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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 113

by Sy Walker

  “Come on Mike, you know how my last relationship ended. All I am interested in these days is saving for college and getting out of this tourist trap,” she told him. She had told him before but he still tried.

  “Well darling it will be a shame and a loss for us when you do leave. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me,” he said.

  “Yeah, on that bar stool, Wednesday and Thursday nights,” she said laughing. He raised his beer in a salute and turned to watch the television. She went back to work chuckling. At least he was cool about it, she thought to herself. Unlike that weird Luther. As she served drinks and chatted up customers she decided if she had to pick between the two suitors she would go with Mike. He was much nicer, and did not exude the whole dark nature as badly as Luther did. Her last boyfriend had ended up that way and she was barely over him.

  Her shift ended, and Lily was able to head home. She went out to her little brown pickup, started it up and pulled out of the parking lot. The truck shifted easily into high gear, and she got to her house in short order. She parked next to her little trailer and grabbed her purse before locking it up. As she headed for her front door she heard the bushes rustle and turned quickly. She was not usually a nervous person, but something in the night had begun to make her jumpy. She thought she heard a faint growl, or whine, coming from the rustling flora and quickly went into her house, looking over her shoulder the whole way. She saw nothing and heard nothing more, and that somehow made it worse. As soon as the door was shut behind her she locked it, and leaned back with a sigh. I am home she thought shakily. By the time she had ate and showered, she was feeling better and almost forgot about the animal in her yard.

  She put on her red night gown, and looked in the mirror for a moment fluffing out her strawberry blonde hair. It was shoulder length, and it was an awkward length for a ponytail so she just left it wild most of the time. Her face was heart shaped and tan, and she has sexy full lips. Her body was what some called fat, although she preferred voluptuous. She had double d breasts with wide hips, and an ass that drew attention away from her muffin top and little pot belly that bulged when she wore a belt. Her nightgown was just about snug and showed her curves, and she shifted in front of the mirror. She was also a tall young woman, five foot eight, so to some her height and size was intimidating. She blew herself a kiss and went back out to the living room.

  She stood looking around for a moment, and then turned on the television. The place looked empty since she kicked her boyfriend out for cheating on her. He had taken all of his furniture, and she did not have much. She consoled herself, knowing she would be moving as soon as she had saved up, so she would not need all the extra crap anyway. Lily grabbed a beer and a shot, going to the little love seat she used for a couch. She drank the shot of bourbon and sipped her beer with a shudder, then a sigh. Her tension seemed to release and she was able to relax. This was the best time of her work week, alone and relaxed with no one to complain or harass her.

  She thought of Mike at the bar and grimaced. Not from dislike, but from frustration at her decision to date no one until she had reached her goals. She had recently been finding herself a little sexually frustrated. Lily had never been a one night stand sort of girl, so getting laid was more difficult for her. She shook her head looking for reruns of something on the television. She found some old Law and Order and settled in, sipping her beer and allowing herself to get lost in the show. After an hour or so she was yawning and ready for her bed. At least her ex had not taken that, she thought, she had spent a lot on the queen sized monstrosity, and she loved how comfortable it was. Her bedroom was in the back of her trailer, and was always warmer than the rest of the place so she turned on the fan, pointed it at the bed, then lay down. She did not bother getting under the covers. She just stretched out, loving the feel of her nightgown over her belly and thighs. The fan blowing against her face was also a comforting thing, and she was soon asleep. Her dreams caused her to unknowingly smile and squirm a little.

  Her dream was of Mike and Luther frowning at each other, beginning to fight over her. It was a weird dream because they were dressed like mountain men in furs and coonskin hats, while she was dressed in a skimpy white belly shirt and mini skirt. Very provocative and not at all her usual dress. Of course, as it is in dreams, nothing seemed strange until afterwards. So in her dream she was becoming turned on and cheering as their fighting became violent, growling like animals. When she woke up around noon the next day she was confused. Most especially because, she could not remember who she was cheering on to win in the dream.

  Lily made herself coffee and for the hell of it fixed a big breakfast of sausages and pancakes. Usually she would have granola or oatmeal for breakfast, but she felt the need for a treat. She put peanut butter and syrup over the pancakes and it was like little bites of heaven. She had another cup of strong coffee after breakfast and started getting ready for work. She put on a white t-shirt and jeans with low healed cowboy boots. She looked herself over in the mirror as she always did before work. She liked to make sure she was presentable enough to keep the tips coming in. She was fortunate that the locals, and even the tourists did not mind a chunkier woman. She chuckled at her profile and then front view. If it wasn't for her large breasts she would be pear shaped. She decided on a black vest over the t-shirt. It was short enough to leave a little of her white covered muffin top showing underneath and that worked for her. She grabbed her bandana and her purse before leaving the house.

  As she got to her car she remembered the previous night and went to check on the bushes. She was halfway there when she noticed tracks. Lily had been in the area a long while so she immediately recognized them as mountain lion tracks. She followed them in the daylight and they led around her trailer, loitering around her bedroom window, then off into the woods behind her trailer. She thought it was strange, but knew she was not in danger. Whatever the animal had been doing it was long gone by now. Mountain lions rarely stalked people. There was easier game out there.

