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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 61

by Sy Walker

  “I’m fine,” Kitty laughed. It was not the hearty laugh Isabelle was used to. “This will only force him to redouble his efforts to find me a husband.” Kitty smiled, “And then we can work on embarrassing them together.”

  “Them?” Isabelle asked.

  “Yes, you Edmund, and me, I don’t know probably a lord,” Kitty mused, “You and I will knock plates and dishes asunder and then Lord Whomever can yell at us about manners and polite society.” Isabelle smiled, but she could see the sadness in her friend’s japes.

  “So now you are marrying me off to the devil himself?” Isabelle tried to change the subject. She needed happy Kitty today.

  “I think he is a spy,” the devilish glint was back in Kitty’s eye. “I think the after, Edmund was talking about, was after I agreed to be his spy.”

  “But Napoleon is dea…”

  “Is he?” Kitty cut Isabelle off. “Or, did his spy sneak him off the island in a windowless carriage. Now Napoleon is making his plans to attack Britain from the inside.” Isabelle laughed as she could see Kitty getting more and more excited by her own story. It was the exact same tone Isabelle had thought Kitty saved for gossip. Fake gossip seemed to have the same effect. Isabelle stood there reconsidering everything Kitty had ever told her.

  “K..K…Kitt..ty!” The voice came from behind the girls.

  “Reginald, how are you?” Kitty turned and smiled graciously at Reginald Cumberland. Reginald had been in love with Kitty since they were children. Kitty had been repulsed by the sight of him for at least as long. Isabelle said hello to Reginald, and he politely acknowledge her, but he truly only had eyes for Kitty.

  Reginald was already the Member of Parliament for the Caddington riding, which meant that he spent very little time in town. Kitty was continually fighting with her father over marrying the stuttering politician. “I like to talk,” Kitty had explained to Isabelle, “I cannot marry a man that I cannot talk to.” Isabelle had conceded the point, Kitty did like to talk.

  “We were just heading out,” Kitty said as she grabbed Isabelle’s arm and pulled her hard toward the door. “On my father’s account.” Kitty said waving the dress at Mr. Jeffrey without breaking stride. The old merchant just nodded his head.

  “I am developing a bruise!” Isabelle said as the got into the street. “You have to stop pulling me every which way.”

  “I am sorry dear,” Kitty feigned concern. “Maybe Edmund can kiss it better.”

  “Unless he and Napoleon kidnap me.”

  “Then maybe Napoleon can kiss it better.”

  “Going over to the other side dear sister,” Victor had emerged from The Downward Fiddle, just in time to butt into the conversation. He was far too well dressed for the time of day. The wrinkles on his clothes and bloodshot eyes gave away the truth.

  It was times like this that reminded Isabelle that Victor was technically her intended, however much she despised it. It had all been settled when they were toddlers. Fortunately neither of the fathers had felt the need to solidify the match. Neither Isabelle nor Victor was keen on the idea as far as Isabelle knew. Kitty had promised over and over again that she would never let the cad lay a finger on Isabelle.

  The colonel never forced his hand, because he wanted his son Victor to prove himself in his own right. Victor Raglan was also embarrassing to his father, but in a different way than his sister. “I shouldn’t think either one of you would waste time kissing Frenchmen, least of all dead ones.”

  “What do you want Victor?” Kitty always took up the same exasperated tone when she spoke to her brother.

  “Jewels and riches mainly, but our good father has informed me that I am in want of a bath,” Victor smiled, “It seems we are all to dine at the Bernard’s table tonight. Along with a certain gallant soldier who everybody seems to be smitten by…smitten of…smitt…however that goes.” Victor moved on very uncertain feet toward a waiting carriage. Kitty could see her father boiling over with rage as he watched his son stumbling down the sidewalk.

  “Well, this should be most exciting!” Kitty said when her male relatives had managed to pull away.

  Kitty helped Isabelle get ready. Isabelle had never spent much time thinking about makeup and jewelry, but tonight she wanted everything to be perfect. “You look perfect.” Kitty backed away to let Isabelle enjoy the vision in the mirror. It was hard for Isabelle to handle. Her mother had always raised her to be a person of substance. Since her mother’s death, in labor with Miranda, Isabelle had taken it upon herself to pass the lessons on to her sisters.

