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Love Me With Fury

Page 21

by Janelle Taylor

  “About you and your furtive activities in America,” he snapped.

  “You have no right to know anything about me! I am your prisoner, nothing more,” she retorted.

  “I am captain here; everything and everyone are my concern.”

  “Not me!” she hotly protested.

  “It could prove most dangerous and embarrassing for me if a British spy is found upon my ship.”

  Mocking laughter vexed him further. “Spy? You really think that?”

  “Aren’t you?”

  Stubborn and vengeful, she haughtily sneered, “You may think anything you wish, sir.”

  “I’demand the truth, woman!” he thundered in rising impatience.

  “I will only say this much; I have never been a spy in my country or yours. You have committed far more offenses than I ever could. Will you turn yourself over to your American friends to be punished?”

  Deciding upon another ploy to disarm her, he yawned and suggested, “I say we sleep on this problem and discuss it again with fresh minds. I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. This has been a most enlightening and baffling day,” he turned on his charm. If force wouldn’t work, perhaps another course of action would…

  Needing this reprieve to regain her wits, Alex instantly agreed. Lying side by side in the darkness, she murmured softly, “I’m not a spy, Stephen, no matter what you believe.” She turned to her side to try to relax. His nearness and manly scent assailed her senses. Was it possible to love and hate the same man at the same time?

  He propped himself up on his elbow, gently and enticingly trailing his other hand down her arm. “Think it over, love. I wouldn’t want to see you harmed,” he murmured.

  She turned and gazed up into the moonlit shadows. “Why are you doing this to me, Stephen? What difference does the war make to you? You can’t honestly believe I’m a dangerous spy. What if they imprison me or execute me? If you take me home, I’ll do whatever you say.”

  “Tell me what the code says or give me the names involved, and I’ll set you free. War will most definitely affect me and my business. What am I supposed to think when a beautiful girl is caught with secret messages stitched to her petticoats? In my place, what would you think?”

  “In your place, I wouldn’t see why it would make a damn! I can’t comprehend why the messages are more important to an infamous pirate than jewels and money. What am I supposed to think?” she returned his query. “If there’s a suspicious spy in this room, Captain Steele, it’s you.”

  “I need the information now, love. We can’t make England for weeks.”

  That slip enlightened her to his prior deception about their schedule and destination. “I’ll never tell you anything!”

  “There are terrible ways to extract information from a woman…”

  “Such as lash me to the mast and flog me ten times? Do so if you dare,” she dauntlessly challenged, her chin trembling to belie her courage.

  Alex began to weep. She was so frightened and confused. Why was this pirate so intrigued by her petticoat?

  Spencer strained to see her in the dimness. Was this some new ruse to win his mercy? What if she was telling the truth? What if she was an innocent player in this deadly drama? The fact remained, this situation was suspicious during these perilous times. Morris told him three English spies had already been captured, one a lovely and ice-hearted female. Did he dare trust this curious girl? This time, as always, his head had to rule over his loins…and heart.

  If only he knew more about her. It would be dangerous, perhaps fatal, for him and her if he callously handed her over to the American government. The only path opened to him was to find some way to win her trust and cooperation…

  Spencer stroked her hair and pretended to soothe her fears. “Don’t worry, love. I won’t make any drastic moves. We both need time to think over this matter. But I can’t release you until I have some answers.”

  “I can’t tell you anything, Stephen. I’m sorry,” she sadly murmured, wishing the traitorous garment didn’t exist.

  “I understand,” he softly replied, mentally planning his strategy. He leaned over and kissed her lightly upon the lips. “You’re very unique and beautiful, Angelique. I wish things hadn’t worked out this way.”

  “We can’t help who or what we are, Stephen. You could change that if you wanted to. We’ve reached an impasse; the next move is yours.”

  He smiled. “How about this one?” he huskily whispered, kissing her soundly this time. She struggled briefly before relenting to his magnetic charms.