  Chapter Two

  Lily pulled into the Outpost parking lot whistling happily as the song Freebird blasted out of her truck speakers. The parking lot was only half full, and half of those were out of state. Figured with the summer kicking into high gear the tourists would really be flocking in now. She locked up her truck when the song ended, and went in the back door to punch in and let the boss know she was there.

  Shelly Linburg was the owner of the Outpost, and a pretty good boss. Lily had worked for her since before her husband had passed away and the woman always gave her employees a fair shake. Lily smiled when she went and ordered her meal. Every employee working over four hours got to have a free meal, anything they wanted. So Lily ordered her regular cheeseburger and spicy fries with a coke. She felt a little guilty considering her breakfast, but this meal would ensure she made it through the night without getting too hungry. She worked from 4 pm to midnight, the perfect shift for her. She did not have to stay until closing, but she did not have to be in early either.

  “So how is life treating you Lily?” Shelly asked sitting next to her at the end of the bar where she was eating. Shelly was a petite woman with graying red hair to the middle of her back and bright green eyes. Today she was wearing her cowboy outfit. Complete with country skirt, blouse and cowboy hat.

  “Good Shelly, how about you?” She asked politely.

  “Can't complain, can't complain. I heard that Luther jerk was giving you shit last night, again,” she said. Lily shrugged.

  “Yeah, but you know him. He is just an asshole. Ignore him and he will eventually fade away,” she responded to her boss. Shelly shook her head.

  “Not this one girl. I have heard from other establishments and other woman. He does not just go away unless you make him. He grabbed you last night didn't he?” She asked. Lily had to be truthful.

  “Yeah, but it was no big deal,” she said holding out her wrist. She was surprised to see a slight bruise where the jerk had gra
bbed her. Lily had not noticed. Shelly gently took her hand looking at her wrist.

  “No big deal? Jesus Lily, no one hurts my people, no one. It makes me glad I already told the bouncers he is not welcome here. Jake did not like what happened last night and now I agree even more. Why didn't you say anything girl?” She asked, a little hurt Lily thought.

  “Really Shelly, I did not even notice this last night. Not until just now. I admit I was just glad when he left. If you want him out I am not going to complain. I promise to let you know if shit like that happens again, ok?” she asked her boss.

  “Oh alright. What about that Mike guy. He is the second biker hitting on you isn't he?” Shelly questioned. Lily bought herself time chewing her hamburger.

  “Yeah but he is nice about it and takes my no for no. I don't mind a little flirting. It is fun and the night goes faster. You know that,” Lily said. Shelly grinned.

  “That I do. I know Mike is a nice guy, and he obviously has excellent taste, but he runs his gang with an iron fist, or so I hear. Just be careful honey, we all love you and look out for you,” she finished patting her on the shoulder and kissing her cheek before moving off to talk to customers.

  It was moments like this that made Lily doubt her plans for moving away. She had some good people in this little town who looked after her and loved her. She knew that for a fact, despite the crap she had been through they were always there. Even and most especially, after her parents had passed away years before. Then again, she thought, as she sopped up ketchup with her fries, Shelly was the one who was encouraging to go to school. Lily finished her lunch and went to work, thinking about her future.

  Around eight o'clock she got Mike his usual shot and a beer. The place had died down some, so she asked him how it was going.

  “Going pretty good Lily. Finished a job today and lined up another for next week. I have the weekend off and I am thinking of going riding to anywhere that seems fun. Want to come?” He asked both humorously and seriously. For a brief second she thought about the look on his face if she said yes. She decided to spare him that joke.

  “Sorry bud, I have work and then more work at home this weekend. Serious stuff I can't put off,” she informed him.

  “Like what,” he challenged with a grin.

  “The first free weekend I have had in two months. I am going to put my feet up and binge watch television for hours on end. That is serious business where I come from,” she informed him with a fake snooty accent. They both laughed.

  “Ok, fair enough, the offer always stands though girl, you know that right?” She did.

  “Yep, and thanks Mike,” she answered seriously. He smiled slightly. She knew he was not going to give up, but at least he was nice about it.

  “I hear through the grape vine that that idiot Luther is no longer a patron here,” he said. He wasn't asking a question. He already knew it.

  “Yeah, Shelly put her foot down. She looks out for us even when we don't,” Lily told him fondly. His eyes traveled to her bruised wrist.

  “She is nicer than me. If this was my place I would beat his ass until he decided not to come back. Then again that would probably be illegal huh?” He said humorously.

  “Ya think,” she answered with a grin and went off to stock the cooler.

  Mike paid up around then, and there were only three people left in the bar by that time. He gave her a good tip and she knew better than to protest.

  “Thanks Mike, and Mike, thanks for the concern. I am good, no worries, ok?” She told him.

  “Ok, no worries. Have a good night,” he told her. His eyes ran up and down her curvy figure once, and then with a wink he was out the door. She felt a little tingle deep inside, and sighed with a smile. It was nice to be appreciated, she had to admit.

