Sex, Vows & Babies: Do Not Disturb (Kindle Worlds Novella)
Page 5
“But you do! I can’t remember the last time I cooked more than some eggs or toast. And you rub my back all the time.”
“Imagine how good it’ll feel when someone who has the first clue what the hell they’re doing does it.”
Opening her mouth before closing it again, Jade’s eyes lit as she gave me a small smile in the mirror. “Oh. Good point.”
“I know, I’m a genius like that.” With one last rub across her sexy as fuck stomach, I moved away. “Ready?”
After securing her robe, Jade opened the door and we walked back into the room.
“Disrobe and climb up,” the woman said, positioning a step stool near the massage table with the cutout for Jade’s belly.
When Jade began to undo the robe, I snatched the sheet off the table and held it up as a wall. She looked over her shoulder at me and rolled her eyes.
I didn’t give a flying fuck she thought I was ridiculous, or that the masseuses were professionals.
I was the only lucky bastard who got to see her.
Her eye roll turned into a glare as I hovered, making sure she was safe as she climbed on. As soon as she was comfortably positioned, I covered her before getting onto the other table.
“We’ll start with some oil,” the woman said. “Your husband made your feelings on flowers clear, so we have an orange and coconut or an unscented.”
Jade lifted her head a little to look at the woman. “Orange and coconut, please.” Turning to face me, she whispered, “You thought of everything.”
“Told you I was a genius.”
She softly snorted as she shifted to face the other way.
It was only a few minutes into the massage that she looked back at me. Her eyes were heavy-lidded, her mouth curled up in a lazy smile. “You were right. You’re a genius.” I opened my mouth to say something cocky, but she beat me to it. “I’m just the bigger genius because I was smart enough to marry you.”
Losing some of the humor, I looked at my beautiful, pregnant wife. “And I’m thankful every day for that.”
As a woman who’d clearly been blessed with magical hands massaged my very strained lower back, my mind dreamed up all sorts of ways I was going to thank Dex. I fully intended to put my loose muscled body to work.
Three weeks after the previous conference, I’d found out I was pregnant. It was likely I’d conceived during our weekend together, but it was impossible to say for sure because our special time hadn’t tapered off.
True to his word, Dex had been both vocal and active in letting me know how he felt about me. We had more dates, even if they were just watching movies after Lilly was asleep. It didn’t always go anywhere, I wasn’t Super Sex Star, but he let me know when he wanted me. He cooked and cleaned, played tea party with Lilly, and never made me feel like I was slacking when morning sickness or fatigue kicked my ass.
If anything, naps and lazing became mandatory.
Dex had never been the sole problem. I’d needed to change my perspective, too. More often than not, I’d felt like I was pulled in a million direction, each requiring a different personality. I’d had to learn to trust that even if I was exhausted, a mess, stressed, or tired, Dex was there.
He loved me.
And he wanted me.
It did a lot for a woman’s confidence when her hair was in a crazy bun and she was wearing sloth PJs, but a man who looked like him still wanted her to the point he’d beg.
Not that I made him, of course.
Well, not often.
There were a million ways he’d shown his appreciation. Not for the sex, though I’m sure it wasn’t a deterrent. But because he’d meant what he’d said. He loved me and wanted to make sure I knew it.
I did, and I hadn’t felt any more space between us.
What seemed like only a few minutes later, a soft alarm sounded.
“Time’s up,” the woman working on me said. I felt terry cloth on my back as she covered me with my robe. “What’d you think?”
Carefully, I slid my arms into the sleeves before sitting up and closing the front. My body felt loose, and the knots and cramps in my lower back were gone. “You know how some people steal the soap or towels from hotels?” At her nod, I continued. “Can I steal you?”
She laughed as she wiped down her hands. “No, but you can come back as often as you’d like.”
Since we were four hours from home, I didn’t see that happening.
Dex helped me up, practically carrying me to the bed.
With an efficiency that was honestly surprising and impressive, the masseuses made quick work of packing their things. Dex walked them to the door with tip in hand.
I hope it was enough to make her reconsider letting me steal her.
Flopping onto my back, I rubbed my belly. Though the rest of me felt like sleeping, the massage had woken Baby Bean. My stomach shifted and rippled with each somersault, kick, and wiggle. When I heard a zipper, I looked over to see Dex had pulled on track pants and a hoodie.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa. Wrong direction. Clothes are coming off now.”
“I’m going to get dinner.”
“Food?” I shook my head slightly to get back on track. “No, I mean, no food. Sex. Look.” I spread my legs a little. “I’m so relaxed, I’m flexible again.” My words were negated by the groan I gave as I struggled to sit up.
Taking pity on me, Dex grabbed my hands and helped. “We’ll get flexible later. But you have about ten minutes to pee and get dressed before a woman will be here to massage your feet and paint your nails.”
“Did you bribe the entire spa to come up here?”
“Don’t think I didn’t try.” Getting my leggings and a tee from my luggage, Dex tossed them to me. “Nine minutes.”
Moving as fast as I could, I got ready. I was coming out of the bathroom when there was a knock at the door.
I opened it to find a woman in her mid-twenties carrying her weight in supplies. “Hi, I’m Amy, here for Jade.”