  “Let’s make the best of it until we talk again,” he coaxed as he nibbled upon her ear.

  “You’re a fiend, Steele,” she mumbled, easing her arms around him.

  He chuckled. “I’ve been called much worse, Angel.”

  “I’m sure you have, and justly so,” she teased, returning his kiss with heated passion.

  Soon, nothing mattered except dousing the fires of passion which consumed them. Spencer used every skill and charm he possessed to tantilize her beyond reality. As his mouth tenderly ravaged hers, his deft hands gently and enticingly explored her pliant body. As he trailed kisses over her face and throat, she moaned in unleashed desire.

  He teased her taut breasts and eased his hand lower to remove any thoughts but him. Such wild and wonderful feelings washed over her as she delighted in this fiery union. No matter who or what he was, Alex wanted him desperately. She clung to him, moving her hands up and down the rippling muscles of his firm, smooth back. There was such strength and tenderness combined in this complex man, such power and passion. His contempt of danger was like a heady drug which numbed her wits and tormented her body.

  Each time his manhood plunged into her receptive body, his kisses would deepen. They challenged her to match them. She trembled as the fires of passion raged within her, crying out for appeasement. Shouldn’t it be a crime for a man to possess such magic and appeal?

  Each stroke of his manhood served to increase her blissful agony. Her fingers played in his hair, then she pressed his mouth more tightly against her. It seemed as if she couldn’t taste him enough or get close enough to him. The intensity built to a point she felt she could no longer endure. She cried out in need of the pleasure only he could give her. Her mind reeled and her body shook with the force of her release, and over and over she murmured his name.

  Caught up in this savage storm of volatile emotions, Spencer held her tightly and possessively. Wave after wave of blissful ecstasy washed over them, carrying them along in its powerful force. Gradually the tremors and sensations ebbed away, leaving them in a peaceful ocean of serenity.

  Still, Spencer did not roll to her side or withdraw from her moist body. His mouth continued to demand kiss after kiss. Later, his respiration returned to normal, as did his thudding heart. He leaned back and stared down at her, an inexplicable expression in his unreadable eyes.

  “You are the most tormenting creature alive, Angel. You’re a mystery which I plan to understand. You can give everything one minute and nothing the next. What spell have you cast over me, my lovely sea witch?”

  Her hand went up to wipe the glistening beads of moisture from his upper lip. “You, Sir Demon, are the one who has cast the spell over me. I am but a woman, but you are far more than a mere man. I can’t understand you at all. One moment you’re kind and tender, the next you’re cold and cruel. For a man who can have any woman he desires, what do you want with me? Why must you so cruelly dance in and out of my life? Who are you, Stephen?”

  He captured her hand and placed a kiss in its palm. “Your missions are over, love. You’ll never deliver that petticoat or me to your countrymen. You’re an artful teaser, Angel; but I won’t fall for your pretense of innocence or your magical charms. Be satisfied I’ll grant you the time to confess, but don’t play the coy maiden with me.”

  “Are we back to your absurd charges and suspicions again? Have it your way, Captain Steele, but I’ve nothing to co
nfess. The messages are about business, Stephen; I swear it. My uncle and father would never ask me to become involved in any dangerous or traitorous activities. If you wish to pretend you believe such charges for some ulterior motive, then do so. But don’t expect me to play along with this ridiculous game. All I want is to get home and forget all about you.”

  “What ulterior motive could I possibly have?” “My jewels…using me…a choice between who will pay the most for me and that petticoat: the Americans or my family…How should I know what you have in mind? Perhaps you hope to intimidate me with these wild ideas while taking advantage of me, then play the gallant hero by releasing me. You know I would never reveal any of this to anyone, including my family.”

  He chuckled playfully. “You are more cunning than I realized. You play your role with perfection. How long have you been helping them? If they’re forcing you to do this, I can help you, love. You can keep the jewels and I’ll grant your freedom in any port you choose if you cooperate. I’ll even offer you my protection if you’re afraid of them.”