  The next day went well, if a little slow. She was counting the minutes to closing so she could start her weekend of indulgence. As soon as she was off the clock, she was out the door. Waving goodbye and not looking back. As she got in her truck she thought about whether she needed to stop at the store. Running over the list of her shopping earlier in the day she decided, nope. She had everything she needed at home, and started up her truck.

  The past few months had been busy ones as she had told Mike. Her friend Carol's house had been flooded by a burst pipe, so she had been helping her clean up and move her stuff out until it could be repaired. Then once it was repaired she helped her move stuff back. Having two days off to herself in a row was like a gift for her efforts, and she was not going to waist it.

  She pulled out of the parking lot and her truck was running a bit sluggish. She ignored it and rolled down the windows. The heat had been brutal, and she had broke out in a sweat just leaving the bar's air conditioned interior. As she cruised down the road the trucks engine began making some pinging noises and a strange whirring sound. She was about to pull it over when she heard a loud, metallic clunk. Then it just died and she was coasting off to the side of the pavement into the gravel shoulder. Damn! She thought viciously. Not this weekend! Damn! She thought again.

  Lily grabbed her purse and rolled up the windows. She was not going to try and figure it out in the dark. She knew she would be coming back in the morning. Carol's boyfriend was a mechanic, she thought. After the work she had done for them he could help her out with it. That thought made her feel a little better, and she pulled out her little flashlight and began hoofing it up the road. Lily was only a couple miles from her trailer so it would not be long, she consoled herself. She had a fleeting wish she had not worn her usual Friday night dress. It was loose and frilly. While it was cool, it was not exactly hiking material. Neither were her high heeled boots. She only went about a hundred yards when she heard some rustling in the brush across the road. She stopped, and after a few seconds it did too. She heard a rough purring sound and realized what it was.

  A frigging mountain lion, again! What were the odds, her panicking mind questioned? Doesn't matter she answered herself, and started walking again. She did not know if running would encourage the beast to run or what, so she walked. Her heart began thumping loudly as she heard the rustling as soon as she started moving. Looking back over her shoulder and pointing her light, she saw a big mountain lion head poke out of the huckleberry bushes. The shining eyes seemed to meet hers and she started walking faster. The look in those eyes gave her a familiar creepy feeling she could not place. As she walked faster she head a growl behind her, and she lost her nerve and began running. She heard a coughing roar but refused to look behind her. She also thought she heard the sound of an engine, then saw a headlight coming towards her. She began waving her hands above her head as she ran. The growling behind her became louder as did the engine coming towards her. It sounded like a motorcycle that was kicking into high gear. Lily had never been so scared and still could not bring herself to look behind her, yet was terrified she would feel fangs on her throat soon. As the bike got close it turned sideways and slid right towards her!

  Chapter Three

  Lily screamed as the bike slid past her, and turning her little flashlight saw it's back tire hit a truly huge mountain lion about ten yards behind her. The big cat rolled along the pavement as the bike shot towards and skidded to a stop. It was Mike Jameson with his hand out.

  “Get on quick!” He shouted. She did not waste any time and hopped on. She wrapped her arms around his waist and they took off so fast she almost lost her grip. She heard the roar of the cat as they rode away. It sounded like a very angry animal. They took the curving road at a high speed and she shouted pointing to her turn off. Mike skidded down to a speed they could turn with and drove slower up the gravel drive to her trailer. As soon as they stopped she got off. She was shaking and her thoughts were still in panic mode.

  “Hey, Lily, you ok?” Mike said as he got off. She shook her head and felt an upheaval in her stomach. She turned and made it to the bushes and threw up. She managed to keep her hair out of it, and when she finished she actually felt better.
She breathed heavily trying to get her breath back. Slowly she stood and wiped her mouth. OK, that is better, she thought. She turned back to Mike who was standing at a distance, smoking a thin cigar. Giving her space she thought.

  “I'm better now, I think. What the hell just happened?” She burst out. OK, maybe not better, she thought.

  “Beats me Lily. I was cruising along and saw you being chased by a big cat. You tell me, I am just glad I came along when I did. Who else would I have to hit on if I hadn't,” he asked in a completely reasonable tone. She ignored his pass.

  “My damn truck broke down. I was walking home and that cougar started following me. I had one around here the other night. When you came along I thought I was a goner. Uh, thanks Mike really, you saved my biscuit,” she told him as her heart rate finally slowed. He smiled slightly.

  “My pleasure, anytime. You say there was a lion around here the other night?” He asked showing obvious concern.

  “Yeah there was. In fact I would be more comfortable if I could get inside,” she said as she headed for her trailer door. Once they both were in she felt a little safer. She went into the kitchen and tossed her purse down on the counter and saw all of her snacks and things she had bought for her weekend and cursed.

  “Damn it. I had this whole weekend planned, and now this shit!” she turned to him saying. “No kidding. I have a big pizza, beer and food for a weekend of doing absolutely nothing! Now I have to get my truck towed, probably call the rangers and let them know what is going on, Shit!” Lily cursed again.

  “Calm down, look, you still have your pizza and tomorrow that stuff can be taken care of easily. So put in your pizza and crack a beer. I won't stop you. You may want to know you are stuck with me tonight though,” he informed her.


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