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Love Me With Fury

Page 25

by Janelle Taylor

  Spencer yelled up to the man in the crow’s nest, “Keep a sharp eye, Tim!” To his gunners, he called out, “Broadside her, then come about to reload. George, hoist the Jolly Roger and give ‘em something to think about. Andy, stand by to order the long guns. We need to clip those masts and their steering.”

  “She’s piling on the canvas, Capt’n! She’s heading straight for us! What fool would try to ram us right off!” Tim called down incredulously as he observed the curious maneuvers of the enemy ship.

  The very instant the Black Mist was in firing range, the other ship swayed to the leeward side and turned to broadside them, her guns booming. With luck and cunning, the Black Mist turned just in time to watch the shot pass between the forward mast and mizzenmast. Their guns quickly answered the awesome challenge, sending a direct hit across the deck on the English frigate. Another broadside shot was fired instantly, smashing into the aft mast, sending it toppling into the water on the other side.

  The Black Mist swiftly maneuvered to the other side to fire those guns while the others were being reloaded. Danny was quick to respond to Spencer’s commands. Several rounds were exchanged between the two ships with little damage to them. Knowing the results of this battle, the crew worked quickly and efficiently to be the victors. The Black Mist fired again, striking and weakening the forward mast. A roar of joy and confidence engulfed the pirate ship, the anticipation of victory entering each man.

  Spencer’s ship took a hit on her forward mast, the top shearing off and hanging precariously, only the rigging preventing its deadly plunge to the deck below. Tim’s mangled body was tossed into the sea as lifeless as a tattered ragdoll. Spencer cursed and grimaced as if feeling the injuries himself. Enraged, he cautioned himself to self-control. “Fire all guns!” he shouted above the roar of the battle.

  The English frigate seemed to stagger under the rain of blows. Her hull reluctantly accepted two hits. Smoke betrayed the fire within her wooden belly. She was a mass of splintered and smoldering defeat. Yet, her guns fired once more, tearing a hole in the starboard side near the rail of Spencer’s ship.

  “Sink her, George! She’s asking for it!” Spencer barked.

  The carronades blasted another round into the disabled vessel, damaging her beyond hope. A deadly silence followed as they tensely waited to see if the English frigate would finally give quarter. Gallant and fiercely proud to the end, she refused to strike her flag. Flames were now licking greedily at her. She wouldn’t live to fight another day.

  Hastily surveying the damage to his own ship, Spencer swore in anger. They would be forced to spend a lengthy time in the San Augustin port to repair their damages. He fumed at the impending delay, but professional repairs were mandatory to survival. He didn’t like this feeling of weakness and vulnerability. But far worse, he didn’t like the death of any crew member.

  “We going to board her, Captain?” Andy asked, pulling him from his pensive mood.

  Spencer’s eyes were chilled and troubled as they glanced across the choppy waters to the dying ship. “Let’s not waste our time and energy. Let’s make port before we meet another brave Englishman,” he sneered contemptuously. “Misty took some damage. She needs some doctoring fast.”

  Andy caught his meaning. In this condition, they were almost defenseless. “Strike the flag and set sail. You know the destination.”

  Spencer turned to find Alex poised in the hatchway, watching him curiously. He stalked over to her. “What the hell are you doing up here!” he thundered at the silent, ashen girl.

  “What about survivors, Captain Steele? That ship’s sinking,” she bravely voiced her concerns for her fellow countrymen.

  “She took that risk when she attacked us! They have boats. Let ‘em save themselves. If we had been disabled, they would still be blasting away until we were resting on bottom. They should thank their lucky stars I don’t finish the job for them! This way, if they’re smart and tough, they have a chance for survival.”

  Alex glanced at the ship which was weighing heavy in the water, flames engulfing her. They were close enough to hear the shouts of panic and cries of pain from the wounded. “You’re just going to calmly sail away and leave them like that? What about the wounded? Those men were only following orders, just like your crew.”

  “We’re at war, Angel. You don’t aid your enemy to return and attack you another day,” he shouted impatiently, drawing stares from several nearby men.

