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Gay Paranormal Romance: Daddy Wolf (Gay Shifter Mpreg) (MM Paranormal Omega Romance)

Page 147

by Sy Walker

  “I don’t think that you understand. You’re not going anywhere and I really don’t think that you want to anyway. It’s interesting that you contacted me, because you’re not exactly the type of guy that I gravitate towards. You wear these expensive suits and clothing that probably cost more than my motorcycle outside.” He let go of me, only long enough to rip open my shirt. The buttons tore loose and flew everywhere. The material was destroyed and I doubt that even a seasoned tailor would be able to fix what he had just destroyed in a matter of seconds.

  “Oh my…that was a little unexpected.” He ran his hand down over my chest and then suddenly stuck his hand down the front of my pants. Without the underwear in the way, he was able to grasp on to my flesh and give it long languid strokes. With his other hand, he undid my belt and then unsnapped the button at the top, so that he would have easier access to the goods.

  “I wasn’t expecting to feel eight nice inches. Let’s just say that I’ve been disappointed in the past.” That was one thing that we had in common. “I love the wetness on the tip and that let’s me know just how excited you are to be in my arms.” He had me pinned up against the door and I suppose I could’ve forced my way past him, but I didn’t want to.

  “You’re…not exactly the type of guy that I find myself with either.” The leather that he was wearing was my Achilles’ heel. Any time that I saw anybody in anything leather, I would pant for the chance to unveil what was hidden underneath. I had my hands up against the door and I could barely move, as he explored my shaft. He used the wetness at the tip to spread that liquid gold all over. He pulled his hand free. He had purposely left me begging for more. It was his way of making sure that I wasn’t going to bolt for the hills. I had this vision of a cardboard cutout of myself running through the door like in those cartoons I watched when I was a kid.

  “I do believe that the old adage of opposites attract apply to the both of us. I like that you are a little nervous and it’s going to make it that much more delicious to get you naked. You are going to suck my cock and I’m going to make you deepthroat it.” I didn’t think that he was going to have to force me to do anything. I was more than willing to supply him with oral gratification, along with any other body part that he deemed worthy of taking for a test drive.

  “I want that… I didn’t think that I would, but I do.” He kissed me and held my hair tangled in his hands, so that there was no way that I was going to escape. I moaned incoherently into his mouth, while we dueled tongues to see who was going to come out on top. This man could kiss like no other. He was still stroking me, but now he had found a way to unzip my pants and pull them down, until my cock was jutting freely from my midsection. He slapped it with his hand and made it bounce for his amusement.

  Pulling my shirt and my jacket off over my shoulders was soon followed by my pants being relieved from around my ankles. I stood in front of him completely bare and at the mercy of his eager and hungry eyes. I was the only one that was naked and the fact that he was still wearing his clothes was only making me a little bit more self-conscious. This nervous energy surrounded me. I found myself Airborne and landing on that mattress.

  He leaped with ease, until he was straddling me and had his crotch and the smell of that leather, so close to my mouth that I could almost taste it. He took out his cock and it was a fat piece of sausage that was waiting to have the attention of my mouth. I bit my lip and then licked my mouth, while he tapped that large head against my face. He brought it over to my mouth and soon I was trying to accommodate the girth of that large snake between his legs.

  “The best thing that you can do is relax.” That was easier said than done, but I was going to try nonetheless. “It’s probably a little bigger than you’re used to. Trust me I’ve had other guys think that they weren’t capable of swallowing me and found out that they could with a little bit of encouragement.” That encouragement came with his hand gripping my hair and force feeding me an injection of beef.

  I loved the feel of him stretching my jaws and sliding across my tongue with the rest of his shaft following suit. He tapped at the back of my mouth and I stared at him with wide eyed wonder, until finally I was giving him an internal massage like no other. My throat opened up and I thought for sure that I was going to gag, but I didn’t. It was almost like he was meant to be there. He started to rock back and forth; fucking my face and making me revel in the feel of his juices dripping incessantly on to my tongue.

  “This is, so fucking good. I don’t think that I’ve ever had a man that could take me that easily.” He was unbuttoning his shirt and I saw the scar on his shoulder in the shape of a crescent moon. That was a little strange, considering that wolves have an amazing capacity to heal. I really didn’t get a chance to give it much thought, as he began to fuck my face just a little bit harder. He was smiling and most likely was going to leave my lips bruised by the end of it.

  I suddenly found my inner strength and I was able to reach around and grab onto his leather clad cheeks. I didn’t want him to think that I was just going to lie there and take it. He had to know that I wanted to be here and was not just some kind of living sex doll.

  He finally pulled free, leaving me breathless and almost begging him with my eyes to continue what he started. “Owen, I’m impressed that I was able to do that. I thought that it was going to be an effort in futility, but apparently I don’t know what I’m capable of. You awakened something inside me that I didn’t even know was there.” He moved his glistening cock down my chest, until he was gripping my own member with his in both hands. He rubbed us both against each other and then he moved into position with my ankles in his hands.

