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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 23

by Sy Walker

  He let out a growl, and Maggie felt like he was about to carry her bodily from the establishment. That was when a big, older shifter stepped in.

  “Hey,” this new stranger said. His voice was low, but firm. “I don’t think you understand. This lady here is saying that she does not want to go with you.”

  “Why don’t you mind your own business, pal?” Keith snarled.

  The tall, broad-shouldered man narrowed his eyes a little at Keith, but then he gave a wry smile. “I’m no pal of yours. Now let go of the girl.”

  Maggie could see that Keith really wanted to fight this guy, but he was shorter and much less physically imposing. Also, he was considerably drunker. Suddenly, he released his hold on Maggie, practically throwing her arm away from him as if it repelled him now.

  “Fine,” he growled. “Have it your way. But I’ll be back for you. I’ll deal with you later. This fucking bitch doesn’t need a daddy.”

  With that, he quickly walked out of the club.

  Maggie turned to look up at her rescuer. He was large in many ways, tall and wide of chest. He had graying brown hair and blue eyes that turned toward her as soon as the werewolf was out of sight.

  He reminded Maggie of the Beast from the Beauty and the Beast. Minus the bad attitude. This guy seemed nice.

  “Are you all right?” he asked her in that same low voice, as if he was constantly afraid of being overheard.

  Maggie nodded to him. “I think so. Just a few minor claw marks. Thank you for stepping in.”

  “No problem,” he replied, giving her an unexpectedly gorgeous smile. He really was handsome, but Keith was correct about one thing; this man was at least in his late forties. Maggie was not an ageist or anything, but she was not looking for anything with an older man. Although that might make Tony doubly offended.

  She really needed to stop giving a shit what Tony thought.

  “I’m Maggie,” she introduced herself, offering him her hand.

  He took it and gave it a gentle shake. Her hand was tiny in his giant paws. Is there such a thing as a giant shifter? Maggie scolded herself for being so judgmental.

  “Nice to meet you,” the giant silver fox said. “I’m Luke.”

  Smiling then, she gestured for him to join her at her table. Why the hell not? The least she could do was buy him a drink. He graciously sat down with her, taking a seat across from her instead of uncomfortably close. Already, this guy was a few notches above her last date.

  “What can I get you, Luke?” she asked him. “I insist.”

  He smiled at her again. “Um, nothing fancy. How about a scotch on the rocks?”

  Maggie nodded. “You got it.” She went up to the bar and asked for his requested drink. When she brought it back to him, she was careful to place the little napkin under it. She was pretty sure that he could knock this tiny drink back faster than Keith had with his beer.

  She wasn’t wrong.

  Smirking at him, she decided that it would not be so bad to get to know this guy. “What brings you here? Please tell me your life story and save me the humiliation of being here alone now.”

  Luke gave her a sympathetic look. “I don’t usually come here. Drinking in bars is not really my thing… I run a construction company.”

  Aww, he’s shy. Maggie found that all kinds of adorable, especially because he was like a mammoth but with the personality of a kitten.

  “What do you do?” he asked her, turning the conversation back on her.

  She was amused. Small talk was hard for him, but of course it was. “I used to work for a corporation that sold toys. It was soul-sucking, so I quit. Now, I don’t know what I will do… Something fun, dammit.” Maggie smiled up at him.

  “It’s kind of sad that working for a toy company was not fun,” Luke remarked, smiling slightly.

  Maggie sucked up the last of her mojito. The evening was winding down, and she found herself disappointed. She hadn’t expected it to be some amazing, life-altering thing, but she had hoped to go home and fuck someone. That had been the whole point.

  “I’m going to use the restroom,” he said. “But I’ll be right back.” He looked at her as though he was deeply worried for her, like he wanted to make sure that she knew he was there for her.

  She appreciated it more than he knew. “Actually, I need to use the restroom, too. So perfect timing.”

  They walked together to the restrooms and went their separate ways for the time being. Maggie did in fact have to use the facilities now, so she did so before washing her hands and taking her cell phone out of her bag.

