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Eyewitness News

Page 6

by Aiden Vaughan

  “We are happy that our daughter has chosen such a wonderful young man to go steady with,” Mr. Friesen added. “Happy birthday, Jason!”

  Jason next went over to Joe Connor, shook his hand and gave him a hug. “Joe, I am so pleased that you were able to come over tonight! How are you doing and how are Desiree, Stephen, and Paul doing?”

  “My grandchildren are doing great. They said to say hello and happy birthday to you. Colleen should be closing on their new house in the next couple of weeks. Paul said to remind you and Daniel that they want you two to come down and stay with them, once they are in their new place. I am thrilled that everything is working out for my family. And you and Daniel were the good luck charms that helped make it happen!”

  “I’m always happy to help people out, especially good people like you and your family!” Jason answered with a smile. “I still remember the first time we met, and how you turned my entire way of thinking about things and as a result my entire life at the time around. And I appreciate all of the good work you have been doing for my foundation.”

  “You have helped me to keep engaged in things, and ironically by turning your life around, it has resulted in my life being turned around. And all for the good! Happy birthday, Jason! I can’t believe you are only sixteen, given your accomplishments. And by the way, Dominic and Martin say hello also. Dominic said that if you were not following orders and having nothing but fun and good times for the rest of the summer, he was going to send Martin over to kick your butt!”

  “Trust me, that is the plan, Joe!” Jason replied. “The last thing I need is Martin on my case!”Jason then went around to all of his friends and greeted them. “It is so nice to have all of my closest friends together in one place!” Jason said. “I can’t believe you were all so capable of keeping this secret!”

  To Chauncey, Mariano, Kololo, and Reggie Jason said, “How could you guys sit there at our game the other day and say ‘we won’t be seeing you for a while’ when you knew that this party was coming up.”

  “We had a great time keeping you in the dark,” Chauncey said. “It was sort of a team thing,” he said with a chuckle. “Most of the time you don’t miss a thing, Jason, so it was fun putting one over on you.

  “We wouldn’t have missed this party for the world,” Eric said, “and we wanted to do something special for you, Jason. A lot of us wouldn’t even be here if it wasn’t for you! Happy birthday, Jason! Oh, and Ben sends his best wishes, too. He really has come a long way this summer.”

  “That’s mostly because of you, Eric. Dr. Agoura told me that your visits have done wonders for Ben, and that already he is starting to come out of his shell, be more open about things, and trust people again. I think that is awesome!”

  “Speaking of rehabilitated friends,” Daniel interrupted. “There is one very special guest you need to say hello to.”

  Jason turned around and couldn’t believe his eyes. “Cody?” he asked. “Cody Johnson is that you?”

  Cody Johnson came up and gave Jason a huge bear hug. “Happy birthday, Jason!” he exclaimed. “When Daniel told me about this party, I knew I had to be here for you! I even wore that pair of chucks you gave me as a tribute to you!” Cody pointed at his feet, which were usually bare or in flip-flops. Today Cody was dressed in a well broken in pair of optical white high tops, worn folded down with wide sky blue laces, along with a pair of beach shorts, muscle tee shirt and a string of beads around his neck and ankles.

  “Cody,” Jason replied. “I thought you looked great the last time you came up to visit, but all I can say now is, wow! You look like a television advertisement for some beach resort!”

  Cody was the picture of a California surfer. All of his wounds were completely healed and he had a chestnut suntan, perfect sun-bleached, curly long hair, and a chiseled physique. “I must say life has been agreeing with me since you set me free, Jason. Of course, I love living on the beach with my grandparents, going surfing, and digging that whole scene. But now I am really getting into oceanography and science. Ever since you told me you would fund my college education, I have discovered meaning in my science classes, but also an interest beyond just what is offered in school. The beach is my classroom. I am learning everything I can about every living creature there. With the resources you have provided me, all of this is possible. I can’t thank you enough for what you and your foundation have done for me!”

  “Just seeing what has become of you is all the thanks I need, Cody. I am very happy that the investment we put into you is starting to pay off. And thanks for driving all the way up here to tell me that in person. That makes it even more special.”Soon after Jason had greeted all of the guests, the dinner was ready. The food was catered by Diana Miglione’s mother and of course Diana had a lot to do with the menu. There were barbequed ribs and chicken pieces, potato, mixed fruit, and green salads, garlic bread, tempura vegetables and deep fried artichoke hearts. The centerpiece was one of Mrs. Miglione’s famous cakes. For this occasion she had made a marble cake with custard and raspberry filling, topped with dark chocolate frosting, and garnished with whole raspberries and small chocolate truffle pieces. In red and white frosting was the inscription “Happy 16th Birthday, Jason.”

  Everyone helped themselves to generous plates of food and sat down inside or on the patio to eat it. While the guests were eating and enjoying themselves, the doorbell rang at the front door. Laura went to answer the door and came back with a serious look on her face.