  Isabelle had been the only one old enough to really remember her mother. The others did not take kindly to their sister’s lessons and Isabelle had long since given up on trying to instruct her sisters in how to live. She had however, tried to show them by example. She didn’t spend time worrying about her hair, or buying clothes. Somehow today felt different to Isabelle. She had a reason to look her best. Kitty could sense this and tried her best to push the limits.

  “I am not going to swoon!” Isabelle warned.

  “I am not saying you have to swoon,” Kitty argued. “It is just a tiny little fan, you wave it in your face, or use it to hide behind.” Kitty had even convinced her friend to wear a very showy necklace. The other Bernard sisters had never seen Isabelle so dressed up.

  “See, I told you she wasn’t a monster,” Miranda teased.

  As they entered the dining room their father, Edmund, Victor, and the colonel were already around the table. The soup was already out. Nan, their Matron, was a better nanny than hostess, but she was an excellent cook.

  “Nice to see you girls made it down,” Colonel Raglan’s voice overflowed with sarcasm, “My soup is now properly chilled.”

  “We are very sorry fath…”

  “Reginald!” The colonel cut Kitty off as the MP appeared standing in the doorway. “I am so glad you could make it.” Kitty had turned a deep shade of red as she realized that the only empty seat was beside her. Reginald sat down and smiled fondly at her.

  “I..Immm g..g.lad t…to be here.” Reginald looked around the table smiling. He got right to work on his soup so that he could avoid trying to talk. Isabelle smiled back at Reginald and tried to look at Edmund. She knew that her cheeks would give her away. Nan had told Isabelle once that she blushed with her whole body and Isabelle knew it to be true. The redness would start in her cheeks, but it would soon travel down her neck and chest. It wouldn’t be long before she had entirely changed color.

  “Edmund, how long will you be in Caddington?” Lord Bernard asked. Isabelle stole a peek at Edmund when she knew that he would be turned the other way. Her father was at the other end of the table.

  “I am not sure,” Edmund said. He turned back fast and caught Isabelle’s gaze. She could feel the warmth moving down her neck. “I have business on Saint Helene to attend to, but it should keep for a few months.”

  Kitty had forgotten all about her seating troubles when she noticed Isabelle. The boisterous young woman had to fight to keep the laughter down. She made slight motions at Isabelle trying to show her how far the blushing had crept down her neck. Isabelle gave her friend a stern look, but that was just making it harder for her not to laugh.

  “You never told us the other night,” The Colonel started. He sounded very distracted. Colonel Raglan was trying to figure out what was afflicting Kitty, who was nearly convulsing in her soup, and fighting with Victor to keep wine out of his cup. “Whatever happened to the man who shot you? Surely there must have been a disciplinary hearing?”

  “He claims that the punishment is unending.” Edmund laughed a bit to himself, “I hired him on to drive my coach.”

  “Really, he shoots you and you give him a job?” The colonel seemed to be weighing the merits of the arrangement. “I guess that does sound fitting, in a manner of speaking.”

  “In a manner of speaking!” Victor stood up as if to make a toast. His father pulled him back down into his seat. Victor slumped even fart
her than he had been before he stood up. He seemed to be humming, but everyone chose to ignore it.

  Isabelle could feel Edmund’s eyes on her throughout the dinner. He barely looked away. Even when addressing others at the table, Edmund’s eyes were fixed on Isabelle. As focused as Edmund was on Isabelle, there were other young ladies at the table who were just as focused on him. Isabelle was always embarrassed when she took her sisters out in public. The girls were busy employing their social graces to drive Isabelle crazy, and even their father, a man who did not notice much, recognized that something was wrong with the women at his table.

  “Lysa, if you fan yourself any harder you are bound to float away,” Sir Thomas didn’t look up from his plate. He had never been sure what to do with all of these girls. After his wife died the Baronet had relied heavily on Nan to handle teaching and disciplining the girls. Lysa wasn’t the only one trying to get Edmund’s attention. Alayne and Miranda were also doing their best to bat their eyes and feign laughter. Alayne was nearly on the floor after every comment the Lieutenant made.

