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Ultimate Sin

Page 5

by Clarissa Wild

  I used to think the exact same thing before I became the head of this division. I used to think that, as company-man, there were no rules. Assassins could kill whomever they wanted to, and we could abduct whoever we saw fit.

  But there are unwritten laws among us … and if you break them, the Tribunal will take care of you.

  “I take it you’ve gotten used to the role of chairman by now then?” The Lady asks. She’s the head of the second assassin unit, known only as The Lady or Madam. Her servants call her Mistress, and no one knows her real name.

  “It is never easy, but I do what I must,” I say.

  It’s the truth. This division is the hardest one to manage. One might think that being the head of the Snatchers, which is the division that keeps and sells girls and boys, is the worst division you could find yourself in. But when you are the one who punishes the devils, you yourself could be punished the most.

  If I make one wrong move, I’m dead.

  The Tribunal only exists for the companies. I am nothing without them—likewise, they are nothing without me. We must uphold this tradition and maintain a strict policy. Otherwise, we’d be savages without goals.

  Not that we haven’t already crossed that line by simply existing.

  “How is that girl you bought? Has she been useful to you?” It’s DeLuca. The mere sight of him makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Or his.

  “She’s perfect, thank you,” I say, quickly averting my eyes so we can get on with the topics at hand, but he continues speaking.

  “She was my favorite, you know. Pity you had to buy her from me. I was so looking forward to branding her with my mark.”

  “Enough,” I spit, sending him death threats with my eyes. “Our deal was made. End of story. Let’s continue the meeting, shall we?”

  “Fine,” he says, folding his arms. “I was just curious. I haven’t seen her yet.”

  I don’t want anyone to know that I bought her, but I guess it’s too late now that he’s spewed about it in front of everyone. They’re all looking at me with confused looks, so I smile. “I’m very fond of a particular type of girl. Now, about our dealings … I’ve requested an official statement from all of you about your conducts. It’s time we finally set aside our differences and focus on working together for maximum results.”

  “You want me to show you all my cards?” The Lady says, muffling a laugh. “You must be joking. There’s no way we will share our details.”

  “Got something to hide?” DeLuca snaps.

  They exchange dirty looks.

  “DeLuca … please,” I say, giving him a stern look. “Remember why we’re here.”

  “To keep the Alliance together,” Amir intervenes.

  “Exactly,” I say. “And to do that, we must start sharing. Transparency is key.”

  “And what if I did? How would I know he did the same?” The Lady says.

  “Trust is the key here. I will keep all official statements until they have been checked and validated, after which we will compile the data into one document. Everyone will be sent a copy, simultaneously.”

  “Absurd. That means the Tribunal will know everything,” The Lady responds.

  I entwine my fingers and place my hands calmly on the table in front of me. “Which is exactly the purpose of the Tribunal. To control information and make sure everything goes according to the rules and plans.”

  I know why she’s objecting. Her division has been known to break the unwritten law. They do it on a daily basis, which is why I’m so adamant about getting this through the wringer. We must start working together … so we can abolish our wrongdoings and focus on the right objectives. Killing and snatching only those who’ve done wrong, not just for money.

  But I can’t tell them that. They would never agree, and I’d no longer be head of the Tribunal if they found out the true purpose of my requests and business dealings. I’d be hanged for treason.

  “I say screw the Alliance,” DeLuca says. “I’ve had enough of people messing with my business anyway.”

  “What?” Amir makes a face. “Are you suggesting that one of us meddled in your affairs?”

  “That’s exactly what I’m saying,” he says, squinting.

  If looks could burn, this whole room would be ablaze right now.

  “Calm down, please,” I say, blowing out a breath. “We are not breaking up the Alliance. This is how we’ve always done it and will continue to do it, for our own safety.”

  DeLuca snorts and grinds his teeth, turning his head away from us, but he doesn’t respond.

  He’s been adamant about wanting out for a long time, and I know I’ll have to honor his request one day, but it is not today.

  Not before I have my hands on all information I can gather.

  “For now, we will continue to work together,” I say, gazing directly at DeLuca. “I know it’s not what you had in mind, but know that it’s better for your division.”

  “How do you know?”

  I raise a brow. “Because we once used to be a true alliance. Our divisions used to work together, used to trust each other.”

  “That was before …”

  “Before we took our rightful places. We ruined it for ourselves. No one else did.”

  “What about your predecessor?” Amir asks.

  I frown. “I do not speak ill of my former leader, but I have learned quite a lot since I took this job. As have you, Amir.” I smile, letting him know I do not like it when people doubt me.

  Doubt is bad.

  It could get me killed.

  “So what do you propose we do then? Send out all our data to you and hope for the best? Because if my men die because of someone infiltrating and knowing every last detail about my company, you know who I’ll be coming for,” DeLuca snarls.

  “I realize that, and I take full responsibility for it should it happen,” I say.

  I don’t think it will, though. None of them have the guts to start a war among themselves. That is why this alliance should remain … because we fear each other’s power. It’s the only way it’ll ever work.

  Suddenly, the door opens and a guard peeks in. “Excuse me, Sir. A guest just arrived.”