  “Jason there is a policeman at the door asking for you. What have you done now? Are you involved in some new detective work?” she said with a frown.

  “I have no idea what this is about,” Jason replied. “Daniel and I aren’t working on any new cases at the moment. I told you that yesterday!”

  When Jason got to the front door, there was a business-like policeman waiting for him. “Are you Jason Hunter?” the policeman asked. “Come with me!” he ordered in a stern voice. Jason had a worried look on his face as he was led outside.

  Once outside, Jason saw several patrol cars, including one with Captain Garcia. “Happy birthday!” they all shouted.

  Jason broke into a big smile when he saw them all. “I am so happy this isn’t official business!” he said with some relief in his voice. “I thought you were coming to tell me I didn’t pass my drivers test today after all!”

  Captain Garcia got out of his car and came up to Jason. “I heard from your father that you passed with flying colors. Congratulations!” The captain then shook Jason’s hand.

  “We are here because you have been such a help to us over the past year or so. We were all impressed at the cases you solved, like your kidnapping, the Ethan Savage case, your rescue of Eric Acosta, and your rescue of those two boys from that boot camp. But most impressive to us was your willingness to go undercover and crack the case of those two predators who were kidnapping, torturing and killing young kids. That was an incredible case. Your bravery deserves our respect, Jason. But I hope you never have to go into harm’s way again, my friend!”

  “I am honored by your presence here, Captain Garcia, and the fact that you consider my contributions significant,” Jason answered. “All I originally wanted to do was solve my own kidnapping, but after being a crime victim, I realized that my life would never be the same again. Then I was given the resources to intervene in any case that seemed to be worthy of private intervention. I think we have both been pleased with the results!”

  “Everyone in our department has been impressed by your actions and willingness to put your life on the line for your beliefs. That is a rare quality these days!” Captain Garcia replied. “And yes your contributions have been significant. I am sure that part of the reason I am a captain in the police force is because of your efforts.”

  After Jason went to each car and shook the hands of the officers who had come to salute him, he went back to Laura’s house. Daniel was waiting for him at the front door and asked what had happened outside. Wh
en Jason explained what Captain Garcia had told him, Daniel said, “Jason, I know I prodded you, in fact most likely baited you to become a detective. But what you have done since then has been extraordinary!” Daniel gave Jason a hug and said, “Your are my best friend and my hero at the same time! That alone is an incredible feat!”

  Once inside Laura’s house again, it was time for the cake. Diana went over and lit the sixteen candles on Jason’s cake. She got everyone’s attention, and then had them sing ‘Happy Birthday.’

  After the song, Jason stood up and addressed his friends and family. “Thank you all for coming and helping me celebrate. Each one of you is important in my life! I feel like I am the luckiest person in the world because I know all of you! Now let’s party together for the rest of the evening. There is no place I would rather be than with all of you!”

  Chapter 7

  Broadcast Story About Ben Kessler

  (Television Feature)

  The nightly news on KHHT television was going through its normal cycle of local news stories, weather, and sports. Then the news anchor announced, “We now have a special report from Jaime Orlando. You all remember the shocking story earlier this summer about the serial predators who were kidnapping, torturing and killing young kids in the San Matthias area south of the Silicon Valley. Jaime was a reporter on the scene when the case broke, and he has interviewed young Jason Hunter, the local hero who went undercover and broke open the case.

  “One of the lucky victims who survived his ordeal at the hands of those criminals was a young boy named Ben Kessler. We now have an exclusive report on his recovery. Hello, Jaime!”

  The station then cut to Jaime’s report.

  JO: I am standing here outside the farmhouse of the Kessler family about a mile south of San Matthias. I am with young Ben Kessler, who has agreed to say a few words to us on camera. Ben was kept captive for nearly two weeks and was deeply traumatized by the actions of his captors. But with the support of his loving family and friends, good counseling, and the resilience typical of a young boy, Ben is now doing much better and beginning to get back to a normal life. Yesterday was Ben’s fourteenth birthday, a date that Ben thought he would never see while he was held captive. [addressing Ben] How are you doing now, Ben?

  BK: I am doing a lot better. The nightmares I have experienced as a result of what was done to me are starting to go away. Every day I feel a little bit stronger and more self-confident. I am so happy to be free. I never really understood what that meant before!

  JO: Just the fact that you are willing to appear on camera and talk about it is testament to that. How are you spending your days now?

  BK: I am getting back into doing regular chores around the farm, taking care of our animals, and helping with our gardens and fruit trees. Besides being with my family, I have been spending a lot of time with a new friend, Eric, who has been helping me with my recovery. I have also been having regular counseling sessions to help me cope with everything that I experienced, especially all of the things going through my mind.

  JO: That sounds great, Ben. I and all of my colleagues in the news media are so pleased to hear you are doing better. We were all very happy to report that you had survived the terrible things that were done to you! Yesterday was your birthday. How did you celebrate it?

  BK: We just had a simple birthday party here at the farm. I really didn’t want anything too elaborate. I just wanted to be with family and close friends. We had about six people over for the usual cake and ice cream.