  As dinner came to a close, Sir Thomas Bernard led most of the gentlemen to his library for cigars and brandy. Isabelle looked over at Kitty. “Why don’t we see if Nan has anymore desserts?” Kitty grabbed Lysa by the ear, and with a stern look at the other two, the room had been cleared for Edmund and Isabelle.

  “I have to apologize for my sisters,” Isabelle shrugged. She was still working up the courage to meet Edmund’s gaze.

  “No need,” Edmund smiled. “They are playing their role.”

  “And what role is that?”

  “The role of the socialite damsel,” A smile crossed his lips, “Whether they are in distress or not?”

  “And how do you prefer your damsels?” Isabelle had never wanted to be a damsel. In distress or otherwise.

  “Not,” Edmund stood up and started walking around to sit closer to Isabelle. “I am against the institute of damsels.”

  “I have never been to such an institute.” Isabelle tried to stand, but Edmund put a hand on her chair blocking the young woman’s escape. Other than dancing, Isabelle had never really been this close to a man. She had certainly never been alone in a room with a man this close to her. She wanted Edmund to be close, but Isabelle was not ready for things to be moving this rapidly.

  “I can tell,” the Lieutenant’s gaze moved right through Isabelle, she was mesmerized by the purple veins running through the soldiers ice-blue eyes. The Lieutenant started to lean forward in his chair. Isabelle was frozen with fear, but she knew that she wanted Edmund to keep edging closer. As he neared the young lady’s quivering lips, the soldiers head turned. His mouth went right past her cheek bone. Isabelle felt a chill shoot down her spine as Edmund’s nose grazed the neck.

  “Ummm!” Edmund shot backwards off the chair and was standing. Isabelle could see blood coming off of either corner of Edmund’s mouth.

  “Did you bite your lip?” Isabelle asked as she stood to try and hep. Edmund was pacing frantically back and forth. Isabelle put a hand on his shoulder and felt the body shift and turn. Edmund was holding his mouth shut and it looked as though he was wrestling with his own tongue.

  “I am sorry,” Edmund huffed as he regained control, unable for the first time all night to look Isabelle in the eyes. “I have been away from polite society for far too long. I have forgotten how to control my urges.” Isabelle could feel the red rushing through her cheeks again. She was having trouble with her breathing as well. Standing face to face with Edmund, Isabelle knew that she wanted more. She didn’t want him to resist.

  Isabelle put her hand on the lieutenant’s cheek. He locked onto her eyes again. Edmund grabbed Isabelle by the waist and lifted her into his arms as they kissed. She had never felt so vulnerable, and yet Edmund made that okay. Isabelle wrapped both arms around Edmund’s neck and enjoyed the feeling of his lips pressed against hers.

  “Owww!” Isabelle yelled as she felt something sharp graze her neck. “I think you cut me.”

  “Sorry, I got too worked up.” Edmund said as he set Isabelle down and began kissing her with fervor. It wasn’t until they heard the sound of Isabelle’s ffather’s can tapping the floor that Edmund had carried her outside.

  “Do you think he saw us?” But as Isabelle turned back to Edmund she noticed he was missing. She started looking all over the garden to try and find him. It was dark out and Edmund’s dark hair and suit would be difficult to see, but Isabelle knew that she had to find her lover.

  “Edmund!” She called out.

  “I had to share you all night,” came from behind Isabelle. “I needed you all to myself. I thought that I would be able to control myself…this time.” Edmund offered a weak smile as he led Isabelle out into the dimly lit lawn. It was a warm spring evening. Isabelle held onto Edmund’s arm. She could feel the strength even through his dinner jacket. No matter where they were walking or how the terrain moved her, Edmund’s arm stayed locked in place.

  “Why did you run away?” Isabelle squeezed Edmund’s arm reassuringly.

  “There are certain things that I cannot undo,” was the only answer Edmund gave. Isabelle had heard talk like this from soldiers before. Isabelle wanted to press the topic. She was sure that there was nothing that Edmund could say that would change her mind about him.