  She called Trish. It had to be about ten by now, so her friend would be available.

  “Hello?” Trish said. “Oh my god, Mags, where are you? I came home and couldn’t find you, and I was like, ‘that’s cool, she’s an adult.’ But it’s been hours.”

  “I know,” Maggie said, noticing how her voice bounced around the bathroom and made her sound louder and more important. “I’m sorry. It’s pretty stupid. I joined this dating app and went off to meet the first guy I met. He turned out to be dick, but then I was rescued by this guy who I’m pretty sure is a former bodybuilder or something.”

  Trish chuckled. “Rebound?”

  “Yup,” Maggie replied. “Total rebound… There’s something else, too. These guys are shifters. I’m in a shifter club at this very moment.”

  “Dude, what? You can’t just casually toss that in there. Don’t get murdered or anything, all right? God, maybe I am your mom now.”

  Maggie laughed. “I won’t, Mom. Thanks. I’ll call you later again, all right? I just wanted to make sure you did not think I had been abducted. I’m pretty sure this guy is a legit nice guy.”

  “Yeah, get that nice hot shifter!”

  Cackling, Maggie ended the call and tossed her phone back into her purse.

  When she exited the ladies’ room, she saw that Luke was standing right there, leaning against the wall opposite the doorway. He looked handsome in his jeans and his button-up that was open to reveal the white T-shirt underneath. He dressed casually, clearly not trying to show off like any of the shifters who were there to meet dates.

  Maggie felt a tad overdressed now. Her black crop top sent all kinds of messages about her. She had been trying to show off, and now she felt pretty dumb.

  “Hey,” she said, wondering if Luke had overheard her phone call. The bathroom certainly made it feel as though everyone would be able to hear her.

  Just then, she noticed that her phone’s notification light was flashing. She wondered if Trish was having second thoughts about where she was. But when she pulled her phone back out and turned her screen on, she realized it was a message from Keith on the app.

  You can run but you can’t hide, bitch. The big, bad wolf will find you. I know where you live now.

  Maggie’s eyes widened. She could not go back home. She couldn’t do that to Trish; she would be endangering both of them now.

  “What is it?” Luke asked her, giving her that look of sincere concern again.

  She did not know what to do, so she showed her phone’s screen to him. His mouth fell open a bit. Then he looked at her, and he clenched his jaw for a moment.

  “Come home with me,” he said, pleadingly. “That’s not a come-on, I promise. I just can’t let you go home alone now... Please?”

  Maggie bit her bottom lip for a moment, thinking it over. It did not take her long to make up her mind. She nodded. “Okay.”


  Bearing It All

  Luke took Maggie to his home in his red pickup truck. The thrill of hooking up with a shifter had dwindled. Now she had a werewolf after her, and it was everything that Tony had warned her about. How could I have been so stupid?

  But it wasn’t her fault. She hadn’t had any warning signs about Keith before she met him. His profile had just seemed hot… She didn’t want to think about him anymore. She turned and looked over at the strong and silent man who was driving her back to hi
s place, so calm. So caring even though she was a stranger.

  Finally, they arrived at a house that Maggie assumed was his. Luke got out of the truck without a word and closed his door, coming around to help her out, too. She unbuckled her seatbelt and gratefully took his offered hand so she would not trip getting out of the tall truck.

  Luke’s house was a standard two-level, square home, brick with blue-painted shutters. It suggested ‘family,’ though he very clearly lived there alone. The mantle over the fireplace in the living room – he even had a goddamn fireplace – seemed like it was meant for pictures. He kept it bare.

  “Can I get you anything?” he asked her, closing the front door. “A drink or a snack, or both?”

  At least he was hospitable.

  Maggie gave him a small, unsure smile. “Maybe both? What do you have?”

  Luke went into the kitchen and she followed him in. He opened up the refrigerator. “I have milk, orange juice, some beer… Coke.”

