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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 56

by Sy Walker

  He smiled back at her, clearly touched and prideful that she had said yes. “You silly Earthling.”

  They kissed each other again, and then he had to be on his way.

  She was so far along now that she was confined to their chamber in the tent, not allowed to leave the bed unless it was to go to the bathroom or sit in the cafeteria for a short meal with Dehneese. The other woman had decided that it was her responsibility to look after Keandra and see to the delivery, whenever it should happen.

  Keandra did not want to go into labor while her fiancé was out there somewhere, possibly being shot at by Hoths. She did her best to will herself and her baby not to start going into labor or contractions. She wanted Albion there with her. She needed him there with her.

  She was fast asleep when Albion returned to headquarters. This time, thank his lucky stars, he was completely unharmed. He went to the bedchamber that he shared with his beautiful, green-eyed fiancée and found her sleeping soundly on the bed.

  “Keandra,” he said to her softly. “Wake up. We have a surprise for you.”

  Slowly, she let her eyes open and, as soon as she saw his golden eyes looking at her, so lovingly, she smiled.

  “Wake up, we have a surprise for you,” he repeated.

  Keandra did not know what it was, but there was urgency in Albion’s voice.

  “Is everything okay?” she asked, sitting up in bed and carefully coming down off of it. “You’re not hurt again, are you?”

  Albion shook his head, smiling at her. “No, not at all. Just come with me.”

  Taking her hand, he led her out of their bedroom, through the main bedchamber where the rest of the Resistance forces in their sector slept, and outside. A crowd had gathered there and everyone cheered as he and she came into view.

  There was a twisted and bent metal statue in front of where everyone was sitting. Keandra let out a laugh when she realized that it was supposed to be an altar. Someone had found some abandoned metal and shaped it into an altar for them. She beamed up at him.

  Instead of marching slowly up the created aisle like she was used to, Keandra and Albion walked together hand in hand and stopped when they stood just beneath the metallic structure their friends had designed. Ggregg suddenly appeared. His arm was in a cast and he had a black eye, but he was smiling and seemed otherwise fine.

  Keandra let out a strange sound that was half a sob and half a laugh. She was so glad to see that Ggregg had made it out alive somehow. “I thought he…!”

  “We found him on our last patrol,” Albion said softly into her ear. “He was barely alive and pretty mangled, but we rescued him.”

  Ggregg beamed at her. “You didn’t think I’d miss this, did you?” he asked her. He was holding a little brown book. She realized, shocked, that it was a Bible.

  Where did he find a Bible in space?

  Then she remembered that the Resistance was made up of people from all over. Surely one of the Earthlings had a Bible with them. Keandra was not religious, but it was nice to be reminded of things back home.

  “Dearly beloved,” Ggregg started the wedding ceremony. “We are gathered here today in HQ to celebrate in the union of our dear friends Keandra Calhoun and Albion Pagoda. They have both been an invaluable part of our operations here, as you all know. May their marriage and love for each other last throughout the years and may they come to know peace in our galaxy.”

  Everyone bowed their heads a little bit, wishing so badly for that peace.

  “Albion, do you have a ring for Miss Calhoun?” Ggregg asked.

  Reaching into a pocket of his uniform pants, Albion pulled out a sparkling silver ring with a familiar, midnight blue stone on it.

  Keandra opened her eyes and her mouth wide in amazement. It was one of those Hothian galsects. She never in her wildest dreams could have imagined how happy she would be to see one of those damned rocks.

  She started to cry uncontrollably as Albion placed the ring carefully onto her finger. “With this ring,” he recited. “I marry you. With this ring, I make you my wife, my partner, my best friend.”

  This was all so beautiful. Keandra wished that she had been given some warning. She might have tried to scrounge around and fashion herself a wedding dress. Though, now that she thought about it, it made all the sense in the world that they should be married in their Resistance uniforms. They had worked hard to finally wear them, after all. They had earned them. Together.