  “May I take a boat over there?” she incredulously asked.

  “Are you insane, woman? In less than an hour, there won’t be a ship there,” he exploded in rage.

  “I know, but I. might could help some of the wounded. They’re my people,” she reminded him, bringing a scowl to his face.

  “Get below, Angel, before I forget you’re a woman!” he warned. “My ship’s damaged and Tim’s dead!” he thundered angrily.

  “From your accent, Captain Steele, you were once English. Why do you hate us so much now?” Without waiting for an answer, she turned and fled to his cabin, sobbing.

  “Don’t you think you’re being a little hard on her? She’s very young and delicate, Josh,” Andy remarked from behind him.

  Spencer whirled and snarled, “Stay out of this, Andy! She’s my concern and my problem.”

  “Problem, yes; but I don’t think you’re the least concerned about her! Do you have any idea what those men will do to her?”

  “All she has to do is tell me the truth!” he growled, angered at being questioned and pressed by even his closest friend.

  Andy lowered his voice to a near whisper, “Listen to me, Spence; maybe she can’t. My God, man, she’s terrified of you. She’s had a hard time. Are you conveniently forgetting how you two met? She has plenty of cause to despise you and refuse to trust you. Funny thing, I don’t think she does hate you. Why, I can’t imagine after the way you’ve treated her.”

  “What do you mean?” Spencer demanded in confusion.

  “Are you blind? The girl’s in love with you. She was standing there for most of the battle. Doing what? Watching you like a hawk! Everytime a gun fired, she would almost race to your side. The only thing she was afraid of was something happening to you.”

  “She has a strange way of showing her affection and concern!” Spencer retorted skeptically.

  “So do you, Spence. That’s the real problem, isn’t it? You’re too damn proud and stubborn to admit you want her! For certain, you’re afraid to keep her. You’ve finally discovered something you truly crave and you refuse to admit it.”

  “You’re crazy, Andy! Sure, she’s desirable and beautiful. But that’s as far as it goes! Can’t you imagine my Grandfather Will’s face if I waltzed in with a girl like that on my arm? He’d disown and disinherit me in one swift blow!”

  “Since when did you allow your grandfather or anyone to plot your course? You don’t need his money; you have more than he does right now! She’s the best thing that’s come along, Spence. Think twice before you lose her for keeps this time. Can’t you recall how unforgettable she was before you found her again? After all this time together, it’ll be worse if you lose her again. If you have any feelings at all for her, set her free,” he urged, utterly baffled by the inbred forces which compelled his friend to marry a woman of genteel birth.

  “Never. She’ll confess or go to prison.”

  “Is that it? If you can’t have her, no man will?” he boldly challenged.

  “Don’t be absurd, Andy! We have our orders.”

  “They don’t know about her yet. You know what prison’s like for a female. You can’t do it. It really sticks in your craw she can defy you, doesn’t it? Are you still after revenge for her little attack on you? If you’re expecting the Americans to hold her safely in prison until you can reclaim her after the war, it won’t work. She’ll never be the same…if she even survives such an experience.”

  “You know as well as I do that code has some special meaning.”

ven so, what different could it make now? What if she was forced to carry it? It’s mighty strange we haven’t come across it before—nor has anyone else. Maybe she’s telling the truth. Maybe it’s just a family message,” he reasoned in mounting frustration.

  “But what if it isn’t, Andy?”

  “What if it is?” Andy quickly came back to nettle him.

  Without an answer, Spencer turned his back on his friend…unable to forget his words.

  The winds and currents in their favor, they sailed into the port at San Augustin that next afternoon. Alex was shocked when Spencer took her ashore this time, her and her baggage! Yet, the moment they were settled into a comfortable suite of rooms in a massive stucco structure, he left for some secret meeting with “friends.”

  A guard had been left outside her door to prevent any rash moves. She had been quick to pick up certain facts: the Spanish ruled Florida and the French ruled the Spanish through Napoleon’s brother on the Spanish throne. For all she knew, they had simply put into port here for rest and repairs.

