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Ruby Queen

Page 5

by L C Taylor

  “This is crazy. Do you all hear what she is saying?”

  “Yes… we hear her, and we love her.” Anthony spat, “I would do anything to make Rory happy.”

  “Even letting her have a woman on the side?”

  “Christine will not be a side item,” Anthony growled, “She will be an important part of this union.”

  “This is nuts!”

  “Shut up, Rachel.” Her father’s voice boomed through the room, silencing everyone.

  “Excuse me?” Rachel turned to Oscar, “Oscar… you seriously can’t be ok with this? What will we tell everyone?”

  “That our daughter, THE QUEEN,” he grunted, “Is marrying the two people that support and love her.”

  Rachel didn’t speak. She stared at her husband, then glanced between the three people standing at the opposite end of the table. Finally, after what felt like prolonged silence, she spoke.

  “I am not sure how to feel about this, but…” she drew in a breath, “I only want what makes you happy. Are you happy, Rory?”

  Rory squeezed Christine’s hand and hugged Anthony, “Yes, mother. I am. And I know this is unorthodox and will take work on all of our parts… but we all love each other.”

  “Fine, but you’re telling the kingdom on your own. Now,” Rachel clapped her hands, “Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  Chapter 14

  Rory woke alone in the bed for the first time in what felt like days. Scanning the room, she realized she was by herself in her quarters.

  “Anthony? Christine?” she called out to the empty space.

  Stretching, she slid her legs from beneath the soft blankets and stood. It felt weird to be alone in her room, she’d become accustomed to sharing her space with the two most important people in the world.

  Padding her way to the bathroom, she stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was still the same Rory as before, but different at the same time. After grabbing a shower, Rory quickly hurried to dress. She was feeling anxious for some reason and couldn’t place her finger on why.

  Stepping from her quarters, she was shocked to find the Constable and newly promoted Captain walking towards her.

  “Your Majesty…” Captain Kris had a grim expression on his face.

  “Captain,” she cocked her head, “What’s the matter?”

  “Rory,” Constable Philips grabbed her elbow, “Come with us to my office… we need to tell you something.”

  Yanking her arm from his firm hold, “No… You’re scaring me, Constable. What the hell is going on? Where’s Anthony?”

  “Please, Your Majesty…” Captain Kris reached out toward her, “It’s better if we discuss this in closed quarters.”

  “FUCKING ANSWER MY QUESTION!” Rory could feel her power sparking, her palms itching with the burning need to release fire.

  “Calm down…” Constable Philips pleaded.

  “RORY!” Her mother was running toward her, “Listen to them… please…” Reaching her in the hallway, Queen Rachel wrapped her arms around her daughter, “Calm down… you’re going to set us all on fire.”

  Rory took two deep breaths and nodded. Captain Kris, Constable Philips, and her mother guided her down the hall to the Constables office.

  “Sit down,” her mother pointed to a chair. When Rory crossed her arms over her chest, her mother raised an eyebrow. “I’m still your mother. Do as I say and SIT DOWN.”

  Rory huffed and plopped herself into a chair, “Can someone please tell me what’s going on?”

  “There was an explosion at the market this morning.”

  “Oh my god…” Rory sucked in a breath. “Wait… where’s Anthony and Christine?”

  Her mother cast her eyes down, “They wanted to surprise you this morning…”

  “What are you saying, mother?”

  “Your Majesty…” Captain Kris spoke, “I’ve sent the best guards to the market. They are searching for them now.”

  “Are you telling me the two most important people in my life were there when the explosion occurred?”

  Everyone looked at each other, avoiding Rory’s face. “ANSWER ME!” She screamed, fire bursting from her fingertips. Rachel reached over and smothered the blaze as she pulled her daughter's hands into hers.

  “Yes… they went to get supplies to make you pancakes. There wasn’t anything in the kitchen, and Christine really wanted to make you breakfast. Anthony offered to drive her. They thought they’d be back before you woke.”

