, but you are trying to be all politically correct so that you don’t offend me or some shit. Honestly, a lot of the newer generation are a bunch of wussies. They just want to have something to complain about. There are real problems out there, but people asking questions and simply being curious isn’t one of them. If we cannot get along, then most of the problems they are pitching about wouldn’t exist. But they’re the ones that keep up the negativity. I don’t understand what they are thinking.”

  “Well it’s true, most people if they don’t understand something and they ask a question, they are doing it maliciously or to hurt you. And you’re right, I am dying to know what you look like as a wolf. I noticed while we were... Well anyway, I noticed that you’ve got Wolf tattoos on your back. Is that what you look like?”

  Luke glanced out of the ground and grinned.

  “How about I just show you what I look like? I read that would make you happier than just figuring that I look a little bit like one of the tattoos in my body art.”

  “Did you draw those yourself?” Greg asked. He was carefully avoiding the topic of Greg actually shifting for him. Although he was curious, she was also a little bit scared. He didn’t mind waiting to find out what the man looked like as a wolf. He had never been very comfortable with wolves or dogs after being bitten as a child. He still had the scar on his arm. He didn’t want Luke to think that he was afraid of him. He knew that the wolves could sense fear. But the fear was just of canines in general.

  “Actually yeah. In my down time, I do tattoos. I like to draw and figure things out. I’ve had to do tattoos for most of the shifter’s MC actually, they really love my art. They feel like it’s raw and tribal and it reminds them of what it really means to be a wolf shifter. A lot of the new generation of shifters have been begging me for tattoos, but they don’t understand the spirit of the pack, so I haven’t given them any. That’s part of the reason why that guy who was after you, Bruce, was so mad at both of us. He’s been wanting a tattoo for the longest time, one of mine, but since I refuse he’s had to settle for a random huma
n giving him his. It pisses him off. Especially because they know I’m right when I told them that they are screwing up what we should be standing for. And everybody knows I don’t keep my opinions to myself.”

  “That’s really brave of you,” Greg said, grinning shyly. He really admired the kind of people who were able to speak their mind without being afraid of what other people would think. Luke was clearly that kind of man, and he felt proud to be able to be speaking with him and holding his attention for so long. He knew that a lot of the time, people who only cared about their own values were dismissive of other people if they did not seem to share them. He wasn’t sure what Luke saw in him, but he was glad that there was something.

  “It’s not brave,” Luke said scoffing. “It’s just what a man should do. He should speak his mind and mean what he says. He should learn what he stands for and where he comes from and learn how he can keep up the traditions of the past that made it possible for him to be who he is in the present. It’s pretty simple if you ask me.”

  “I guess I never thought of it that way,” Greg said, looking down at the ground, a little bit embarrassed.

  “Well happy to enlighten you,” Luke said with a chuckle.

  “I’ve been having to hide who I am for a long time. My family never would have accepted it if I was gay. I didn’t have the courage to come out until I was successful in all the ways they thought I should be. I moved to the city where nobody knew who I was and where my family couldn’t find me, and I got that job with my cousin. By the time I finally could afford that condo with my ex, I felt like it was okay to be honest. But it was still hard. It’s hard to admit it but my whole life has been a lie until now. Being with you…this,” Greg gestured down to his swollen belly. “This is the only thing that has ever fell sincere.”

  Greg cut himself off, afraid that he had said too much. It would sound weird if he told Luke how he was feeling. However, since he had laid eyes on the man, he had felt a strong pull to spend his time with him. And he thought it was strange how he had felt immediately a safe and comfortable feeling in the man’s presence. Those were the kinds of things he would normally hide. But Luke seemed to demand total honesty. The kind that most people never were able to admit to. And if they did, they would have to hold their breath and hope for the best.


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