“That’s me.”
“Great.” She stepped in followed by two people carrying other supplies, which they set down before leaving.
“You’re insane,” I whisper yelled at Dex.
“Why don’t you have a seat and start looking at the polish colors?” the woman said, moving the room chair away from the wall.
“That’s my cue.” Dex kissed me quickly before grabbing his wallet, phone, and keys. “I’m going to grab dinner. Thai or Chinese?”
I looked up at him. “Yes.”
“Both. Got it.” He touched my belly before leaving.
Flopping into the chair, my excitement grew as I examined the near infinite number of bottles.
“Was this a surprise?” the woman asked. At my nod, she gave her own of approval. “And he buys you two things for dinner? Very thoughtful.”
“Yeah, I’m lucky.”
Any other conversation was lost as she began rubbing a citrus scented scrub on my feet.
If it wouldn’t have been incredibly awkward and unprofessional, I’d have moaned out loud. It felt glorious.
Reaching over, she touched her phone that was connected to speakers. Mellowly bland music filled the silence. The woman didn’t say anything else, but her hands said enough.
The masseuse isn’t the only one with magic hands.
And once Dex is back, I’ll show him my own magic skills.
My stomach rumbled, Baby Bean twisting in response.
Okay, once he’s back and I eat.
Resting my hands on my belly, I closed my eyes. The time flew by, and before I knew it, my nails were iridescent blue and my feet felt as if they didn’t constantly swell to the size of boats.
“All done,” Amy said, packing her stuff. She opened the door again so the same men could grab most of the supplies.
“That was amazing.” I scrunched my face. “Crap, sorry, I don’t have cash. Can I—”
She shook her head. “Your husband took care of it already. En
joy your dinner.” The door opened again, and she smiled. “Perfect timing. Good night.”
Relaxed and happy, I looked over at my husband. His arms were filled with bags, and I knew he’d gotten me exactly what I loved.
He always did.
Setting the bags down, he held the door open for Amy as she hustled out with her supplies.
“Hey,” I said, my voice coming out throatier than I’d intended. “How hungry are you?”
Even from across the room, I could see his eyes go hooded, filling with heat. His loose pants did nothing to hide his growing bulge. If anything, it was accentuated. He grabbed the ‘Do Not Disturb’ sign and hung it on the outside knob.
“I’ve got a taste for something sweet,” he said, prowling toward me as he stripped. “And it’s not in those bags.”
Shifting to stand, he put his hand on my head before I could. I opened my mouth wide as he fisted his cock, but I’d barely wrapped my lips around him when he moved.
“You’re a tease,” I snapped.
“Like you have room to talk.” Dropping to his knees, he carefully pulled me to the edge of the chair. I lifted my ass as he tugged my pants off.
“You only get a quick taste,” I insisted.
“Uh huh.”
“And then you can only put the tip in.”
“Whatever you say, dear.”
My head fell back as he took a long lick, groaning against me.
He got more than a taste. And it was much, much more than the tip.
Dinner was cold by the time we got to it.
But I showed him all my magic skills.
Two years, six months, and three weeks later
My foot bounced as I sat staring at the cup.
A cup, incidentally, which was filled with pee.
I wished I could say that was the grossest cup of something I’d seen, but as the mom of a six-year-old and two-year-old, it wasn’t. Not by a longshot.
Toddler hidden sippy cups of milk were the thing of nightmares.
As if sensing my thoughts, a hand smacked the door.
Since it was a pudgy slap and not fists of fury, I knew it was Finn before he shouted, “Mama, you in ‘dere?”
“Yeah, love, I’m in here.”
“I see you?”
“No, I’m going potty.”
His voice was more firm as his question changed into a statement. “I see you.” He pushed on the door, finding it uncharacteristically locked. “You stuck, Mama? Need help? I go get Dada.”
“No!” Softening my voice, I added, “I’m just going potty. Where’s Lilly?”
“Playing in her room.”
“Why don’t you go play, too?”
When my question was met with silence, I assumed he’d gone to go play.
As Dex and I were both only children, neither of us had known what to expect when Lilly got a sibling. Much to our surprise, they loved each other immensely and hardly ever bickered. Lilly loved having someone to play with, and Finn adored his older sister so much, he went along with anything she suggested.
Dex took that as a sign we should have more. I had my suspicions his decision was more to do with how horny I got when I was pregnant.
My feelings were different. We were blessed with two beautiful children who got along like friends and didn’t make me feel like a sitcom mom about to pull her hair out. They weren’t angels, but they weren’t demon spawn, either. In my mind, that meant we should stop while we were ahead.
Glaring at the pee, I got the feeling Dex had gotten his way.
Gah, that’s just like him. Always getting what he wants by being so sweet. And sexy. And doing that thing with his tongue.
Reaching into the bag at my feet, I pulled out the box. I unwrapped it before grabbing the cup.
“Hey, Mama!” Finn yelled, startling me and nearly making me spill the contents of the cup everywhere. “You got candy in ‘dere?”
“No, Finn, no candy.”
“I come in and see?”
“Finn, go play with Lilly.”