  “Now?” DeLuca frowns.

  “Let him in,” I say.

  The guard opens the door fully and my final guest enters. “Ah, you’re finally here,” I say. It’s Vladim, head of the Snatchers, the division that abducts people and forces them to be servants. The nastiest of us all, if you ask me.

  He throws his coat off and the guard barely manages to catch it. He walks toward his seat with an eerie smile on that scarred face of his. “Couldn’t wait for me, huh?”

  “You’re late,” The Lady snaps.

  “And you’re old.” He makes a face at her, and we all struggle not to laugh.

  “Well, don’t wait, sit down,” I say, and he scoots back his chair. “Long time no see.”

  “Yes, well, it’s a pleasure to do business with you all personally again.”

  “Where’s your accomplice then?” DeLuca asks.

  “Yes, where is Viktor, actually?” I ask. “I had expected to see him in your place. No offense.”

  “None taken. He’s not here because I decided I’m stepping in again. I don’t want anyone else running my business.”

  “So where is he then?” DeLuca taunts.

  Vladim narrows his eyes at him. “Not. Here.”

  “Last I heard, he was seen sabotaging his own work. What a coincidence,” The Lady mumbles.

  Vladim growls. “He will not be returning to this place or elsewhere near the divisions.”

  “He was a pussy anyway. Glad you got rid of him,” DeLuca muses.

  “You don’t know shit about him or me, so shut up, will you?” Vladim growls.

  Well, this is taking a nasty turn. I heard rumors about his second-in-line Viktor pushing the limits of the division, but I don’t know the full extent of it, and it seems now the topic is very heated. I feel as though
Viktor may have betrayed him, which never sits well with Vladim.

  “Well, I certainly hope he won’t be messing with our division because that could cause a real mess,” The Lady says. “Regardless of your relation with him, it is important that no one crosses the line. I dare say the Tribunal would step in if it comes to it.”

  “You dare talk about crossing the lines in front of me?” Vladim pulls out a pen from his pocket, pointing it at The Lady. It’s only a pen, one might say. If only these pens weren’t deadly weapons in the hands of the right people.

  “Let’s keep things civilized, shall we?” I say, signaling him to lower his pen.

  “Fine …” Vladim grumbles and then returns his attention toward the rest. “Stay out of my business and I’ll stay out of yours.”

  “We were just discussing the official request that’s been sent out about giving up all details to the Tribunal,” The Lady muses.

  “The what?” Vladim utters.

  “It is only for our own safety,” I say, trying to undo the damage she keeps trying to inflict. “If everyone submits their data, I will personally compile it and send everyone a copy of the same amount, so no one knows more than the other.”

  “Bullshit. You will,” he snarls.

  “Exactly my point,” DeLuca adds. “We’d basically be giving up all our power to you.”

  “The Tribunal has and always will stay out of your work. We only intervene when the line has been crossed.”

  “And what is the line exactly?” The Lady asks, leaning back.

  “That is for the Tribunal to decide.”

  “So basically, you and your men will rule us. No way.”

  “The Alliance won’t stand unless we all work together. You of all people must understand, Vladim,” Amir interjects. “Your second-in-line is the prime example of why this Alliance, and the Tribunal, exist.”

  “And what has the Tribunal done to fix the situation, huh? You’ve all been watching from the sidelines as he almost ruined my entire division. I was left to punish him on my own, and you know what? I was lenient.”

  “That doesn’t make it okay, Vladim. The Tribunal takes care of retribution. You went over the line with him.”

  “Fuck you,” he spits.

  “Regardless …” I say, sighing. “I will let it pass, for now. I understand the delicacy of the situation, and I will act according to our laws once you submit your complaint about your own accomplice directly to me. Such is the Tribunal’s job.”

  “No one has the fucking guts to talk to Viktor. Not even you,” he growls, slamming his hand on the table. “There is a reason I let the motherfucker live.”

  “You let him live … or did he survive?” The Lady muses with a shrug, taunting him even more.

  “He should’ve been dead,” Vladim murmurs. “But I am merciful.”

  “Merciful …” DeLuca shakes his head and laughs. “Yeah, that’s exactly the kind of business that we run.”

  “I will speak to him personally,” I say.

  Everybody turns their head to look at me as if I’ve lost my mind.

  “The very fact that he broke the rules means he will not listen to us or the Tribunal. What makes you think you can approach him, let alone talk any sense into him?” Vladim says.

  “Word of mouth is that he’s gone mad after what Vladim did to him. No way I’m touching that with a ten-foot pole,” The Lady says.

  “I say let him live out his miserable life in peace. Or whatever is left of it, at least,” DeLuca mumbles and smirks.

  “No. I will not allow insubordination. I must set a clear example,” I say, swallowing. “This is my way of proving to all of you that the Tribunal can be trusted. I will talk to him and set things straight.”

  “And then what? Are you going to kill him?”

  “I think your punishment has already been severe enough. Coupled with the fact he is still alive means that his suffering has only just begun.”

  Vladim nods. “True.”

  After it’s been quiet for a few seconds, I proceed with a final deal. “Well, then … shall we proceed with the official request then?”