  “It was a war,” Isabelle thought she knew what was bothering her friend. She had a similar experience with her grandfather. Sir Richard Bernard had killed many on his tours as a mercenary in Europe. His prowess on the battlefield had won the family a Baronetcy. However, the price had been his sanity. He claimed that he could see the eyes of the men that he had killed every night in his sleep. Isabelle had helped her grandfather and she was ready to help Edmund too.

  “It was more than that,” Edmund would not meet Isabelle’s gaze. “I am afraid I shall never be the same. I am not the boy you knew.” Edmund was shaking and breathing heavily. “I have trouble with controlling my passions.” He took in another deep breath and pulled her closely, this time he buried his mouth between her breasts and kissed them intently. Isabelle’s whole body became aflame.

  A great crowd of people came storming out into the gardens. Sir Thomas Bernard was leading the men toward Edmund with a stern look on his face. “What do you mean by this affront sir?” The older man bellowed as his walking stick, eagle sitting proudly, kept time on the stone path. A few of the servants were carrying torches. Kitty was trying to get to the front of the crowd, but Victor was holding both her arms behind her back.

  “Father,” Isabelle was horrified, “What is the meaning of this?” Isabelle had never had to deal with this side of her father before. He had never tried to stop her from doing anything. Of course this was the first time that she had ever been alone with a man. “I am old enou…”

  “Mind your tongue!” Isabelle’s father said as he raised his hand. “Taking a young woman out of her house without a chaperone.” Isabelle was so shocked that she fell silent. “Why are you bleeding?” Sir Thomas asked his daughter, but before she could answer her father saw the blood around Edmund’s mouth. “Did this man accost you?” It was all happening much too fast for Isabelle.

  “No one better have laid a hand on my betrothed,” Victor was still holding tightly to his sister as he made his way through the crowd. “She belongs to me, father said so,” Victor tried to stifle a hiccup as Kitty took advantage of the opportunity to break free. She ran to comfort her friend.

  “I’m so sorry,” she was crying. “I tried to stop them.” Isabelle hugged her friend. She knew that she had crossed a line.

  “This is an outrage Bernard!” Victor had regained his composure. He pushed himself right past Kitty sending her to the ground. “I will not take this ill-mannered harlot as a bride.” Victor was wild with rage as he slapped Isabelle across the face. Her cheek was stinging and there was a ringing in her ears. She saw Edmund moving in a blur of ferocity. Isabelle crawled over to Kitty to make sure she was okay.
/>   That was when Victor fell to the ground. His cape now seemed to be on the front and a vacant look was fixed on his face. The other men were all wrestling with Edmund. They were being thrown about like rag dolls. Isabelle saw her father pull back his walking stick. When the head of that great, silver bird struck Edmund’s cheek it was as if all the strength left his body. The blow sent Edmund staggering to the ground and he was tied up by the servants.

  “I..I…www…will see that he is dd..ealt with.” Reginald said as he and a few of the Bernard family footmen carried Edmund from the house.

  “He’s injured my son!” Colonel Raglan was kneeling over the body of his son. Tears were streaming down his face, but he pulled himself together when he felt Sir Thomas’s hand on his shoulder.

  “I ww..will sssee that j..jj..justice is done!” Reginald had a stern look on his face as he led the captive from the grounds. Isabelle wanted to chase after Edmund, but she knew that would only make matters worse.

  “Now, now,” the colonel brushed himself off as he shot up to a standing position. “I will need help with Victor to get his into a doctor’s care.” Raglan said rather matter-of-factly. “Just add 2000 to the dowry for this inconvenience and I will marry the girl myself.” Isabelle was helping Kitty to her feet as their fathers settled the new terms of the engagement. Tears filled the eyes of both girls as they helped each other back into the house.

  That night after everyone had gone to home and the Bernard household was asleep, Isabelle lay in bed. She could feel where the hands had been caressing her body. She could feel the lips as if they were still on her. She could feel her blood rushing through her body, Isabelle was overheating. She pushed her covers back and took off her night gown. Lying in the moonlight, she could feel the cool night air passing over her naked body. It all felt like a magical dream.


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