  Before leaving, Stephen had ordered a bath for her. She reclined in the large oval tub for hours. It was deliriously invigorating. After she dressed in one of her finest and prettiest gowns, Alex relaxed in the warm sunlight on a side balcony to dry her tawny hair. She brushed and braided it, securing it around her head like a golden coronet. She splashed on a delightful fragrance and nibbled at the food sent in by the guard.

  If Stephen was determined to discard her, he would view her at her best this last time! She would make such an impression upon him, he would never forget her! She knew she was desirable; men had made that plain to her in the past. She would use every charm and feminine wile she possessed. Tears, rebellion, and submission hadn’t worked any wonders for her. What would happen if she made herself irresistible and provocative? Could she persuade Stephen to change his mind? She would give it her damnedest!

  She withdrew a book from her trunk and sat down to patiently wait for him. She instantly jumped up and knocked on the door. When the guard answered her signal, she boldly and confidently ordered a sumptuous dinner and a heady red wine to be served in their room. Confused, the guard complied.

  In less than half an hour, a table with a lacy cloth was brought inside. A silver candleholder with creamy tapers was placed upon it. A dish of colorful and fragrant flowers joined it. A light red wine followed and the table was set in elegant style. No doubt they realized this pirate captain could afford anything his lady ordered and responded with enthusiasm.

  Just as darkness closed in, the delectable meal was brought to their room, covered with silver tops to keep everything warm. Glowing with anticipation, Alex lit the candles and waited. She nervously dabbed on more perfume. A heady odor from the mixture of flowers wafted through the open windows and balcony doors.

  An hour passed—no Stephen. Another hour snailishly followed it—no Stephen. She called to the guard to ask when he would return. A new man was there and replied he didn’t know the captain’s plans. She paced the floor until her nerves were taut. Was it possible he wasn’t coming back tonight? Perhaps he had another room? Perhaps he was working out the details to hand her over to the authorities here? Perhaps he was even seeing another woman?

  She wearily and anxiously leaned back against the sofa. She sipped several glasses of wine, an unfamiliar habit. Taking its toll, she was eventually sound asleep. It was past two in the morning when Spencer finally came in, reeking of cheap cologne and brandy.

  He stared at the strange sight which greeted his tired eyes. Neither his attempt to forget this vexing female in another woman’s arms nor to drown his guilt in strong spirits had worked. All evening, all he could think about was her waiting here alone, vulnerable. His smarting gaze went from the sleeping girl attired in an exquisite gown to the table with burned-down candles, cold food, colorful flowers, and a half-empty bottle of wine.

  He staggered over to her. In her lap were two objects: a wilted flower and an empty wine glass. From the salty streaks upon her cheeks, she had been crying before falling asleep. He was transfixed by the vision of beauty and softness before him. Angel was an appropriate name for this slumbering child who radiated innocence and purity. He mentally cursed her for the effect she effortlessly worked upon him.

  Effortlessly? he protested to himself. From the looks of things, she was definitely attempting to catch his attention. He was sorry he had messed up her scheme to entrap him. He was tempted to leave her there all night to punish her for her blatant and seductive game!

  As with a small child, he helped her up and led her into the adjoining room to the bed. Unable to fully arouse herself, Alex was undressed by him and tucked in. He stripped and followed her, kissing her lightly upon the head.

  Her lids fluttered slightly and she dreamily looked up into his handsome face. “Go to sleep, love; it’s late,” he tenderly murmured..

  “Good night, Stephen. I love you,” she mumbled in her hazy state, then closed those alluring green eyes to sink into instant slumber.

  That slip sobered him. Did she really say what he thought? Did she realize what she was saying? Surely not, she was too far gone! Stunned, it was some time before he could get to sleep.

  Once during the wee hours, Alex stirred and glanced over at him. Too fatigued to come alert, she detected the odor of brandy and cologne. Her mind spinning, anger and jealousy consumed her. “You vile bastard, you’ll pay for this insult,” she sleepily threatened before giving over to mindless sleep.

  A light sleeper whose instincts were always sharp, he heard and ignored her empty threat. Maybe jealousy was good for her. When all else failed, work on a female’s vanity. He grinned and sighed peacefully.