  “We got word about the explosion fifteen minutes ago.” Constable Philips shook his head, “We haven’t been able to reach either of them by phone. The scene is a chaotic mess, Rory.”

  Rory stood and paced the room, “I need to go there.”

  “That’s not a good idea. We are pretty sure it was intentional because someone saw them there. What if they try something seeing you there?”

  “I. Don’t. Care.” Rory growled, “Do you understand the rage I feel? The need to see for myself is nearly more than I can contain.”

  “I’ll take her myself. We will put several guards in front and behind our car. She’s right. She needs to go – maybe she can help.”

  “Is it still burning?”

  “Yes…” the Captain whispered.

  “Take me there. At a minimum, I can help extinguish the flames.”

  Rory turned and walked toward the door, “LET’S GO!” She barked her order, stomping out into the hall. She pressed her back against the wall, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath.

  “Rory…” her mother placed her hand on Rory’s shoulder, “Have faith that they were gone when this happened.”

  Simply dipping her head, “I can’t lose them.”

  “I know, darling. I know. Now go, the Captain is waiting for you.”

  Chapter 15

  A fire burned just beneath her skin as Rory took in the devastation of what was once the market. Several people had been killed in the blast that leveled half of the building. The flames continued to smolder at one end of the remains of the brick and mortar store. Flicking her hands, she extinguished the orange and red inferno, leaving only smoke and ash.

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.” A rescue worker bowed, wiping sweat and grime from his forehead.

  “Have you found any survivors?”

  “Yes, ma’am. They’ve all been taken to the medical tent over there.” He pointed toward a massive white tent where people were rushing around.

  Tipping her head, she turned and hurried toward the makeshift hospital.

  “Queen Vermilion, slow down,” Captain Kris called out, running to catch up.

  “I need to find them, Captain.”

  He reached out, grabbing her arm, “I know. But your safety is important.”

  “Fine.” Rory stopped at the edge of the tent. Her eyes scanning the injured huddled underneath its false sense of security.


  Rory gasped when her eyes found the voice who’d called her name.

  “CHRISTINE?!” She rushed around the workers, nearly falling over a makeshift bed. Wrapping her arms around her waist, Rory pulled her into a fierce hug. “Oh my GOD! I thought you were dead…”

  Christine held fast, her sobs coming out in paid waves, “No… Anthony – he pushed me to safety when he realized what was about to happen. He saw a man placing the device on one of the aisles.”

  “Where is Anthony?” Rory scanned the crowd, now forming around them.

  “I…” Christine squeezed her eyes shut, “don’t know. After he pushed me outside, he went back in to get others out. He was inside when…” Christine’s voice trailed off.

  “No…” Rory turned back to the tattered remains of the store. “NO!” she let go of Christine and took off running. “Anthony!” Rory cried out his name. As she reached the edge of destruction, arms wrapped around her, pulling her back from the danger.

  “Your Majesty, you can’t go in there.” Captain Kris grabbed her, tugging her to safety.

  “LET ME GO… Anthony might be in there.”

  “Ma’am, please…” the Captain fought with her, trying to hold her back. He winced in pain when her hands heated against his skin.

  “RORY STOP,” Christine screamed, grabbing her hands away from the Captians reddening flesh. “You're hurting him.”

  Rory glanced down, realizing what she’d done, her body went limp against him. “Please… someone has to look for him. He can’t be dead.”

  Christine tugged Rory from the Captain’s arms and held her in an embrace. Placing a kiss to her head, “They’ll look for him, Rory. But you have to calm down. You’re going to set this place on fire again.”

  Rory relaxed in Christine’s arms, her tears spilling down her face. Christine brushed her hair back, trying to soothe her emotions. “He’s alright… he has to be. Anthony saved me, Rory. He kept me from dying. It’s my fault. If I hadn’t needed to make you fucking pancakes, we wouldn’t even be here.”