  “I need you to be… YESSSS.” I thought that I was going to ask him to be gentle, but he had taken that notion right out of my head. He had applied pressure with that knob and now the head of his cock was deeply imbedded past the resistance of the ring of my ass. That was the biggest part of him and I thought for sure that I was going to come unglued. “Jesus Christ…I didn’t think it was possible that I could want something like that. I’ve always been a little shy, but you are changing that.” He was breathing heavy and his hairy chest was rising and falling with each breath.

  A trickle of sweat now accumulated in his chest hair and gave him a bear like quality. He moved a little closer, sinking a couple of more inches into the dark recesses of my hole. The tightness wrapped around him like a glove and the suction was more than enough to draw him closer with each stroke. He was taking his time and I could tell that he was in no hurry to finish this off anytime soon.

  “I knew that you were going to be tight, but I had no idea that you would be virgin tight.” That was not the first time that I had heard a man say that to me. I never really thought much about it, but I could see on his face that his moment of truth would not be far off. “Just looking at you, I know that I’m going to want to do this again.” He had said it with such a matter of fact confidence that he made me believe it. This was not going to be the one night stand that I had planned. Then again, plans have a way of changing at the drop of a dime.

  “I want you, Owen. I think that I’ve never wanted a man more.” This was taking me by surprise and the feel of his elongated stick of dynamite was making a home inside my body. I had to smile at the fact that he was trying his best to stop himself from succumbing to my tight embrace. “This is better than I thought it was going to be. I can’t even begin to describe what I’m feeling.” I reached up and played with his nipples, feeling his cock jerk inside me. I wanted all of him and I didn’t want to miss one single drop.

  He leaned forward, grabbed my hands and placed them over my head. My legs curled around him, feeling the leather against my bare feet and loving it in a way that I didn’t think was possible. The feel of that same leather rubbing up against my thighs was a constant aphrodisiac that kept me harder than stone. I was throbbing and I wasn’t even touching myself and suddenly I was screaming and letting go of the burden within my balls. />
  This of course made his eyes go wide and he began to fuck me with an earnest that felt like he was never going to stop. The bed slammed up against the wall repeatedly, cracking the plaster and suddenly he was holding still. His knob flared and his hot boiling seed entered into my body. I thought that I saw colors dancing in front of my eyes and I arched my body up, so that I could get him in, as deep as possible. There was something about that scar that held my gaze.

  We stayed joined with him lying down on top of me and breathing into my ear for maybe 20 minutes. I couldn’t even move and my ass was numb. My mind was overwrought with sexual endorphins that were driving me crazy. I was completely satiated, satisfied beyond words and I could tell on his face that he was in his own little world.

  “You are one good fuck. I don’t think that I’ve ever felt that way before. I don’t want to make a big deal of this, but that’s the first time that I’ve ever finished off inside a man. I’m not exactly what you would call a 5 minute wonder. Most often than not, I have to take matters into my own hands, but with you it was different.” He slipped out of me and now he was lying beside me with the air ripe with sexual tension. I didn’t know where we were supposed to go from here, but for the time being I needed to get some sleep. I glanced over at the clock to see that it was 2 hours from the time that we had come in here. That was a two hour marathon of sex that felt like a half hour at best. I could only attribute that to getting immersed into the man himself. It was strange and time didn’t even come into considerations. The more time I spent with him…the more I wanted to spend more.

  Chapter four

  I was sweating profusely and I was constantly waking up with a stomach ache. My head was pounding like a drum. I paced the floor, doubling over a couple times with a pain that was beyond anything that I’ve had before. I wanted to wake up Owen, but he looked, so peaceful lying there with a smile on his face that he probably wouldn’t be able to wipe off for days.

  It was about 3:00 AM, when I went into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I could not quite believe what I was seeing. The bulge in my stomach was a good indication that I was with child. I’d heard of those wolves that had the ability to impregnate a man, but I had never met one before. They were rare and they were considered a true Alpha with all the rights that went with being a leader of a gang. He was whiling away, as second in command, when he should’ve been taking the reins. Only those that could impregnate a man like he had just done with me could truly hold that power in the palm of their hand.

  I thought that I would panic and start screaming my head off, but instead I touched my stomach and felt intimately connected. I was shocked, but I wasn’t going off the rails. I was tempted to wake him up and tell him the news, but I thought that it would be best that I wait, until morning. I think I was scared by what he might say. It wasn’t everyday a male wolf found himself with child.

  There was no way that I was going to get any sleep and by the time that he stretched his limbs and welcomed the new day, I was ready to impart on him the news of his impending fatherhood.

  “Owen, I have something to tell you that is going to change things.” I decided at the last minute that words would not properly convey what had to be said. I turned and showed him the product of his love growing inside me.” He bolted straight up and stared at me like he couldn’t quite believe what he was witnessing. “I had no idea that you were an Alpha breeder.” From the look on his face, I don’t think that he even knew that he was a rare and sought after commodity. He had just told me by his own admission that he had never gone that far with a man.