  When my guests are gone and the guards have left with them, I slouch down on the couch with a glass of scotch and rub my forehead. God, today has been a nightmare of epic proportions. I know I’m faced with a difficult task, but it’s becoming more complicated with every passing day. At times, I worry if I can do this on my own.

  Regardless, I must continue.

  I will talk with Viktor, and hopefully, he will see things my way.

  I have no other choice.

  But to talk to him means risking my own life, which is already hanging in the balance.

  Fuck … what am I doing?

  My anger gets the better of me, as I pick up my glass of scotch only to throw it against the wall. The glass shatters into a million bits, but it doesn’t faze me. I rub my face with both hands¸ wishing I’d taken a different path in life.

  But it’s too late for wishing now, and I know that.

  Wishing is for those who are too weak to act on their wants.

  And I will get what I want.

  I will personally make it fucking happen before I die.

  Suddenly, the glass cracks, and I shoot up from the couch, immediately yanking out the gun tucked underneath one of the pillows. I point it at whatever is in my home, spying on me. My finger rests on the trigger, ready to pull. Aiming to kill.

  Except it isn’t a spy or an unwanted guest.

  It’s Ava, picking up the shards of glass with her bare hands.

  And her life is literally in my hands right now. All I have to do is pull the trigger.

  Shoot to kill.

  It’d be so easy. No more pain. No more memories. No nothing.

  She’d be better off.

  Except, my selfish soul can’t deal with that truth.

  It’s my egoistic belief that keeps her alive. Keeps her in this living hell.

  Her widened eyes tell me she’s seen the gun. She freezes and so do her hands. The glass stings her; I can see it on her face as she cringes. She stands up immediately like a soldier being called into a proper stance.

  “Oh … it’s you,” I mutter.

  I lower the gun and put it back from where I grabbed it, but it doesn’t quell the frightened look on her face.

  “I am so sorry, Master. I did not know I was bothering you. I thought your guests had gone.”

  “They are. Oh, Ava … come here.” I beckon her with my hands.

  She carefully steps toward me, making sure to avoid any more of the broken glass scattered on the floor. But she hides her hands behind her back as she stands in front of me.

  “Show me your hands,” I say.

  She hesitantly pulls them out, covered in blood and pieces of glass.

  I sigh and frown. “Why did you pick them up with your bare hands?”

  “I didn’t want to make too much noise and running back and forth would have caused that, Master. I wanted to clean it up as quickly as possible. I was going to tuck the shards into my pockets and leave.”

  “You shouldn’t have,” I say, shaking my head.

  “Why … why did you have the gun pointed at me, Master?”

  “I thought you were an intruder. I didn’t mean to scare you.” I smile at her. “Don’t be afraid.”

  “Guns … can inflict a lot of pain …” she mutters, her eyes flickering from left to right.

  “Yes, they can.” I wonder how she knows this. Has her former Master ever given her a gun? Or did he use one on her?

  I try to make her look at me by following her gaze. “But I will never use it against you.”

  She nods. “All right.”

  “Good. Now, go wash your hands.”

  She nods and does exactly what I say. Just like a servant would.

  God, I hate that word.

  I hate knowing I fucking have her and that she calls me master. Th
at I know I must accept her calling me that because she can’t let it go.

  I hate that I fucking own her. And that I can’t let her go either.

  I need her. More than she knows. More than I’m willing to admit.

  When she comes back, her hands are clean and the glistening glass is gone, but the tiny slices in her hands remain.

  “Does it hurt?” I ask, grabbing her hand to take a closer look.

  “No. I’m used to pain. This isn’t it.”

  The magnitude of what she says and how blasé she says it … ruins me.

  Pain. It’s what she’s grown up with. The only thing she’s ever been given.

  And now, I brought her here.

  I sigh and look down at the floor, wondering what in the hell it is that I’m doing.

  “Do you want another scotch, Master?” she asks.

  I take a deep breath. “No … no, no. Definitely not.” Good God, I really should stop drinking. Look where it got me the last time. In bed, jerking myself off with her watching. And it was the single most arousing thing that’s happened in decades. When she saw me, her eyes … they did something to me. Made me even harder. Made me want to command her to enter and finish the job for me.

  Instead, she ran. And what did I do? I kissed her. I fucking kissed her.

  It’s as if I gave in to sin willingly.

  I avert my eyes, frowning, and say, “Just go back to bed. I’ll be okay.”

  “I’m not tired, Master,” she says softly.

  “But I am,” I say.

  “Can I help you get to bed?” she asks.

  Such a tempting offer, but I must resist. I must. For her.

  “No, I’ll be fine. Just …” I sigh.

  I wouldn’t know what to tell her anyway. Every fiber in my body is screaming for a little bit of distraction. Some affection. Heck, talking would do. But not with her. She’s dangerous. Dangerous … because I want her so fucking badly, and it’s not right.

  She’s too willing. Too easy. Too fucking submissive. It’s like a drug to me.

  She walks away, and for a second, I believe she’s gone. But then her hands are on my shoulders and she’s gently kneading me.


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