“Lilly’s right here, ‘doe.”
“Shh, you weren’t supposed to tell her. You’re the worst spy.” Lilly sighed, loud and dramatic. “Mom, Finn said you’re stuck in the bathroom. Are you sneaking candy?”
Inhaling deeply, I said, “I would never do that.”
“Are you stuck?” Lilly asked. “Should we go get Dad?”
“No! I’m fine. I’m just trying to use the bathroom in peace.”
“Are you constipated? I can go tell Dad you need the prune juice like you forced me to drink.”
She sounds a little too gleeful at the prospect of exacting her revenge.
“No, I’m not,” I said, fighting a wave of nausea at the thought of consuming prune juice. “Sheesh. Privacy, guys.”
“Ohhhh,” Lilly drawled. “It’s the privacy thing. Does Dad need to go get you the stick things? You want some chocolate?”
“Well,” I started before shaking my head. “No, no chocolate, just go play.”
“No, she’s got ‘da candy in ‘dere!” Finn shouted. His voice was warbled but louder, and I knew he was smooshing his face against the floor to speak into the crack at the bottom of the door. “I come in ‘dere and share? Sharin’ is carin’, Mama. You gotsta share.”
“For the love of…” Not above bribery, I offered a truce. “If you guys go play, we’ll have ice cream with sprinkles when I’m done.”
“Yay! ‘Prinkles!” Finn cheered. His little linebacker body made soft thumps as he ran from the room.
“Lilly?” I called out, not knowing when my little ninja princess would show up or leave.
“It’s Sunday,” she said.
“That means it’s a school night. No dessert on school nights.” Her tone was suspicious. “What’re you hiding in there?”
“Lilly Jeanine…”
“I’m going, I’m going. Not gonna look a gift pony in the butt.”
“It’s a gift horse in the mouth!” I stupidly corrected, halting her retreat. Her echoing capabilities were still there, just less honed.
“Really?” she asked. “That’s stupid. That makes no sense.”
“You’re right. Go ask your dad to google why that’s the saying.”
“Good idea.”
Waiting another minute just to be safe, I ripped open the foil, removing the stick and its lid. I scanned the directions before dipping the tip of test into the cup.
Now to wait an eternity… Or three minutes.
Busying myself by dumping and flushing the pee, trashing the cup, and scrubbing my hands, I managed to kill at least one of those minutes.
Since I had no willpower, I immediately looked at the stick, expecting to see nothing.
Instead, though it had been a fraction of the instructed time, two very dark pink lines were staring at me.
Taunting me.
He won. He won. He won.
Ignoring their sing-songing in my head, I threw open the bathroom door. “Dex!”
“What?” he called back.
“Can you come here for a second?”
So I can throttle you.
I heard a burst of high-pitched giggles before he yelled, “Hold on!”
Going to sit on the edge of our bed, I faced the doorway with the recapped test behind my back.
A couple minutes later, he came up the stairs, stopping in the doorway. He leaned on the frame, crossing his ankles and putting his hands in his pockets. “What’s up? Kids said you were sneaking candy. Or possibly, as Lilly whispered, it was your privacy time and we needed to go stock up on chocolate.”
I shook my head. “No, I think it’ll be a while before we have to worry about privacy time.” I pulled the test from behind my back. “I’d say, eight and a half months or so.”
Dex’s eyes dropped to my hands before shooting back to my face. “Are you serious?”
; “Lines showed up fast and dark. You got your way.”
Moving fast, Dex closed the distance between us. He cupped the back of my head and took my mouth, his tongue twirling with mine. There was so much love and emotion in the simple connection, it left me clutching his shirt when he pulled away.
“It’s the conference,” I muttered as he picked up the test, “We go, spend the weekend having wild hotel sex, and I get pregnant. We have to go back to taking turns.”
His head went back, his jaw clenching. “Like fucking hell we do. You know I won’t spend time away from you anymore.”
Every promise he made me more than three years before, he’d kept. Not only had he kept them, he’d surpassed them.
Things weren’t always perfect. Stress and real life interfered. Sometimes he could be a bullheaded asshole.
And, okay, sometimes I could be… charmingly stubborn.
But I never felt any space between us. We connected for more than a few minutes every day. Date nights were a regular thing. Movie nights after the kids went to bed usually ended with us both asleep on the couch and waking up with stiff joints, but they happened.
We tried not to be so stuck in all the other areas of our lives that we forgot about us.
I crossed my arms. “I told you to wear a condom.”
“Uh huh. And when I said I’d have to stop so I could run to the store for them, you said…” He raised his brow, waiting for an answer.
“I don’t remember,” I lied.
“I believe your exact words were, ‘No, fuck me now.’”
Scooting up the bed, I shrugged before flopping down to spread out like a starfish. “I don’t recall that.”
“The phrases ‘sex god’, ‘the best that ever was’, and ‘legendary orgasm maker’ were also thrown around.”
“Yeah, I definitely don’t remember any of that.”
Though it’s all true.
The bed dipped as Dex climbed between my legs. When his face was even with mine, I wrapped myself around him.
His eyes scanned my face. “Are you not happy? You stopped the pill so we could try soon—”