  Exasperated, she protested, “There is no one to fear or obey, Stephen! The only ones forcing me to do anything are you and my father. You’re holding me captive and he’s forcing me to marry some fool!”

  “I have to admit, you’re damn good at this for one so young. You have a heart of stone and a cunning mind I envy. Of course, your many other assets aid in your disguise,” he teased. “You strike me as a natural heroine and courageous patriot. With your charms and beauty, you could ingratiate yourself into the hearts and lives of the most important men in the American government. You could easily worm out every secret they have, and no one would ever suspect such an innocent, enchanting woman of spying.”

  “I’m afraid you overestimate my patriotism and skills. I can be brave when the moment demands it, but I’d never make a successful spy. I lack the talent for deception and dishonesty that job demands. I despise deceit and deceivers,” she vowed, accusing him of such actions. “Besides, the requirements needed to worm one’s way into the hearts of influential men would be impossible for me. Such a price for patriotism is too great to pay.”

  “Are you still interested in marrying me?” he abruptly asked.

  Startled, she watched him closely. This was only some trick to disarm her. “No,” she wistfully replied. “You aren’t the man I thought you to be. You fooled me.”

  “You sound disappointed,” he mocked her sad tone of voice.

  “Strange as it seems, I am. I’m just too gullible and naive for my own good. Thanks for the lessons, sir.”

  “There’s one more you’ll soon learn: I always get what I want. And you know what that is,” he hinted.

  To nettle him, she smiled coyly and sighed, “Me, of course.”

  “That was true before I discovered what a cunning and dangerous witch you are. Now, I only want information. And I’ll have it before you leave this ship.”

  “Then you had better relax, Captain; it’s going to be a mighty long voyage. I’ll never tell you anything,” she bravely asserted.

  “We’ll soon see. I think you’ll tire of me and this seclusion before I tire of having you along,” he teased merrily, eying her appreciatively.

  “I don’t think I could ever tire of you, Stephen,” she admitted.

  “What about Steele?” he instantly came back at her.

  “Him? He’s a different story all together. Who knows, maybe I’ll eventually come to like and understand him too,” she parried softly.

  “Name your price,” he entreated.

  “Price?” she repeated in confusion.

  “Anything in exchange for that information,” he clarified.

  “Anything?” she provocatively inquired.

  “Anything,” he stressed.

  “Including you?” she fenced.

  “Which one of us?” he played along.

  “Both of you as one husband,” she casually replied.

  “Back to that crafty marriage again?” he teased.

  “I need a husband, and you’re the ideal choice. Why not?”

  “Why not indeed?” he echoed, lying down to gaze into the darkness.

  “Well?” she challenged.

  He spoke clearly and evenly, “I’ll give it some thought. Go to sleep, Angel.”

  She lay down and closed her eyes. This was the most perplexing conversation she had ever had. If she was to be his prisoner for several weeks, why not make the best of it? She had craved adventure and suspense. She had hungered for this man for weeks. Why not take advantage of this unusual situation until she was free?

  “Good-night, Stephen…Josh…”

  He chuckled. “’Night, Angel,” he murmured.

  They were both asleep within minutes.


  “She speaks, yet she says nothing.”

  “So loving-jealous of his liberty.”

  —Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare

  Those next two days passed sluggishly for both Spencer and Alex. Spencer spent much of his time on deck to avoid any contact with the beautiful and suspicious girl in his cabin. Andy teased him unmercifully about his restlessness and stormy moods. He had never seen any female treat his good friend this way or affect him in this curious manner. Josh wasn’t one to take something like this from a woman. Why was this girl different? If she was truly a spy like Josh suggested, why didn’t he turn her in? What strange hold did she have over his captain? Did he care about her more than he dared to admit, even to himself?