  When Spencer awoke the next morning, he yawned and stretched to loosen taut muscles. His mouth felt like cotton and tasted worse. His temples ached, but he thought the pain was a result of a lack of sleep and tension rather than a hangover from too much brandy. He glanced over at the girl beside him. She looked almost regal with her exquisite features and her coronet of golden hair. Her soft lips were slightly parted and were most inviting. Thick, dark lashes lay against her flawless skin. Damn, if she wasn’t the most fetching female alive!

  He was sorely pressed to awaken her and make savage love to her as she lay there, an alluring mixture of innocence and provocation, carefree child and seductive woman. He wondered if Andy was right. Was he trying to punish her for being so enchanting and irresistible, so unreachable, so forbidden? Was he only trying to make certain no other man could possess those charms which he craved, yet resisted?

  Spencer carefully left the bed so as to not disturb her. From the darkened smudges beneath her eyes, she needed more sleep—and he wasn’t in any mood for a bitter confrontation this morning. He had other pressing matters to take care of before tonight. He went into the bath closet to wash, wishing he could purge his mind as easily. He dressed in tan breeches which fit his lower torso like a glove, leaving little to the imagination. Desiring comfort today, he pulled on a loose white shirt and left it opened halfway to his narrow waist, exposing a tawny chest with an enticing mat of furry black hair. He pulled on shiny black knee boots and strolled out, closing the door quietly behind him.

  If he had been more alert this morning, Spencer would have been aware of the green eyes watching his every move. Alex had awakened long before him, but had feigned sleep to avoid an argument. She threw the covers aside, bathed, then dressed in a tea gown of muted greens.

  Eying his discarded clothes from the night before, Alex absently picked them up to lay them across a chair. Catching the lingering fragrance of another woman’s perfume, she angrily flung them back to the floor. She scolded herself for this ridiculous envy of another female. She had no rights where he was concerned. She had been a fool to fall in love with a man like Joshua Steele!

  When she hadn’t ordered any breakfast by midday, the guard knocked and inquired if she was ready to eat. Lacking any appetite, she refused without
opening the door. Noting the remains of her spoiled evening staring her in the face, she finally called the guard to have the foolish evidence removed. She wondered what Stephen thought when he saw how she had planned to spend last evening. A cynical laugh passed through her taut lips. What did she care what he thought or felt? He had unmasked his true colors and intentions. All games had ended. If only she could claim one victory…

  To pass the time away, she unpacked and neatly repacked her trunks. She was baffled to discover her jewels still present. Why did they mean nothing to a greedy pirate? After all, they were worth a small fortune! She smiled in pleasure. With them, she might find some way to escape and buy her passage home. For the first time, those expensive baubles gave her delight and satisfaction. She carefully returned them to their concealed compartment.

  Around two o’clock, the guard made another attempt to persuade her to eat something.

  “I’m not hungry! How can I work up any appetite cooped up like some animal?” she vented her anger and tension upon the man.

  “I’m sorry, miss: Capt’n’s orders,” he stated almost apologetically.

  “I know, George; I’m sorry. I don’t need to take my irritation out on you.” She thanked him and closed the door to pace some more.

  Alex went to the balcony and gazed out over the gardens below it. The rainbow-colored flowers with their sweet smells brought a smile to her lips and eyes. She reached out to pluck several from nearby trees. She held them to her nose and inhaled their stimulating odors. She leaned against the bumpy surface of the stucco wall and closed her eyes dreamily. Such a wide variety of thoughts and images flashed through her troubled mind. What if this was the last time she could enjoy nature at her peak, or feel the breeze playing through her amber hair and over her skin, or inhale the freshness of each new day, or…

  Tears eased down her cheeks as she rebelled at the hopelessness of this trying situation and fully comprehended the price of her reckless love for a daring and heartless pirate. “Oh, Papa,” she miserably cried, “I should have heeded your words. Surely no marriage could compare with this hellish existence. If I ever get home again, I’ll never disobey you again.”


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