  She normally preferred Diet, but beggars could not be choosers. “Coke, please,” she said. She watched as he carefully pulled out the two-liter of soda and poured her a glass. His glasses were all cartoon movie themed, like he had received all of his kitchenware from Happy Meals.

  As she took a sip from her Tom and Jerry glass, Luke opened up his pantry and placed several different types of snack on the counter. Fruit Roll-ups, Ritz-Bits and Teddy Grahams. Maggie was impressed, as well as slightly confused. “Your pantry seems like a day care center’s,” she observed.

  He chuckled a little. “My sister brings her son over a lot,” he explained. “Also, I’ve gotten pretty addicted to the stuff myself.”

  Maggie smiled, glad that someone else liked to indulge in such silly snacks. She took the box of peanut butter Ritz-Bits and then followed him out to the living room. Luke brought a bottle of beer with him.

  They sat next to each other on the couch, keeping one cushion between them. It was a pale tan leather couch, showing the wear and tear of use and years and consequently very comfortable.

  “So, do you build houses with your construction company? I ask because I am in the market. I actually have been having the worst luck lately.” She chuckled a little, even though the thought mostly made her bitter. She sipped her Coke and ate some crackers to try and distract herself from her thoughts.

  Luke looked at her as though that was no laughing matter, and she stopped chuckling. “I mostly repair houses, or do add-ons. Things like that. But I’ve built a house or two before. Where are you currently living?”

  “With my friend,” she said. “Which is not so bad, but still… I think the situation is less than ideal for her, even though she won’t admit it. I was engaged until recently. It’s a long, complicated and frustrating story, but I broke it off and moved out.”

  “And walked straight into another bad relationship,” Luke mused, nodding a little. “I may be biased, but wolves do not make good rebounds.”

  Maggie laughed softly. “You could say that again.” She looked at him and the curiosity was too much for her to keep inside anymore. “I assume that you’re a shifter, too, though obviously not a werewolf.”

  Luke chuckled, shaking his head. “Not a werewolf,” he replied as if the label were a massive insult. “I’m a werebear.”

  That interested her, and it explained why he was so huge. She did not know much about werebears, because the shifters she had always been warned about were the wolves… Did that mean that she could trust Luke more? Were werebears known for being more relaxed, like bears were until they were threatened?

  “How old are you?” she asked him. “And don’t worry about asking me. I’ll tell you right now, I’m twenty-five.” She smiled at him. He struck her as the sort of guy who would be wary about asking her age, not only because he was obviously older than her but also because it was impolite to ask a lady her age.

  Luke did not respond at first, and she wondered if it was also impolite to ask a man his age, particularly an older man. But then she realized that he was just shy about it, because she had just told him she was basically a baby. Blushing a little, he looked down at his chest. “I’m forty-seven,” he said.

  Twenty years older than Tony. Something about that made her feel oddly… safe.

  Setting her glass down on the coffee table, Maggie tensed a little as Luke suddenly moved closer to her, shortening the space between them. He placed his bottle of beer onto the table as well, and then moved her into his lap, making her straddle him. He kissed her deeply, hungrily. Maggie forgot to feel so tense and kissed him back, enjoying the closeness between them now. She did not have to be afraid of Luke. He was her friend, at least.

  Maggie removed his open button-up and let it fall to the floor. He worked on removing his jeans before slowly and gently pushing her backward onto the couch. Her head nestled against the cool leather arm rest. Luke removed his white T-shirt, meanwhile Maggie fondled the front of his boxers, getting his hard-on nice and worked up.

  He undid her pants and she leaned forward, pulling his cock out of his boxers and taking it into her mouth.

  “Ohhh,” Luke moaned, closing his eyes. “That’s good…”

  She sucked his cock for a few minutes, distracting him from doing anything else. Then, with a light tap on her back, he signaled for her to stop so he could continue removing her clothing. Luke took her tight pants off and then pulled the crop top off of her with ease. It was, after all, held onto her with thin string.