  Alex roamed the confines of Joshua’s quarters with rising dismay and apprehension. It had been two and a half days of verbal battles and challenging bouts in his bunk. They had quarreled, talked, loved, and pleaded. Nothing changed either one’s mind.

  Most of the time Alex spent alone, too much time alone. She and the captain shared chilly dinners and stubborn arguments. But at night, all things faded but fiery passion. Who were these two men sharing the same body? Alex thought. Why did he keep pretending he was trying to force some information from her? Did he honestly believe those messages were critical? Even so, why did they matter to him? Was he really an English spy?

  She longed for fresh air and exercise, anything to break this nerve-racking monotony of silence and seclusion. Dressed in a nightgown, she couldn’t leave his cabin. True to his ruthless nature, he had sent her baggage back below. She could only await his…his what?

  Bored, Alex went to the porthole to look out. Land! They were actually in sight of land! Where were they?

  The door opened and in swaggered Stephen. He glared at her, then walked to his clothes chest. He withdrew a pair of fawn-colored knee breeches, a white linen shirt, and a dark brown coat and matching vest. Without even speaking to her, he began to dress.

  “Where are we? Are you going to release me tonight?”

  “I’m going ashore. You’ll remain here under guard. I won’t be back until morning,” he snarled his responses.

  “But what about me? I’ve been locked in this room for days. I need some air and a stroll. You said I could leave at the first port,” she petulantly protested.

  “I doubt you would find an American port safe, love. I have some business. Don’t leave this cabin. Understand?” he growled.

  “You can’t hold me prisoner forever, Captain Steele! I want to go home!” she shrieked at him.

  He faced her. “You know the terms for your release.” As with his crew, he was also starting to ponder his motives and actions where this girl was concerned. She was a deceitful, cunning, and defiant spy who resisted his charms and powers. Why should he feel guilty about holding a spy captive? Why should his harsh treatment of such a devious woman bother him? Yet, it did. Why did her continual refusals deal him such an infuriating blow? What did her fate matter to him? If he had any brains and courage at all, he would simply beat the information out of her! What scheme could terrify her into compliance? Nothing seemed to work on this stubborn female!

  “Damn you!” she
screamed at him, rushing forward to beat upon his chest.

  He captured her hands and imprisoned them in his tight grasp. She fought against his brute strength, finally yielding to it. “Please, Stephen. Let me go now,” she pleaded, tears sparkling in her eyes.

  He seized her and kissed her savagely. He released her so suddenly she almost fell. He steadied her and smiled mischievously. “I think I’ll see an old friend while I’m here. She’ll certainly be better company than you are,” he stated to annoy her.

  She paled. “You’re going to see another woman?” She seethed with anger and jealousy. “What about me?” she stormed.

  “Tell me what I want to know, and you can have my full attention for as long as you wish,” he unexpectedly declared.

  “You’re an animal! I despise you! Go to your little harlot! I could care less!” She should have realized his sudden gentleness had only been a trick to win her confidence. What cruel fate had forced her to fall in love with a demon lover? Would she ever be free of him?

  He threw back his head and laughed. “Methinks you’re jealous, love.”

  “Methinks you can think anything you damn well please!” she snapped.

  “You could come with me,” he nonchalantly remarked.

  Her head jerked upwards and her face brightened. “I could?”

  “If I could trust you?” he cunningly added.

  “But you can.”

  “How can I trust a female who won’t trust me?” he reasoned.

  She realized he was only teasing her. “How long do you plan to continue this cruelty? Don’t answer!” she said angrily, knowing what it would be. “You’ll be sorry for this one day, Stephen.”

  “I already am, love. I wish I had never laid eyes on you. From our first meeting, you’ve been nothing but trouble and pain. If we could re-live that day by the pond, I would reject your charms like the plague. Seducing you was the worst mistake I’ve made; the second one is allowing you time to confess. I doubt you’ll relent even to save your own deceitful neck! Why I even care about your fate is beyond me!” With those stinging insults, he left.


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