  Dehneese, who was sitting in the front row of the crowd, came forward and placed a small, silver ring into Keandra’s hand. She winked at her friend and then sat back down.

  Keandra, gulping, did the same thing that Albion had just done for her. She placed the silver ring onto his large finger, breathing a sigh of relief when she realized that it did indeed fit somehow. “With this ring,” she said, smiling up at him. “I marry you. With this ring, I make you my husband, my partner, my best friend.”

  All three of his heads grinning from ear to ear, Ggregg went on with the ceremony. “Keandra Calhoun, do you take Albion Pagoda to be your galactically wedded husband, to have and to hold, to love and to cherish, to fight beside in times of war and times of triumph, as long as you both shall live and even after if from the flames you both can regenerate?”

  She stared at Ggregg, taken aback by the added passages. “I do,” she said, raising an eyebrow.

  Although she was inquisitive in her tone, Ggregg took it as a solid answer and went on, asking Albion the same.

  “I do,” Albion said before Ggregg could even get out the last syllable of his question.

  Continuing to smile at them as though he was quite tickled, Ggregg closed the little Bible that he had not once actually read from and held it against his chest. “Then, by the power given to me by Supreme Resistance Leader Admiral Asquataine, I now pronounce you husband and wife!”

  A cheer went up from the crowd.

  “You may kiss. Always kiss each other. It would be a shame not to.” Ggregg winked at them.

  Albion cupped a hand against her cheek and pulled Keandra gently to him. They kissed each other deeply, passionately, fully. She felt as though they were kissing each other’s souls. When at last the kiss ended, she felt dizzy and so happy that the planet could have exploded right then and there and she would have felt satisfied with her life.

  Suddenly, Albion lifted her up into his arms and carried her hurriedly down the makeshift aisle while everyone stood and clapped for the happy couple. She was wondering at first if he was just that excited to consummate the marriage, but then she noticed the liquid that was coming out of her from between her legs.

  Her water had broken.


  As Albion brought her back into their bedroom, laying her softly down onto the bed, Keandra realized that she was the last person to realize that her labor had begun. She blushed a little when she saw all of the curious eyes in the doorway of their chamber, watching anxiously as though this baby was their own.

  Dehneese pushed through the throngs in the way and came to her bedside. She took Keandra’s hand and smiled at her. “I’ve got this,” she said. “I’ve been reading books about this for a while now. I can do this for you.”

  Keandra raised her eyebrows at her. “You can have the baby for me?” she asked her jokingly. “That’s a relief. I’m kind of afraid of the pain.”

  Her friend laughed and shook a finger. “No, no.”

  Albion took her other hand. She could tell that he was nervous. He had gone a paler shade of blue. It was strange to Keandra. He had never once lost his cool before. She supposed that having his child be born was a bigger thing than conquering evil.

  Suddenly, the contractions began. Keandra let out a high-pitched squeal that would have broken glass if any was around. “Oh my shiiiiiiiit!!” she screamed. She clutched both Dehneese’s and Albion’s hands and practically shattered their bones.

  “It’s okay, silly girl,” Albion said to her sweetly, petting her hair. “I
t’s going to be okay. Soon you will be holding our baby.”

  “Gaahhhh, don’t tell me that!” Keandra shouted at him. “Don’t tell me there’s a light at the end of the tunnel—ARGHHH!!”

  She threw her head back and convulsed against the bed. It did not feel like any birth she had ever read about or seen in documentaries. The babies she had seen and read about did not have fucking talons and wings!

  Dehneese was calmer than both of them. “Push!” she commanded, moving down to Keandra’s opening so she could watch for the baby’s head or snout or whatever crawled out first.

  Keandra pushed, not wanting to spend more time than necessary with the little reptile crawling around inside of her.

  “The head is out!” Dehneese suddenly proclaimed, faltering a little bit when she saw how cute he was. “Hello, little one…”


  “Sorry!” Dehneese went back to paying attention to the dilations and contractions, like the studies had taught her.