  Maggie pulled the boxers off of him and he climbed on top of her, kissing her deeply, using his tongue sparingly until she pulled his tongue into her mouth and explored all over it. She broke the kiss and they were both breathing heavily, almost in unison. “Do you have a condom?” she asked him.

  Luke looked at her, his eyes now much less gentle than all the times he had looked at her before. “Yeah,” he said quietly. He got off of her and quickly went into the nearest bathroom, bringing back a condom in the wrapper.

  He unwrapped it and together they worked to get it onto him. “Wow,” Maggie said with wide eyes. “You’re almost too big for this.”

  “Don’t be so surprised,” he said with a smirk.

  Once the condom was on him, he got back onto her, kissing her as he thrust his cock inside her. She moaned deep in her throat. He was bigger than any man she had ever been with. Maggie worried momentarily that he might somehow break her, and then laughed a little, not caring so much if he did.

  “Do you like this?” he whispered close to her mouth.

  Maggie nodded, “Mmm, yes.”

  He brought one of her legs up onto his shoulder and started to drive himself faster and deeper into her.

  “Ohh, Luke, yes!” she gasped. Reaching up, she placed her hands on his chest, playing with his dark chest hair that was speckled very slightly with gray.

  He licked his fingers then and brought a hand down to the warm wetness between Maggie’s legs. He found her clit immediately, without even looking, and slowly rubbed two fingers against it.

  Maggie collapsed like a folding chair against his touch, making loud, guttural noises that she had never made before. She was too overwhelmed with feelings to be embarrassed. “Oh, oh, Luke! I’m coming! Yes! Yes!!”

  “Yeah?” he growled back softly. “Come on,” he urged as though she was not already coming. He sped up his thrusting, holding her upper arms and pinning her down against the couch as he came thunderously inside of her.

  Panting, they gazed at each other for a moment. Luke leaned over her and kissed her, then pulled out of her, carefully holding onto the condom so it would not pop off inside her.

  “Shit,” he said, staring.

  Maggie moved some of her red hair out of her face. “What?” She sat up on her elbows and looked down where he was looking.

  The condom was broken practically in two.

  After a few minutes of staring at it in shock, they looked at each other and shared a nervous laugh.

  “I gue
ss we were a little too eager,” Luke said softly, pulling off the remnants of latex.

  Maggie was so dazzled by him that she refused to think about what the consequences of this might be. Condoms broke all the time. It was just one of those things that happened. It didn’t matter. That sex had been astounding.

  “I’m going to go take a shower,” he said. “Please make yourself at home.”

  She smiled at him and fell back on the couch, head still buzzing from the orgasms and the fact that all of this had happened to her. Maybe her bad luck was over now.

  When she heard the water start up, she got off the couch and put her panties and crop top back on. She got her purse where she left it on the kitchen counter and pulled out her phone. She’d told Trish that she would call her later, but it was way too late for polite phone calls now.

  Instead, she decided to text her an update.

  Omggg you’ll never guess what the rest of this night has turned into. This guy is a major babe. He’s kind of out of my age group, but maybe that’s a good thing. Anyway text when you wake up. Xoxo

  Smiling a satisfied smile, Maggie placed her phone on the counter and plugged it in there so it could charge overnight.

  Suddenly, the door to the bathroom opened up and Luke stuck his head out. He grinned at her. “What are you doing?”

  She smirked at him. “What do you mean?”

  “Get over here and get in the shower with me!”

  Well, she wasn’t going to say no. After all, he was the host.

  Maggie slowly and blearily woke up the next morning. Her hair was all cow-licked in the front and in the back. Her head really hurt and it took her a few moments to remember where she was. Luke was lying in bed beside her, looking at her. He smiled when she opened her eyes and looked back at him.

  “Good morning, sleepy head,” he said softly, petting her hair and her cheek, leaning in and kissing her. “Do you want some breakfast?”

  Her enthusiasm for breakfast overrode her enthusiasm for sleep. She nodded her head and got out of bed. “Ugh, I feel like I slept with my head in a vise.”


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