  JO: Any special wishes or sentiments for your birthday, Ben?

  BK: Like any kid, I wanted to have fun and games at my party. This year my special wish was that no other kid around here would ever have to endure what I did this year.

  JO: That’s a very noble sentiment, Ben. Is there anything else that you would like to say to our listening audience?

  BK: Yes there is! I would like to give a big thank you to Jason Hunter. He has to be the bravest kid I know. As you said earlier, he was the one responsible for my rescue. Not only did he put his life on the line to go after those two evil men, but since then he has been providing me with additional help through his Whatever Foundation. His foundation covered my medical bills, the counseling sessions with Dr. Agoura, and even some personal items for me. My family and I have been overwhelmed by his courage and his generosity!

  JO: I know Jason and he is a special kid. And part of the reason for that is that he had to endure being kidnapped when he was your age.

  BK: With Jason, I think that it is more than just giving out money. With him it is personal! I now understand why, which is one positive result from a very horrible experience. I’ll be honest with you, Mr. Orlando, after I was rescued and freed from captivity I was a mess, a basket case I guess you would call it. I could barely function from day to day. But because Jason continued to intervene with me and provide me with counseling and other support, I gradually began to recover. I think you can see the result. Here I am standing in front of a television camera talking to a reporter, something I couldn’t even have imagined doing before.

  JP: I am very impressed talking with you today, Ben. You do seem very self-assured and confident.

  BK: That’s because not only did Jason provide me with the support I mentioned, but he introduced me to a new friend, Eric, who had also been through an abusive experience when he was younger. Having Eric become my friend was the best therapy you could imagine. He understood what I was going through and kept telling me that I would recover. He told me that it was just a matter of time. Eric knew that what I needed was not a lot of fuss and sympathy, but rather just regular normal activities to do, like playing ball or going swimming. Eric was another one of Jason’s rescue cases. He told me something very interesting about Jason. All Jason ever wants in the way of thanks for his generosity is that whoever is on the receiving end of it will sometime in his or her life provide the same kind of support for someone else.

  JO: I am very impressed by how you kids have been looking after each other. That is the really good news here. Do you have anything else to tell us, Ben?

  BK: Yes, probably the most important thing I can say is to other teen or pre-teen kids. You all need to become a little bit more like Jason. You need to be more aware of the bad things that can happen to kids, and if you see or experience something that looks suspicious, or criminal, or abusive in any way to yourself or another kid, don’t just sit there and take it. Do something about it! At least talk to an adult or another kid who you trust. Don’t bottle it up inside you! Don’t cover it up! You can fight back and win, even though you may be fighting against a much stronger and bigger opponent!

  JO: That is a very important message you have to pass on!

  BK: Predators like the men who grabbed me cannot operate in the open. Everyone who hears about their actions is immediately outraged and will do something to stop it from happening. Predators rely on secrecy and the intimidation of their victims. They do everything they possibly can to make you afraid and fearful of them. You will not be able to defeat them one-on–one, because they are stronger and bigger than you! The way you defeat them is to let others know what they are doing. Predators cannot exist in the light of day or in the presence of other adults!

  JO: You certainly have come a long way in your recovery, Ben. Happy birthday and best wishes to you and your family! This is Jaime Orlando reporting for KHHT News.

  Chapter 8

  Nick and Jason


  Saturday Jason biked over to Nick’s house to see how he was doing. Caterina and Nick now had spent several days to get their new house in order and it was looking good. The furniture and Nick’s grand piano were all set up in the living room, pictures and art were on the wall, and Caterina had gotten the kitchen and dining room all organized the way she wanted.

  When Jason rang the doorbell, Nick’s mom, Caterina, answered. “Hi, Jason!” she said with a smile. “How are you doing? Come on inside. Nick is up in h
is room. Just go on up there.”

  As Jason walked toward the stairs, he looked around. “Everything looks terrific, Mrs. Poulos. You have done a nice job decorating!”

  “Thank you, Jason. Your family’s help the other night got me started. I need to get all the decorating and unpacking done this weekend, because I have to be back at work full time on Monday.”

  Jason quickly bounded up the stairs to Nick’s room. Nick actually had two rooms, a regular bedroom and a combination office and music room where he had his computer and electronic keyboards. There was a nice desk area where he could work. Nick was inside his office room working on his computer. When he heard Jason coming up the stairs, he turned around to see who it was.

  “Jason!” he exclaimed. “What a pleasant surprise. Come on in and have a seat. I was just puttering around on the computer.”

  Jason came in and the two boys gave each other knuckles. “I can’t believe how cool this is that I actually am your neighbor now, Jason. I keep pinching myself to make sure it isn’t just a dream!”

  “Nick, when you got up and announced that you were moving here at your recent birthday party, I and everyone in Daniel’s band gave a resounding ‘yes’!” Looking around the room, Jason continued, “It looks like you are getting settled into your new digs.”


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