  “Stop… this is not your fault. This is the work of whoever is tormenting the kingdoms. When I find them… I will burn them to the ground.”

  Christine smiled, “I wouldn’t expect anything less.” She let out a heavy sigh.

  “Shit… are you sure you’re ok?” Rory started checking Christine over.

  Batting her hands away, “I’m fine. Like I said, Anthony ushered me out of the store and told me to call you. I’d just made it to the car when the explosion happened.”

  “You're covered in ash,” Rory wiped the dirt from her cheek. Leaning forward, she pressed her lips to Christine’s, “I swear you are part cat.”

  “Your Majesty?” Captain Kris stood frozen. Rory realized it was the first time she’d shown any affection to Christine outside of the castle.

  “Captain… shit. Look, I was going to make an announcement to the kingdom later today. I am in love with Commander Blake and Christine. Anthony knew and accepted this unorthodox relationship. The three of us were going to exchange vows at the ceremony.”

  “It’s not my business – but I am happy for you. But, that’s not what I was interrupting for. Officer Davis has found something.”

  “Anthony?” Rory held her breath.

  “Not exactly,” Captain replied cryptically.

  Chapter 16

  Rory followed the Captain towards the rear of the building – or what was left of the building. It was apparent that someone had been buried beneath the rubble as the ground was covered in blood.

  “Whose blood is that?” Rory looked around, trying to search for Anthony.

  “We’re not sure. But whoever was here was moved. None of the survivors were found here.”

  “Are you saying that someone was taken from the scene?”

  “Not someone… we have reason to believe it was Commander Blake.”

  “What? How?” Rory ran her hand over the stained ground, now sticky to the touch.

  “We found a cell phone. It was smashed badly, but it has the Ruby logo on the back.”

  Rory squeezed her eyes shut. Only employees of the Castle had phones with the kingdom’s logo. She knew Christine had been at the car to call for help when the explosion happened – leaving this to be Anthony’s phone.

  “And you didn’t find Anthony anywhere?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “FUCK!” Rory screamed toward the sky, “Call the other Kingdoms. I need their help. We will not stop until we find him. Anthony was obviously hurt.” She pressed her hand into the pool of blood. Rubbing her fingers together, “Please don’t let him be dead.” She muttered into the air.

  “Rory,” Christine stood to the side, “I…” Rory jumped up and grabbed Christine just as she began to collapse.

  “Help me get her to the car. I’m taking her home. Alert me the moment you know something. I want Anthony found.”

  “There’s something else, Your Majesty.”

  “What else can there possibly be?”

  “A message was left for, I assume, you.”

  “Show me.” Rory held fast to Christine as the two women followed the Captain around the shattered brick. There on the only remaining wall was a message painted in red.

  Fracture the core, and the rest will tumble down.

  “What the fuck does that mean?” Christine gasped.

  “They think by taking Anthony away, I will fall apart. What they don’t know is it only fuels my fire. Captain, I always want a guard on Christine if she is not with me. They are not going to win. I will burn these mother fuckers down.” She turned, pulling Christine towards the car, “I need to get back to the Castle. It’s time, Onika, and I had a chat.”

  “I will send Officer Camp with you. I’m going to stay here and see what I can find. We’ll find him, Your Majesty. I promise.”

  Rory and Christine got in the backseat of the car. Christine laced her fingers with Rory, “We’ll find him.”

  Rory nodded, “What if…”

  “Stop. Don’t think like that.”

  Rory rested her head on Christine’s shoulder, “I don’t think I would’ve survived if I lost both of you.”

  “You didn’t lose either of us. I know he’s alive. He has to be, Rory. We were so excited to go this morning. I wanted to make you pancakes, and we were going to tell you we wanted to move into the same room – together. He is tired of the split time, frankly, so am I. Anthony wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed.”

  “Really?” Rory beamed, “You’re ready to share the same space with us?”

  “I’ve come to love him too,” Christine wiped a tear. “He loves you, Rory. How can I not love someone who puts you first? Yes… I’m ready.”