  Albion looked like he was going to be sick.

  Keandra could hear something breaking as she gripped his hand and pushed.

  Suddenly, there was the sound of something flopping into Dehneese’s outstretched arms.

  Waving his injured hand, Albion turned away and threw up into a wastebasket. At least he was considerate enough to do that. Keandra was proud of him for not fainting.

  Dehneese focused on getting the baby dragon all cleaned up. She had not been anticipating that Albion’s baby would actually be born in his dragon form. No one had. But a chorus of delight went up as everyone caught a glimpse of the little blueish-purplish baby.

  The baby let out a coo sound, and Keandra sat up on the bed. Now that he was out of her, she wanted desperately to see him. Albion took her hand, careful to use the slightly damaged hand so she would not break his other one. The medics were going to have a lot of work cut out for them today.

  Grinning and crying a little as the emotion overcame her, Dehneese brought the baby to Keandra and gently laid him down in her arms.

  Keandra and Albion started crying along with her when they saw how tiny, adorable and perfect he was.

  “Hello,” she whispered to their baby.

  He happily closed his eyes and grinned a sharp-toothed grin at her.

  “He’s a dragon shifter like me,” Albion said quietly, amazement in his voice.

  Their baby crawled around on Keandra’s chest, walking in circles until he finally caught his little tail in his mouth. He soon yawned and went to sleep against her there. She and Albion touched their heads together, fondly watching over him as he slept.

  The crowd in the doorway eventually dispersed. There was going to be a lot of drinking and celebrating tonight. No other couple had made it this far. No other baby was born into the Resistance.

  “What are you going to call him?” Dehneese asked Keandra, making sure to speak only in a whisper so she would not wake the baby dragon who slumbered so sweetly on Keandra’s chest.

  Keandra looked up at Albion, who looked down at her lovingly.

  “Albindaro,” she said, uttering the name she had created for the first time. She loved the way that it sounded on her lips and tongue. A mixture of his parents’ names. A good, strong name for a good, strong boy. “His name is Albindaro.”

  * * *

  In the weeks that followed Albindaro’s birth, the baby dragon grew bigger and stronger. Finally, one day, he shifted for the first time. As a humanoid child, he looked like the perfect mixture between his mother and his father. He had light brown hair, green-gold eyes and skin that was robin’s egg blue.

  Keandra’s favorite thing about her son shifting and being strong enough to chill out for a while without needing her was that she was finally about to go out on missions with Albion. Dehneese was the first one to offer to babysit the half-Gekkota, half-human.

  “I have never taken care of a baby before,” she said. “But I have read about it, and I am sure I will be fine.”

  Laughing a little, Keandra nodded at her. “You will be. It’s not very hard to take care of Albindaro. Especially here, where you’re surrounded by other people who can help you.”

  Keandra looked around and realized that Albindaro was nowhere to be found. He was not in his crib or his play area or even his feeding chair.

  Dehneese started to freak out. “Has he been abducted by an enemy??”

  Before panicking, Keandra thought rationally about the situation. “Wait, wait… I think I know where he is.”

  She left the Resistance encampment and, sure enough, there was her son. He was sitting in his father’s arms on top of one of the mountain’s many dark gray boulders. Keandra laughed a little and climbed up there to join them. “There you are,” she said. “I thought that one of the Hoths had taken you both away.”

  Albion smiled at her and handed the baby over to her. Keandra rocked Albindaro, gazing lovingly down at him. Now that he had taken his humanoid form, she wondered if he would mostly stay in it like Albion did. His dragon form had been a shocking and hard to deliver shape, but he was also quite cute as a dragon and she hoped to see more of it.