  “This can’t be and we only did it one time.” I almost laughed at the absurdity of his statement. “I would ask if you’re sure that it’s mine, but I think that is a moot point.” He got down on his knees and came towards me, until he was touching my stomach. “I had no idea. My parents died and I was taken in by another family of wolves. There was no way for me to know, but this means that I should be the leader of the Wolverines’.” I would stand by him in whatever decision he made about his future. “Bradley is not going to be very happy about this. I need to talk to him in private, before we announce it to the rest of the pack. I think that it goes without saying that you are a part of me and I am a part of you. There’s no way that I can possibly let you go after learning something like this. You’re carrying my child and I am elated at the prospect of being a father.”

  He led me into the bathroom and we showered together with our hands soaping up each other’s bodies. He spent a lot of time massaging my stomach. Even though I was showing, it didn’t mean that I was going to give birth for at least another four months. The gestation period was shorter than humans and that was something that I was going to have to live with. I’d never thought that I would be with child and that was an honor that was given to a select few. The Alpha breeders’ would always make a concentrated effort to find a suitable bloodline to join with theirs. It was fortuitous that the Adam clan was going to join the Jamison clan. We would make a formidable duo and everybody would have to give me the respect that I was due.

  “Those three words have never crossed these lips, but I think I love you.” The look in his eyes told me everything that I needed to know. The way that he was jacking me underneath the hot spray was a good indication that he wanted to continue this relationship. “Bradley has always been good to me and I will always have a place for him in the gang.” I didn’t know why he was not worried that Bradley would take offense at him trying to usurp his position. I could see it from Bradley’s point of view and it wasn’t pretty.

  “Owen, I know that the both of you are best friends, but maybe you should take a step back and take a walk in his shoes. You might think that he will be accepting of this, but you should always be ready for the worst possible outcome. Being forewarned is the best way to approach anything. Look at it from every angle and be ready for his reaction to the news. You might be right and it’s possible that he will welcome this change with open arms. It’s also very possible that he will take exception to you trying to take what is rightfully his. You might be friends now, but that could change from the moment that the secret slips out of your lips.”

  He brought me to the brink and then stopped several times. He was teasing me and leaving me wondering, if he was going to finish me off. It wasn’t, until I was too far gone to give a damn that I finally shot off with ropes of my semen gathering at the bottom of the tub. It went down the drain and it seemed like such a waste, but the pleasure that he inflicted on me was more than enough to make me almost buckle underneath the strain.

  “You’re mine now and whatever happens we will deal with it together. You don’t know Bradley the way that I do. He’s a fair man. I’m just going to have to lay it on the line and tell him exactly what this means.” I really didn’t think that it was going to be that easy. I wanted to say something more, but my mind was overrun with a feeling of ecstasy running through my body. My cock was dripping and it had diminished in size and girth.

  We got out and toweled each other off. He was being gentle like I was a fragile doll that would break with any kind of contact. I didn’t want him to think that I was weak by any means. I understood the reason why he was being cautious and these pregnancies have a way of being dangerous to the wolf that’s carrying it and the baby itself. I was going to have to avoid any kind of stress.

  “There’s no time like the present. I think the sooner that we tell Bradley what’s going on, the sooner that we can all deal with it in a civilized manner. If you don’t know already, then I should probably tell you that I’m very happy by this latest turn of events.” Men were not supposed to hold this honor, but I was given a gift and I wasn’t going to squander it. My bloodline and his would make a wolf that would be the chosen one. The purity of the wolf that I was carrying was written in the stars. Every wolf knew that those that came from a union of this sort was considered special and should be revered, as a leader amongst men.

p; “I’m going to groom this child in the likeness of myself and his father. Together, we will ring in a new generation that will evolve into something that is more than any of us can even imagine. He will be strong and confident and be willing to lay his life on the line for a cause. He will be a fierce warrior with the attributes to survive at any cost.” This was all written and there were only three others that had been born from this kind of sexual union. They were scattered around the globe, but it was widely known that they would grow up to bring the wolves into the light.

  It was all just a fable, but one that we all took very seriously. “I never thought that I would find a man like you, Owen. There was something about your photo and the way that you smiled in your profile that made me want to reach out and touch you.” I dressed quickly and when he tried to help me, I shrugged my shoulders to indicate that I could do it on my own. “I don’t want to do think that I’m going to break. I know that a pregnancy like this is risky, but I think that you can tell that I’m stronger than I appear. I don’t want you to worry about me, but I know that’s going to be very difficult for you.” He opened the door like a gentleman and I followed him out to the motorcycle.

  Sitting astride that beast of a machine and wrapping my hands around Owen’s waist was exactly where I wanted to be. The roar of the engine underneath me vibrated along my lower extremities. I’m sure that he was feeling the same thing, as he gunned the engine and drove out onto the street. I gripped his waist tightly, digging my fingernails into his leather jacket and hoping that I wasn’t going to do any permanent damage.


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