  “Then you’ll move in immediately. I need you close with him missing. Missing…” Rory sucked in a breath, “First Dimitra, now Anthony. When will this madness stop?”

  “I don’t know, but you have me. I’ll be beside you through whatever is thrown our way.”

  “I hope Onika is ready to tell me what the journal said. It’s time everything gets out in the open.”

  “I’m scared, Rory.”

  “Me too, Christine. Me too.”

  Chapter 17

  Anthony stretched his legs slowly as his senses came to. He was in a dark room that smelled of mold and moisture. The clanking sound and heaviness on his ankle told him he was chained to something on the floor.

  “You're awake.” A soft voice whispered from somewhere in the darkness.

  “Whose there?” Anthony groaned as he tried to move.

  “You’re the captain for the Ruby Queen, right?” the stranger spoke. It was a woman, that much Anthony was able to ascertain. But whoever she was, she was hidden in the shadows.

  “Commander, actually.”

  “That’s new. What happened to Commander Holsten?”

  “Who are you?” Anthony questioned, trying to slide his body closer to the voice.

  “I used to be a queen.”

  “Dimitra?” Anthony whispered, “Is that you, Your Majesty?”

  Sliding from the shadows, the Diamond Queen came into the light. Her once white gown hung off her body like a rag. It was torn and covered in dirt and blood.

  “How are you feeling?” she moved closer, eyeing his shaken state.

  “Sore… what happened? The last thing I remember was an explosion. Oh fuck…Christine?”

  “Who’s Christine? Your wife?”

  “It’s complicated…” Anthony struggled to sit up, “Who did this?”

  “I don’t know. Whoever it is… has someone else doing their grunt work. I’ve never seen them.”

  “Why haven’t you used your magic to get out?” Anthony wondered, knowing she controlled the light and air.

  “These things are some sort of suppressor. I can’t even feel my magic.” Dimitra rubbed her hands over the silver cuffs encircling her delicate skin.

  “Fuck.” Anthony tried to move, the pain lancing through his body. He realized the white fabric was wrapped around his ribs. “Rory
must be beside herself. I need to get out of here.”

  “There’s no way out. I’ve tried everything – trust me.”

  Anthony scanned the space. It was utterly bricked in, with no windows and only one door.

  “Is this where you’ve been since Emersyn’s party?”

  “I think so… the man that grabbed me shoved a bag over my head. I remember driving for a while then being tossed in here.”

  “Have you been…” Anthony waved his hands, trying to find the right words.

  “No. No one has touched me. I don’t even know why I’m here. It’s not like whoever kidnapped me has made any demands. How long have I been gone?”

  “Nearly two months.”

  “Two months… wow. My kingdom?” Dimitra wiped the wetness forming beneath her eyes.

  “It’s running smoothly. Commander Critcher has been doing a great job of keeping everything together. He and Constable have relied on the other kingdoms to investigate.”

  “How about the other kingdoms? Is Emersyn ok? Did anyone get hurt at the party?”

  “A lot has happened, Dimitra.”

  “Well… tell me about it. It’s not like we are getting out anytime soon.”

  Anthony gave a small smile and began filling Dimitra in on everything that had transpired since her disappearance. He couldn’t hide the smile or blush when he told her about him, Christine, and Rory. Dimitra didn’t seem at all surprised by his admission. She’d always known Rory was a different kind of person. And she wasn’t about to hold anything against her cousin. She was happy Rory had found two people to love. Dimitra was lonely herself. Hearing the love, Anthony had for her cousin gave her some happiness in the darkness she was stuck in. Dimitra vowed to ruin the person responsible for tearing her kingdom, and now Rory’s kingdom, in two.

  Chapter 18

  Rory paced the Constable’s office. Her fury was boiling over, making the room hot.

  “Calm down, Your Majesty. You're going to set us all on fire… I swear it’s going to be the way I die.” The constable tried to make a joke, failing miserably.


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