  “So, what do you think?” Albion asked her. “Now that Albindaro is with us, do you want to hop onto a starship and go back to Earth? I wouldn’t blame you if you did. This planet is not a good place for a child to be raised…”

  Keandra shook her head. She had given it a lot of thought. “I miss Earth sometimes, and it will always be home to me, but my place is not there. My place is here on Hoth with you and the Resistance. Albindaro will be happy here. He is surrounded by beings who are more like him. And plus, you know how Dehneese would lose it if we even mentioned that we might take him away.”

  Albion did an accurate impression of the yellow alien, gasping and throwing his arms in the air. “Not the baby!”

  They laughed together, and Albindaro giggled along with them as if he somehow had an idea of what they were talking about.

  “Shall we, then?” Albion asked her.

  Keandra smiled. “We shall.” She stood up then, still carefully holding onto their baby. “But we’re not taking him. He’s too small. He deserves to have a blissful childhood. At least, as blissful as possible.”

  Albion stood up and climbed down from the boulder with her, making sure that she did not slip or lose her grip on their baby. “He will have a perfectly idyllic childhood here, surrounded by thousands of doting fans.”

  “They’re all his aunts and uncles,” she joked, grinning down at Albindaro, who was busily chewing on her shirt sleeve.

  They brought the baby back to the compound, and Keandra handed him over to Dehneese. The other woman practically hopped up and down, she was so excited.

  Keandra laughed. “Don’t do that too much if you want to keep that uniform looking nice and clean,” she teased.

  With their baby in good hands, Albion and Keandra left hand in hand. She felt like taking off at a run, and that was much more exiting when he shifted into his dragon body. Then she ran to him and jumped onto his back like she had been preparing all of her life for this moment.

  She had once thought that she did not want to go riding off into the sunset with her Gekkota friend. But now, things had changed. Now, Albion was her husband. They loved each other. And the prospect of sunset was a delicious one.


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  “I’ve never been to Mexico before. Have you?” The excitable woman next to Valerie had been chattering for the entire tour, and Valerie zoned out a few times as she tried to keep up with the information spewing from the tour guide’s mouth.

  “No,” she replied abruptly, and hoped the woman would shut up.

  But she kept going. “I’ve always wanted to come here, to visit the Mayan ruins, but I’ve never gotten the chance, and as soon as I won that ticket, I was screaming and…” She stopped then when she saw Valerie move
forward, a clear indication that she wasn’t listening at all.

  Valerie side stepped the woman, who seemed a little bit too lonely and in need of company, and caught up with the rest of the group. She slapped at a mosquito then that had decided it was time for lunch, and then fanned before her, in a desperate attempt to scatter the small flying insects that had started to gather into a swarm. She looked back at the woman, who quickly turned her head away in embarrassment over her earlier babbling. Valerie thought of apologizing, but she knew that would lead to more unnecessary and awkward conversations.

  “The Mayan ruins depict a rich history of a talented set of people pre-dating 1500 BC, and often referred to as the Pre-Classic period. They were the pioneers of the first formal writing style, the hieroglyphic script, and they used their knowledge of the stars to document events in history, and as some would believe, even the future. It was rumored that their calendar ended in May 2012, and since their predictions are usually correct, it was thought that life as we knew it would end then. We know differently now, right?” he asked, and some members of the group chuckled.

  “The Chichen Itza was the most important Mayan city, boasting impressive Central American architecture, and was oftentimes considered a magical place. Here, in the Coba, it is hard not to believe that.”

  “I am most impressed by the fact that they had no technology, or charts, and they were able to make those massive pyramids, something modern man is yet to copy,” a bald man interjected. “I would have liked to be there back then.”

  “I can understand how they could do that,” another man, perhaps a professor added. “Consider the early Greeks, like Galileo, who taught us how to read the stars. Back then, it all came back to the stars.”

  “Or maybe they were aliens,” a young man said, and his group of friends with him chuckled.

  “And that is not far from some of the stories we have heard,” the guide said. “It is often rumored that the Mayans were connected to aliens, which gave birth to their genius in architecture, language and art. It is said that they had pathways that connected both worlds, a gateway that the Mayans often navigated.”


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